Chapter 10 Communicating Digital Content

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Identify the role of a dedicated line. List types of digital dedicated lines.

A dedicated line is a type of always on physical connection that is established between two communications devices. DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) FTTP (Fiber to the Premises)

Describe the function of a network card.

A network card sometimes called a network interface cards is a communications device that enables a computer or device that does not have built in networking capability to access a network.

To prevent unauthorized users from accessing files and computers, many routers are protected by a built-in __ firewall.


List questions to ask when planning a home network.

How does the business connect to the Internet? How many devices are currently on the network? What new services will be required now or in the future?

List the device types and media you need for successful communications.

Sending device - initiates an instruction to transmit data, instructions, or information. Transmission media - a communications channel, on which the data, instructions, or information travel. Receiving device - Accepts the transmission of data, instructions, or information.

Identify the roles of hubs and switches on a network.

1. Hubs are "dumb" devices that pass on anything received on one connection to all other connections. 2. Switches are semi-intelligent devices that learn which devices are on which connection.

List the steps to use your phone as a mobile hot spot.

1. Turn off the Wi-Fi radio. ... 2. Plug the phone into a power source. ... 3. Open the Settings app. ... 4. Touch the More item in the Wireless & Networks section, and then choose Tethering & Portable Hotspot. ... 5. Touch the box to place a check mark by the Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot or Mobile Hotspot item.

Differentiate among 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G cellular transmissions.

1G - Analog data transfer at speeds up to 14.4 Kbps 2G - Digital data transfer at speeds from 9.6 Kbps to 144 Kbps 3G - Digital data transfer at speeds from 144 Kbps to 3.84 Mbps 4G - Digital data transfer at speeds up to 100 Mbps 5G - Future generation of cellular transmissions

Explain what happens when two devices on an ethernet attempt to send data at the same time.

A collision would happen and at the same time computers or devices resend their messages until data transfer is successful.

Define the term, dial-up modem.

A dial-up modem is a communications device that converts digital signals to analog signals and analog signals to digital signals, so that data can travel along an analog phone line.

Define the terms, wireless modem and mobile hot spot.

Wireless Modem - Uses a mobile service provider's network to connect to the internet wirelessly from a computer or mobile device. Mobile Hot Spot - When tethered to a personal computer or mobile device.

List uses for Bluetooth devices. Name advantages and disadvantages of using Bluetooth.

- Bluetooth Tethering. - Transfer Files Between Two Devices. - Play Multiplayer Games Over Bluetooth. Advantages: It creates adhoc connection immediately without any wires. Connection establishment is very quick. User only need to pair the bluetooth PAN connection between two devices. It has low power consumption. It can pass through walls. Disadvantages: Low Bandwidth. Cannot replace a LAN.

List functions of communications software. List and describe forms of immediate mobile communications.

1. Establish a connection to another device. 2. Manage data, instructions, and information. 3. Provide an interface for users to communicate with one another. Text/Picture/Video Messaging - Text, picture and video messages often take the place of phone conversations among many people, who find exchanging these messages to be less intrusive and more efficient than voice conversations. Internet Messaging - With internet messaging services, you can send text or media messages in real time to other online users. Voice and Video calling - VoIP services, such as Skype and Facetime, also provide voice and videoc alling services over the internet. Data Plans - Your mobile device's data plan enables you to access the internet through your mobile service provider's network when Wi-Fi is not available.

Define the term, wireless access point. Explain how to strengthen your wireless signal.

A wireless access point, commonly called just access point (AP), is a networking device that allows easy access to the Internet over the air. Most access points look very similar to routers. In fact, modern routers can usually function as access points. Purchase a range extender for your wireless router or wireless access point.

Identify advantages and disadvantages of fiber-optic cables.

Advantages: Faster data transmission, Less susceptible to noise Disadvantages: Difficult to install and modify

Name and describe two types of network architectures.

Client/Server - On a client/server network, one or more computers act as a sever, and the other computers on the network request services from the server. Peer-to-Peer - A peer-to-peer (P2P) network is a simple, inexpensive network architecture that typically connects fewer than 10 computers.

Define the terms, client and server.

Clients - are other computers and mobile devices on the network that rely on the server for its resources. Server - a computer or computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network.

Explain the advantages of cable internet services and DSL.

DSL offers users a choice of speeds ranging from 128 Kbps to 3 Mbps. Cable modem download speeds are typically up to 2 times faster than DSL. The important thing to note about cable Internet connections is that cable technology is based on shared bandwidth with many factors influencing a users download speed.

Define the term, ethernet.

Ethernet is a network standard that specifies no central computer or device on the network (nodes) should control when data can be transmitted. That is, each node attempts to transmit data when it determines the network is available to recieve communications.

Explain whether you can use an IP address to determine a computer or device's location.

In many cases, you can determine a computer or a device's location from its IP address.

TCP/IP is the network standard for __ communications. Describe how packet switching works.

Internet This technique of breaking a message into individual packets, sending the packets along the best route available, and the reassembling the data.

Identify hardware needed to set up a home network.

Internet Modem. ... Ethernet Hub or Switch. ... Wireless Router. ... Voice Over IP Telephone (VoIP) Interface. ... Media Extenders. ... Internet-Enabled Video Game Systems. ... Home Security Systems. ... Network-Attached Storage (NAS) Devices.

__ is a network standard that defines how high speed cellular transmissions use broadcast radio to transmit data for mobile communications.

LTE - Long Term Evolution

Explain how to determine if someone is accessing a wireless network without permission.

There are several ways to detect whether or not someone is using your wireless network. One low-tech way is to shut off all your computers and smartphones and tablets so that none of your devices are turned on. Then check the activity lights on your wireless router (often called a wireless modem if you're connected to cable or DSL broadband Internet). If there is still regular activity on the router even though none of the authorized users are powered on, then that's a sign that someone is using your WiFi without your permission.

Describe how to prevent Bluebugging.

Turn off Bluetooth capability if it is not required. Use a Bluetooth earpiece only when you need to be hands free.

A(n) __ is a collection of computers and devices connected together via communications devices and transmission media.


Identify the role of a router. List types of routers that offer additional functionality.

A router is a communications device that connects multiple computers or other routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on a network. Wireless Router/Broadband Router

Define the terms, intranet and extranet.

An intranet (intra means within) is an internal network that uses Internet technologies. An extranet (extra means outside or beyond), which allows customers or suppliers to access part of its intranet.

Define the terms, broadband, bandwith, and latency.

Broadband - Transmit multiple signals. Bandwith - The amount of data, instructions, and information that can travel over transmission media. Latency - Is the time it takes a signal to travel from one location fo another on a network.

List and describe three widely used types of broadband modems.

Cable Modem - A broadband modem that sends and receives digital data over the CATV network. DSL Modem - A broadband modem that sends digital data and information from a computer to a DSL line and receives digital data and information from a DSL line. Wireless Modem - Uses a mobile service provider's network to connect to the internet wirelessly from a computer or mobile device.

Explain how cyberthieves use fake cell towers to intercept communications.

It shows the connection has dropped from 4G to 2G and that the performance has degraded. Higher-quality interceptors, however, will not change the phone's display when the phone has been attacked.

Differentiate among LANs, WLANs, MANs, WANs, and PANs.

LANs - A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers and devices in a limited geographical area, such as a home, school, office building. WLANs - A wireless LAN (WLAN) is a LAN that uses no physical wires. Computers and devices that access a wireless LAN must have built-in wireless capability or the appropriate wireless network card, USB adapter, or other wireless device. MANs - A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a high speed network that connects local area networks in a metropolitan area, such as a city or town, and handles the bulk of communications activity across the region. WANs - A wide area network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area (such as a city, country, or the world) using a variety of wired and wireless transmission media.

List uses of GPS.

Locating Positions. This is the main and most common application of GPS—tracking locations. ... Easy Access to Emergency Road Side Support. ... Preventing Car Theft. ... Mapping and Surveying. ... Tracking for Law Enforcement. ... Locating Your Pets. ... Keeping Watch on Elderly People. ... Finding Treasure.

Define the terms, network standard and protocol. Explain whether they work together.

Network Standard - Defines guidelines that specify the way computers access the medium to which they are connected, the type(s) of medium used, the speeds used on different types of networks, and the type(s) of physical cable and/or the wireless technology used. Protocol - A standard that outlines characteristics of how two devices communicate on a network. The two work together to move data through a network.

Explain how network monitoring software and packet sniffers identify network security risks.

Network monitoring software constantly assesses the status of a network and sends an email or text message, usually to the network administrator, when it detects a problem. The software also can play a security role, including identifying unusual or excessive network activity. For example, it can flag a remote computer always connected to the network or some making repeated attempts to sign in to an account.

Describe how Wi-Fi enables users to connect to the Internet.

One popular use of the wi-fi network standard hot spots that offer mobile users the ability to connect to the internet with their wi-fi enables wireless computers and devices.

Explain issues surrounding ISPs setting limits on internet usage.

People often complain the early days of the Internet and web to a wild frontier. ISPs simply offered customers an internet connection and exerted no control over how the customer used the connection.

Describe how a network transmits data using a token.

The token right standard specifies that computers and devices on the network share or pass a special signal, called a token, in a undirectional manner and in a preset order. A token is a special series of bits that functions like a token.

List and differentiate among different T-carrier lines.

T1 - Connects to the Internet, less expensive T3 - Equal in speed to 28 T1 lines

Explain issues surrounding the use of telemedicine.

Telemedicine is the use of communications and information technology to provide and assist with medical care. Patients use telemedicine to communicate with a doctor, nurse, or pharmacist from their home or workplace. Healthcare professionals benefit from collaborating and consulting with specialized physicians in other locations.

Explain issues surrounding the use of BANs.

The BAN sends the collected data wireless to an Internet connected device, which relays the data to a medical data server.

Explain how P2P networks function, and describe the uses of P2P file sharing.

The primary goal of peer-to-peer networks is to share resources and help computers and devices work collaboratively, provide specific services, or execute specific tasks. As mentioned earlier, P2P is used to share all kinds of computing resources such as processing power, network bandwidth, or disk storage space.

Name types of physical transmission media. Define the term, noise.

Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Fiber-Optic Cable Noise - which is an electrical disturvance that can degrade communications.

Name types of wireless transmission media.

Types of wireless transmission media used in communications include infrared, broadcast radio, cellular radio, microwaves, and communications satellites.

Differentiate among UWB, IrDA, RFID, and NFC technologies.

UWB (ultra-wideband): network standard that specifies how 2 UWB devices use short-range radio waves to communicate at high speeds with each other IrDA (Infrared Data Association): transmit data wirelessly to each other via infrared (IR) light waves. RFID (Radio frequency identification): wireless use of electromagnetic fields to transfer data; identify and track things NFC (near field communication): enables electronic devices to establish radio connection by bringing devices in close contact

List steps to add a wireless printer to a home/small office network.

Unpack your wireless printer and place it within your router's broadcast range. Turn the wireless printer on and access its network configuration menu. Connect your wireless printer to your home network. Check that the printer is connected to the wireless network. Install the printer on your computers.

List reasons home and business users create a network. Identify how networks facilitate communications.

Using a network, people communicate efficiently and easily via email, Internet messaging, chat rooms, blogs, wikis, online social networks, video calls, online meetings, videoconferences, VoIP, text messaging, and more. Some of these communications occur within an internal network. Other times, they occur globally over the internet.

A(n) __ is a third party business that provides networking services, such as EDI.

Value-Added Network (VAN)

Define the term, communications device.

type of hardware capable of transmitting data, instructions and information

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