Chapter 13 Quiz

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What was meant by the term Ghent nationalism?

After the War of 1812, there was a high pride and great unity of federal and state

Who received the most electoral votes in the Election of 1824, but failed to receive the majority needed to win the presidency?

Andrew Jackson

Who will win the presidency only in the election of 1828?

Andrew Jackson

Name the 4 presidential candidates which ran for presidency in 1824.

Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford, and Henry Clay

Who is known as "The Hero" in the early and mid 19th century? Why?

Andrew Jackson, he fought many battles that was a victory for the U.S.

What will be the third party in US presidential history?

Anti-Masonic Party

This war involving Andrew Jackson was "fought" with Nicholas Biddle?

Bank war

Which political party got it's start in 1828 (even though it wasn't formally created until the 1830's) ?


What two parties made up the "two-party" system in the presidential election of 1840?

Democrats and Whigs

What were some of the negative consequences caused by American tariffs?

Drove up prices greatly

Which two people were involved in the "corrupt bargain"?

Clay and Adams

This author saw the conquering of the western frontier as a great democratic virtue and he hailed Jackson as a true hero?

Frederick Jackson Turner

What was unique about Harrison's presidential tenure?

Portrayed as just a backwoods sympathizer

These two famous settlers of Texas will be killed at the Alamo by Santa Anna's forces?

Jim Bowie and Davy Crockett

Who was Jackson's VP candidate in the 1828 election?

John C. Calhoun

Whose former plantation is now the site of Clemson University?

John C. Calhoun

What was unique about the vice presidential candidate for both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson?

John C. Calhoun- VP for both nominees

What was the name of Andrew Jackson's unofficial cabinet (made up of his friends)? Why did he feel the need to have this cabinet?

Kitchen Cabinet/ wanted advice from friends instead of the vicious tongues in Washington

What aborted slave rebellion took place in Charleston in 1822 (slaves last name)?

Rebellion of Denmark Vesey

What did the compromise tariff of 1833 do for tariffs? Who was the father of the compromise?

Reduce tariff of 1832 by 10% over 8 years/ fathered by Henry Clay

What position concerning the "corrupt bargain" was supposedly traded in exchange for the presidency? Why was it important?

Secretary of State, regarded as an almost certain pathway to the White House

What did John Quincy Adams accomplish in his one term as US president?

National university, astronomical observatory, land policy, and construction of roads and canals

What were the "Nullies" attempting to do?

Nullify the tariffs

Why was Henry Clay eliminated as a Presidential hopeful when the election of 1824 went to the House of Representatives? What position did Henry Clay hold in 1824?

Only the top three runner-ups could be voted for and Clay was #4/ He was the speaker of the House

What problem did John Quincy Adam's close friends have with his type of presidential administration?

Outraged at Adam's decision to not follow patronage

Which state had the most electoral votes in the 1828 Presidential election? What does that say for that state's population?

Pennsylvania/ a very high state population

During this Indian war that lasted for seven years with Indians and runaway black slaves used guerrilla warfare tactics in the swampy Everglades of Florida?

War with Seminoles

What opposition party will be given rise during the Jacksonian party?


Which party was equally vigorous in opposed the democrats?


This presidential candidate was known as the "Father of North Bend" who had been called from his cabin and his plow to drive the corrupt Jackson spoilsmen from the "presidential palace" in 1840?

William Henry Harrison

What hand-picked candidate will run on the Democratic ticket of 1836- and win?

William Henry Harrison

What were the causes of the Panic of 1837? What nickname will be given to the president because of the panic of 1837?

Symptom of financial system, rampant speculation of land, and failure of wheat crops/ Martin Van Ruin

What is Jackson's reaction to the supreme court agreeing that the Cherokee should not be removed from their land?

Thought it was absurd and continued to remove Indians

What was the campaign slogan for the Whig party?

"Tippecanoe and Tyler too."

It was in this year that a mildly protective tariff was implemented?


What Indian war of 1832 will Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln be together involved in?

Black Hawk War of 1832

This tariff will be considered the "Tariff of Abominations".

Black Tariff

William Henry Harrison was from the FFVs. What was the FFVs?

First Families of Virginia (Lees, Fitzhughs, and Washingtons, etc.)

Why did the south call the tariff the "Yankee tariff"?

It favored northern states

What is the name given to Mexican residents of Texas?


What was Andrew Jackson's response to South Carolina's nullification policy?

Threats and military reinforcement

How did Jackson try and counteract the inflationary problems caused by "wildcat" banks?

Treasury to issue a Specie Circular

What two things must new families moving to Texas in 1823 do to make Mexico happy?

Roman Catholic faith and becoming properly Mexicanized

Which amendment created in 1804 established the policy of placing the VP and President on the same ballot (means that electors vote for both Pres/ VP at the same time) ?

12th Amendment

In what year was the first formal party convention to nominate a president? Who was the candidate?

1832/ Andrew Jackson

What happens to the buying power of paper money when a "wildcat" bank prints off a large amount of currency?

Buying power drastically dropped

These two Indian cases came before the supreme court concerning the Cherokees?

Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia, Worcester vs. Georgia

What president will end political patronage in 1883 with the Pendleton Act (late 1800s, after an assassination)

Chester A. Arthur

Why did Andrew Jackson feel that the National Bank was a threat?

Distrusted monopolistic banking

What current system controls the U.S. money supply and interest rates?

Federal Reserve

Why did Andrew Jackson want the Indians removed from Georgia? What Bureau was established in 1836 to administer relations with America's original inhabitants?

Further land expansion/ Bureau of Indian Affairs

Who did Andrew Jackson defeat in the presidential election of 1832 by a landslide?

Henry Clay

What was the nickname of Jackson's mansion near Nashville, Tennessee?


What did the "Nullies" wear in support for South Carolina?

Palmetto ribbons on hats

What was unique about the removing of the "savage" Cherokee people?

Promised permanent and white free land (only lasted 15 years)

What did Andrew Jackson do in 1833 trying to bury the Bank of U.S. bill for good?

Removing federal deposits from its vault

What is political patronage?

Replacing government positions with the party's own members that helped get them to presidency She wants: exchanging favors for political support

What man became the chief leader and hero of Texas rebels and will defeat Santa Anna at the battle of San Jacinto?

Sam Houston

Why did the whigs name themselves that particular name?

Same name as British faction that opposed monarchical corruption

In the 1820s much of the nation was turning away from Ghent nationalism to what type of ideology?

State's rights and sectionalism

What will Jackson do more than any president up to that point in American history- including the rechartering of the Bank of the U.S. bill?

Veto and challenge constitution

Where will the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles be moved to, in order to be "permanently" free from white encroachment? What is the name of the famous trail that the american Indians were moved along?

West of Mississippi/ Trail of Tears

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