Chapter 4 Bill of Rights

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What is Due Process?

"You have the right to remain silent Anything you say can & will be used against you in the court of the law You have the right to talk to a lawyer & have him present with you while questioned If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed to you You can decide anytime to exercise these rights & not answer any questions or make any statements." DO YOU UNDERSTAND? S-SIR, DO I HAVE TO PIN YOU DOWN? SIR, SIR!!!

What is the right to Infamous Crime?


What is the right to a Grand Jury?


List 5 basic freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights.

1) Freedom of speech 2) Freedom of the press 3) Freedom of peaceful assembly (or gathering together) 4) Freedom of religian 5) Freedom to petition or ask the government to address disagreements with laws or other people.

List 5 important rights protected by the Fifth Amendment.

1) Infamous Crime 2) Grand Jury 3) Double Jeopardy 4) Self-incrimination 5) Due Process

What are 4 keys rights protected by the Sixth Amendment?

1) The right to a speedy trial. 2) The right to notice of accusation -- meaning if someone accuses you in law you have to be notified. 3) The right to compulsary process. 4) The right to Viciniage or the right to a trial in the area you live in.

What are 2 basic rights protected by the Second and Third amendments to the Constitution?

1) The right to bear arms (guns) 2) The right to privacy

What does the Bill of Rights contain?

1) The rights and freedoms guaranteed to all US citizens. 2) The amendments or changes that have been make to the constitution over the last 200 years. In other words the new or changed rights and freedomes.

What 4 steps must the police follow to search someone or their property?

1. the guy with the attic full of weed or murders in his basement and make sure the police obtain the warrant 2. the police must inform the suspect of the warrant 3. the police must search every threshold in the house for bodies or marijuana 4. finally with the proof, the police must arrest the suspect

What was Thomas Jefferson's view of the relationship between religion and the governments, also know as church and state?

He believed they must be separate.

What did the Nineteenth Amendment make happen?

It gave women the right to vote, or gave them suffrage

What is compulsary process?

It gives any criminal defendant the right to call witnesses in his favor

What does due process mean?

It means that police and courts must follow established legal procedures in order to charge and try someone for a crime

According to the Ninth Amendment, who holds onto the rights that are not listed in the Constitution?

James Madison

Who took the lead in making sure the Bill of Rights was included in the Constitution.

James Madison.

In the case of Texas vs. Johnson the Supreme Court said that freedom speech means more than just words but also applied to symbolic speech. What is an example of symbolic speech?

a bunch of atheists burning Amy Grant CDs

What is a search warrant?

a court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect's home or business

What is slander?

a crime involving spoken lies that harm a person's reputation

What is libel?

a crime that involves harming a person's reputation by printing lies about him or her

Fourteenth Amendment

all laws must be equally applied to all U.S. citizens (guarantees due process)

What is censorship?

banning printed materials or films because they contain alarming or offensive ideas

What is Double jeopardy?

being put on trial for the exact same thing.

Twelfth Amendment

candidates for President and Vice President are elected by the electoral college

What is affirmative action?

encouraged the hiring and promoting of minorities and women

What does the Eighth Amendment do?

forbids "cruel and unusual punishments" and excessive bail

What does the First Amendment guarantee?

freedom of speech, press, religion, the right to assemble and to petition the government

What does the Fifth Amendment guarantee?

gives due process, protects against double jeopardy, protects against being forced to testify against oneself

What are civil cases?

lawsuits that involve disagreements between people rather than crimes

Eighteenth Amendment

making, selling, and shipping of liquor is prohibited

Eleventh Amendment

no state can be sued in federal court or by a resident of another state or foreign country

What does the Ninth Amendment guarantee?

people have other basic rights not specifically listed in the Constitution

What is racial profiling?

police singling out people as suspects based on the way they look

What does the Twenty-fourth Amendment do?

poll taxes illegal

What is a Reserved Power?

powers which have yet to be enumerated

What does theThird Amendment guarantee

prohibits forced housing (quartering) of soldiers by civilians

What does the Fourth Amendment do?

protects Americans "against unreasonable searches and seizures"

What is self-incrimination?

putting yourself on trial for a crime instead of being pinned to the ground by a bunch of cops.

What does the Seventh Amendment guarantee?

right to trial by jury in civil cases

What are civil rights?

rights of full citizenship and equality under the law

What does the Sixth Amendment guarantee?

rights to a speedy trial, counsel, confront hostile witnesses, and to know the charges against oneself

Seventeenth Amendment

senators are elected directly by the people

Thirteenth Amendment

slavery was abolished

What is viciniage?

the 6th amendment requires that in all criminal prosecutions, the suspect shall be offered the right to a speedy trial or public trial

Define self-incrimination.

the idea that people cannot be forced to testify against themselves is called protection against _______

What is eminent domain

the right of the government to take away private property

What does the Second Amendment Guarantee?

the right to bear arms

What does suffrage mean?

the right to vote

Fifteenth Amendment

the right to vote cannot be withheld based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude

What rights and freedoms does the Bill of Rights protect and why are they important?

the rights guaranteed to citizens

Define segregation.

the social separation of the racesvhmsfhmxfmjnszdfgnjszdrgnjgnjj,xs,

What does the Tenth Amendment guarantee?

the states and people retain powers not specifically listed or forbidden in the Constitution

What is bail?

the sum of money used as a security deposit to allow an accused person to remain free until the trial

What is discrimination?

unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group

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