Chapter 3: Creating Anglo-America

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William Berkeley

Governor of Virginia during Bacon's Rebellion

Navigation Act

Aimed to wrest control of world trade from the Dutch, whose merchants profited from free trade with all parts of the world and all existing empires

English Toleration Act of 1690

Allowed ALL Protestants to worship freely

Toleration Act

Allowed Protestant Dissenters (not Catholics) to worship freely, although only Anglicans could hold public office


First crop to be mass-marketed to consumers in Europe

Edmund Andros

Formed Covenant Chain with Iroquois


Governments should regulate economic activity so as to promote national power


In Virginia, the upper class was so tightly knit and intermarried so often that the colony was said to be governed by this


Indentured families; received passage in exchange for a promise to work off their debt in America

Dominion of New England

James II between 1686 and 1688 combined Connecticut, Plymouth, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, New York, and East and West Jersey into a single-super colony

Walking Purchase of 1737

Lenni Lanape Indians agreed to cede a tract of land bounded by the distance a man could walk in 36 hours

King Philip


Bacon's Rebellion of 1676

Nathaniel Bacon and small farmers, landless men, indentured servants, and some Africans marched on Jamestown to gain the land governor William Berkely had set aside for Indians and for these Indians to be removed and for taxes to be lowered

James II

Overthrown in the Glorious Revolution

King Phillip's War

Produced a broadening of freedom for white New Englanders by expanding their access to land

William Penn

Proprietor of Pennsylvania

Charles II

Restoration colonies


Salem Witch Trials

Which of the following was NOT a significant feature of the Salem witchcraft hysteria of the early 1690s?

a. Many inhabitants accused others of witchcraft in order to deflect suspicion from themselves b. It reflected a widespread belief in the supernatural c. Many were tried on charges of witchcraft, but no one was actually convicted d. Accusations of witchcraft tended to befall women who deviated from prevailing gender norms Answer: C

Bill of Rights

Which listed parliamentary powers such as control over taxation, as well as rights of individuals, including trial by jury

Society of Friends, or Quakers

William Penn was a devout member of this, and was particularly concerned with establishing a refuge for his coreligionists, who faced increasing persecution in England

Which is NOT true regarding King Philip and King Philip's War?

a. Indian tribes fought together under the unified leadership Metacom b. The Wampanoag leader Metacom was called King Philip by colonists c. About 3,000 Indians and 1,000 colonists died in the war d. 12 New England towns were destroyed by the Indians' attacks Answer: A

William of Orange

A Protestant who became King of England

Duke of York

Catholic who became King of England


Churches of England


Churches of Scotland

Nathaniel Bacon

Elite planter who called for reform in Virginia

Jacob Leisler

Established a Committee of Safety in New York

Lords of Trade

Established by England to oversee colonial affairs

Glorious Revolution

Established parliamentary supremacy once and for all and secured the Protestant succession to the throne

In human history, slaves have all been blacks.


In the late 17th century, the Iroquois were known for their fierce hatred and courageous fighting against British colonists.


Over the century between 1650 and 1750, the agricultural economies of New England, the Middle Colonies, and the backcountry grew more and more alike.



Skilled craftsmen

Slave Code

Slaves were property, completely subject to the will of their masters and, more generally, of the white community

The rise of black slavery in Virginia developed only gradually, over several generations.


Virginia's upper class in the 1700s was sometimes called a "cousinocracy."


Covenant Chain

The 5 Iroquois Nations assisted Sir Edmund Andros in clearing parts of New York of rival tribes and helped the British in attacks on the French and their Indian allies


The area stretching from central Pennsylvania southward through the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and into upland North and South Carolina

Holy Experiment

The colony New Jersey was considered this by William Penn and the Puritans


The idea that humanity is divided into well-defined groups associated with skin color

Which was NOT part of the aftermath of King Philip's War?

a. Metacom was captured and executed b. Puritans sold Indian children from the warring tribes into slavery c. The Iroquois, having attacked the colonists, were destroyed d. The image of Indians as bloodthirsty savages became entrenched in the view of New England colonists Answer: C

The colony founded by a leader who hoped women and blacks would be given equality along with all persons was

a. Pennsylvania b. Connecticut c. There was no such British colonial leader d. Rhode Island Answer: A

In the mid 18th century, colonial America's leading commercial port was

a. Philadelphia b. Charleston c. Baltimore d. New York Answer: A

Which was NOT part of the Dominion of New England (1686-88)?

a. Plymouth b. Vermont c. New York d. New Hampshire Answer: B

When Nathaniel Bacon led a rebellion against the Governor of Virginia, he called for all the following EXCEPT

a. Removal of all Indians from the colony b. An end to rule by "grandees" (the governor's cronies) c. A decrease in taxes d. The freeing of slaves, particularly enslaved Christians Answer: D

Which of the following was NOT central to William Penn's vision for his Quaker colony?

a. The freedom to follow one's own religious conscience b. Harmonious relations between settlers and Indians c. The spiritual equality of all, regardless of sex or color d. A hands-off policy towards private behavior Answer: D

Which of the following was an effect of Bacon's Rebellion?

a. The increased use of indentured servants b. The increased use of African slaves c. The increased use of Native American slaves d. The increased use of the headright system Answer: B

Carolina grew slowly until planters discovered what staple crop?

a. Tobacco b. Rice c. Cotton d. Indigo Answer: B

Before taking over by the English in 1644, New York was

a. called New Netherland, and controlled by the Dutch b. Unsettled by Europeans, and first purchased by the French c. Unsettled by Europeans, and the English bought it from the Indians d. Called New France, and controlled by the French king Answer: A

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