CH 8 QUIZ, CH. 7 QUIZ, Chapter 7, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 9, Chapter 8

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__________ is defined as what the public thinks about a particular issue or set of issues at any point in time.

public opinion

"If you knew that Candidate X cheated on her taxes, would you vote for her?" is a question typical of __________.

push polls

When the U.S. Department of Transportation stipulates how many hours truck drivers can be on the road per week, the department is creating a(n) __________.


Judicial __________ encourages deference to the policy judgments of elected branches of government


Article III guarantees that the __________ of federal judges will not be reduced during their service on the bench.


In July 2012, CNN conducted an online poll asking visitors to its Web site to offer their opinions about the appropriate punishment for a well-known celebrity who had violated the terms of her probation. Like the 1936 Literary Digest straw poll, this poll violated a well-known cardinal rule of survey sampling by allowing for __________.


The president appoints federal judges with the advice and consent of the __________.


From the time of the earliest public opinion polls, women have held more liberal attitudes than men about __________ issues, such as education, poverty, capital punishment, and the environment.


Of the federal courts, only the __________ is explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.

supreme court

Supreme Court justices are: a. up for reelection every 6 years b. appointed for a 5-year term c. up for reelection every 4 years d. appointed for life


The ______ Amendment guarantees the right to an impartial jury. a. 14th b. 4th c. 8th d. 6th


The defense attorney is responsible for: a. determining whether or not his or her client is guilty b. ensuring that their client is acquitted or found not guilty c. telling the defendant which plea to enter in court d. ensuring the constitutional rights of the defendant are protected


The first Hispanic U.S. Supreme Court justice was: a. Pedro Capo-Rodriquez b. Alberto Gonzalez c. Miriam Naveria de Rodon d. Sonia Sotomayor


The first female Supreme Court justice was: a. Ruth Bader Ginsburg b. Sonia Sotomayor c. Elena Kagan d. Sandra Day O'Conner


The list of potential juries from which a jury is selected is called the: a. voir dire b. petit jury c. grand jury d. venire


There is no federal law that prevents removing ______. a. Female jurors b. Hispanic jurors c. American Indian/Alaskan Native jurors d. LGBTQ jurors


Traffic court is an example of a: a. court of general jurisdiction b. appellate court c. court of last resort d. court of limited jurisdiction


Which of the following does not occur at arraignment? a. Defendants enter a plea b. Defendants are re-advised of the charges c. Defendants request a jury trial d. Defense counsel cross-examines witnesses


Which of the following is not a factor considered in the decision to grant bail? a. If the person is a flight risk b. The person's previous criminal record c. The person's ties to the community d. The desire to punish the offender


Which of the following is not a responsibility of the prosecuting attorney? a. Presenting evidence in court b. Conducting criminal investigations c. Establishing charges against the defendant d. Filing an appeal in the case of an acquittal


Hispanic voters tend to support the __________ Party.


A defense attorney must determine if a client is guilty prior to taking the case. T/F


A majority of those charged with a crime hire private counsel. T/F


Court congestion is the result of a lack of practicing attorneys. T/F


Courts of limited jurisdiction hear cases involving felonies. T/F


Drug-related offenses are more likely to be given lenient plea bargains. T/F


Grand juries determine guilt or innocence. T/F


High bail is used for serious offenses to punish the offender. T/F


Law enforcement decides whether to charge an offender with a crime. T/F


Over half of all drug courts target juvenile offenders. T/F


Prosecutors represent victims of crime at trial. T/F


The Civil Rights Act of 1875 established the right for blacks to serve on juries nationwide. T/F


The Sixth Amendment defines a speedy trial as occurring within three months of arrest. T/F


The Supreme Court is required to hear all cases that it receives from a lower court. T/F


The burden of proof at the preliminary hearing is "beyond a reasonable doubt." T/F


Trial courts are courts of limited jurisdiction. T/F


A dissenting opinion is written by a justice who agrees with the final outcome of a case but disagrees with the rationale.


A majority of first-year college students are liberal or far left.


A population is a subset of the entire group of people whose attitudes a researcher wishes to measure.


Demographic characteristics that influence public opinion include family, school, peers, the mass media, and political leaders.


Each independent agency in the executive branch is headed by a Cabinet secretary


Electoral realignments occur exclusively as a result of a critical election


Federal agencies are prohibited from engaging in any quasi-judicial processes.


George Gallup incorrectly predicted the results of the 1936 election between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Alf Landon.


Internet surveys that allow anyone to participate are accurate means of predicting election outcomes.


Litigants have an automatic right of appeal to the Supreme Court.


Married voters today are most likely to identify as Democrats


Members of think tanks are primarily responsible for writing the national party platforms


Minor parties have played a more important role in the United States than in virtually any other democratic nation.


More than half of individuals earning an annual income of more than $75,000 identify as independents.


Most researchers now explain the gender gap in party identification as the Republican Party's difficulties in attracting women more than the Democratic Party's difficulties in attracting men.


Of the more than 100 people who have been Supreme Court justices, a majority have been Catholic.


Polling organizations that seek quick answers to survey questions should employ "feeling thermometer" questions


Precinct and ward committees are important components of a political party's organization at the state level.


Regulations are usually created by Congress


Since 1993, the Republican Party's fund-raising has consistently dwarfed that of their Democratic counterparts.


Strict constructionists believe that the Constitution should be interpreted in light of modern values.


The Supreme Court only has original jurisdiction.


The Supreme Court regularly exercises its original jurisdiction.


The Supreme Court's annual term begins on the first Thursday in April


The federal district courts are appellate courts


The federal workforce is split evenly between men and women.


The highlight of the national party conventions is the casting of the Electoral College votes.


According to Max Weber, ideal bureaucracies are characterized by a chain of command in which authority flows from top to bottom.


According to the liberalized Hatch Act, federal employees may make campaign speeches for candidates in partisan elections.


Article III of the Constitution contains the provisions related to the Supreme Court.


Barriers to minor-party success in the United States include the rules for public financing of presidential elections and the Electoral College system.


Both Congress and the president are involved in the process of filling high-level positions in the federal bureaucracy.


Bureaucrats often have considerable administrative discretion in the implementation of federal laws.


Cable and Internet news sources are often skewed. This can affect these citizens' opinions about politics.


Citizens under 30 years old tend to identify as independents or Democrats rather than Republicans


College has a liberalizing effect on students.


Decisions reached by agencies through administrative adjudication can be reviewed by the federal courts.


Democratic superdelegates are not pledged to a candidate and thus may support whichever candidate they choose.


Governors in many states hold greater influence over their parties' organizations and legislators than do presidents.


How a question is worded on a public opinion poll can intentionally or unintentionally skew results.


Justice Elena Kagan did not have any judicial experience prior to her appointment to the Supreme Court.


Marbury v. Madison significantly expanded the power of the federal judiciary.


Over 3 million people work for the federal government.


Political knowledge and political participation have a reciprocal effect on one another.


Public opinion polls confirm that women have more liberal attitudes than men about social issues.


Rotating three-judge panels typically decide cases in the federal courts of appeals.


Scholarship suggests that more than half of the promises in the victorious party's presidential platform are completely or mostly implemented


Simple random samples are not very useful for predicting voting outcomes because they may undersample or oversample key populations not likely to vote.


Since the 1930s, governmental decision makers have relied heavily on public opinion polls


Telephone polls are the most frequently used mechanism by which to gauge the mood of the electorate.


The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is an example of a government corporation.


The Federalist Papers note that "all government rests on public opinion."


The Judiciary Act of 1789 established the federal circuit courts and district courts.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit is a constitutional court.


The competitive two-party system has always featured prominently in the United States.


The media are partly responsible for the nation's perception that our country is deeply divided along party lines


The most common form of the telephone poll is the random-digit dialing survey


The president and Congress share oversight of the federal bureaucracy.


The selection of federal judges is a highly political process.


Typically, the margin of error in a sample of 1,000 will be about 10 percent.


Virtually all government regulation of political parties falls to the states


Women are more likely to identify as Democrats than as independents or Republicans.


The president appoints, but cannot easily dismiss, officials who serve on __________.

independent regulatory commision

It is unconstitutional to remove a prospective juror for all of the following except: a. ethnicity b. race c. gender d. occupation


A particular court's power to make legal decisions and judgments is its: a. jurisdiction b. corpus juris c. jurisprudence d. de jure


In a ______ trial, the judge hears the evidence without a jury present and makes a ruling. a. jurisdiction b. corpus juris c. jurisprudence d. de jure


In the United States, the dual court system means that: a. the federal government has a court system distinct from the states b. states and the federal government have a separate civil and criminal court c. unresolved cases can be automatically appealed to the Supreme Court d. the courts have both a trial court and a court of appeals


It was not until ______ that women could serve on juries in the same capacity as men. a. 1975 b. 1942 c. 1994 d. 1921


Judges prefer that cases: a. be settled by plea bargain b. go to trial by jury c. be dismissed outright d. go to a bench tria


Judicial ______ allows higher courts to review the decisions of the lower courts and the actions of the executive and legislative branches of the government. a. review b. activism c. politicism d. independence


The U.S. Supreme Court consists of one chief justice and ______ associate justices. a. 8 b. 6 c. 10 d. 4


The United States uses an ______ legal system that pits one side against the side in order to reveal the truth. a. adversarial b. inquisitorial c. instructional d. advocacy


The majority of cases in state courts are ______ cases. a. criminal b. small claims c. probate d. civil


The majority of criminal cases are: a. resolved through plea bargaining b. tried through a bench trial c. tried in front of a jury d. dismissed by the prosecutor or the court


The majority of the cases that the Supreme Court hears involve: a. constitutional issues b. death sentence appeals c. unresolved civil lawsuits d. disputes between states


______ are the courts of last resort for the majority of state laws. a. State supreme courts b. State appellate courts c. Courts of common pleas d. District courts


______ is the process through which the defense learns about the evidence held by the prosecution. a. Discovery b. Deposition c. Deliberation d. Declaration


En Banc

A case heard by all judges of the court, or the full court. Cases are typically heard en band when a significant issue is presented or if both parties request it and the court agrees.

Judicial Review

A doctrine that ensures checks and balances by allowing courts to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches of government.


A formal accusation that an individual has committed an act punishable by law, typically presented by a grand jury.


A formal charge against an individual suspected of committing a crime, typically presented by an authorized public official, such as the prosecutor. The purpose is to inform the accused of the charges so a defense may be prepared.

Writ of Certiorari

A petition by a losing party requesting a higher court to review the lower court's ruling.

According to the __________ Act, federal agencies must solicit public comments before issuing new rules and regulations.

Administrative Procedures

The Social Security Administration rendering a decision about whether an individual was wrongly denied disability payments illustrates the __________ function of the federal bureaucracy.

Administrative adjudication

Specialized Courts

Also called problem-solving courts, they work with a particular type of offense and offender.

Missouri Plan

Also called the merit selection system, it is a process to elect judges that attempts to eliminate politics.

Judiciary Act of 1789

Although the Constitution allows a Supreme Court, Congress established the federal court system and specified jurisdictions.

Alternative Dispute Resolution

An approach to settle cases using a variety of methods to assist the disputing parties in finding a solution without relying on costly litigation.

Each state has a separate court system comprised of ______ levels. a. six b. three c. two d. four


The Supreme Court of the United States hears approximately how many cases each year? a. 150 b. 80 c. 1,000 d. 400 e. 700


The U.S. Attorney General is the head of the ______. a. Department of Homeland Security b. Department of Justice c. Department of Defense d. Department of State


The goal of problem-solving court is: a. to punish the offender b. to provide treatment and reduce recidivism c. to deter criminal activity in general d. to incapacitate the offender


U.S. Supreme Court cases are heard by the full court. This is called: a. propria persona b. en banc c. in camera d. pro se


______ is a type of alternative dispute resolution that ends in a binding agreement. a. Mediation b. Arbitration c. Negotiation d. Small claims court


A case may be appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court by filing a writ of: a. quo warranto b. mandamus c. certiorari d. procedendo


A defense attorney in an antitrust case learns that his client once had a professional relationship with the trial judge in the case. Which of the following pretrial motions might she file? a. Motion for discovery b. Motion to suppress c. Motion for recusal d. Motion for expenses of experts


Evidence that is favorable to the defendant is called ______ evidence. a. discovery b. inculpatory c. exculpatory d. circumstantial


Federal judges are: a. promoted through a merit process b. elected by the citizens c. appointed by the president d. chosen by a legislative committee


In the United States, the supreme law of the land is/are the: a. U.S. Code b. State and federal law c. U.S. Constitution d. Acts of Congress


The ______ guarantees the right to a speedy trial. a. fourth b. fifth c. sixth d. eighth


The first black U.S. Supreme Court justice was: a. John Rock b. Clarence Thomas c. Thurgood Marshall d. James Parsons


The merit selection plan for selecting judges is also called the ______ plan. a. Mississippi b. Ohio c. Missouri d. Pennsylvania


The prosecutor represents the: a. police b. victim c. people d. accused


The purpose of the ______ is to determine if there is enough evidence to establish probable cause that a crime was committed. a. complaint b. arraignment c. preliminary hearing d. bail hearing


The speedy trial guarantee generally requires that a trial be conducted within ______ months of the date of arraignment. a. 18 b. 12 c. 6 d. 3


When a defendant is released on their own recognizance, they: a. must pay a percent of the bail, usually 10% b. must pay the full bail amount c. do not have to post any bail money d. must put up collateral, such as the deed to property


Which of the following cases overturned the separate but equal doctrine? a. Berea College v. Kentucky b. Dred Scott v. Sandford c. Brown v. Board of Education d. Plessy v. Ferguson


Under the __________ system, jobs in the federal bureaucracy are awarded on the basis of skills and expertise.

Civil service or merit

__________ often holds oversight hearings to investigate the policies and performance of agencies and departments in the federal bureaucracy.


Double Jeopardy

Constitutional protection under the Fifth Amendment that prevents the accused from facing charges or trial after an acquittal or conviction for the same offense.

A potential juror in a domestic violence case identifies that she once left an abusive relationship. The defense attorney should: a. use a peremptory challenge to eliminate this juror b. file a motion to remove this juror from the pool c. challenge the array d. strike this juror for cause


A woman is charged with the murder of her three young children. The case has been in the news for several weeks. Which of the following pretrial motions will the defense likely file? a. Motion in limine b. Motion for recusal c. Motion to suppress d. Motion for a change of venue


Alaska is in which federal court jurisdiction? a. 11th circuit b. 7th circuit c. 4th circuit d. 9th circuit e. 3rd circuit


At the federal level, ______ decides whether someone should be charged with a crime. a. the U.S. attorney b. the U.S. Attorney General c. the petit jury d. the grand jury


At the state level, the decision to file charges against an offender lies with: a. the arresting officer b. the chief of police c. the victim and/or their family d. the prosecutor


Excessive bail is prohibited under the ______ Amendment of the Constitution. a. Sixth b. Fourth c. Fifth d. Eighth


The modern era of political parties is notable for the rise of the political party organization and a move away from the candidate-centered politics of the nineteenth century.


One function of __________ is to provide public services that the private sector is unlikely to do.

Government Corporations

The purpose of the __________ was to prohibit federal employees from engaging in partisan political activities.

Hatch Act

Pro se

Latin for "for himself," meaning self-representation in legal proceedings without the aid of a legal representative.

The __________, a popular magazine that first began national presidential polling in 1916, was a pioneer in the use of the straw poll.

Literary Digest

Veterans courts are designed to treat the underlying causes of behaviors that have resulted in criminal offenses. T/F


The __________ led to the creation of the civil service system, even though it initially covered only 10 percent of the federal workforce.

Pendleton Act

A sample is a subset of the entire population selected to be questioned for the purposes of prediction or gauging opinion.


Many American ideals, including hard work and personal responsibility, are rooted in our nation's __________ heritage.


Parties in Congress are not equally polarized: __________ are further from the center than are their counterparts.


__________ believe that courts should interpret the Constitution as the Framers wrote and originally intended it.

Strict constructionists

If North Dakota sues South Dakota, the case will be heard by the __________.

Supreme Court

A Supreme Court justice can be impeached and removed from the bench for serious misbehavior. T/F


After a mistrial, prosecutors have the power to refile charges. T/F


Federal courts will not hear cases involving state law unless the laws are in conflict or the issue is appealed as a constitutional matter. T/F


Grand juries operate in secret with subpoena powers and are not bound by rules of evidence. T/F


In accepting a plea bargain, a defendant waives several Constitutional rights. T/F


In federal court, all felony prosecutions must be initiated by indictment. T/F


In some locations, forfeited bail bond funds are used to compensate crime victims. T/F


Most state prosecutors are elected. T/F


Most states require that the victim of a crime be notified when the defendant is released prior to trial. T/F


Obergefell v. Hodges held that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry. T/F


Only U.S. citizens can serve on a jury. T/F


Problem-solving courts typically focus on first-time nonviolent offenders. T/F


Strict interpretation of the Constitution focuses on the literal meaning of the language contained in the document. T/F


The first African American judge in the United States was not considered a citizen under the Constitution. T/F


Separate but Equal Doctrine

The concept that black and white individuals could legally be segregated under the Constitution given the facilities and services available were comparable in quality for each race.


The extent to a particular court's power to make legal decisions and judgments.

Court of Last Resort

The final court with appellate authority in a given court system. In the US at the federal level, the Supreme Court is the court of last resort.

Strict Interpretation

Typically deciphers the words of the Constitution as literal, discounting the current context socially, historically, or technologically, and focusing on the plain language contained in the document and how to apply the literal meaning.

Dual Court System

US court structure wherein the federal government has a court system and procedures distinct from the states.

The solicitor general handles all appeals on behalf of the __________ before the Supreme Court.

US government

Members of which of the following demographic groups are most likely to identify with the Democratic Party? a. African Americans b. Catholics c. Hispanics d. Protestants

a. African Americans

How are Cabinet secretaries similar to independent agency administrators? a. Both are nominated by the president. b. Neither can be fired by the president. c. Both typically remain in office over multiple presidential administrations. d. Both are part of the federal civil service system.

a. Both are nominated by the president.

How are interagency councils similar to policy coordinating committees? a. Both coordinate the activities of multiple agencies. b. Both help coordinate the activities of the federal and state governments. c. Both are housed within the legislative branch. d. Both have the authority to override the decisions of agency heads.

a. Both coordinate the activities of multiple agencies.

According to Article III of the Constitution, __________ has/have the power to create inferior federal courts. a. Congress b. the president c. the Supreme Court d. the states

a. Congress

Who is considered the founder of modern-day polling? a. George Gallup b. Alfred M. Landon c. Walter Lippmann d. John Zogby

a. George Gallup

How do government corporations differ from private companies? a. Government corporations perform activities that private companies have little incentive to provide. b. Government corporations cannot borrow money, whereas private companies can. c. Government corporations can sell stock, whereas private companies cannot. d. Government corporations need less government oversight than private companies.

a. Government corporations perform activities that private companies have little incentive to provide

The Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee focus on __________. a. aiding presidential campaigns and conducting general party-building activities b. aiding congressional campaigns and writing a focused party platform c. winning more seats in Congress and media outreach d. conducting oversight of state parties and running primary elections

a. aiding presidential campaigns and conducting general party-building activities

During his campaign for reelection in 2012, Barack Obama deemphasized his work on health care reform. Which of the following reasons is the most plausible explanation for this decision, given what you know about the interaction between public opinion and policy and politics? a. His campaign did not want to focus on an issue that had deep divisions in public opinion. b. His campaign wanted to focus on the improvements in unemployment instead. c. The public is generally much less concerned about domestic issues than they are about foreign policy issues. d. Very few Americans held opinions about health care reform because it did not directly affect them.

a. His campaign did not want to focus on an issue that had deep divisions in public opinion.

__________ are working groups established to facilitate the coordination of policy making and implementation across a host of government agencies. a. Interagency councils b. Iron triangles c. Issue networks d. Independent regulatory commissions

a. Interagency councils

Members of which of the following groups are most likely to prefer the Democratic Party? a. Jews b. Protestants c. moderates d. men

a. Jews

Of the following, who was appointed by President George W. Bush? a. Justice Alito b. Justice Kagan c. Justice Thomas d. Justice Ginsburg

a. Justice Alito

Which of the following is a disadvantage of surveying the public using traditional telephone polls? a. Many people do not have landlines. b. Pollsters are no longer exempt from federal do-not-call lists. c. Pollsters are no longer exempt from state do-not-call lists. d. Polling is a form of constitutionally protected speech.

a. Many people do not have landlines.

How did Americans' attitudes about the role of government change as a result of the Great Depression and Roosevelt's New Deal? a. People became more accepting of the federal government's role in economic policy. b. People became more cynical about the federal government's role in economic policy. c. People because more cynical about the federal government's role in social policy. d. People because more confident in the ability of state governments to handle economic policy.

a. People became more accepting of the federal government's role in economic policy.

Which of the following statements best describes the interaction between public opinion and public policy in the United States? a. Public opinion can affect policy. b. Public opinion can only affect short-term policy. c. Public opinion only affects policy during national crises. d. Public opinion has no discernible effect on policy.

a. Public opinion can affect policy.

What is the difference between random sampling and stratified sampling? a. Stratified sampling combines random selection with predetermined weighting of a population's demographic characteristics. b. Stratified sampling gives each member of a targeted population the same probability of being polled, whereas simple random sampling does not. c. Random sampling incorporates random selection into the polling procedure, whereas stratified sampling allows for self-selection. d. Stratified sampling relies on techniques to minimize bias, whereas simple random sampling does not.

a. Stratified sampling combines random selection with predetermined weighting of a population's demographic characteristics.

Which of the following was a consequence of the spoils, or patronage, system? a. The federal bureaucracy was staffed with people who often lacked expertise. b. There was low turnover in the federal bureaucracy between presidential administrations. c. There was little government corruption. d. Voter turnout was lower.

a. The federal bureaucracy was staffed with people who often lacked expertise.

Which of the following statements about the 1936 Literary Digest poll that predicted Roosevelt's reelection defeat is true? a. The poll oversampled the upper middle class and the wealthy. b. The poll oversampled groups heavily Democratic in orientation. c. The poll excluded owners of automobiles and telephones. d. The poll undersampled middle-class voters who owned telephones.

a. The poll oversampled the upper middle class and the wealthy.

How does the Missouri Plan suggest that judges be selected at the state level? a. They should be appointed by a nonpartisan nomination commission. b. They should be appointed by the state governor. c. They should run for election as party candidates. d. They should run for election with no party affiliation.

a. They should be appointed by a nonpartisan nomination commission.

Which of the following surveys is more likely than the others to generate self-selection error? a. a mail-in survey of retirement community members about the privatization of Medicare b. a phone survey of randomly selected voters about the job performance of local council members c. a yes-or-no phone survey that asks, "Will you vote in the upcoming presidential election?" d. a door-to-door survey about home energy use

a. a mail-in survey of retirement community members about the privatization of Medicare

As a pollster for Smart Polling, you are concerned about gauging the public's attitudes about arms-control policy. You believe that the public not only has little information on this complex topic, but also has thought little about it. What procedure might you implement to increase the accuracy of your polling data? a. a screening procedure b. a grading procedure c. a tracking procedure d. a deliberative procedure

a. a screening procedure

A(n) __________ brief might be submitted by an interest group hoping to sway the Supreme Court's decision by providing the group's legal rationale for why the Court should rule a certain way. a. amicus curiae b. habeas corpus c. outsider d. coram nobis

a. amicus curiae

When questioned about their views of politics in Congress, a slight majority of Americans expressed a desire for __________, while about 30 percent wanted members of Congress to stick to their beliefs. a. compromise b. resolve c. tax relief d. party polarization

a. compromise

Which of the following is an opinion written by a justice in the majority that outlines additional considerations he or she thinks are important? a. concurring b. en banc c. dissenting d. per curiam

a. concurring

Following oral arguments, the justices gather for a __________ during which they discuss the case and cast preliminary votes. a. conference b. moot court session c. hearing d. review

a. conference

A polling firm has been commissioned by the New York Times to assess public opinion about the performance of FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) during the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. What should the firm do first? a. determine the population b. determine the method of poll selection c. contact respondents d. select the sample

a. determine the population

Why was the spoils system ultimately replaced by the civil service system? a. due to growing concerns about a poorly functioning federal bureaucracy b. due to public pressure to shrink the size of the federal bureaucracy c. due to a Supreme Court decision ruling the spoils system unconstitutional d. due to congressional demands for greater control over the federal bureaucracy

a. due to growing concerns about a poorly functioning federal bureaucracy

One purpose of the Administrative Procedures Act is to __________. a. ensure opportunities for public participation in the rule-making process b. give federal agencies greater discretion in the rule-making process c. streamline bureaucratic activities in the rule-making process d. give the president greater control over the rule-making process

a. ensure opportunities for public participation in the rule-making process

At what age do parents exercise the greatest influence on the political socialization of their children? a. from birth to age five b. from birth to age ten c. from age ten to age fourteen d. at age fourteen and older

a. from birth to age five

How and whether judicial decisions are translated into actual policy is known as judicial __________. a. implementation b. execution c. legislation d. intention

a. implementation

Which of the following is the authority vested in a particular court to hear and decide the issues in a particular case? a. jurisdiction b. judicial review c. jurisprudence d. stare decisis

a. jurisdiction

The conference of the U.S. Supreme Court is __________. a. limited to the justices and other court staff b. limited to the justices themselves c. open to the justices and the public d. open to the justices and the media

b. limited to the justices themselves

The __________ is a measure of the accuracy of a public opinion poll. a. margin of error b. modal response c. sample size d. standard deviation

a. margin of error

A gradual shift in party coalitions that is based more on demographic shifts than on shocks to the political system is known as a __________ realignment. a. secular b. critical c. party d. piecemeal

a. secular

Which law designates the steps that federal agencies must follow in issuing rules and regulations? a. the Administrative Procedures Act b. the Hatch Act c. the Pendleton Act d. the Privacy Act

a. the Administrative Procedures Act

Which of the following is a minor party that was formed to oppose desegregation? a. the American Independent Party b. the Green Party c. the Free Soil Party d. the Bull Moose Party

a. the American Independent Party

Which of the following is a part of the federal bureaucracy? a. the Department of Defense b. the U.S. House of Representatives c. the U.S. Supreme Court d. the Democratic Party

a. the Department of Defense

Which of the following is an example of an independent executive agency? a. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) b. the Department of Health and Human Services c. the Consumer Product Safety Commission d. the Tennessee Valley Authority

a. the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Congress and the president share which of the following powers over agencies and departments in the federal bureaucracy? a. the power to influence budgets b. the power to issue executive orders c. the power to sign executive agreements d. the power to hold oversight hearings

a. the power to influence budgets

Who nominates judges to the U.S. district courts? a. the president b. the House of Representatives c. the Senate d. the Supreme Court

a. the president

Cabinet secretaries are nominated by __________ and confirmed by __________. a. the president; the Senate b. the president; the House of Representatives c. the president; the Supreme Court d. the Senate; the president

a. the president; the Senate

What is implementation? a. the process by which a law or policy is put into operation b. a set of procedures executive branch agencies must follow when issuing rules c. the process by which government agencies settle legal disputes d. a set of rules enforcing government agreements with private contractors

a. the process by which a law or policy is put into operation

How many tiers does the federal judiciary have? a. three b. six c. 12 d. 15

a. three

Why have American National Election Studies (ANES) researchers conducted surveys before and after every mid-term and presidential election since 1952? a. to compile long-term studies of the electorate b. to increase voter participation c. to safeguard elections from manipulation by political consultants d. to clarify options for undecided voters

a. to compile long-term studies of the electorate

What was the purpose of the Hatch Act? a. to prohibit federal employees from engaging in partisan political activity b. to authorize greater discretion in bureaucratic decision making c. to limit congressional control of the federal bureaucracy d. to award government jobs based on partisan loyalty

a. to prohibit federal employees from engaging in partisan political activity

What is a major purpose of an independent regulatory commission? a. to regulate commerce b. to increase productivity c. to oversee the executive branch d. to perform services

a. to regulate commerce

In which type of court do cases generally begin? a. trial b. appellate c. legislative d. circuit

a. trial

Judicial __________ is a philosophy of judicial decision making that posits judges should use their power broadly to further justice.


__________ refers to the authority of administrators in the federal bureaucracy to make choices concerning the best way to implement policies. a. Administrative adjudication b. Administrative discretion c. Division of labor d. Executive control

b. Administrative discretion

The __________ was one of the three original executive branch departments in the U.S. government. a. Department of Agriculture b. Department of the Treasury c. Department of the Interior d. Commerce Department

b. Department of the Treasury

Of all current federal judges, more were appointed by President __________ than by any other president. a. Barack Obama b. George W. Bush c. Bill Clinton d. George H. W. Bush

b. George W. Bush

George Gallup undoubtedly had a vested interest in fostering reliance on public opinion polls. Why? a. He was a politician. b. He was a pollster. c. He was a political consultant. d. He was an officeholder.

b. He was a pollster.

How did the Pendleton Act reform the system of hiring and firing federal employees? a. It required hiring and firing decisions to be based on partisan loyalty rather than merit. b. It required hiring and firing decisions to be based on merit rather than partisan loyalty. c. It continued to allow hiring on the basis of merit, but made firing federal employees easier. d. It continued to allow hiring on the basis of partisan loyalty, but made firing federal employees more difficult.

b. It required hiring and firing decisions to be based on merit rather than partisan loyalty.

Which of the following accurately describes a difference in public opinion between men and women? a. Men are more likely to think that labor unions are necessary to protect the rights of workers. b. Men are more likely to favor military intervention. c. Women are more likely to believe that school boards have a right to fire teachers who are homosexual. d. Women are more likely to believe that we should tighten restrictions on people coming to the United States.

b. Men are more likely to favor military intervention.

Which of the following is a shortcoming of public opinion polls? a. Polls measure only elite opinion. b. Polls are unable to measure the intensity of feelings about issues. c. Polls have no scientific credibility. d. Polls are undemocratic.

b. Polls are unable to measure the intensity of feelings about issues.

Which of the following voter profiles most strongly suggests that an individual will identify with the Republican Party? a. Hispanic, female, Catholic b. Protestant, male, annual income over $75,000 c. senior citizen, Jewish, from the Midwest d. white, Catholic, from the Northeast

b. Protestant, male, annual income over $75,000

Of the following presidents, who had the greatest influence on the composition of the federal judiciary as measured by the percentage of judgeships filled by that president? a. Jimmy Carter b. Ronald Reagan c. George W. Bush d. Bill Clinton

b. Ronald Reagan

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the ideological distribution of members of Congress? a. The parties are increasingly polarized, with Democrats moving further to the left than Republicans are moving to the right. b. The parties are increasingly polarized, with Republicans moving further to the right than Democrats are moving to the left. c. The parties are increasingly polarized, with both the Democrats and Republicans becoming equally extreme. d. Despite common belief that the parties are becoming increasingly polarized, there is no evidence to support this theory.

b. The parties are increasingly polarized, with Republicans moving further to the right than Democrats are moving to the left.

Which statement about the quasi-judicial decisions made by government agencies is accurate? a. They are strictly advisory. b. They can be reviewed by federal courts. c. They are final and cannot be appealed. d. They limit administrative discretion.

b. They can be reviewed by federal courts.

Modern national party conventions serve what end? a. They assemble delegates who will be assessed for their future political potential. b. They mobilize support for the nominee who has essentially already been selected. c. They deliberate on the party's choices for presidential and vice presidential nominees. d. They hold elections to determine new party leaders.

b. They mobilize support for the nominee who has essentially already been selected.

Which of the following is the clearest example of a question that might be found on a push poll? a. Are you familiar with Rosemary Austin's voting record on tax subsidies for energy producers? b. Would you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing if you knew that she never even reads the legislation before voting to spend your tax dollars? c. Do you plan to vote for Rosemary Austin for the House of Representatives this November? d. Do you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing?

b. Would you approve or disapprove of the job that Rosemary Austin is doing if you knew that she never even reads the legislation before voting to spend your tax dollars?

A decrease in political knowledge will likely cause __________. a. a decrease in taxes b. a decrease in political participation c. an increase in the likelihood that someone will participate in a political campaign d. an increase in the likelihood that someone will vote

b. a decrease in political participation

In the context of public opinion polls, what is self-selection? a. a reference to the timing of public opinion polls that may skew survey results b. a reference to the ability of respondents to decide whether to participate in surveys c. a reference to long-term studies of the electorate invalidated by short-term biases d. a reference to short-term studies of the electorate invalidated by long-term biases

b. a reference to the ability of respondents to decide whether to participate in surveys

What function is the National Labor Relations board carrying out when it settles disputes between labor and management related to federal labor laws? a. creating regulations b. administrative adjudication c. providing expert advice d. providing a check on judicial power

b. administrative adjudication

Which of the following voter profiles most strongly suggests that an individual will identify with the Democratic Party? a. Asian, male, Evangelical Christian b. black, female, from the Northeast c. college-educated, male, from the South d. senior citizen, male, annual income over $75,000

b. black, female, from the Northeast

The ________ consists of the departments, agencies, and offers within the executive branch that perform the functions of government. a. administration b. bureaucracy c. cabinet d. civil service

b. bureaucracy

Which of the following is a prominent feature of the modern era of political parties? a. bipartisanship b. candidate-centered politics c. "smoke-filled rooms" d. political machines

b. candidate-centered politics

In which federal courts are trials conducted? a. circuit courts b. district courts c. courts of appeals d. state supreme courts

b. district courts

When was the Era of Good Feelings? a. as political parties first began to develop (1800s) b. during James Monroe's presidency (late 1810s and early 1820s) c. after the Golden Age (1930s) d. during the modern era (1970s)

b. during James Monroe's presidency (late 1810s and early 1820s)

For a case to be heard in the Supreme Court, a minimum of how many justices must vote to hear the case? a. one b. four c. five d. six

b. four

Of the following, which is a demographic characteristic that often affects a citizen's political opinions? a. employability b. gender c. candidates' policy positions d. partisanship

b. gender

George Gallup believed that __________. This belief continues to be common today. a. the public should be surveyed only when the relative importance of an issue is high b. leaders should have an appraisal of public opinion and consider it in reaching their decisions c. straw polls should be used to gauge public opinion d. pollsters should expect a high degree of consistency in citizens' day-to-day political views

b. leaders should have an appraisal of public opinion and consider it in reaching their decisions

The __________ is the formal governing body of both major parties. a. national party assembly b. national party convention c. national party delegation d. national party legislature

b. national party convention

Which of the following is a presidential role in the federal bureaucracy? a. confirming federal appointees b. nominating people for some federal jobs c. creating or abolishing agencies d. conducting oversight hearings

b. nominating people for some federal jobs

A critical election is typically associated with __________. a. dealignment b. party realignment c. correcting alignments d. secular realignment

b. party realignment

What do Americans often have difficulty forming opinions about? a. policies that involve issues of morality b. policies that do not affect them personally c. policies related to their occupation d. policies related to their property taxes

b. policies that do not affect them personally

What is the main purpose served by government corporations? a. generating profit for the federal government b. providing services that the private sector lacks a financial incentive to provide c. breaking up monopolies and promoting free-market principles d. expanding international trade

b. providing services that the private sector lacks a financial incentive to provide

What is a goal common to both the Pendleton Act and the Hatch Act? a. reducing the exercise of administrative discretion b. reducing the influence of partisan politics on the federal bureaucracy c. increasing presidential control of the federal bureaucracy d. streamlining the policy implementation process

b. reducing the influence of partisan politics on the federal bureaucracy

What institutional feature of U.S. politics hinders the success of minor parties? a. the separation of powers system b. the Electoral College c. multi-member districts d. proportional representation

b. the Electoral College

The civil service system was introduced with the passage of what law? a. the Hatch Act b. the Pendleton Act c. the Administrative Procedures Act d. the Freedom of Information Act

b. the Pendleton Act

Which amendment removed the election of U.S. senators from the hands of state legislators and placed it in the hands of citizens? a. the Sixteenth Amendment b. the Seventeenth Amendment c. the Eighteenth Amendment d. the Twentieth Amendment

b. the Seventeenth Amendment

Which of the following is currently a major concern about the federal workforce? a. the decentralization of government offices b. the large number of workers who will soon be eligible to retire c. the low turnover rate in many important positions d. the movement to revive the patronage system

b. the large number of workers who will soon be eligible to retire

According to Andrew Kohut, founding director of the Pew Research Center, why has the public played a more important role in national and international politics over the last three decades? a. the sophistication of modern polling techniques b. the rise in the number of public opinion polls c. the advent of the Internet d. the speed with which computers can process election data

b. the rise in the number of public opinion polls

According to Marbury v. Madison, which clause implies the right of the Supreme Court to exercise judicial review? a. the necessary and proper clause b. the supremacy clause c. the faithful execution clause d. the full faith and credit clause

b. the supremacy clause

What are some of the major barriers to minor-party political success? a. anti-fusion laws, campaign finance rules, and union shop laws b. the winner-take-all system, public financing rules for presidential campaigns, and the Electoral College system c. constitutional restrictions, voter perceptions, and the secret ballot d. unpopular policies, voter identification laws, and constitutional restrictions

b. the winner-take-all system, public financing rules for presidential campaigns, and the Electoral College system

When have Gallup's predictions been the least accurate? a. when there has been a female candidate b. when there is a prominent third-party candidate c. during economic crises d. when the incumbent is seeking reelection

b. when there is a prominent third-party candidate

Which type of survey question is best suited to addressing concerns about public opinion polls that contain a limited number of response options? a. yes-or-no questions b. approve-or-disapprove questions c. "feeling thermometer" questions d. tracking questions

c. "feeling thermometer" questions

Which of the following years was a critical election? a. 1806 b. 1914 c. 1932 d. 1975

c. 1932

Which Article of the Constitution creates the federal judiciary? a. Article I b. Article II c. Article III d. Article IV

c. Article III

In __________ the Supreme Court demonstrated its policy-making power by overruling its own prior decision in Plessy v. Ferguson. a. Gideon v. Wainwright b. McCulloch v. Maryland c. Brown v. Board of Education d. Marbury v. Madison

c. Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following statements best describes Congress's influence over agency budgets? a. Congress has final say over all department budgets, but has no control of the budgets of independent agencies. b. Congress has final say over the budgets of independent agencies, but has no control of department budgets. c. Congress has the authority to appropriate money to agencies. d. Congress influences the initial budget proposal, but depends on the president for appropriations of federal money.

c. Congress has the authority to appropriate money to agencies.

How do departments differ from independent agencies? a. Department heads are nominated by the president; agency heads are not. b. Agencies are typically larger than departments. c. Department heads are part of the president's Cabinet; agency heads are not. d. Departments cover a wider range of functions than agencies.

c. Department heads are part of the president's Cabinet; agency heads are not.

How has party-line voting in Congress changed in the past few years? a. It has remained about the same. b. It has increased in some years and decreased in others. c. It has increased noticeably. d. It has decreased noticeably.

c. It has increased noticeably.

In a random sample of 1,000 high school students, 29 percent indicated that they had read the Declaration of Independence at least once, with a margin of error of 4 percent. Which of the following statements is true? a. It is likely that more than 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. b. It is likely that fewer than 25 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence. d. It is likely that 29 percent of the population has read the Declaration of Independence between zero and five times.

c. It is likely that between 25 and 33 percent of the population have read the Declaration of Independence.

__________ is the power of the courts to review and overturn the actions of the executive and legislative branches. a. Original jurisdiction b. Stare decisis c. Judicial review d. Precedent

c. Judicial review

Why is Walter Lippmann credited with spurring the growth of public opinion polling? a. Lippmann tried to predict the winner of the presidential contest between Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams. b. Lippmann was a pioneer in the use of the straw poll. c. Lippmann wrote a book in which he observed that research on public opinion was far too limited, especially in light of its importance d. Lippmann discovered three fatal errors in the Literary Digest poll that wrongly predicted that Republican Alfred M. Landon would beat incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

c. Lippmann wrote a book in which he observed that research on public opinion was far too limited, especially in light of its importance

Which of the following statements best reflects the Framers' attitudes about public opinion? a. Public opinion is the best measure of the soundness of government policy. b. Public opinion is potentially divisive and should, therefore, be encouraged. c. Public opinion might have a negative effect on politics. d. Public opinion should be monitored closely in election years.

c. Public opinion might have a negative effect on politics.

__________ are rules created by government agencies that determine how laws are implemented. a. Laws b. Patronage c. Regulations d. Statutes

c. Regulations

In 1987, the Senate refused to confirm the nomination of which of the following to the Supreme Court? a. Antonin Scalia b. Earl Warren c. Robert Bork d. John Roberts

c. Robert Bork

Which of the following confirms all federal judges? a. House of Representatives b. Supreme Court c. Senate d. president

c. Senate

What has been the effect of requirements that agencies conduct a formal hearing before issuing rules? a. Criticism of rules is increased because the public is more informed. b. Public input typically speeds up the process. c. The courts tend to give greater deference to agency decisions. d. The president becomes more directly involved in the procedure.

c. The courts tend to give greater deference to agency decisions.

Which of the following contributed to the growth of federal bureaucracy during the twentieth century? a. the Hatch Act b. the elimination of the spoils system c. World War II d. the Pendleton Act

c. World War II

Which of the following can modify or reverse a decision of the Supreme Court? a. an executive order b. a district court c. a constitutional amendment d. a writ of certiorari

c. a constitutional amendment

What typically precedes a party realignment? a. a caucus b. censure c. a critical election d. economic crises

c. a critical election

Which of the following is an example of the merit system? a. the president evaluating a policy proposal based on its merits b. citizens evaluating political candidates based on candidates' work experience c. agencies hiring people based on their performance on entrance exams d. agency officials evaluating a policy proposal based on its merits

c. agencies hiring people based on their performance on entrance exams

When can a party officially change its platform? a. after a federal census b. at the start of each fiscal year c. during the national party convention d. every two years

c. during the national convention party

The U.S. courts of appeals are divided into __________ numbered circuits and two unnumbered circuits. a. six b. nine c. eleven d. twelve

c. eleven

Which of the following is a function of the federal bureaucracy? a. issuing executive orders b. issuing executive agreements c. implementing congressional statutes d. implementing state laws

c. implementing congressional statutes

Researchers refer to the unintended influence of the questioner on respondents during in-person interviews as __________. a. question bias b. the margin of error c. interviewer bias d. self-selection

c. interviewer bias

The most visible instrument that parties use to formulate, convey, and promote public policy is __________. a. its articles b. its constitution c. its platform d. its procedural document

c. its platform

Proponents of which of the following believe that judges should use their power broadly to further justice? a. judicial restraint b. strict constructionism c. judicial activism d. originalism

c. judicial activism

Courts established by Congress for specialized purposes are known as __________ courts. a. appellate b. constitutional c. legislative d. public

c. legislative

The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims is an example of which type of court? a. constitutional b. Article III c. legislative d. ex officio

c. legislative

The president has the authority to __________. a. abolish existing programs and agencies b. investigate agency activities and compel bureaucrats to testify about them c. make changes in an agency's annual budget proposals d. refuse to appropriate funds for certain programs

c. make changes in an agency's annual budget proposals

Tracking polls help candidates __________. a. encourage voter turnout b. win support among undecided voters c. measure the impact of their campaign d. find campaign volunteers

c. measure the impact of their campaign

The national parties have set restrictions about how states select __________. a. state party chairs b. election monitors c. national convention delegates d. the precincts to target in get-out-the-vote efforts

c. national convention delegates

The decrease in the number of __________ has been identified as one cause of increasing polarization. a. East Coast liberal Democrats b. Midwestern independents c. northern liberal Republicans d. southern conservative Republicans

c. northern liberal Republicans

The Supreme Court provides a statement of the legal reasoning behind its decisions in written __________. a. briefs b. arguments c. opinions d. regulations

c. opinions

A __________ is when a party's base of supporters undergoes a rapid, fundamental, and enduring alteration. a. culture war b. dealignment c. party realignment d. secular realignment

c. party realignment

What role is the Environmental Protection Agency taking when it sets limits on air pollution from power plants? a. adjudication b. deliberation c. regulation d. oversight

c. regulation

One of the various activities that parties engage in is __________. a. dividing the electorate b. narrowing voter choice c. running candidates d. reducing accountability mechanisms

c. running candidates

Under amendments to the Hatch Act, federal employees are prohibited from __________. a. adjudicating legal disputes b. exercising administrative discretion c. running for partisan office d. running voter registration drives

c. running for partisan office

How does a citizen typically become a delegate to a national party convention? a. appointment by the governor b. appointment by the president c. selection by citizens in primaries and caucuses d. donating enough money to the party or candidate

c. selection by citizens in primaries and caucuses

What opinion of a Democratic president would you expect an eleven-year-old child raised in a politically active Republican household to have? a. indifference toward the president b. approval of the president c. skepticism of the president d. trust of the president

c. skepticism of the president

Which of the following is an example of a government corporation? a. the Food and Drug Administration b. the Federal Elections Commission c. the Tennessee Valley Authority d. the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

c. the Tennessee Valley Authority

What event served as a catalyst for the creation of the Pendleton Act? a. the growth of the Republican Party in the 1880s b. the expansion of the federal bureaucracy in the 1880s c. the assassination of James Garfield in 1881 d. the election of Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876

c. the assassination of James Garfield in 1881

Who presides over trials for presidential impeachment? a. the vice president b. the Speaker of the House c. the chief justice d. the president of the Senate

c. the chief justice

Of the following topics, which is more likely than the others to be subject to a screening procedure in a public opinion poll? a. crime prevention b. illegal drug use c. the federal budget d. health care

c. the federal budget

Which party entity has the responsibility of establishing a cohesive vision for partisan identifiers nationwide? a. the delegates b. the primary election c. the national committee d. the party caucus

c. the national committee

What is the purpose of a "name recognition survey"? a. to discover how a better-known candidate contemplating a run for office might fare against an incumbent b. to discover how a local officeholder has affected the electoral climate c. to discover how many people have heard of a potential candidate d. to gauge how negatively the public views a potential third-party candidate

c. to discover how many people have heard of a potential candidate

Americans are likely to have the most difficulty forming opinions on which of the following topics? a. topics involving jobs and unemployment b. topics involving tax deductions for home mortgages c. topics involving the European Central Bank and creditor nations d. topics involving single-payer health care mandates

c. topics involving the European Central Bank and creditor nations

As of 2014, how many African Americans have served on the U.S. Supreme Court? a. zero b. one c. two d. five

c. two

"Feeling thermometer" questions ask respondents how they feel about a particular issue by __________. a. signaling their approval or disapproval b. answering with a simple yes or no c. using a 0-to-100 scale d. computing degree-of-affinity statistics

c. using a 0-to-100 scale

The modern party era is known for its __________-centered politics.


Since 1952, researchers have conducted and analyzed the __________ to assess the political attitudes and behavior of the American electorate. a. American Electorate Studies b. General Social Studies c. Harris Interactive Studies d. American National Election Studies

d. American National Election Studies

Who was the first chief executive to win the White House as the nominee of a truly national, popularly based political party following the first national party convention in 1832? a. John Adams b. Henry Clay c. Benjamin Franklin d. Andrew Jackson

d. Andrew Jackson

Before 1883, how were government jobs awarded? a. Jobs were awarded based on applicants' expertise. b. Jobs were awarded through a lottery system. c. Jobs were awarded based on applicants' performance on entrance exams. d. Jobs were awarded based on applicants' loyalty to the party in power.

d. Jobs were awarded based on applicants' loyalty to the party in power.

The __________ Act of 1789 established the basic three-tiered structure of the federal court system. a. Federal Courts b. Appellate c. Confirmation d. Judiciary

d. Judiciary

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court first claim the right of judicial review? a. Chisholm v. Georgia b. Brown v. Board of Education c. United States v. Nixon d. Marbury v. Madison

d. Marbury v. Madison

What is the relationship between partisanship and views on whether the government should guarantee every citizen enough to eat and a place to sleep? a. There is little partisan variation in the belief that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. b. Within each group, fewer than half of all Democrats, Republicans, and independents believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. c. More Republicans than independents believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep. d. More than three-fourths of Democrats believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep.

d. More than three-fourths of Democrats believe that the government should guarantee that every citizen has enough to eat and a place to sleep.

The value of hard work and personal responsibility are rooted in America's __________. a. emphasis on economic and social equality b. communitarian instincts c. two-party system d. Protestant heritage

d. Protestant heritage

All federal judicial nominations are first referred to which of the following for a hearing? a. House Committee on the Courts b. Senate Nominations Committee c. attorney general d. Senate Judiciary Committee

d. Senate Judiciary Committee

Federal law requires that agencies must take what step before issuing new rules and regulations? a. They must obtain approval from the president. b. They must obtain approval from Congress. c. They must consult with an administrative law judge. d. They must solicit public comments.

d. They must solicit public comments

In what way do minor parties make a significant contribution to the political system? a. They frequently win elections in crucial swing states. b. They simplify citizens' choices on Election Day. c. They draft most legislation that is eventually enacted by one of the major parties. d. They reveal political divides and bring to light new ideas.

d. They reveal political divides and bring to light new ideas.

According to Figure 9.1, How Is the American Judicial System Structured?, which of the following has no original jurisdiction? a. Supreme Court b. U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California c. U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio d. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

d. U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

When did the largest growth in the federal workforce occur? a. Johnson's Great Society b. FDR's New Deal c. the Civil War d. World War II

d. World War II

In 1948, the Chicago Daily Tribune wrongly predicted that Republican Thomas E. Dewey would beat incumbent President Harry S. Truman. Knowing what you know about the accuracy of various polls, what kind of poll would most likely have led the Tribune to make this erroneous prediction? a. an exit poll b. a push poll c. a random-digit dialing poll d. a straw poll

d. a straw poll

Only a(n) __________ court can review the decisions of a lower court. a. trial b. legislative c. administrative d. appellate

d. appellate

When the U.S. Supreme Court agrees to hear a case appealed to it from a circuit court, it is exercising its __________ jurisdiction. a. original b. legislative c. mandatory d. appellate

d. appellate

Why do state legislators rely more on their state and local parties for election assistance than do their congressional counterparts? a. because state legislators are not able to make campaign-related decisions on their own b. because state legislators base their main talking points directly on state and local public policy c. because members of Congress do not like to make visits to their home states d. because members of Congress have easier access to funds and other campaign resources from other sources

d. because members of Congress have easier access to funds and other campaign resources from other sources

Which of the following is within the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? a. federal criminal matters b. tax disputes c. military tribunals d. cases involving the state governments

d. cases involving the state governments

A writ of __________ is a request submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court to review a lower court decision. a. mandamus b. prohibition c. attachment d. certiorari

d. certiorari

What is the party in the electorate? a. party officers who seek to educate the public on key party stances b. public officials who are registered with a political party c. voters active in the business of the party d. citizens who identify with a political party

d. citizens who identify with a political party

Recent presidents have increased the __________ of the federal courts. a. size b. salaries c. experience level d. diversity

d. diversity

When is a child's peer group most politically influential? a. before preschool b. during preschool c. during elementary school d. during middle and high school

d. during middle and high school

The years 1876 to 1900 had __________. a. one-party Republican dominance b. one-party Democratic dominance c. candidate-centered politics d. high voter turnout

d. high voter turnout

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, political machines provided __________. a. economic equality b. over half of the nation's alcohol c. nonpartisan advice about politics d. housing, employment, and food

d. housing, employment, and food

How are exit polls conducted? a. over the telephone b. on the Internet c. through the mail d. in person

d. in person

If a judge believes that she should only strike down laws that clearly violate the Constitution, she likely believes in which of the following? a. judicial activism b. original intent c. strict constructionism d. judicial restraint

d. judicial restraint

Federal district court judges are appointed to __________ terms. a. three-year b. ten-year c. twenty-year d. life

d. life

How many justices currently serve on the Supreme Court? a. five b. six c. eight d. nine

d. nine

A court that hears and weighs evidence in order to reach the first decision in a civil or criminal case is a court of __________ jurisdiction. a. appellate b. constitutional c. mandatory d. original

d. original

The authority to be the first court to hear a case is which type of jurisdiction? a. appellate b. constitutional c. federal d. original

d. original

What is the single greatest influence in establishing a person's first party identification? a. economic status b. religion c. hot-button social issues d. parents

d. parents

To determine if families with children would use school vouchers to send their children to charter schools, from which of the following populations should you select a sample? a. women with children b. citizens in the school district c. parents To determine if families with children would use school vouchers to send their children to charter schools, from which of the following populations should you select a sample? a. women with children b. citizens in the school district c. parents d. parents of children under age 18

d. parents of children under age 18

What has become the most powerful predictor of how members of Congress vote? a. economic circumstances b. their campaign finances c. how hot-button issues are being discussed in the media d. party affiliation

d. party affiliation

Which of the following was a prominent feature of the era called the "Golden Age" of political parties? a. bipartisanship b. candidate-centered politics c. party realignment d. political machines

d. political machines

What are push polls designed to do? a. provide unbiased information that helps voters make an informed judgment b. encourage young citizens to register to vote c. push people into voting for the frontrunner d. present negative information that might cause voters to vote against a candidate

d. present negative information that might cause voters to vote against a candidate

Proponents of a government that includes a greater role for minor parties might suggest that the United States consider Europe's system of __________. a. delegate elections b. multi-party national conventions c. nonpartisan elections d. proportional representation

d. proportional representation

In an informal process known as __________, presidents generally allow senators from the state in which a judicial vacancy occurs to block the nomination. a. advice and consent b. presidential deference c. judicial purview d. senatorial courtesy

d. senatorial courtesy

Which factor largely accounts for the failure of the U.S. electoral system to produce a third party that rivals the Democrats and Republicans? a. multi-member districts and a proportional voting system b. single-member districts and a nonpartisan blanket primary system c. multi-member districts and a plurality voting system d. single-member districts and a plurality voting system

d. single-member districts and a plurality voting system

What key issue led to the dissolution of the Whig Party? a. federal taxation b. the Mexican-American War c. post-Civil War Reconstruction d. slavery

d. slavery

Who represents the federal government in appeals to the Supreme Court? a. attorney general b. president c. Speaker of the House d. solicitor general

d. solicitor general

The vast majority of all cases are tried in __________. a. federal courts b. the U.S. district courts c. appellate courts d. state courts

d. state courts

Web polls that allow anyone to weigh in on a topic are a type of __________ poll. a. exit b. deliberative c. tracking d. straw

d. straw

Unscientific surveys used to gauge public opinion on a variety of issues are known as what? a. deliberative polls b. exit polls c. push polls d. straw polls

d. straw polls

Max Weber identified which of the following as a characteristic of an ideal bureaucracy? a. inefficiency b. transparency c. consensus-making d. task specialization

d. task specialization

Congress's watchdog over executive branch spending is __________. a. the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) b. the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) c. the Department of the Treasury d. the General Accountability Office (GAO)

d. the General Accountability Office (GAO)

What factor was influential in driving expansion of the federal bureaucracy in the post-Civil War era? a. the expansion of voting rights to African American men b. the elimination of the spoils system c. a series of poor harvests and agricultural distribution problems d. the growing incidence of price fixing and other unfair business practices

d. the growing incidence of price fixing and other unfair business practices

What is political socialization? a. the process through which individuals self-select themselves to participate in public opinion polls b. the process through which individuals acquire status as opinion leaders c. the process through which individuals seek out the beliefs and values of those in office d. the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values

d. the process through which individuals acquire their political beliefs and values

A __________ is a collection of policy-oriented researchers and academics who are sources of policy ideas. a. caucus b. convention c. political machine d. think tank

d. think tank

How many courts of appeals are in the federal system? a. two b. six c. five d. thirteen

d. thirteen

Under the spoils system, who was awarded jobs in the federal bureaucracy? a. those who scored highest on aptitude tests b. those who did not affiliate with a political party c. those who previously served in the military d. those who helped candidates win election

d. those who helped candidates win elections

Why did President Franklin D. Roosevelt create hundreds of new government agencies? a. to support Congress in its oversight of the executive and judiciary branches b. to produce the necessary weapons and ammunition to defend the nation c. to reform the civil service system d. to create jobs and to regulate the economy and business practices

d. to create jobs and to regulate the economy and business practices

Under what circumstance might a president set up a policy coordinating committee (PSC)? a. when a cabinet member wants to enlarge his or her sphere of influence b. when citizens want to intervene in an agency's rule-making procedure c. when funding is short and two agencies can be merged to create one agency d. when agencies need to work together to ensure consistent policies

d. when agencies need to work together to ensure consistent policies

Justices who do not agree with the outcome of a case write __________ opinions.


The courts of appeals hear appeals from the __________ courts.


__________ are conducted as voters leave the polling place and are used by the media to predict the outcome of the election.

exit polls

On the campaign trail in 2012, President Barack Obama deemphasized his work on __________, in part due to the deep divisions in public opinion on the issue

health care reform

The unintended influence of the questioner or pollster may lead to __________.

interviewr bias

Suppose a scientific poll determines that 60 percent of respondents support relaxation of gun-control laws. If the _________ were 4 percent, the actual percentage of people in the population who support relaxation would likely be between 56 and 64 percent.

margin of error

A tactic known as __________ allows political parties to identify potential voters based on a wealth of data including consumer preferences, personal habits, and past voting behavior.


__________ achieve their greatest successes when they incorporate new ideas or alienated groups or nominate attractive candidates.

minor parties

The __________ is the site for the approval of the party platform every four years

national party convention

A lawyer's spoken presentation to the Court of the legal reasons why his or her client should win is called the __________.

oral argument

Studies of political socialization have shown that __________ is/are the single greatest influence(s) in establishing a person's political identity.


The __________ consists of all potential voters who identify themselves with a political party.

party in the electorate

A __________ is a dramatic shift in partisan preferences that drastically alters the political landscape.

party realignment

Organizations that used tangible incentives such as jobs and favors to win loyalty among voters are known as __________.

political machines

The process through which individuals acquire their beliefs about politics is known as __________.

political socialization

After a president nominates an individual to be a Cabinet secretary, that appointment must be confirmed by __________.

the Senate

In 1789, three executive departments existed under the Articles of Confederation: Foreign Affairs, War, and __________.


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