Chapter 18 & 19

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Match each presidential candidate in the 1860 election below with his party's position on the slavery question. A. Abraham Lincoln 1. extend slavery into the territories B. Stephen Douglas 2. ban slavery from the territories C. John Breckenridge 3. preserve the Union by compromise D. John Bell 4. enforce popular sovereignty

B) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3 A: Abraham Lincoln; 2: ban slavery from the territories B: Stephen Douglas; 4: enforce popular sovereignty C: John Breckenridge; 1: extend slavery into the territories D: John Bell; 3: preserve the Union by compromise

The government of the Confederate States of America was first organized in

B) Montgomery, Alabama.

In 1856, the breaking point over slavery in Kansas came with

B) an attack on Lawrence by a gang of proslavery raiders.

The panic of 1857

B) hit hardest among grain growers of the Northwest

The immense debt owed to northern creditors by the South was

B) repudiated by the South.

In 1855, proslavery southerners regarded Kansas as

B) slave territory.

Match each candidate in the 1856 election below with the correct party. A. John C. Frémont 1. Democratic B. Millard Fillmore 2. Republican C. Martin Van Buren 3. Know-Nothing D. James Buchanan

C) A-2, B-3, D-1 A: John C. Fremont; 2: Republican B: Millard Fillmore; 3: Know-Nothing D: James Buchanan; 1: Democratic

Arrange these events in chronological order: (A) Dred Scott decision, (B) Lincoln-Douglas debates, (C) Kansas-Nebraska Act, (D) Harper's Ferry raid.

C) C, A, B, D C: Kansas-Nebraska Act A: Dred Scott Decision B: Lincoln-Douglas debates D: Harper's Ferry raid

The presidential candidate of the new Constitutional Union party in 1860 was

C) John Bell.

As a result of the panic of 1857, the South believed that

C) believed that "cotton was king."

Abraham Lincoln won the 1860 Republican party presidential nomination in part because he

C) had made fewer enemies than front-runner William Seward.

President James Buchanan declined to use force to keep the South in the Union for all of the following reasons except that

C) he believed that the Constitution allowed secession.

As late as 1856, many northerners were still willing to vote Democratic instead of Republican because

C) many did not want to lose their profitable business connections with the South.

The situation in Kansas in the mid-1850s indicated the impracticality of _______________ in the territories.

C) popular sovereignty

For a majority of northerners, the most outrageous part of the Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott case was

C) that Congress had never had the power to prohibit slavery in any territory.

In the debates of 1850, Senator William H. Seward, as a representative of the northern Young Guard, argued that

Christian legislators must obey God's moral law.

The prime objective of Manifest Destiny in the 1850s was


Nativists in the 1850s were known for their

D) anti-Catholic and antiforeign attitudes.

The clash between Preston S. Brooks and Charles Sumner revealed

D) passions over slavery were becoming dangerously inflamed in both North and South.

The decision rendered in the Dred Scott case was applauded by

D) proslavery southerners.

When Abraham Lincoln was the 1860 presidential election, people in South Carolina

D) rejoiced because it gave them an excuse to secede.

The political career of Abraham Lincoln could best be described as

D) slow to get off the ground.

In "Bleeding Kansas" in the mid-1850s, ________________ was/were identified with the proslavery element, and ________________ was/were associated with the antislavery free-soilers.

D) the Lecompton Constitution; the New England Immigrant Aid Society

As a result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates,

E) Douglas defeated Lincoln for the Senate.

The panic of 1857 resulted in

E) clamor for a higher tariff.

In ruling on the Dred Scott case, the United States Supreme Court

E) expected to lay to rest the issue of slavery in the territories.

. Abraham Lincoln opposed the Crittenden Compromise because

E) he had been elected on a platform that opposed the extension of slavery.

The central plank of the Know-Nothing party in the 1856 election was

E) nativism.

"Lame-duck" President James Buchanan believed that the Constitution

E) the Constitution did not authorize him to force southern states to stay in the Union.

James Buchanan won the Democratic nomination for the presidency in 1856 because he

E) was not associated with the Kansas-Nebraska Act.

Presidential candidates in the 1848 election included

Martin Van Buren, Lewis Cass, and Zachary Taylor

The man who opened Japan to the United States was

Matthew Perry

For a short time in the 1850s, an American seized control of


The most brazen scheme for territorial expansion in the 1850s was expressed in the

Ostend Manifesto

Daniel Webster's famed Seventh of March speech in 1850 resulted in

a shift toward compromise in the North.

Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin

a) intended to show the cruelty of slavery

When the people of Britain and France read Uncle Tom's Cabin, their governments

a) realized that intervention in the Civil War on behalf

Stephen A. Douglas argued in his Freeport Doctrine during the Lincoln-Douglas debates that

b) action by territorial legislatures could keep slavery out of the territories

The Free Soilers condemned slavery

because it destroyed the chances of free white workers to rise to self-employment.

Southern delegates met at a convention in Nashville in the summer of 1850 to

condemn the compromises being worked out in Congress.

Most American leaders believed that the only way to keep the new Pacific Coast territories from breaking away from United States control was to

construct a transcontinental railroad.

Southerners insisted that the first transcontinental railroad should run through the Southwest because

construction would be less difficult there and the railroad would pass through already organized territory of the United States

As a result of reading Uncle Tom's Cabin, many northerners

d) swore that they would have nothing to do with the enforcement of the Fugitive Slave Law

In the Compromise of 1850, Congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was to be

decided by popular sovereignty.

In light of future evidence, it seems apparent that in the Compromise of 1850 the South made a tactical blunder by

demanding a strong fugitive-slave law.

The Fugitive Slave Law included all of the following provisions:

denial of a jury trial to runaway slaves; denial of fleeing slaves' right to testify on their own behalf; the penalty of imprisonment for northerners who helped slaves to escape; and a higher payment if officials determined blacks to be runaways.

President Zachary Taylor unknowingly helped the cause of compromise in 1850 when he

died suddenly and Millard Fillmore became president.

Uncle Tom's Cabin may be described as

e) a powerful political force

The Lecompton Constitution proposed that the state of Kansas

e) have black bondage regardless of whether the document was approved or not

Hinton R. Helper's book The Impending Crisis of the South argued that those who suffered most from slave labor were

e) non-slaveholding southern whites

After John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry, the South concluded that

e) the North was dominated by the "Brown-loving" Republicans

The impact of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was to

enrage the antislavery abolitionists, and lessen the prospects for future compromises between North and South

Harriet Tubman gained fame by

helping slaves to escape to Canada.

The public liked popular sovereignty because

it fit in with the democratic tradition of self-determination.

The election of 1852 was significant because

it marked the end of the Whig party.

Of those people going to California during the gold rush, a distressingly high proportion were

lawless men.

In his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster called for a

new, more stringent fugitive-slave law.

The United States' scheme to gain control of Cuba was stopped when

northern freesoilers fiercely protested the effort.

The key issue for the major parties in the 1848 presidential election was


Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas- Nebraska Territory be decided by

popular sovereignty

The Wilmot Proviso, if adopted, would have

prohibited slavery in any territory acquired in the Mexican War

The Young Guard from the North were most interested in

purging and purifying the Union.

By 1850, the South was

relatively well off, politically and economically.

In the 1848 presidential election, the Democratic and Whig parties

remained silent on the issue of slavery.

Stephen A. Douglas's plans for deciding the slavery question in the Kansas- Nebraska scheme required

repeal of the Missouri Compromise

During the 1850s, slaves gained their freedom most frequently by

self- purchase.

In order to maintain the two great political parties as vital bonds of national unity, early nineteenth-century politicians avoided public discussion of


The fatal split in the Whig party in 1852 occurred over


The Free Soldiers argued that

slavery would cause more costly wage labor to wither away.

The debate over slavery in the Mexican Cession threatened to

split national politics along North-South lines

In 1848, the Free Soil party platform advocated all of the following:

support of the Wilmot Proviso; free government homesteads for settlers; opposition to slavery in the territories; and an end to slavery in the District of Columbia

Many northern states passed "personal liberty laws" in response to

the Compromise of 1850's provision regarding runaway slaves

In 1850, the South was deeply worried because

the Underground Railroad was carrying away hundreds of slaves each year and California sought admission as a free state

The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to northerners was

the decision concerning the new Fugitive Slave Law.

The event that brought turmoil to the administration of Zachary Taylor was

the discovery of gold in California.

John C. Calhoun's plan to protect the South and slavery involved

the election of two presidents, one from the North and one from the South.

The United States' victory in the Mexican War resulted in renewed controversy over

the issue of extending slavery into the territories, a possible split in the Whig and Democrat parties over slavery, the cession by Mexico of an enormous amount of land to the United States, and a rush of settlers to new American territory in California

A southern route for the transcontinental railroad seemed the best because

the railroad would be easier to build in this area.

The consequences of the Kansas-Nebraska Act included

the splitting of the Democratic Party and demise of the Whig party

According to the principle of "popular sovereignty," the question of slavery in the territories would be determined by

the vote of the people in any given territory

During the debate of 1850, William H. Seward argued that

there was a "higher law" than the Constitution that compelled him to demand the exclusion of slavery from the territories.

The new Free Soil party in 1848 found major support from

those who favored high tariffs, had wanted all of Oregon up to the 54 40' line, condemned slavery as immoral, wanted to keep slavery out of the territories; and believed that slavery harmed white labor

One of Stephen Douglas's mistakes in proposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

underestimating the depth of northern opposition to the spread of slavery

For his position in his Seventh of March speech, Daniel Webster

was viciously condemned by abolitionists.

In his raid on Harpers Ferry, John Brown intended to

A) foment a slave rebellion.

President James Buchanan's decision on Kansas's Lecompton Constitution

A) hopelessly divided the Democratic party.

The Republicans lost the 1856 election in part because of

A) southern threats that a Republican victory would be a declaration of war.

Secessionists supported leaving the Union because

A) they were dismayed by the success of the Republican party. B) they believed that the North would not oppose their departure. C) the political balance seemed to be tipping against them. D) they were tired of abolitionist attacks. E) all of the above.

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