Chapter 10 Substance Abuse and Addictive Disorders

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A technique for ingesting cocaine in which the pure cocaine basicalkaloid is chemically seperated from processed cocaine, vaporized by heat from a flame, and inhaled with a pipe.

Adversion Therapy

A treatment in which clients are repeatedly presented with unpleasant stimuli while performing undesirable behaviors such as taking a drug.


Addictive sedative-hypnotic drugs that reduce anxiety and help produce sleep.


An addictive stimulant obtained from the coco plant. It is the most powerful natural stimulant.

Korsakoff's Syndrome

An alcohol-related disorder marked by extreme confusion, memory impairment, and other neurological symptoms.

Methadone maintenance program

An approach to treating heroin-centered substance use disorder in which clients are given legally and medically supervised doses of a substitute drug, methadone.


Any beverage containing ethyl alcohol, including beer, wine, and liquor.


Neurotransmitters that help relieve pain and reduce emotional tension. They are sometimes referred to as the body's own opioids.


One of the cannabis drugs, derived from buds, leaves, and flowering tops of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.


One of the most addictive drugs derived from opium.


Opium or any of the drugs derived from the sap of the opium poppy.

Substance use disorder

Pattern of maladaptive behaviors and reactions brought about by repeated use of substance, sometimes also including tolerance for the substance and withdrawal reactions

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

A cluster of problem in a child, including low birth weight, irregularities in the head and face, and intellectual deficits, caused by excessive alcohol intake by the mother during pregnancy.

Relapse-prevention training

A cognitive-behavioral approuch to treating alcohol use disorder in which clients are taught to keep track of their drinking behavior, apply coping strategies in situations that typically trigger excessive drinking and plan ahead for risky situations.

Reward-deficiency syndrome

A condition, suspected to be present in some individuals, in which the brain's reward center is not readily activated by the usual objects and events in their lives.

Gambling disorder

A disorder marked by persistent and recurrent gambling behavior, leading to a range of life problems.

Internet use gaming disorder

A disorder marked by persistent, recurrent, and excessive internet activity, particularly gaming. Recommended for further study by DSM-5. Also called internet addiction.

Reward center

A dopamine-rich pathway in which the brain that produces feelings of pleasure when activated.

Delirium Tremens DT's

A dramatic withdrawal reaction experienced by some people with alcoholism. It consists of confusion, clouded consciousness, and terrifying visual hallucinations.

Sedative-hypnotic drug

A drug used in low doses to reduce anxiety and in higher doses to help people sleep. Also called anxiolytic drug.


A highly addictive substance derived from opium that is particularly effective in relieving pain.


A hollucinagentic drug derived from ergot alkaloids.Cannabis

Residential treatment center

A place where formerly addicted persons live, work, and socialize in a drug free environment. Also called a therapeutic community.


A powerful amphetamine drug that has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, posing major health and law enforcement problems.


A powerful, ready-to-smoke free-base cocaine.


A self-help organization that provides support and guidance for persons with alcoholism.


A substance that causes powerful changes primarily in sensory perception, including strenghthening perceptions and producing illusions and hullucinations. Also called psychodelic drugs.

Antagonist drugs

Drugs that block or change the effects of an addictive drug.

Synergistic effect

In pharmacology, an increase of effects that occurs when more than one substance is acting on the body at the same time.


Stimulant drugs that are manufactured in the laboratory.


Substance produces from the varietiesof the Hemp plant Cannibis sativa. It causes a mixture of huuucinogenic depressant, and stimulant effects.


Systemic and medically supervised withdrawal from a drug.


The adjustment that the brain and the body make to the regular use of certain drugs so that ever larger doses are needed to achieve the earlier effects.

Tetrahydrocannabinol THC

The main active ingredient Of cannabis


The most common group of antianxiety drugs, which includes valium and xanax.


Unpleasant, sometimes dangerous reactions that may occur when people who regularly use a drug stop taking or reduce their dosage of the drug.

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