chapter 8 joints

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___ are closed sacs with a synovial membrane lining. can be found where?

Bursae. found in spaces of connective tissue between tendons, ligaments, and bones. wherever friction can develop.

This structure in a joint provides for shock absorption and low friction movement between the bones.

articular cartilage

A(n) ____ is a place of union or junction between two or more bones.


___ is a place of union or junction between two or more bones.

articulation (joint) regardless of degree of movement allowed by union

____ occurs with advancing age especially in people in their 70s. It is more common in overweight individuals and affects the weight-bearing joints. aka>? how can you maintain it?

OSTEOARTHRITIS aka degenerative joint disease -exercise

___ is raising a part of the body


In a suture, the bones are united by ____ tissue.


A convex surface fits into a concave surface. This describes a ____ joint.


which joints are uniaxial?

hinge, pivot

A movement that increases the joint angle beyond the anatomic position is known as?


___ moving the sole of the foot inward at the ankle


def biaxial joint

motion is possible in two planes at right angles to each other ex. wrist joint, and carpal bones can flex and extend hand at wrist (raising hand to signal STOP), and also abduct/adduct (like when waving bye)

___ is movement that occurs only w the thumb and is unique to primates. tip of thumb and fingers are brought together.


In a synovial joint, the cavity may be enclosed by a ____ of fibrous articular cartilage. _____ can reinforce the capsule, and ____ covers the ends of the opposing bones. what is this capsule lined on the inside with?

capsule ligaments cartilage lined w synovial membrane which produces synovial fluid

Moving the bone in such a way that the end of the bone or limb describes a circle in the air is called?


___ moving the bone is such a way that the end of bone or limb describes a circle in the air and sides of bones describe a cone in the air


The ____ joint is sometimes called an ellipsoidal joint


The capsule of a joint contains which of the following? a. collagen fibers b. ligaments c. muscles and their tendons d. all of the above


___ another uniaxial joint bc its limited to rotation in single plain. its constructed in such a way that a pivot-like process rotates within a bony fossa around a longitudinal axis. 1 ex

pivot joint -neck. joint between atlas vertebra (pivot process) that rotates within bony fossa of axis vertebra

___ is pushing the foot down at the ankle joint

plantar flexion

The inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue in a joint is ___ ___.

primary fibrositis

___ moving the bones of forearm so that radius and ulna are NOT parallel. palm face down.


___ moving a part of the body forward on a plane parallel to the ground (jaw)


____ occurs when the digits return to their normal positions.


___ bursae are found where one tendon overlies another tendone or where one tendon overlies some bony prominence, as in the shoulder.

subtendinous bursae

____ moving bones of forearm so that radius and ulna are parallel. palm face up.


A(n) ____ is an articulation in which the bones are united by a thin layer of fibrous tissue.


____ is an articulation where the bones are united by a thin layer of fibrous tissue, and have no movement.

suture a synarthroses. ex. skull

Moving the bones or limb away from the midline of the body is known as?


____ moving the bones or limb away from midline of body


___ is the act of moving the bones or limb toward the midline of the body.


____moving bone or limb toward the midline


____ are joints that allow only slight movement.


The hip and shoulder are examples of what type of joint?

ball and socket

which joints are multiaxial?

ball and socket, gliding

____ is an example of multiaxial joint, where a ball-shaped head fits into a concave socket. ex.? (2)

ball-and-socket ex. hip & shoulder

___ is act of bending or decreasing the angle between bones


____ is a multiaxial joint, formed by either opposing plane surfaces or slightly convex and concave surfaces. only allows gliding movements. 1 ex

gliding joint -ex. intervertebral joints

___ act of moving the bone around a central axis; the plane is perpendicular to the axis.


The type of joint allowing for thumb opposition is a ___ joint.

saddle joint

A joint in which the bones are connected by a disk of fibrocartilage is a ?


____ are joints where bones are connected by a disk of fibrocartilage.

symphysis an amphiarthrosis. ex. pubic symphysis where 2 pelvic bones join. slightly moves during birth.

___ are joints or unions between bones that do not allow movement -syn as prefix means?

synarthroses -syn means joined together

articular cartilage receives its nourishment from the ______.

synovial fluid

____ is structured where a convex surface fits into a concave surface. motion @ this joint is limited to ___ and ___ in a single plane. 2 ex

-hinge joint -flexion & extension -elbow and knee, fingers, toes

what are the 6 types of diarthroses?

1. ball-and-socket 2. hinge joint 3. pivot joint 4. condyloid 5. saddle 6. gliding joint

what are the 3 examples of synarthroses?

1. sutures 2. syndesmosis 3. gomphosis

2 examples of amphiarthrosis

1. symphysis 2. synchondrosis

joints are classified into 3 major groups according to degree of movement they allow (aka by function):

1. synarthroses (no movement) 2. amphiarthroses (tiny bit of movement) 3. diarthroses (full ROM)

____ are joints where two bony surfaces are connected by hyaline cartilage. cartilage is replaced by bone later in life.

Synchondrosis an amphiarthroses. ex. joint between epiphyses and diaphysis of bone. aka epiphysial/growth plate. at end of long bones. ex. ribs connect to sternum.

____ are joints where a conical process fits into a socket and held in place by ligaments

gomphosis a synarthroses. ex. tooth in its socket, held in place by periodontal ligament. gom=gums=teeth!

An acute inflammation due to the accumulation of uric acid crystals that commonly affects the big toe is called:


_____ develops when the fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disk protrudes or moves out of place and puts pressure on the spinal cord aka? where does it occur? cure?

aka ruptured or herniated disk, slipped disk. - can occur anywhere, but the most common areas are the lumbar and sacral regions of the spine. -PT or laminectomy, surgical removal of disk

___ is an inflammation of the whole joint. It usually involves all the tissues of the joint: cartilage, bone, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, blood supply, etc.. % of ppl that suffer from it?

arthritis -10% of the pop- ulation experiences this disorder, which has no cure.

Synovial fluid has two functions: creating a gliding surface and nourishing:

articular cartilage

Synovial sac inflammation is called?


____ is the inflammation of the synovial bursa that can be caused by excessive stress or tension placed on the bursa. It can also be caused by a local or systemic inflammatory process. common sites?

bursitis elbow and shoulder.

diarthroses are always characterized by the presence of a ____ enclosed by a ___.

cavity enclosed by a capsule. fribous/joint capsule is lined on inside w synovial membrane, =synovial fluid. decrease friction

which joints are biaxial?

condyloid and saddle

___ is a biaxial joint that consists of an oval-shaped condyle that fits into an elliptical cavity. aka? ex

condyloid joint; -aka ellipsoidal joint -wrist, some carpals. can flex and extend hand at wrist (raising hand to signal STOP), and also abduct/adduct (like when waving bye)

Another name for osteoarthritis, a condition that occurs especially in older individuals, is ___ ___ ____.

degenerative joint disease

Lowering a part of the body is also known as


___ is lowering a part of the body


____ are freely moving joints. aka?

diarthroses aka synovial joints

___ is raising the foot up at the ankle joint


____ moving the sole of foot outward at the ankle


___ act of increasing the angle between bones and is opposite of flexion


____ is an accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joint at the base of the large toe and other joints of the feet and legs. can also affect what organ

gout joint pain due to uric acid being shoved into joint space These waste product crystals can also accumulate in the kidneys, causing kidney damage

___ increases joint angle beyond anatomical position


____ is the act of increasing the joint angle beyond the anatomical position.


def primary fibrositis aka called __ when in lower back

inflammation of the fibrous connective tissue in a joint. It is commonly called rheumatism by the layman. If it is in the lower back, it is commonly called lumbago

def uniaxial

joints where motion is restricted to one plane ex. knee, elbow, phalanges

def sprain most common sites?

occurs when a twisting or turning action tears LIGAMENT associated with a joint. most common sites ankle and wrist

______ moving a part of the body backward on a plane parallel to the ground (jaw)


____ is a disease involving a mild bacterial infection. if undetected in childhood, the bacterium can be carried by the bloodstream to the joints, resulting in possible development of rheumatoid arthritis later on in life.

rheumatic fever

____ is a connective tissue disorder resulting in severe inflammation of small joints. cause? symptoms?

rheumatoid arthritis -unknown. a genetic factor maybe involved, or autoimmune reaction may be involved in which an immune reaction develops against a person's own tissues - The synovial membranes of the joints and connective tissues grow abnormally to form a layer in the joint capsule. This layer grows into the articulating surfaces of the bones, destroying cartilage and fusing the bones of the joint.

___, another biaxial joint, where one articular surface is concave in one direction and convex in the other, while the other articular surface is reciprocally convex and concave; thus the two bones fit together. 1 ex?

saddle joint -ex. thumb! (carpal-metacarpal articulation of thumb)

____ bursae are found under the skin wherever the skin is on top of an underlying bony process, like the knee joint.

subcutaneous bursae

____ bursae are located between the muscles, and found above the fascia of one muscle and below fascia of another.

subfascial bursae

____ are types of joints where the bones are connected by ligaments between the bones. these bones move as one when rotated.

syndesmosis (ses=plural) a synarthroses. ex. radius+ulna, fibula+tibia (Interroseous membrane)

This structure in a synovial joint produces synovial fluid for lubrication and nourishment:

synovial membrane

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