Chapter 15 Euro

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How did Portuguese merchants obtain most of their slaves in Africa? A. They traded for slaves with local leaders. B. They captured slaves in warfare. C. They seized slaves in raiding parties. D. They seized people on the coastline. E. They purchased children from their parents.


How did the English and French seek a route to East Asia? A. They sought a Northwest Passage across North America. B. They sought to develop a new land route through Russia and Siberia. C. They sought to travel through the Arctic Ocean. D. They sought to follow the Portuguese around Africa but then establish trading posts in India. E. They sought to employ African middlemen to carry goods from East Africa to the Mediterranean ports


. How did Michel de Montaigne offer a counterpoint to Europe's growing imperial activities? A. Montaigne argued that integration with local cultures would pollute European culture. B. Montaigne asserted that Christianity could not be taught to non-Western people. C. Montaigne rejected the notion that one culture was superior to another. D. Montaigne claimed that Europe produced all of the goods it needed and colonial products only led to luxury and moral corruption. E. Montaigne believed that primitive civilizations were morally superior to the sophisticated but corrupt societies of the West.


The group of people who benefited the most from large price increases in the sixteenth century was the A. Spanish bureaucracy. B. nobility. C. urban working class. D. middle class. E. upper-level clergy


How did the encomienda system function? A. The Spanish Crown granted conquerors the right to employ or demand tribute from groups of Native Americans in exchange for providing food and shelter. B. The Spanish Crown gave the colonists groups of Native Americans as legal slaves in return for tax revenues and promises of obedience. C. The Spanish Crown adopted the Native Americans as "protected children" in return for promises of labor and tribute. D. The Spanish Crown placed the Native Americans under the protection of the Catholic missionaries as long as they learned and embraced the Catholic faith. E. The Spanish Crown taxed the Native Americans directly and then compensated the colonists out of the revenues collected for the labor Native Americans did not provide


Portugal's participation in European expansion was given critical support by A. Prince Henry. B. Prince Mark. C. Prince Juan. D. Prince Philip. E. Prince Ferdinand


Which of the following best characterizes the immigration patterns (forced and unforced) of Europeans and Africans to the Americas between 1500 and 1800? A. Africans and Europeans migrated to the Americas in roughly equal numbers. B. About four times as many Africans migrated to America as did Europeans. C. About twice as many Europeans migrated to the Americas as did Africans. D. African and European men migrated to the Americas in about equal numbers but European women migrated much more frequently than African women. E. European and African women migrated to the Americas in about equal numbers but European men migrated more frequently than African men.


How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans? A. The culturally and racially superior Europeans offered guidance to the inferior Africans. B. The Africans were an alien group unlike any other and of necessity placed into bondage. C. The Africans were a people biologically distinct from the Europeans, and Africans' physical characteristics produced less intelligent, more primitive people. D. Since slavery was practiced in Africa, it created no unusual hardship for Africans. E. Enslavement benefited the Africans by bringing Christianity to them.


In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company A. established outposts in New York (New Amsterdam) and elsewhere in the Americas. B. handled the shipment of gold and silver bullion from Spanish America to Spain. C. took over the Philippines from Spain. D. established bases in the Caribbean. E. took over much of the East Indies from Portugal.


The motivations for European explorers included all of the following except A. material profit. B. population pressure. C. crusading zeal. D. Renaissance curiosity. E. fear of the Black Death.


What became Cortés's crucial advantage in his conquest of the Mexica Empire? A. The Mexica were awed by the Spanish technology and submitted to Cortés's will. B. The Mexica mistakenly believed that Cortés was a god. C. Cortés had a large body of cavalry that could outmaneuver the Mexica. D. Cortés had a large, well-trained Spanish army against the untrained and poorly organized Mexica forces. E. Cortés was able to exploit internal dissention within the Mexica empire.


The European voyages of the fifteenth century derived from a desire to share in the wealth of the A. Indian Ocean trade. B. Mediterranean Sea trade. C. Baltic Sea trade. D. Black Sea trade. E. Caribbean Sea trade


Who resisted the efforts of the Portuguese to establish themselves in the Indian Ocean trade? A. Princely kingdoms in India B. Muslim-controlled port cities C. Chinese merchants D. The Hindu priestly class E. The Muslim Caliphs


How did the Spanish respond to the trap set by the Inca king Atahualpa? A. The Spanish ambushed and captured Atahualpa, holding him for ransom and then executing him. B. The Spanish withdrew from the region and cut off its supplies, starving the Inca army into submission. C. The Spanish entered the trap but then surprised the Inca with the use of cannons and defeated the Inca army. D. The Spanish arrived by sea, destroying the Inca plan and capturing the capital city. E. The Spanish allowed themselves to be trapped but purposely infected their captors with smallpox, which ultimately destroyed the Inca army.


Who was Prester John? A. A mythical Christian king in Africa believed to be a descendant of one of the three kings who visited Jesus after his birth B. A member of the Portuguese ruling family who helped to organize voyages of exploration and trade down the African coast C. An English sea captain who discovered a series of islands off the coast of Africa where slave trading and sugar cultivation were developed D. A Dutch missionary who traveled throughout Africa and developed extensive contacts with African rulers E. A French sailor captured in the Mediterranean and sold into slavery in Africa who learned African language that aided the Portuguese when establishing contact in Africa


How did French colonies respond to the problem of the low migration levels from France? A. Convicted criminals in France were sentenced to relocate to the colonies. B. Colonial officials encouraged French traders to form ties with and marry native women. C. Officials permitted religious freedom in the colonies so that French Protestants would move there. D. The crown paid prostitutes to relocate to the colony in order to attract male settlers. E. The colonial administration adopted a tradition of free trade to encourage merchants to settle in the colonies


How did Magellan's circumnavigation of the globe affect Spanish colonization? A. The possibility of Asian trade led the Spanish to focus on developing its western colonies in the Americas so that it would be easy to travel on to Asia. B. The great distance of the Pacific convinced the Spanish to abandon efforts to trade in Asia and develop their American colonies instead. C. The difficult waters of the Straits of Magellan led the Spanish to focus on developing its colonies in the eastern parts of the Americas. D. The greater wealth in Asian trade led the Spanish to give little attention to the Americas until after Asian trade collapsed in the 1580s. E. The poverty of the American Indians convinced the Spanish that the Americas could not be developed profitably.


In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries? A. The Spanish, the French, and the Dutch B. The Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Dutch C. The English, the Spanish, and the French D. The Spanish, the French, and the English E. The Portuguese, the Dutch, and the English


What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean? A. Islands off the coast of India B. Islands off the coast of Japan C. New, unexpected lands D. Islands in the middle of the Atlantic E. Islands off the coast of Africa


How did justifications for slavery change from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century? A. Arguments supporting slavery increasingly relied on economic justifications of the superiority of slave labor. B. Arguments supporting slavery drew increasingly on the need to civilize the savage Africans and less on ideas of race. C. Arguments supporting slavery began to focus more on science and nature and less on religion. D. Arguments supporting slavery emphasized the political needs of empires rather than cultural or religious issues. E. Arguments supporting slavery increasingly emphasized religion as the principle benefit Africans gained with slavery.


The Treaty of Tordesillas A. divided the Americas by giving Spain everything south of the Caribbean and England everything north of the Caribbean. B. divided the Pacific Ocean by giving Spain everything east of India and Portugal everything west of India. C. divided the Atlantic Ocean with an imaginary line, giving Spain control of everything west of the line and Portugal everything east of the line. D. divided the Americas by giving Portugal all of the sugar-producing regions and Spain all of the silver-producing regions. E. divided the Pacific Ocean by giving England the Indian subcontinent and Portugal all of the East Indies.


When Vasco da Gama arrived in the Indian Ocean, how did he navigate these unknown waters? A. He consulted with Muslim cartographers. B. He kidnapped an African sea captain. C. He hired an Indian pilot as his guide. D. He took on an African crew for his ships. E. He adopted a Muslim sailor as his son.


How did the Spanish monarchy seek to maintain its control over its colonies? A. The monarchy offered rewards and tax exemptions to settlers who informed on corrupt officials. B. The monarchy established a type of military rule in which colonists were subject to searches and seizures by the military on accusations of corruption. C. The monarchy used the Catholic missionaries to provide information to the crown outside of the official administration. D. The monarchy established intendants with broad administrative and financial authority who were responsible directly to the monarchy. E. The monarchy threatened the colonists with the fear of Indian uprisings if they resisted Spanish rule


What was the primary cause of the emergence of inflation in Spain in the sixteenth century? A. Gold and property seized from Moors and Jews as they were forced out of Spain B. The inflow of silver from the Americas C. State debts defaulted on by the monarchy D. The inability of Spanish agriculture and manufacturing to meet the growing demand for goods E. E)Declining natural resources available in Spain


Which of the following best characterizes the role of Europe in the world trading system prior to the voyage of Columbus? A. Europe was the major western node of the trading system that produced high-quality textiles and metalwork desired by others. B. Europe provided the banking and financial services that sustained the world trading system. C. Europe served as the most important market for products because it produced few goods. D. Europe was a minor outpost that produced few products desired by other civilizations. E. Europe was the major supplier of raw materials that were shipped to other regions to be worked into final products.


After losing access to slave trading from the Black Sea, the Genoese obtained all of the following as slaves except A. Muslim prisoners. B. Jewish refugees from Spain. C. Canary Islanders. D. black Africans. E. Portuguese peasants.


At the time of his death, Columbus believed the islands he found were A. settled by a civilization of vast wealth and sophistication. B. the site of the garden of Eden. C. part of a new continent. D. isolated from any other land mass. E. off the coast of Asia


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