Chapter 12: The Kingdom Fungi

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amanita verna

"destroying angel" a highly poisonous toadstool

Features that set fungi apart from other organisms

1. Fungi do not have chlorophyll and cannot produce their own food. They are nonphototsynthetic heterotrophs. 2. The bodies of fungi are made of masses of filaments woven together; there is no tissue differentiation 3. The fungal walls contain chitin; a complex polysaccharide. They do not contain cellulose as plants do.


A microscopic saclike structure in which spores (called ascospores) are formed

Athletes foot

An imperfect fungi that are parasites of man. Itchy condition between the toes

How do yeasts reproduce asexually



Causes crop damage


Dustlike pieces of lichen(soredium)- contain both algae and fungus


Flat Structures in a mushroom that radiates outward from the stipe

Imperfect fungi

Fungi that is not known to reproduce sexually


Have complicated life cycles, producing several different kinds of spores and alternating between two different plant hosts. Wheat rust, barberry bush

Thrush or candidiasis

Imperfect fungus that causes infection in the mouth


Lichens appear as flat smears of dried paint. They often grow on rocks and trees


Lichens look like small crinkled leaves


Lichens usually have small stalks or branches with conspicuous fruiting bodies on their ends.


Masses of intertwined hyphae

Agaricus bisporus

Mushrooms found at grocery stores. Grown in buildings where the temperature and humidity are controlled


Named for characteristic reproductive structure- the ascus


Phylum containing most familiar fungi- mushrooms, puffballs, earth stars, shelf fungi, rusts, smuts. Called cub fungi because they form four sexually produced basidiospores on a club shaped cell called a basidium.

External digestion

Required the secretion of enzymes that digest the food into a soluble form outside the organism.

Shelf fungi

Saprophytes of deadwood or parasites of living trees


Saprophytic fungi

Why does the list of imperfect fungi seem to get smaller

Scientists are able to culture and observe more fungi allowing them to find more that reproduce sexually


Slender filaments


The ability to change form in reaction to a different environment

What are the only fruiting body on a mushroom

The cap and stipe(stalk)

A. muscria

The fly amanita- fatal in large doses


The relationship of two organisms living together for mutual benefit

What is the most common function of fungi?

Their main job is to be a decomposer organism. They live in the soil and other dark, damp places, these fungi break down complex organic substances into simple, soluble form that plants can use.


Unicellular, predominantly saprophytic fungi found in soil or water


Worlds largest organism by area


a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and plants roots

sporangium fungus obtains food by ________



aerial hyphae that connect groups of hyphae together

fermentation produces what products?

alcohol and carbon dioxide

most yeasts are placed in phylum


sexual reproductive structures of ascomycota

ascospores produced by asci

sexual reproductive structures of basidiomycota

basidiospores produced by basidia

club fungi produce spores on a sac called a _____


_______ is a type of sexual reproduction in which an out growth from the parent organism forms a new organism


ergot of rye

causes a purplish black swelling in rye grain

unlike a plant, a fungus does not have ______



club fungi

penicillium notatum

common mold from which penicillin was named


common molds


common molds primarily land dwellers

Aspergillus has sporophores that produce spores that are not within an enclosure. What are these sporophores called?


amanita ceasarea

delicious mushroom

what was the first source forlysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a hallucinogenic drug?

ergot of rye

although fungi can cause many types of skin infections, such as ringworm and althlete's foot, they never cause any life threatening diseases


each basidium will produce how many spores?



fungus that causes dutch elm disease

the basidia are found on what part of the mushroom?



how yeast cells reproduce


medical term for ringworm

what fungi helps in flavoring cheese?


examples of basidiomycota

mushrooms, toadstools, rusts, smuts, earthstars

hyphal structure in zygomycota


aerial hyphae

not embedded in the medium on which the fungus is growing. They absorb oxygen, produce spores, and spread the fungus

sac fungi are fungi that ______

produce spores inside an ascus


sac fungi

hyphal structure of basidiomycota


hyphal structure of ascomycota

septate or unicellular

example of zygomycota

species of genus Rhizopus like bread molds

______ are saclike structures that produce many spores


what is the most common reproduction in all molds?


a sporangium fungus reproduces by ______

spores and zygospores

asexual reproductive structures of zygomycota

spores produced by sporangia

claviceps purpurea

the causative agent of ergot of rye

fruiting body

the spore-producing reproductive structure of a slime mold and fungi- when the hyphae of different mating types come into contact P


the spores in a conidiophore


the structure in which the spores are formed


the study of Fungi

what is true of lichens?

they are an example of symbiosis, they reproduce by soredia, theyu consist of a fungus and an algae, and they are good indicators of air quality

fungi are not classified with the plants because

they are heterotrophic and lack tissues

why are impergect fungi not classified in one of the three fungal phyla?

they have no known method of sexual reproduction

most fungi carry on external digestion


asexual reproductive structures of basidiomycota

various types of spores


when a sporophore forms spores within an enclosure or sac

examples of ascomycota

yeast, powdery mildews, species of genus penicillium

sexual reproductive strucutures of zygomycota

zygospores produced by zygosporangia


Where hyphae are divided into individual cells by cell walls


aerial hyphae that produce spores

what is the most common reproduction in yeast?


yeast cells may reproduce by forming spores or by ______


asexual reproductive structures of ascomycota

budding, conidia produced by conidiophores

what are the methods of asexual reproduction in fungi

budding, spore formation, fragmentation

st Anthony's fire

burning sensation in the arms and legs that is a hallmark symptom of the disease ergot of rye- hallucinogen


hyphae on parasitic fungi that perforate a host's cells and obtain nutrition directly from the cytoplasm


hyphae that are embedded in the material on which the fungus is growing

bread mold produces masses of threadlike structures called __


a fungus would most likely be excluded from the phylum basidiomycota if

it produces ascospores

fungi are grouped into phyla based primarily on

method of sexual reproduction

club fungi include puffballs, bracket fungi and ______


what gives cheese its distinct flavor?

penicillum black molds

the common black bread mold is


____ are ungi that produce spores in special structures on the tips o hyphae

sporangia fungi


thick-walled structures that characterize members of the phylum zygomycota


when the spores are not in an enclosure


A complex polysaccharide


A fungus and an algae living together

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