chapter 11 review

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In 1812, James Madison turned to war A) to restore confidence in the republican experiment. B) due to his hatred of Great Britain. C) to fulfill alliance obligations with France. D) to help him win re-election.


One of the first lessons learned by the Jeffersonians after their victory in the 1800 presidential election was A) that it is easier to condemn from the stump than to govern consistently. B) to institute an excise tax. C) the need to strengthen diplomatic ties with Britain. D) to go off the gold standard.


One of the positive aspects of the Bank of the United States was its A) being a source of credit and stability, promoting the nation's expanding economy. B) ability to expand and contract paper currency as needed. C) officers' awareness of the bank's responsibilities to society. D) attention to regional differences in American economy and culture.


One reason for the Anglo-Texan rebellion against Mexican rule was that the A) Anglo-Texans wanted to break away from a government that had grown too authoritarian. B) Anglo-Texans objected to the Mexican government's execution of Stephen Austin. C) Mexicans opposed slavery. D) Mexican government refused to allow the "Old Three Hundred" to purchase land.


The Era of Good Feelings A) was a misnomer, because the period was a troubled one. B) marked a temporary end to sectionalism by uniting all parts of the country. C) was characterized by the absence of any serious problems. D) was noted for cooperation between the Democratic-Republicans and the Federalists.


The delegates of the Hartford Convention adopted resolutions that included a call for A) a Constitutional amendment requiring a two-thirds vote in Congress before war was declared. B) a separate peace treaty between New England and the British.C) New England's secession from the Union. D) war with England.


Thomas Jefferson distrusted large standing armies because they A) could be used to establish a dictatorship. B) were contrary to Article II of the Constitution. C) were usually ineffective in battle. D) always developed a destructive rivalry with the navy.


Thomas Jefferson was conscience-stricken about the purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France because A) he believed that the purchase was unconstitutional. B) he felt that the purchase was not a fair deal for France. C) the Federalists supported his action. D) war with Spain might occur.


As president, Thomas Jefferson's stand on several political issues that he had previously championed A) remained unchanged. B) was reversed. C) compelled him to repeal the Alien and Sedition Acts. D) grew even more rigid


At the time it was issued, the Monroe Doctrine was A) welcomed with relief by European powers who feared British power in the Western Hemisphere. B) incapable of being enforced by the United States. C) greeted with enthusiasm and gratitude in South America. D) universally acclaimed in Britain as a great act of statesmanship


In diplomatic and economic terms, the War of 1812 A) had few significant consequences for Americans. B) could be considered the Second War for Independence. C) made Americans more internationally minded. D) was a disaster for the United States.


In the 1820s and 1830s, the two issues that greatly raised the political stakes were A) the admission of Texas and Oregon to the Union. B) slavery and economic distress. C) the end of property qualifications for voting and political conventions. D) westward expansion and Indian removal.


John Marshall, as chief justice of the United States, helped to strengthen the judicial branch of government by A) overriding presidential vetoes. B) asserting the doctrine of judicial review of congressional legislation. C) applying Jeffersonian principles in all of his decisions. D) listening carefully to and heeding the advice of lawyers arguing cases before the Supreme Court.


Lewis and Clark demonstrated the viability of A) using Indian guides. B) an overland trail to the Pacific. C) travel across the isthmus of Panama. D) settlement in the southern portion of the Louisiana territory.


One of the most important by-products of the War of 1812 was A) increased economic dependence on Europe. B) a heightened spirit of nationalism. C) a renewed commitment to states' rights. D) a resurgence of the Federalist party.


Perhaps the key battle of the War of 1812, because it protected the United States from full-scale invasion and possible dissolution, was the Battle of-Horseshoe Bend. A) Mackinac. B) Plattsburgh. C) the Thames.


The British attack on Fort McHenry A) resulted in another British victory. B) inspired the writing of "The Star-Spangled Banner." C) made possible the British invasion of Washington, D.C. D) produced the "Bladensburg Races."


The chief justice who carried out, more than any other federal official, the ideas of Alexander Hamilton concerning a powerful federal government was A) John Jay B) John Marshall C) William Marbury D) James Madison.


The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 erupted over A) Indian policy. B) tariff policy. C) internal improvements. D) banking policy.


Thomas Jefferson's presidency was characterized by his A) ruthless use of the patronage power to appoint Republicans to federal offices. B) moderation in the administration of public policy. C) rigid attention to formal protocol at White House gatherings. D) unswerving conformity to Republican party principles.


To deal with British and French violations of America's neutrality, Thomas Jefferson A) declared war on France. B) enacted an economic embargo. C) did nothing. D) declared war on Britain.


When the United States entered the War of 1812, it was A) clear what its political and military objectives were. B) militarily unprepared. C) united in support of the war. D) allied with France.


Andrew Jackson's Democratic political philosophy was based on his A) conviction of the need for "the best and the brightest" in government. B) support of a strong central government. C) suspicion of the federal government. D) advocacy of the American System.


Napoleon chose to sell Louisiana to the United States for all of the following reasons except A) he did not want to drive America into the arms of the British. B) he had suffered misfortunes in Santo Domingo. C) he was afraid that the Spanish might seize Louisiana in a new war. D) he hoped that the territory would one day help America to thwart the ambitions of the British.


The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans presented themselves as all of the following except A) believers of political and economic liberty. B) strict constructionists. C)believers in a strong central government. D) strong supporters of state's rights.


Thomas Jefferson and his followers opposed John Adams's last-minute appointment of new federal judges mainly because A) the men appointed were of poor quality. B) they believed that the appointments were unconstitutional. C) it was an attempt by a defeated party to entrench itself in the government. D) they did not want a showdown with the Supreme Court.


Thomas Jefferson's "Revolution of 1800" was remarkable in that it A) caused America to do what the British had been doing for a generation regarding the election of a legislative body. B) occurred after he left the presidency. C) marked the peaceful and orderly transfer of power on the basis of election results accepted by all parties. D) moved the United States away from its democratic ideals.


Thomas Jefferson's failed attempt to impeach and convict Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase for "high crimes and misdemeanors" meant that A) Jefferson's effectiveness as president had been lost. B) no federal judge could ever be removed from office. C) judicial independence and the separation of powers had been preserved. D) Aaron Burr would go free and unpunished.


Thomas Jefferson's first major foreign-policy decision was to A) purchase Louisiana from France. B) form an alliance with Spain. C) send a naval squadron to the Mediterranean. D) drive the British out of the northwest forts.


Andrew Jackson's administration supported the removal of Native Americans from the eastern states because A) the Supreme Court ruled in favor of this policy. B) the Indians assimilated too easily into white society. C) they continued their attacks on white settlements. D) whites wanted the Indians' lands.


As a result of the Missouri Compromise A) there were more slave than free states in the Union. B) slavery was outlawed in all states north of the forty-second parallel. C) Missouri was required to free its slaves when they reached full adulthood. D) slavery was banned north of 36° 30¢ in the Louisiana Purchase territory.


Innovations in the election of 1832 included A) election of the president by the House of Representatives. B) direct election of the president. C) abandonment of party conventions. D) adoption of written party platforms.


Jefferson had authorized American negotiators to purchase only ____________________ from France. A) New Orleans and St. Louis B) Santo Domingo C) the entire Louisiana Territory D) New Orleans and the Floridas


One of the major causes of the panic of 1819 was A) bankruptcies. B) a drought that resulted in poor agricultural production. C) deflation. D) over speculation in frontier lands.


Texans won their independence as a result of the victory over Mexican armies at the Battle of A) the Alamo. B) Santa Anna. C) Goliad. D) San Jacinto.


The House of Representatives decided the 1824 presidential election when A) the House was forced to do so by "King Caucus." B) Henry Clay, as Speaker of the House, made the request. C) William Crawford suffered a stroke and was forced to drop out of the race. D) no candidate received a majority of the vote in the Electoral College.


The purpose behind the spoils system was A) to press those with experience into governmental service. B) to make politics a sideline and not a full-time business. C) to reverse the trend of rotation in office. D) to reward political supporters with public office.


Thomas Jefferson sent two envoys to France in 1803 with the essential goal of A) preventing Napoleon from handing Louisiana back to Spain. B) bribing the French foreign ministry into permitting Americans to deposit grain in New Orleans. C) purchasing as much territory west of the Mississippi as they could get. D) purchasing New Orleans to make it secure for American shippers.


Though Jefferson won the popular and electoral vote, a strange deadlock led to the election being decided A) in the Senate. B) by the Supreme Court. C) by the Electoral Commission. D) in the House of Representatives.


When it came to the major Federalist economic programs, Thomas Jefferson as president A) quickly dismantled them. B) attacked only the Bank of the United States. C) slowly undid everything the Federalists achieved. D) left practically all of them intact.


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