Chapter 29: Woodrow Wilson

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What was the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914?

Presidential appointments would investigate unfair business practices in relationship to interstate trade (pro-small business)

What did Germany do, warning Americans that they were sailing into a war zone and could be sunk?

Printed a full page warning in the New York Times

Why were the reserve banks successful?

They issued Federal Reserve Notes (paper money), allowing quick dispersal of funds when needed

What did Wilson purchase from Denmark to protect the entrance to the Panama Canal?

Virgin Islands

What was the Democratic slogan about Wilson in the Election of 1916?

"He kept us out of war"

What was the Democratic Platform of the Election of 1912 called?

"New Freedom"

How did Gompers view the Clayton Anti-Trust Act?

"The Magna Carta of labor"

What did TR's New Nationalism consist of?

- consolidation of trusts and labor union - growth of powerful regulatory agencies in D.C. - women suffrage - minimum wage laws - social insurance

Who was Woodrow Wilson?

- former president of Princeton, New Jersey - emerged as one of the leading Progressives in the country (not social reforms)

What did Wilson's New Freedom consist of?

- small enterprise - entrepreneurship - free functioning of unregulated markets - shunned social welfare problems - stressed economic faith of competition - fragment Big Business with the enforcement of anti-trust laws

How did TR campaign?

- with religious fervor - "I feel as strong as a bull moose!"

Who was the first Jewish person on the Supreme Court?

Louis Brandeis

Who wrote the book Other People's Money and How Bankers Use It (1914)?

Louis Brandeis - further called for reform

What sank off the coast of Ireland in 1915, killing 128 Americans?


What was the Federal Farm Loan Act?

Made credit available to farmers at low interest rates

What did the US Navy seize?

Mexican port of Vera Cruz

What did Herbert Croly write?

The Promise of American Life

What 3 countries made up the ABC Powers?

1. Argentina 2. Brazil 3. Chile

What 2 things brought a massive migration of Mexicans into the American Southwest?

1. Assassination of Mexican president (1913) 2. Installment of Huerta

Which 2 groups supported Wilson in the Election of 1916?

1. Bull Moose Party members who didn't return to the Republicans 2. Working class

What 2 attributes made Wilson a Jeffersonian?

1. Faith in the masses 2. Chief executive should by dynamic and a leader of Congress

What 3 countries made up the Allies (Triple-Entente) ?

1. France 2. Great Britain 3. US (4. Russia) (5. Italy)

What 3 countries made up the Central Powers (Triple-Alliance) ?

1. Germany 2. Austria-Hungary 3. Ottoman Empire

What 2 reasons explain why most Americans favored the Allies?

1. Shared a common language with GB 2. The French helped us in American Revolution

What 2 things did the Clayton Anti-Trust Act do?

1. Strengthened the Sherman Anti-Trust Act 2. Sought to exempt labor and agricultural organizations from anti-trust prosecutions

What 3 things did the Democratic Platform consist of?

1. Stronger anti-trust legislation (after TR) 2. Banking reform (Panic of 1907) 3. Tariff reduction (wants competition)

What 2 things did the Underwood Tariff do?

1. Substantial reduction of tariffs 2. Used the 16th Amendment to enact a gradual income tax

What 2 foreign affairs policies did Wilson hate?

1. TR's Big Stick 2. Taft's Dollar Diplomacy

What was the "triple wall of privilege" ?

1. Tariffs 2. Banks 3. Trusts

What did Germany declare the waters around the British Isles?

A war zone

What was unrestricted submarine warfare?

Any ship in the war zone could be attacked

Why did Pancho Villa kill 19 Americans in New Mexico in 1916?

Attempting to provoke war between Mexico and the US

What brought an economic boom for the US at the beginning of WWI?

British and French orders for American goods

What helped other Americans to support the Allies?

British propaganda

When the Mexican government collapsed, who stepped in?


Who did the Old Guard Republicans nominate for the Election of 1916?

Charles Evans Hughes (NY)

Up until this point, what had controlled the nation's finances?

Civil War National Banking Act (outdated)

What is one use of TR's Big Stick by Wilson?

Collection of debt from the Dominican Republic for 8 years by the US Marines

Who did Wilson appoint to top spots on the Federal Reserve Board and Federal Trade Commission?

Conservative businessmen

Who doubled their vote count from the Election of 1908?

Eugene Debbs

What was established to oversee the 12 regional reserve banks?

Federal Reserve Board

What was the Sussex Pledge?

Germany would not sink passenger and merchant ships without warning

What did Wilson allow to be given to the rebels against the Mexican government (Pancho Villa) ?


What did Charles Evans Hughes attack Wilson for?

His "less than manly" handling of the Mexican and Germany problems

What was the Morrill Land Act?

Increased the construction of rural roads and agricultural extension work in state colleges and land grant colleges

What did Wilson advise Americans to be?

Neutral "in thought word and action"

What did Wilson do to help African Americans?


What was the Workingmen's Compensation Act?

Offered assistance to federal workers during times of disabilities

What did the ABC Powers do?

Offered mediation

What did Wilson repeal, which had previously exempted American shipping?

Panama Canal Tolls Act (1912)

What revealed glaring problems with the nation?

Panic of 1907 - inelasticity of currency - banking reserves concentrated in NY

What was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913?

Set up a system of federal banks and gave the government power over the money supply

Why did Americans want the Allies to win the war?

So they can pay back the loans

Who did the Progressives nominate for the Election of 1912?

TR (Jane Adams placed his name in nomination) - big step to include women in politics

Who did the Progressives nominate for the Election of 1916?

TR (refused to run)

Who did all the work on the Federal Reserve Act, but Wilson took credit for it?

TR and Taft

What was the chief issue of the campaign for the Election of 1912?

TR's New Nationalism vs. Wilson's New Freedom

What started World War I?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by a Serbian "patriot"

Who was General John "Black Jack" Pershing?

Took US troops into Mexico to fight the Mexican government troops and Villa's men

What did Wilson do regarding foreign affairs within his first week in office?

US would no longer support American investors in Latin America and China

Who did the Democrats select for the Election of 1912?

Woodrow Wilson

Who won the Election of 1912?

Woodrow Wilson

Who won the Election of 1916?

Woodrow Wilson

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