Chapter 22 - The Industrial Revolution

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What were the national variations of industrialized economies in Europe?

-1750: all countries are fairly close together (Britain only slightly ahead of France) -1800: Britain has a noticeable lead that widened during its Revolution (other than US other countries fell behind. Belgium: independent 1831, rich in iron/coal, led in adopting British rev, revolutionary surge (1830-60) France: developed factory production more gradually, good pattern of early industrial growth (TARNISHED BY RISE OF GERMANY AND US after 1860) Decrease in non western nations (DE INDUSTRIALIZED) MAGNIFIED INEQUALITIES IN EUROPE

When and what was the creation of the world's first modern factories?

-1770s and 1780s -British textile industry -grew out of putting out system -new cotton mills marked start of Rev.

Prior to 1850, what were the consequences of the early British Industrial Revolution?

-1792-1815: wartime w/ France = increased food prices and low wages (after 1820: real wages then rose ) -The hrs in working week INCREASED -Wartime decline played role in standard of living of worker -Diets more varied and more clothing after wars

What was the transformation of transportation?

-1800 cars -1820s steam cars (noisy and heavy, so horses still used) -coal industry = plank roads/rails RAILS - reduce friction, allowed horse or man to pull heavier loads -1816 rail capable of supporting heavy locomotive developed -experiments followed -George Stephenson

What were banks' role in industrialization?

-BIGGER ROLE ON CONTINENT NOT BRITAIN -previously banks were conservative, few clients, limited investments -1830s 2 significant banks = new direction/limited liability (promoted industrial development) -similar corporate banks became important in France/Germany Collab with gov'ts Railroad and companies Limited liability Ex: Credit Mobilier of Paris -found by Isaac and Emilie Periere -extensively advertised -built railroads all over France and Europe

Who were apart of the minority who believed Industrial Rev. Was positive?

-Bourgeoisie -Andrew Ure Studied cottage industry 1835 Conditions were not harsh but good -Edwin Chadwick Conscious gov't official Well acquitted w/ workers plight CONCLUDED: the whole mass of the laboring community was increasingly able to buy more of the necessities and minor luxuries of life.

What was the Chartist Movement?

-British workers involved -sought political democracy -workers involved in campaigns to limit the work day in factories to TEN HOURS and to permit duty free importation of wheat into GB to secure Cheap Bread

What were the consequences of Britain being the first industrial nation?

-GNP (gross national product) increased 4-fold at constant priced b/w 1780 & 1851 -British people as a whole increased wealth and national income -POPULATION BOOMED 9-21 million -more labor force

Who was Friedrich List (1789-1846)?

-German journalist/thinker -CAREER REFLECTS: gov't's greater role in industrialization on the continent that in GB -CONSIDERED: the growth of modern industry of the utmost important b/c manufacturing was a primary means of increasing people's standard of living -a dedicated nationalist (promote industry=defending nation) -WROTE: National System of Political Economy(1841) = practical policies on railroad building and tariffs -SUPPORTED: the formation of a customs union (ZOLLVEREIN) popular by 1840s

Who was William Cockerill?

-Lancaster carpenter (left despite ban) -he and sons built cotton spinning equipment in French Belgium (1799) -son, John Cockerill, converted old Summer Palace into large industrial enterprise (Liége) -PRODUCED: machinery, steam engines, locomotives -established iron works and coal mines -gatherer new info and spread across Europe

What was Zollverein?

-List -customs union (tariff union) -among the separate German States -1834 -allowing goods to move b/w the German member states without tariffs while erecting a SINGLE UNIFORM TARIFFS against other nations -WANTED: a high protective tariff, which would encourage infant industries, allowing them to develop and hold their own against their British counterparts -DENOUNCED: the British doctrine of FREE TRADE as little more than their attempt to make he rest of the world in all industrial and commercial relations

When, where, and what was the Great Exhibition?

-London -1851 -Newly built Crystal Palace -Millions visited -Britain = workshop of world (2/3 coal, 1/2 iron, 20% world production) -Britain = first industrial nation

What was the Saltash Bridge?

-Railroad construction = challenging such as bridges to span rivers/gorges -was built to cross Tamar River into Cornwall England -ships could pass underneath.

What was the attempt to create a single national union?

-Robert Owen -after 1815 experimented with socialist communities Led by social reformers The Grand National Consolidated Trades Union (1824) = did eventually collapse Craft/ "New Model Unions" sought afterwards in 1851

What led France and the rest of Europe BEHIND Britain in 1815?

-The Napoleonic Wars (1789-1815) -While rest occupied, British dominated markets -steam power tech too expensive and laborers needed -few understood new advanced British tech

The Industrial Revolution...

-Transformed ECONOMIC and SOCIAL life -started to influence the rest of Europe after 1815 BEGAN: in Great Britain -changed patterns of work -transformed class structure -altered international balance of political power -increased standard of living, decreased widespread poverty (limited until 1850)

The British gov't...?

-attacked monopolies, guilds, workers unions 1799 Combination Acts (prevented unions)

Who was William Blake (1757-1827)? (ROLE IN CRITICIZING REV)

-called the early factories "satanic mills" -PROTESTED: against hard life of the London poor

What were the consequences of the 18th century industrial revolution inventions?

-cotton goods much cheaper and used by all classes (before only wealthy could afford body linen) -families using cotton in industry do not need to search for material -wages of weavers rose until 1792 (became among the best paid workers in England) -Mechanics/capitalists sought to invent a power loom

The Railroad...

-dramatically reduced cost and uncertainty of shipping freight overland -markets went from small/local, to large/even nationwide - more factories - better machinery - cheaper goods - MORE COMPETITIONS -created strong demand for unskilled labor and contributed to growth of urban worker class -changed values of society -speech/expression -painters Monet and Turner expressed this awe/power

What changes were made in working system during Industrial Rev.?

-drastic change from putting out system -first factories (1770s cotton mills) = reluctance, keep up with tempo of machine not your pace, show up every day long -early factories resembled english poor houses -pauper children due to reluctance -1790: change Decline of children More factories built for steam power not water power Attracted countryside More workers helped modify system by carrying old traditions Preservation of family unit was more tolerable Adults not interested in limiting minimum working age Only when technical changes threatened control (like managers) = protest Reformers fought for more humane age

What is the concept of "Separate Spheres" that developed during the Industrial Rev?

-family employment collapsed -man emerged as family's primary wage earner -win had limited job opportunities (domestic role) -married women less likely to work once mother -poorest families if woman (typ. Widow) is wage earner -women joined legions to work full time (people like them) -low paying dead end jobs for women and they were denied access to better ones

Who was Friedrich Engels (1820-1895)?

-future revolutionary/colleague of Karl Marx and middle class German -PUBLISHED: The Condition of the Working Class in England (1844) An indictment on middle class New poverty of workers worse than ever (culprit=capitalism)

How did steam power help the IRON INDUSTRY?

-iron makers could switch over rapidly from limited charcoal to unlimited coke in the smelting of pig iron after 1770 -make steel more efficiently -1780s Henry Cort INVENTED the puddling furnace (allowed pig iron to be refined in turn of coke; "puddlers" strong skilled iron workers) -steam powered rolling mills -industry BOOMED ONCE SCARCE/EXPENSIVE IRON BECAME CHEAP/BASIC/INDISPENSABLE

Who was William Wordsworth (1770-1850)? (ROLE IN CRITICIZING REV)

-lamented the destruction of the rural way of life and the pollution to land/water

What was the Factory Act of 1833?

-limited the factory workday for children between 9-13 to EIGHT HOURS -children under 9 = elementary school -standardized shifts for all workers CONSEQUENCES... -Employment of children declined -broke pattern of families working together

What were the social consequences of the Industrial Revolution?

-new group of factory owners and industrial capitalists (STRENGTHENED wealth and size of middle class) -new large group of factory workers -harshest divide in Britain (conditions initially bad but later, like all countries, improved).

What did transportation and shipments previously rely on?

-overland shipment of freight, reliant on only horse power (limited/expensive) -rivers and canals

How were working conditions INITIALLY?

-pretty bad -reluctance of the cottage industry to work in factories resulted in them turning to young children to be apprenticed (received little to no pay, harsh physical punishment, long hours) -caught attention of moral reformers (early 19th century)

What were unions?

-printers, papermakers, carpenters, tailors, cont. Sought to control the number of skilled workers, limit apprenticeship, bargain with owners over wages Not afraid to STRIKE Result of union activity: 1824 Parliament repealed combination acts -accepted by 1825

What problems with the textile industry spurred the industrial rev. In Britain?

-putting out system was limited -need for improved spinning methods -cotton textile access form India -thus, the creation of world's first large factories

Who was James Watt?

-scot -called to repair a Newcomen engine 1763 -saw waste of energy could be reduced by adding a separate compressor -INVENTED: modern steam engine 1769 -partnerships, found skilled mechanics -gradually able to purchase parts -made further improvements -1780s = commercial success in Britain

Who were the Luddites?

-some handicraft workers that smashed NEW MACHINES -Why? Believed it was putting them out of work -1812 attacked new factories in northern England.

The Modern Steam Engine...

-the Industrial Revolution's most fundamental advance in technology -humanity for the first time had unlimited power at its disposal -led inventors and engineers to devise new power equipment -quickly put to use in several industries (drained mines, great coal production) -1780s = began to replace water power in mills

What was the problem of energy at the start of the Industrial Revolution?

-the primary source of power for new factories was water -dependence on manpower only (more work did not equal more production) -wood=primary source for heat and raw material (LIMITED) -British iron industry stagnated (1740) HELD ENGLAND BACK

What prevented women from taking a larger role in their right to work?

-unfamiliar discipline of clock and machine interfered with schedule -running household and poverty was already demanding enough -confinement of opportunities

WHY Britain (Industrial Rev)?

-union of Scotland, Wales, England -wealthiest/dominant part of the country -PIONEERED: industrial tech, social relations, and urban living. -rest of country at war wi Napoleon

Robert Owen (1771-1858)?

-very successful Scottish manufacturer -TESTIFIED his experiences in 1816 -conditions were seen as harmful to children

Who was David Ricardo?

-wealthy English stockbroker/economist IRON LAW OF WAGES: wages just high enough to get by. (But at this time richer=richer, poorer=poorer) PESSIMIST ON POP GROWTH (Dismal Science)

What was the Liverpool Manchester Railway?

-world's first important railroad -at heart of Industrial England

What were the THREE advantages after 1815 that the other continental countries had in regards to Industrialization?

1. Most had a rich tradition of putting out enterprise, merchant capitalists, and skilled urban artisans=ABILITY TO ADAPT 2. Continental capitalists DID NOT NEED to develop their own advanced tech. (Borrow from GB) 3. Countries such as France and Russia, unlike many non western areas in 19th cent, had strong independent gov't that DID NOT fall under foreign political control -could fashion policies that serve own interests _eventually used power of state to promote industry and catch up

When was Britain's Industrial Rev. and what were the three key reasons why?

18th century 1. The expanding Atlantic Economy benefited mercantilist Britain (colonies=good market, cheaper to ship goods by water-1770s canal building boom, NO TARIFFS to hinder trade) 2. Agricultural Revolution (bountiful crops at low prices, could spend money on manufactured goods with consumer rev, high demand in country/colonies) 3. Britain had other assets (effective central bank/credit markets, monarchy and aristocratic oligarchy was a stable/predictable gov't, domestic econ with limited regulation (free market), large class of agricultural laborers).

What century was the Industrial Revolution?

19th Century

Who was Jedediah Strutt?

BELIEVED: children should be at least 10 to work in his mills

What was class consciousness and what spurred it on?

Being highly aware of the differences in class or status; due to the widening gap between rich and poor

Where did the Industrial Revolution Start?


What was the alternative to wood that the British turned to during the energy crisis?

Coal -huge potential -early steam engines BUT mining had disadvantages -lots of power required -filled with water -consuming process for miners SO First primitive steam engines by the Thomas'

What occurred in the 1820s?

Frequent anti-capitalist sentiments Few vs Many

What was another major force in CONTINENTAL INDUSTRIALIZATION?

Government -tariff production: high on imports to help econ -bore huge extent of cost of building roads (Belgium led way) -Prussian gov't paid interest on railroad bonds if private companies could not (little risk investment, quick capital) -French state took all expense of laying roadbed and leased it to a supervised private company HELPED PAY FOR RAILROADS

Who was George Stephenson?

INVENTED: first locomotive 1825 -1830: his Rocket sped down Manchester and Liverpool railway 16mph (world's first important railroad)

Who was James Nasmyth?

INVENTED: modern pile driver 1832

Who was Samuel Crompton?

INVENTED: the spinning mule (Combined efforts of Arkwright and Hargreaves) -more power than manpower

Who was James Hargreaves?

Invented the spinning jenny (1765) -made spinning faster - still allowed for domestic work

Who was James Arkwright?

Invented the water frame -large machine -needed own building Factories -required body of water -at time rural for this power

What time saw the construction of extensive hard and smooth roads before the industrial rev (particularly in France)?

Late 18th century

How was ties of blood used in the Industrial Rev?

Many manufacturers hired workers through subcontractors (paid based on what they produced, hired and fired own workers, harsh and greedy, relationship between its workers were personal) Tradition and easy job Important for newcomers

What kinds of employment changed slowly during British Industrial Revolution?

Most of population still worked on farms and most women in domestic role (changed only after 1850)

What was the Mines Act of 1842?

PROHIBITED: underground work of women and young boys (ruthless conditions) But.. some protested to do it paying higher wages

What was the Amalgamated Society of Engineers?

Represented skilled mechanics, a new model union

Who were some of the critics of the Industrial Revolution?

Romantic poets (Blake, Wordsworth) Luddites Doctors/reformers wrote eloquently about the problems Ricardo and Malthus on population and survival

What were the Social, economic, and political reasons as to why the Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain?

Social - needed to spin cloth faster Econ - had textiles from colonies in India, doing commercially well Political - not at war with France

Why was it hard for other countries to quickly adopt the industrial rev. at first?

TRANSFORMATION DIFFICULT... -Only a few key industries were affected by technology (most continued old methods, prevented overall increase in production) -Increase in total population (continued across Europe until 19th century; threatened to eat up growth in production and left most individuals poorer than ever)

What did the British do when they realized the great value of their new tech?

TRIED TO KEEP IT A SECRET -until 1825 illegal for artisans and skilled mechanics to leave -until 1843 the export of textile manufacturing and other was forbidden -YET THEY WERE A MAJOR FORCE IN SPREADING REV.

What was another agent of industrialization?

Talented entrepreneurs Fritz Harkot (Watt of Germany) -business pioneer in German machinery industry -impressed with what he saw in fighting Napoleonic wars -CONCLUDED: Germany had to match all those english achievements quick -Ruhr Valley, built steam engines -lacked skilled laborers and material, turned to England -MAJOR IMPACT BUT ECON LOSSES

What was 1873?

The financial crash


Unprecedented rapid econ growth Countries mastered industrial tech of GB Railroad networks across continent

Who was Thomas Malthus?

WROTE: Essay on the Principle of Population (1798) ARGUED: population would always tend to grow faster than the food supply (good to limit growth) PESSIMIST ON POP GROWTH (Dismal Science)

What were New Model Unions?

Won real benefits for members by fairly conservative means and were thus accepted

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