chapter 23-25

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Though unscathed, this destroyer was soon joined by the C. Turner Joy whom together eventually fired on N. Vietnamese in what was said to be a defensive action (though unconfirmed). Resulting from this engagement, LBJ asked congress to pass the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which did what?

uss maddox

Counterinsurgency was also used giving aid & military advisors to the Ngo Dinh Diem government to stop the communist takeover of communist Ho Chi Minh in what country?


Eisenhower will also have to make tough decisions about helping the French in ____________________ which had before WWII been a colony of France, taken during WWII by the Japanese, & the French after WWII had to fight against ___________________ & his Vietminh.


By 1965, due to the Selma to Montgomery marches, also known as Bloody Sunday and the two marches that followed, LB J passed the ______________ banning literacy tests & provided federal registrars to assure voting access thus resulting in higher % of African Americans voting.

voting rights act of 1965

Cases of disloyalty or espionage were brought forth such as when Whittaker Chambers (repentant communist) accused State Department worker _______________________of passing government documents though he was in the end only charged w/ perjury as the statute of limitations prevented him from charges of espionage

alger hiss

Ultimately, his political career will be challenged & will see its downfall as a result of the usage of this resolution which was seen as a "blank check". In 1965 citing the Pleiku attack in which was the site of an attack on an American base killing 9, LBJ ordered an aerial bombardment of N. Vietnam & when proven ineffective (meant to cut supply line of the Ho Chi Minh Trail that ran through Cambodia & Laos/damage Hanoi economy-industrial targets minimal) will begin the escalation of American troops. Critics believed American soldiers could not beat Orientals in an Asian jungle. Who was the American commander that will urge the president to increase the # of troops in fighting against the Vietminh under Ho Chi Minh in the North & the Vietcong (S. Vietnamese resistance- used guerilla warfare tactics in the south)?

"blank check"

What program of economic assistance was to aid Latin America to promote pro-western governments?

alliance in progress

The _______amendment was also passed ending the poll tax.

24th amendment

With the Soviets detonating an atomic bomb in 1949 catching up to the U.S. in the arms race, charges of espionage were found in passing bomb secrets such as with Klaus Fuchs (British scientist who worked on the Manhattan project). What were the names of the 2 American civilians accused in the Fuchs case of also passing bomb secrets & were sent to the electric chair for treason? Later it was proved by the ___ ___ that spies did infiltrate the U.S.

1. julius rosenberg 2.ethel rosenberg 3. venona papers

What plan in which the US agreed to turn over its weapons on the condition that all other countries pledge not to produce them & agree to an adequate system of inspection but was rejected by the Soviets believing that the UN which who would carry out the inspections was dominated by the U.S. & its allies & could not be trusted... thus resulting in the U.S. preserving a monopoly on nuclear weapons?

Baruch Plan

Kennedy's cabinet appointments were dubbed "the best & the brightest" & shared a hardline view: (Secretary of State- Dean Rusk; Secretary of DefenseRobert McNamara; Attorney General- Robert Kennedy (controversial due to inexperience) After his assassination, his wife, Jackie Kennedy, will refer to this administration as the ___ years likening him & the inner circle of intellectuals that he gathered to King Arthur's Court.


What Native American activist group in 1968 will stage protests demanding tribal self-govt & economic losses from treaties?

american indian movement

As Secretary of State under Truman, George C. Marshall relied on George Keenan for foreign policy expertise, What policy, by George Kennan (famous Long Telegram), proposed strategies of stopping the spread of communism that would be advocated by the U.S. throughout this period?


At Yalta, it was agreed that the Soviets would dominate Northeastern Asia while the U.S. controlled the Pacific (including Japan) Who was the general in charge of Japan's reconstruction of its government shaping the constitution that bears his name?

Douglas MacArthur

When the North attacked the South, what general led the UN forces driving all the way to the border of China & was eventually fired by Truman as a result of his persistence that we should declare war on China for its part in this conflict?

Douglas MacArthur

As well, in 1947, ___________ encouraged lowering of tariffs & trade restrictions


Fearful of nations vulnerable to communist influence after WWII due to economic devastation, what plan of economic recovery presented by the Secretary of State was offered to ALL nations regardless of ideology revitalizing western Europe & also stimulated U.S. trade?

Marshall Plan

With Cold War tensions came more defense spending resulting from containment & the arms race (first the atomic then H-bomb which was considered so destructive that immoral). Justification for defense buildup & the rejection of isolationism & appeasement came from a new national defense policy that involved pouring $ into defense—_________________—that was based on the premise that the Soviet Union sought "to impose its absolute authority over the rest of the world" thereby "mortally challenging the United States." (took place during Korean conflict)


With China now communist & the signing of the SinoSoviet treaty of mutual assistance between the Soviets & China, Republicans blamed the Truman administration for the failure of containment believing diplomats sabotaged the Nationalist government by not intervening enough. Containment was once again challenged with what country that was divided at the 38th parallel due to at the end of WWII Japanese forces in the north surrendering to the Soviets thus becoming communist under the leadership of Kim Il-Sung & Japanese in the south surrendering to the Americans becoming Democratic under the leadership of Syngman Rhee?


Lying between the two spheres of control was China that will turn to civil war by 1947. Chiang Kai-shek was the Nationalist leader supported economically/politically by the U.S. who controlled the southern part of China but was corrupt & plagued w/ inflation. Who was the communist leader of northern China that won favor with the peasantry & will eventually win this civil war bringing communism to the newly created People's Republic of China?

Mao Tse-tung (zedong)

After WWII, two goals were put in place to strengthen the U.S. military system. First was to unify the military system. Equally important was to also create institutions to coordinate military & diplomatic strategy in dealing with ___ ___.

national security

What was formed in 1949 by western democracies representing a departure from traditional American isolationism by creating a peace time alliance?


Significant: U.S. begins massive rearmament- _____.


What act in 1947 created the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, & the National Security Council (made up of the service secretaries, the secretary of Defense, & the secretary of State)?

national security act

In the 1948 election, what Republican candidate was expected to defeat Truman due to the southern Democrat split forming the ________________________ w/ Strom Thurmond as their candidate & a third party (progressive party) that ran Henry Wallace thus splitting Democratic votes?


Eventually, he met his downfall accusing top respected army officials which culminated in the ___-___ televised hearings in which viewers were repelled by his bullying. The impact though was a nation that tolerated loyalty oaths, banned left-wing books, blacklisted entertainers & imposed cultural & politically conformity that froze dissent. (Ex., Hollywood 10 jailed for not testifying against fellow actors)


After, the failed attempt of Chiang Kai-shek's taking over of Manchuria, he was ousted from China seeking sanctuary in ________________ in 1949 which the U.S. recognized as the true government of China.


Older industries in the NE& agriculture will see drops in # of workers needed due to efficiency & less need for workers. Beginning even before the war's end from 1940-1960, the U.S. experienced a ______________in population as better times moved the nation to bigger families again.

baby boom

What court case in 1955 followed that ruled schools must desegregate w/ "all deliberate speed"?

brown 2

What Supreme Court case in 1954 did he lead that will overturn Plessy v Ferguson desegregating public schools (Warren Court claim that its separateness psychologically effects children as it creates inferiority status)?

brown v board of education

Seeing the trend of moving away from "blue collar" jobs to "white collar jobs" what author of White Collar blamed corporations with their assembly lines for depriving workers of their identities that now transferred to modern offices?

c. wright mills

Caught in the middle, Truman sympathized w/ workers by encouraging business to raise wages passing the cost to consumers but at the same time became known negatively as a "strikebreaker" when railroad workers were threatened with being drafted if the strike did not cease. Preying on public discontent, the 80th Congress in 1946 was dominated by which party?


What resulted from this policy giving economic/military aid to Greece & Turkey who were resisting communism?

Truman Doctrine

When the Soviets became angry with Allied attempts to reunify Germany, they blockaded all roads & rails to Berlin so that supplies/fuel could not reach the citizens of West Berlin, what was the response of the U.S.?


What group composed largely of African-American clergy & led by MLK will use nonviolent protest in attempting to achieve equality eventually leading the March on Washington as well?

souther christian leadership conference

These rulings brought much controversy as it was feared that the accused gained rights at the expense of victims. Other Cases..... What court case dictated reapportionment as the "one person, one vote" rule was not being upheld as movement to cities took place?

baker v carr

In the 1964 election, LBJ stayed "middle of the road" but embraced his reforms of the Great Society. In contrast, his Republican opponent ____________________________ did not appear as restrained vowing to dismantle Social Security & appearing hawkish in foreign policy.(daisy commercial) In the end, LBJ's approach won him a landslide victory (mandate) allowing passage of much of his legislation. Looking for an issue to champion in his 1964 reelection, LBJ took on a "War on Poverty".

barry goldwater

What was the name of the U.S. supported failed attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro?

bay of pigs

Disenchantment with this consumer culture also led to the ________________ (originally named for the quest for beatitude- a state of inner grace sought in Zen Buddhism) which was led by literary nonconformists giving rise to the early hippi's

beat movement

Who was leader of the National Organization for Women (NOW) & author of the Feminine Mystique (1963) that explored why some housewives were unhappy ...."the problem that has no name"... thus sparking a new wave of feminism?

betty friedan

Despite the appearance of equality among the services, the air force emerged as the dominant branch receiving much of the defense budget especially during Eisenhower years due to ____.


What was the name of the militant African American political organization founded by Huey Newton & formed in 1966 to fight police brutality & to provide services in the ghetto?

black panthers

What term used by Stokely Carmichael in the 1960's encouraged African American pride & solidarity but was also objected to by MLK, Jr because it provoked violence?

black power

When Columbia University professor, Charles Van Doren, shocked Americans with his confession that the popular quiz show "Twenty-One" had rigged the show by giving him answers , many quiz shows were dropped opening the way for comedies & adventure shows such as __.


At the _______________________ Conference, Post war economic stabilization was sought w/ the setting up of the World Bank & the International Monetary Fund (helped countries w/ trade deficits & exchange rate based on U.S. dollar).

bretton woods

As African Americans fought for better conditions/rights, other minorities groups such as Native Americans, Latinos, & women did as well. Who was the Mexican American that organized California grape pickers & conducted a boycott resulting in better wages/conditions?

cesar chavez

The result was a collection from their own zones. This & other tensions such as Soviet bitterness for not giving them immediate economic aid after WWII, differing ideologies, suspicion of Soviets since once an enemy in WWII, Soviet resentment toward Allies for not opening a 2nd front earlier, secrecy of the bomb which the Soviets learned of through espionage & will later result in an arms race, disagreement over allowing self-determination (Soviets do not allow free elections in occupied territory) & disagreement over the zoning & unification of Germany will lead to a period of heightened tensions that lasted from 1945-1991 that became the _____.

cold war

Though students failed to stop the war, they did gain more of a voice on decision making within their campus activities. As the Vietnam war proceeded, most who fought were of the working class. What exemptions were often were available to the middle class to avoid the draft?

college enrollment medical disability peace corps national guard

What crisis came about in 1962 w/ Soviet supported missile sites threatening U.S. security supposedly there to stop future attacks by the U.S.?

cuban missle crisis

Who was the sociologist who wrote The Lonely Crowd depicting a society that was "other directed" adapting their behavior to conform to social pressures creating a decline in individualism?

david riesman

LBJ not only continued domestic but also foreign policies of JFK. Continuing the policy of containment & seeing how the loss of China devastated the Democratic party, he was determined not to lose Vietnam. He worked closely with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Sec of Defense Robert MacNamara, & National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy in many actions (even covert) to prevent leftist regimes in the W. Hemisphere (fearful of another Castro/Cuba) with actions in Brazil, Panama, & in 1965 the ______________________ of which because of its flimsy justification alienated former supporters such as the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who was ________________ who will during the Vietnam war even create hearings criticizing the policies in Vietnam.

dominican republic william fulbright

Who was the most read author for how to raise children (showing conformity of society on how children should be raised ) who wrote Baby & Child Care in 1946 advocating parents to be more flexible & affectionate with their children, & to treat them as individuals?

dr. benji spock

What Harvard Psychology professor encouraged youth to take hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD & marijuana to open their minds in his quote "tune in, turn on, drop out"?

dr. tim leary

What Republican candidate ran against Democrat Adlai Stevenson in the 1952 election & will capitalize on the stalemate in Korea & the Second Red Scare both of which prompted political change?


The U.S. also fought limited wars w/ merely the presence of troops when civil war between Muslims & Christians threatened to erupt in Lebanon. The U.S. also worked to expand its influence using the CIA to overthrow unfriendly governments such as in ____________ placing the shah in control in 1953 giving lucrative oil concessions to American companies but also created animosity within this country toward the U.S.

eisenhower doctrine

What was the name of the surprise attack by the Vietcong on South Vietnamese towns & cities early in 1968 that took place during the Vietnamese new year celebration festivities?

tet offensive

Federal funding for instructional materials & resources to support educational programs both in public & private schools to provide equal access to education was put into effect in the

elementary and secondary education act of 1965

In 1962, what case ruled against prayer in schools concerning many conservatives who believed the court was undermining morals?

engel v vitale

What case declared the right to have a lawyer when questioned?

escobedo v illinois

Noted for the plaque on his desk "the buck stops here", Truman was a decisive president coming into conflict not only with the 80th Congress but also his own party when it came to civil rights legislation (anti-lynching laws, eliminate poll tax etc- none will pass but he does integrate the military by _________________)

executive order 9981

What American satellite was eventually successful in 1958?


Domestically, Truman extended New Deal legislation with his legislative program called the _____________ which included increasing min wage, creating national health insurance, & expand public housing, social security, & aid to education. Truman, however, faced troubles w/ readjustment after WWII with inflation due to the Office of Price Administration dropping price controls. This led to a wave of labor unrest.

fair deal

Attempting to ease these fears even more, Truman creates a ______________________ Board to dismiss government workers considered a security risk though often they were not given the ability to face their accusers.

federal employee loyalty review

Despite an abundance of material goods and increased leisure time, many Americans questioned the quality of their lives. Thus, the post-war years seemed to show a rise in church attendance. Who was the sociologist that recognized that religious affiliation had become a primary identifying feature divided into three primary segments—Catholics, Protestants, & Jews?

fidel castro

Using brinkmanship, the U.S. not only created a hard line against China that would make them stop shelling these islands but also caused a rift between China & the Soviets since the Soviets did not come to their aid. An even larger crisis came with the Suez Crisis when Gamal Nassar of Egypt seized the Suez Canal in 1956. __________ & _____________ launched an attack on Egypt as their citizens owned the canal company & were concerned since their economies were dependent on the canal for oil that flowed from the Persian Gulf.

formosa straits

The U.S. sponsored a UN resolution calling for withdrawal by both countries but when Soviets threatened intervention backing this proposal... the U.S. declared it would not tolerate their involvement. Soon, both countries did back out of Egypt resulting in the U.S. becoming the main western influence in the Middle East. The U.S. under Eisenhower will announce the _____________________ bringing pledge of containment to the Middle East as well.

france & britian

New business ideas emerged such as the conglomerate which diversifies its products (GE) to the _____________________that pays to use a company name & methods (McDonald's).The resulting consumer society, brought much self-criticism.


With the escalation of the war from 1965-8, disenchantment w/ middle class values & materialism, & the increase in college students creating a central forum for discontent a counterculture emerged. What movement began as a student protest which took place during the 1964-1965 academic year on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley under the informal leadership of student Mario Savio & others demanding university administration lift the ban of on-campus political activities & acknowledge the students' right to free speech & academic freedom?

free speech movement

Impatient w/ Kennedy, civil rights activists such as CORE began their own activity w/ the _______________________ that attempted to challenge the enforcement of the 1960 Morgan v Virginia court ordered desegregation of interstate buses & train stations.(met with violence @ each stop)

freedom rides

Campaigning in 1960 as a crusader for African American rights, blacks hoped for swift action under Kennedy. But, Fear of losing the S. Democrats, he was forced to play down civil rights though he did continue the drive for voting rights encouraging such action groups as SNCC who went down in the south to register disenfranchised blacks during ___.

freedom summer

Also, in 1949, the ____ ____ set the standards in international law for humanitarian treatment of victims of war.

geneva conventions

In 1963, university resistance to integration continued @ the University of Alabama with the blocking of its doors by governor _____________________ eventually giving way with federal authorities peacefully integrating.

george wallace

Who was the American Independent Party candidate that was a segregationist & also affected the Democrats chances with his antiwar campaign?

george wallace

Believing Eisenhower had reduced defense spending putting the U.S. at a disadvantage especially in ICBM's, what new military strategy (replacing Eisenhower's brinkmanship) became the focus of the Kennedy administration in which not only nuclear buildup but conventional military buildup was necessary to allow for limited wars as an alternative What group of special forces was also created?

green berets

What court case overturned a state law prohibiting the use of contraceptives (constitutional right to privacy)?

griswold v connecticut

What was the MOST significant legislation achieved during the Eisenhower administration that created federal funding for expressways connecting major cities justified as aiding in national defense?

highway act of 1956

Under the government program of "______________________", cities demolished poor neighborhoods w/ the intention of building new low cost housing but often in land that was more valuable it was replaced w/ shopping centers & profitable ventures like Dodger stadium.

urban renewal

The U.S. gave aid but not troops resulting in the French losing N. Vietnam to Ho Chi Minh @ Dien Bien Phu. Another challenge to the Eisenhower administration came in 1954 w/ China threatening the

ho chi minh

The 1950s' saw America experience the highest standard of living with new products (T.V., dishwashers, two-car families etc- GNP rose) & fewer hours to labor due to mechanization resembling a trend toward a society that reflected varying degrees of middle class living...... but also had its drawbacks as nuclear families moved away from extended family & though women were pressured to return to the job of ___, by 1950 40% began working outside the home to keep up with living expenses of educating children & the new material demands stimulating future feminist activity.


Response of the U.S. was a naval blockade that ultimately led to a standoff & an eventual agreement to remove missiles w/ promise to not attack Cuba. (U.S. also had missiles in Turkey). As a result of this conflict, JFK's foreign policy reached a new maturity shifting from confrontation to conciliation. War hawks believed the outcome justified continued importance of nuclear superiority. Resulting from this crisis also brought new negotiations creating a limited test ban treaty, & ____________between Soviets & U.S. to communicate in case of future crisis.

hot line

Fear of Communist & radical activity resulted in a "Second Red Scare" in the late 1940s-1950s. What committee was created that investigated communism both inside & out of the government with Hollywood as its main target?


Eventually, Kennedy will sponsor a Civil Rights Act that will later be pushed through by Johnson. The most famous march bringing attention to the need for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights Act 1965 was in Washington DC where MLK @ the Lincoln Memorial gave his speech ____________ in his plea for racial justice.

i have a dream

1965 also saw the creation of two new cabinet departments which were Transportation & Housing & Urban Affairs. The Great Society also brought changes to immigration laws. Previous laws had established immigration quotas & discriminated against people outside Western Europe (Immigration Act 1924 & National Origins Act 1924)... what act replaced these seemingly racist acts & opened the door for many non-European immigrants & was geared toward reuniting families?

immigration act of 1965

The CIA was also used in Latin America to overthrow a leftist regime in Guatemala attempting to prevent a Soviet foothold in the Western Hemisphere. In 1959, a hardline by this administration toward ___________, the dictator of Cuba, will drive this country to Soviet influence


Setting the tone for this new movement, what author of On the Road expressed the rejecting of conformity through the journeys of his main characters?

jack kerouac

What group was put together to investigate the assassination & determined that Oswald acted alone though future investigations will question the # of shooters & conspiracy?

jack ruby

In 1962, ______________ attempted to integrate the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) which resulted in the national guard to protect him.

james meredith

African American voter support also influenced the outcome of this election when the Kennedy family reached out to civil rights leader MLK who had been jailed. What concern about his religious affiliation did he meet head on? To sway the vote, who was his VP?

jfk was catholic lbj was vp

The impact of this led stimulation of the economy & shortened travel time while at the same time increasing reliance on the auto & influencing metropolitan growth patterns. Concern over the increasing debt due to defense spending (made cuts in conventional weapons but relied on air force/nuclear threat-warned in farewell address of a reliance on a "military industrial complex"), he & his Secretary of State, _______________ , advocated ______________________(going to the edge of war threatening even nuclear attack).

john foster dulles, birkmanship

Preying upon fear of communism & motivated by his personal reelection bid for the Senate, what Republican claimed on the Senate floor to have a list of communist affiliated State Department workers (though never substantiated) sparking a "communist witch hunt" ?

joseph mccarthy

What will Sweatt v Painter desegregate?

law schools in texas

On Nov 22, 1963 while in a motorcade in Dallas hoping to mend fences with southern Democrats due to his speaking out on civil rights, Kennedy was assassinated by whom? Then who assassinated him?

lee harvey oswald

Civil Rights activism continued with marches in Birmingham & Selma w/ activists jailed including MLK (wrote "______________________________" justifying protests to critics) & use of force by police that horrified the nation.

letter from a birmingham jail

In 1957, What event in which Governor Orville Faubus of Arkansas called out the attempted to prevent integration of Central High School & Eisenhower called out federal troops to enforce/protect the students?

little rock 9

Through search & destroy missions to root out the Vietcong, bombing that often led to civilian casualties, & agent orange & napalm (used to kill vegetation but hurt farmers as well)... the U.S. found it difficult to achieve their goal of winning "the hearts & minds" of the S. Vietnamese people. What was the name of the hamlet (resettlement to isolate from Vietcong) in 1968 in which Lieutenant William Calley, Jr slaughtered 200 innocent unarmed villagers?

my lai massacre 1968

Continuing to attempt to restore confidence in American supremacy, the Eisenhower administration appointed James R. Killian (pres. Of MIT) to oversee a crash program in missile development & in 1958 created the ______ to compete in the space race eventually training astronauts such as John Glenn's flight around the globe in 1962. The feeling of the U.S. seemed to be not a change of direction to maintain supremacy but a renewed commitment.

national aeronautics and space administration

Though such groups as SNCC & CORE advocated nonviolent approaches, some radical groups sought equality through any means. Who was a follower & later leader of the teachings of the Nation of Islam who preached white evil & black self-discipline but after returning from Mecca advocated the "ballot over the bullet"?

malcom x

He also created a Community Action Group (VISTA) bringing in representatives of the poor in a situation of self-help (like a domestic Peace Corps). He also included _____________ providing health insurance to those 65 & up & ___________ for low income health insurance. (part of Social Security)

medicare medicade

What court case will desegregate California schools with pressure from LULAC?

mendez v westminster

What case mandated your rights be read to you upon arrest?

miranda v arizona

Who led this event that resulted in the desegregation of buses & emerging as a leader in the Civil Rights Movement following the civil disobedience example of H. Thoreau & India's Mahatma Ghandi (passive resistance)


Who was assassinated on a hotel balcony in Memphis, Tenn. by James Earl Ray in April 1968 becoming a martyr for civil Rights & resulting in an outbreak of urban violence?


His domestic agenda, known as __________________________, involved keeping & expanding New Deal programs (Social Security, etc) but also cutting back on federal spending.

modern republicanism

In the aftermath of contributions of minorities to WWII & denunciation of Soviet human rights violations during the Cold War, African American denial of rights within the U.S. proved glaring suffering from economic & social discrimination. In the north & west, African-Americans lived in impoverished segregated neighborhoods, receiving low pay, & failing to share in the post-war prosperity. In the south, Jim Crow laws segregated all public facilities. What event did Rosa Park's arrest spark as an NAACP activist after refusing to give up her seat on a bus for a white person?

montgomery bus boycott

Concerned that Americans were lagging behind the Soviets, what act was passed that provided federal funding & increased focus on the math, sciences, & foreign languages in schools?

national defense education act

Truman prevented the repeal of gains made by __ __ legislation in the 1930s and laid the groundwork for future advances in health care, aid to education, & civil rights. Civil rights legislation from this time forward would also be added to the Democratic platform.

new deal

Though this was a narrow victory in which he did not win a mandate (indication of voter approval through landslide victory), the nation was taken in by his youthfulness, energy, ambition & promises of reform at home & advances abroad with his legislative program called

new frontier

As a result, an arms race continued w/ the U.S. developing a hydrogen bomb in 1952 & the Soviets in 1953. Concern over the nuclear arms race, however, brought the U.S. & Soviets (under Nikita Khrushchev (Stalin's successor after died) to a summit in Geneva in which the U.S. proposed an "________________________" policy which would allow both nations aerial surveillance over each other's territory but was rejected by the Soviets.

open skies

The administration also became concerned over the rivalry between China & Soviets for communist influence in third world nations such as Africa, Asia, & Latin America. What group of mostly college age students worked in third world countries to improve education, technology, & medical care?

peace corps

Though Humphrey will win the DNC nomination in Chicago(Mayor-Richard Daley), what will happen @ the Democratic National Convention that will damage his campaign giving Richard Nixon (Republican)w/ VP Spiro Agnew the win?

police riots

As a result LBJ created his legislative program called the Great Society which included the Office of Economic Employment that set up programs ranging from ________________ for preschoolers to get a boost in education to ___________ for high school dropouts to get vocational training.

project head start

Who in her 1962 publication Silent Spring exposed the environmental dangers of DDT (pesticide) launching the modern environmental movement?

rachel carson

After WWII the U.S. (as the leading manufacturer, powerful navy/airforce, & sole possessor of the bomb) will move away from isolationism believing its position important to international peace. At the Potsdam conference in 1945 which took place after V-E Day & attended by Stalin, Truman (an idealist like Wilson), & Clement Attlee (new English prime minister- Churchill there @ first), what was the biggest point of contention between the Soviets & western Allies?


What was the extremely controversial decision that created a constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy in the first trimester?

roe v wade

The 1950s in America was characterized by a "new affluence" & economic good times. What factors helped to make the postwar years an economic boom?

savings, pent up buying, cold war tension defense spending, korean war, marshall plan raised exports

What was the name of the New Left radical student organization founded in Port Huron, Michigan(Port Huron Statement called for participatory democracy) that embraced liberal reforms, engaged & led teach ins on university campuses & was involved in much of the campus unrest?


Though this election was a narrow victory, it showed that there was a growing "__ __" fed up with violence/protests, the war, the growth of federal power both domestic/foreign policy & cultural rebelliousness thus leading to a conservative backlash & thus the presidency of Richard Nixon.

silent majority

Though the communists did not hold on to their victory, it was considered to be a turning point in the war because as it was a political victory widening the credibility gap. (even Walter Cronkite-journalist lost faith... U.S. had given impression of in control/winning). This finally led to LBJ's announcement of not seeking reelection. In the 1968 election therefore, Eugene McCarthy (antiwar), Robert Kennedy (antiwar), & VP Hubert Humphrey will seek the Democratic candidacy. However, during the primaries who assassinates Robert Kennedy which was said to be motivated from RK's advocacy of Israel?

sirhan sirhan

What successful nonviolent tactic of resistance was used in Greensboro, NC in 1960 by black students at a lunch counter?

sit in

In the deep south, massive resistance continued with even signing a ___________ to denounce the legality of the decision. Eisenhower made little attempt to endorse the decision believing it had "setback progress in the South fifteen years". (not a racist...just believed not reasonable) Resistance in the south took many forms.... From assigning students to school based on aptitude to outright closing doors.

southern manifesto

The fundamental disagreement between these two super powers was who would control Europe. The ___ ___ consolidated its grip on eastern Europe by creating satellite nations (independent but controlled economically/politically) such as Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, & Czechoslovakia.

soviet union

In 1957, the Soviets launched what satellite putting the Soviets ahead in the space race?


What was the resulting end of this war lasting from 1950-1953?

stalemate at 38th

By 1972, the nation even had an Equal Rights Amendment before them but it will fail. Gay liberation also came to the forefront in 1969 when they fought back against police harassment w/ the raid @ the

stonewall riots

What student led group of nonviolent protestors became an extension of CORE?

student nonviolent cordinating committee

The ____________ region of the south & west with government contracts from the Cold War buildup will become a center of electronics & aircraft industries as well as naval bases


Truman will come in constant conflict with this Congress such as w/ his legislation & the override of his veto to the __________________in 1947 that outlawed labor union activities such as the closed shop, secondary boycotts, & permitted an 8 day cooling off period to delay strikes that might endanger national health or safety

taft-hartley act

In the 1960 presidential election between Republican Richard Nixon (Eisenhower's former VP) & Democrat John F. Kennedy, what influenced the outcome that was engaged in for the first time in history making "image" an important aspect?

televised debates

With great growth in the 1950s in consumer items, what communications medium pushed aside radio (which now turned to news/music) often creating a stereotypical image of American society (conformity)?


What book in 1962 by Michael Harrington brought attention to the nearly 1/5 of the nation that lived in poverty due to living in depressed areas, cut off from education, medical care, & employment opportunities?

the other america

_________--narrow victory for Truman but Berlin Crisis 1948 will help to swing in favor.

thomas dewey

He also created a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunities that worked with defense industries to hire African Americans. Kennedy also appointed a # of African Americans to key positions such as ___________________ as a judge to the U.S. Circuit Court.

thurgood marshall

What NAACP lawyer will lead the way in desegregating public schools?

thurgood marshall

Why in Berlin (1961) did the Soviets under leader Nikita Khrushchev order the building of the Berlin Wall between East & West Berlin (Checkpoint Charlie-where American-Soviet zone met)?

to keep berliners in the soviet block

The Soviets did agree to work out a future test ban treaty with the U.S.. In 1958, the Soviet threat of a separate peace treaty w/ East Germany caused alarm that the Allies would have to abandon W. Berlin. Seeking to resolve this situation, they agreed to meet in Paris for a conference but this was called off as the Soviets were angered when the U.S. was caught spying over Soviet airspace (Francis Gary Powers) in what became known as the

u-2 crisis

Though LBJ lacked the poise of JFK, his physical stature & his experience in the Senate as Senate Majority Leader often helped him to push legislation through what became known as "the Johnson Treatment". Previously begun bills by JFK were pushed through Congress in the wake of his death such as the tax cut spurring economic growth & in 1964 the ____________________that made segregation illegal in all public facilities(included ethnic/gender), established the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to lessen racial discrimination in employment, & protected voting rights of African Americans.... Segregationists added gender to the prohibition of discrimination to weaken the bill but in the end will be used to strengthen the future for women.

warren commission

Great change came from the _________Court with especially in expanding the rights of the accused. What court case allowed a court appointed lawyer if you were too poor to afford one?

warren court gideon v wainwright

Soviets & Eastern block nations created their own alliance that became the _________________.

warsaw pact

Though African Americans were making strides with Civil Rights & Voting Rights Acts, they were still unhappy with their situation & engaging in riots ... according to the Kerner Commission (also known as Commission on Civil Disorders), it was because of the reality that poverty & racism were still dominant. What was the name of the riot that occurred in LA?

watts riot; uprising of 1965

"__ ___" (white middle class movement to suburbs) seemed to be the trend as these suburban communities came about & the automobile made activities in the cities still accessible thus leaving the inner city to decay.

white flight

Though some criticized this religious activity as secular & just another part of the consumer society, others saw that Americans were searching for a more personal religious faith. Another area that saw growth was in education. The baby boom brought a tremendous increase in the number of school-aged children & an overwhelming strain on local school districts. Though there was disagreement over subjects taught in schools (some wanting emphasis on core & others wanting to include foreign language), the increase in the # of students attending college indicated the importance of a movement toward preparation for a college education.

will herberg

Critics ranged from John Keats who ridiculed the conformity of track housing & materialism to those who criticized the psychological aspects such as Richard & Catherine Gordon who criticized the "gimme" kids produced. Who wrote The Organizational Man which was a study of a suburb in Illinois (Park Forrest) concluding that company's wanted people that "fit in" as part of the team (conformity)?

william h whyte

As soldiers came home to start families, a housing shortage led to the innovative housing idea of ____________ who through building standardized homes in the suburbs (1st outside of NY-Levittown) could quickly, efficiently, & cheaply create planned neighborhoods which used HOA's to impose strict regulations (conformity).

william levitt

Who coined the term "iron curtain" to describe the differing ideologies that separated eastern & western Europe?

winston churchill

Students not only challenged political ideas but also the entire culture/values of the times through appearance (hippi), living in communes, music (also protest songs), drugs. What was the name of the free music festival held in upstate New York of the most popular bands & singers such as Joan Baez & Jimi Hendrix?


What was the name of the radical group begun by Abbie Hoffman & Jerry Rubin that engaged in attention getting social protest (Ex: involved in DNC protest/nominated a pig)?


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