Chapter 6
A collection of statements that performs a task and then returns a value to the part of the program that executed it. You have already used functions such as CINT or ISNumeric.
A collection of statements that performs a task. Event handlers for example are procedures.
A special variable that receives a value being passed into a procedure
Both procedures and functions
By Reference
The procedure has access to the original argument and can make changes to it
Values passed to procedures.
Procedure Declaration
[AccessSpecifier] Sub ProcedureName ([ParameterList]) [Statements] End Sub
Procedure Call
a type of statement that causes the procedure to execute
static local variables
allows a value to be retained from one call of the function to another
break an applications code into small manageable procedures. ex breaking a book into chapters
step over command
causes the currently highlighted line to execute
step into command
causes the currently highlighted line to execute when in break mode. Allows you to single step through a procedure or function when it is called
step out command
completes remainder of procedure or function execution without single stepping
keyword indicates that arguments passed into the variable are passed by value
keyword that causes arguments to be passed by reference to the parameter
name of procedure
By Value
only a copy of the argument is passed to the procedure, so it cant make changes to the original arguement
Pascal casing
used in procedure names, capitalizes the first character and the first character of each subsequent word int the procedure name