Ch 6 Video Assignment

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Patagonia noted the high number of applicants when it has job openings. Therefore, the organization must be prepared to conduct effective selection interviews based on the duties and qualifications of the job in order to select the best candidates. To prepare for the interview process, it is important for the organization to gather, document, and analyze information to describe the jobs. This process is called ________. a job analysis b job description c job evaluation d job content e defining worker requirements

a job analysis

The video noted that Patagonia uses a group interview process because it wants to assess the job applicant's fit with team members and the organizational culture. The organization's unique culture creates the social context, which is considered part of each job's ________. a working conditions b tasks c worker requirements d description e elements

a working conditions

Patagonia emphasizes the importance of teamwork and collaboration at the organization. Given the high level of employee interaction, it is important for the organization to compensate employees appropriately for the work they do within the organization. Generally this means employees with more responsibilities should have higher pay than those with lesser responsibilities. What kind of compensation system assigns compensation based on the relative value of each job in the organization? a Externally appropriate compensation system b General compensation system c Internally consistent compensation system d Internally appropriate compensation system e Externally consistent compensation system

c Internally consistent compensation system

Patagonia's emphasis on teamwork and a collaborative work culture suggests that workers may be flexible in their jobs, often performing tasks beyond a narrow job description. This need for flexibility could make it challenging for Patagonia to implement an internally consistent compensation system due to what limitation of this system? a Need for a low-cost strategy b Reduced ability to respond to competition's compensation changes c Focus on work efficiency d Need to utilize job descriptions e Increased bureaucracy

e Increased bureaucracy

In the video, Patagonia noted that all of its employees must demonstrate passion for the environment. Concern for the environment is included in Patagonia's mission statement and is central to how the business is run. Concern for the environment represents what kind of worker characteristic that Patagonia requires? a Work style b Cognitive abilities c Verbal abilities d Basic skills e Interests

e Interests

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