Chapter 24 - the New Deal MC, Pt 1, Pg 662-670

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14. During its first year, the Civil Works Administration A. put four million people to work. B. provided relief funds but not relief work. C. planned for major building projects such as dams, airports, and power plants. D. made little progress in helping the jobless. E. was soon replaced by the Federal Emergency Relief Administration.


22. All of the following programs were part of the Second New Deal EXCEPT A. the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. B. the Wagner Act. C. the Holding Company Act. D. higher tax rates for the wealthy. E. the National Labor Relations Act.


25. In the 1930s, industrial unionism was A. strengthened, partly, by New Deal legislation. B. supported by the American Federation of Labor. C. opposed by labor leaders such as John L. Lewis. D. generally hostile to blacks and women. E. losing support among unskilled laborers.


3. The Economy Act of 1933 A. proposed to balance the federal budget and cut government workers' salaries. B. ordered all federal agencies to cut their workforce by ten percent. C. gave immediate pensions to retired war veterans. D. provided an infusion of cash into the economy. E. gave the government authority to curb irresponsible speculation by banks.


6. To oversee activities in the stock market, in 1934 Congress established the A. Securities and Exchange Commission. B. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. Federal Reserve Board. D. Glass-Steagall Act. E. Federal Emergency Relief Association.


1. During President Franklin Roosevelt's early days in office, A. he believed the Depression was largely over. B. he promised to take drastic, even warlike, action against economic conditions. C. the American people concluded the economy was not as bad off as they once had believed. D. he attempted to hold the Hoover administration accountable for the economic crisis. E. he showed a relative lack of interest in taking on the economic crisis directly.


15. The Civilian Conservation Corps A. was racially integrated. B. put the unemployed to work on rural and wilderness areas. C. included women. D. mostly employed the jobless rural poor. E. passed Congress despite Roosevelt's ambivalence about the project.


11. During the first year of the National Recovery Administration, A. industry saw prices decline. B. industrial production rose. C. large producers consistently dominated the code-writing process. D. both of these occurred: industry saw prices decline, and industrial production rose. E. All these answers are correct.


13. All of the following occurred as a result of the Tennessee Valley Authority EXCEPT A. flooding being almost entirely eliminated in the affected region. B. a decline in the cost of power from private companies. C. significant reduction in poverty in the region. D. improvements to water transportation. E. electricity being provided to thousands of new users.


12. The Tennessee Valley Authority of 1933 A. saw private farmers and business leaders dominate its planning process. B. was the most controversial program of the early New Deal. C. was one of the costliest failures of the Roosevelt administration. D. was headed by former electricity magnate Samuel Insull. E. was an experiment in regional planning by the federal government.


16. In 1934, strong criticism of the New Deal came from A. the political far right. B. the political far left. C. dissident populists such as Huey Long. D. both the political far right and the political far left. E. All these answers are correct.


7. The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 A. sought to raise crop prices by paying farmers not to plant. B. set minimum prices for retailers purchasing farm products. C. provided farmers with free seed and fertilizer. D. offered financial incentives to farmers who improved their production yields. E. created government warehouses where farmers could store their crops and use them as collateral.


24. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 A. ended the labor practice of a "closed shop." B. gave government the authority to force employers to accept labor unions. C. enforced the labor practice of an "open shop." D. resulted in the Supreme Court's striking down of the Wagner Act. E. invalidated Section 7(a) of the National Industrial Recovery Act.


18. In 1934, Dr. Francis Townsend attracted widespread national support for a plan that A. offered medical insurance for the poor and elderly. B. was strongly supported by Congress. C. helped pave the way for the Social Security system. D. guaranteed all able-bodied Americans over age 21 a full-time job. E. provided below-cost health care to children and pregnant women.


9. The New Deal program that created utility cooperatives for rural Americans was the A. Resettlement Administration. B. Farm Security Administration. C. Rural Electrification Administration. D. Civilian Conservation Corps. E. Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.


10. The National Recovery Administration of 1933 did all of the following EXCEPT A. establish a minimum wage for labor. B. make child industrial labor illegal. C. set a standard for the maximum hours one could work in a week. D. increase competition between companies. E. set price and wage floors for most major industries.


19. Much of Father Charles Coughlin's outspoken criticism of the Roosevelt administration revolved around the issue of A. the right of labor to organize in unions. B. giving public relief jobs to women with children. C. the repeal of prohibition. D. changing the banking and currency system. E. taxing excess corporate profits and surplus riches.


17. In 1934, the American Liberty League was formed A. to help win public support for the more controversial New Deal programs. B. by western business leaders who felt ignored by the New Deal. C. to unite southerners who opposed the New Deal's support of unions. D. by a coalition of radical and semi-radical organizations, including the Socialist Party. E. by wealthy conservatives who strongly opposed the New Deal.


2. In 1933, two days after he took office, President Franklin Roosevelt A. took the country off the gold standard. B. ended prohibition. C. sent the National Industrial Recovery Act to Congress. D. presented to Congress a relief plan for the unemployed. E. closed all banks for a short period.


23. During the Second New Deal, President Franklin Roosevelt A. moved away from altering the income tax. B. called for greater civil rights for American minority groups. C. introduced government-funded unemployment checks. D. rejected legislative attempts by Senator Robert Wagner to strengthen labor. E. became more willing to attack corporate interests openly.


8. The Agricultural Adjustment Act A. favored small farm operations over large ones. B. fostered further instability in the agricultural economy. C. protected tenant farmers. D. failed to improve farm prices. E. was declared unconstitutional in large part by the Supreme Court.


20. In 1935, Senator Huey Long A. advocated a "flat tax" plan. B. had proposed a national wealth-sharing plan that involved heavily taxing the wealthiest Americans. C. had as much popular support as Franklin Roosevelt, according to opinion polls. D. declared he would seek the Democratic nomination for president in 1936. E. advocated a $200 monthly pension for all Americans over the age of 60.


21. The "Second New Deal" was launched partly in response to the A. president's sympathy toward the ideas of Senator Long. B. persistence of the Great Depression. C. Supreme Court's decision to strike down the National Industrial Recovery Act. D. political challenges of Senator Long and the Supreme Court's decision to strike down the National Industrial Recovery Act. E. All these answers are correct.


4. The Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 established A. the Federal Reserve Board in Washington. B. the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. C. the Securities and Exchange Commission. D. both the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission. E. None of these answers is correct.


5. Beginning in 1933, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation A. offered financial protection for stock investors. B. gave the government authority to transfer the funds of failing banks to strong banks. C. protected the assets of bank depositors. D. protected banks from failing. E. prevented banks from speculating irresponsibly.


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