Chapter Two || Transplantations and Borderlands

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Many people in Maryland incorrectly assumed that Lord Baltimore had supported James II and the Catholics, and a revolt broke out in 1689. What was the result?

The colony's political structure and religious laws were fundamentally changed.

Indentured Servants

The condition of being bound to an employer for a specific period of time, usually in exchange for the cost of passage to a new land. The labor practice was most commonly used in Britain's American colonies.

George Calvert

The first Lord Baltimore who, with his son Cecilius, the second Lord Baltimore, was instrumental in the founding of Maryland.

Virginia House of Burgesses

The first elected legislature in what would become the United States.

Contest for the control of North America was most evident in ______.

The middle grounds

Frontier areas in which settlers and Native Americans vied for control, with neither side able to establish clear dominance, are described as ______.

The middle grounds

King Philip's War

The most prolonged and deadly encounter between whites and Native Americans in the seventeenth century.

The Pequot War resulted in ______.

The near elimination of local Native Americans in the Connecticut Valley

Which statement regarding the Massachusetts Bay Company is not correct?

The organizers received a grant for an area almost identical to the present-day Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Which statement best explains the connection between tobacco and territorial expansion in the Chesapeake area?

The profitability of tobacco crops spurred demand for more land.

Which statement regarding incentives to colonization offered by Carolina's proprietors is not correct?

The proprietors' campaign of promotions and incentives drew an abundance of settlers.

William Berkeley

The royal governor of Virginia during Bacon's Rebellion.

Cecilius Calvert

The second Lord Baltimore who, with his father George Calvert, was instrumental in the founding of Baltimore.

Which statement about the societies that existed around the borders of British settlement is accurate?

They contained diverse civilizations that competed with and shaped one another.

Why did the settlers of the Maryland colony promote religious tolerance?

They could not adequately populate the colony with only English Catholics.

Navigation Acts

Three acts that Parliament passed to regulate colonial commerce.

Virginia's first profitable crop was ______.


Which factor most increased the demand for enslaved labor in Virginia?

Tobacco farming

The contest for control of North America was most clearly visible in the areas around the borders of British settlement.

True ; These borderlands had societies that were very different from those in the British seaboard colonies.

James Oglethrope

Veteran British general who spearheaded the founding of Georgia.

Pequot War

War in Connecticut during 1637 between English settlers and Native Americans of the region.

What was a major factor in early settlers' inability to build a real community in Jamestown?

Women had not been recruited for the expedition.

John Smith

World traveler and writer whose leadership helped the Jamestown colony survive.

Which of the following were among the Spanish colonies in the 1600s and early 1700s?

a. Arizona b. New Mexico c. Texas d. California e. Florida

The population of the Spanish colonies in North America during the 1600s and early 1700s typically included which groups?

a. Catholic missionaries b. Spanish soldiers c. Religious minorities d. Independent ranchers

In what ways was slavery in the Caribbean different than slavery elsewhere?

a. Enslaved people were monitored even more strictly and harshly in the Caribbean because of a fear of revolts. b. Enslaved people were often worked to death because it was considered cheaper to replace them than to protect their well-being.

In the belief that it would help to create a more stable society in their Caribbean settlements, English settlers did which of the following?

a. Instituted slave codes b. Created institutions like those at home

Which statements are true regarding the consolidation of New England under James II?

a. James II created a single Dominion of New England to increase control over the colonists. b. The Dominion of New England combined the governments of Massachusetts, the rest of the New England colonies, New York, and New Jersey.

As the Spanish began colonizing California in the 1760s, ______ were established along the Pacific Coast from San Diego to San Francisco.

a. Presidios, or forts b. Trading communities c. Missions

As a result of the Glorious Revolution, the colonies did which of the following?

a. Reestablished their representative assemblies b. Successfully thwarted the plan for colonial unification from above

Which two incentives to colonization were offered by the Carolina proprietors?

a. Religious freedom for all Christians b. A measure of political freedom, with a representative assembly

Which colonization policies reflected the military purposes of the Georgia colony?

a. Strict regulation of trade with Native Americans to limit the possibility of conflict b. Exclusion of Catholics over fears they might collude with the Spanish c. Limiting the size of landholdings to make it easier to defend against attack

Which aspects made Georgia unique among the English colonies in North America?

a. The fact that it was neither solely a business venture nor a religious refuge b. The combination of military and philanthropic motives behind its establishment

For what reasons did the Puritan Separatists from England chose to leave their new home in Holland?

a. They could only obtain jobs that paid poorly. b. Their children began to drift away from their church.


A Protestant sect that called themselves the Society of Friends and believed that all could attain salvation by cultivating their inherent divinity.


A belief that salvation comes from God's grace alone and not from good works

What is an indenture?

A contract that binds someone to work for set period of time


A form of government in which political power is believed to derive from a deity, and in which religious and government structures are intertwined.

Headright System

A grant system that allowed new settlers to acquire fifty acres of land in a variety of ways.

Bacon's Rebellion

A major conflict in Virginia pitting the ruling gentry class against black and white laborers and enslaved blacks seeking greater freedoms and opportunities that resulted in a sharper definition between Native American and white spheres of influence.

Africans in the Caribbean colonies of the 1600s typically did not ______.

Adopt Christianity

The survival of the Jamestown settlement was in large part thanks to ______.

Agricultural techniques developed by the Powhatan and borrowed by the English


Chief of the Powhatan Confederacy and father of Pocahontas.

Dominion of New England

Colonial entity formed when James II combined the government of Massachusetts with the government of the rest of the New England colonies and, later, also included New York and New Jersey.

Jacob Leisler

Colonist who raised a militia in 1689 and proclaimed himself the head of government in New York.

Religious dissenters in Massachusetts Bay formed colonies that later became ______.


The Pequot War was the result of hostilities between the Pequot people and English settlers in the

Connecticut Valley.

Roger Williams

Controversial minister who established the Rhode Island colony where people of different faiths could worship without interference.

Anne Hutchinson

Critic of the clerical doctrine of grace who sparked the Antinomian Hersey that challenged the spiritual authority of established clergy

Which statement about the Dominion of New England and Sir Edmund Andros is not accurate?

Despite his brusque style, Andros was well-respected by the colonists.

In 1629, England's king Charles I ______, a state of affairs that remained in effect until 1640.

Dissolved Parliament

Mayflower Compact

Document that helped establish the practice of self-government

The colonies in Connecticut were established to promote religious tolerance and freedom.

False ; The New Haven colony established a Bible-based government even stricter than that of Massachusetts Bay.

Plymouth Plantation

First Pilgrim settlement in Massachusetts


First colonial settlement of the London Company in North America.

John Winthrop

Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company who dominated colonial politics.

Massachusetts Bay Company

Group of Puritan merchants in England who organized a new colonial venture in America.

How did the creation of the Dominion of New England impact colonies in New England—and eventually, those in New York and New Jersey?

It limited the authority of the colonists by increasing British authority to enforce laws.

Which statement about the Massachusetts Bay Company is correct?

It was established by a charter granted by Charles I.

Which statement regarding the early government of New York is not correct?

James governed the colony personally until he became king in 1685.

Slave Codes

Laws passed in the British colonies or in American states granting white slaveholders absolute authority over the enslaved; these included laws depriving the enslaved of property, free movement, and legal defenses.


Leader of an attempt by Native Americans in the seventeenth-century New England to drive out English settlers and resist encroachment on their lands.

Which of the following statements about the Quakers is not correct?

Like the Puritans, the Quakers subscribed to the ideas of predestination and original sin.

What was a serious problem for the settlers at Jamestown?

Many settlers became sick because they lacked prior exposure to malaria and other local diseases.

Which statement about Florida after about 1700 is false?

Miami and Fort Lauderdale were the only areas of Spanish settlement left in Florida.

Which statement about the rise of slavery in the Caribbean is not correct?

Moral considerations initially prevented the English from adopting slavery, but eventually they relented.

Which statement most accurately describes life in the middle grounds?

Native Americans and Europeans both made concessions and carved out ways of living with each other.

Between 1660 and 1673, the English government passed three ______ Acts to regulate trade in the colonies


William Penn

Outspoken Quaker who led the colony of Pennsylvania after receiving a royal land grant.

A dissenting English protestant sect, the Quakers, was responsible for the efforts that eventually established the colony of ______.


Middle Grounds

Places where European and indigenous cultures interacted and where neither side had a military advantage.

Which statement about the agricultural economy of the seventeenth-century Caribbean colonies is not correct?

Planters were reluctant to plant sugarcane.

As head of a parliamentary committee investigating ______, James Oglethorpe was appalled by the plight of ______, and he founded Georgia partly to provide a refuge and a new start for them.

Prisons ; Honest debtors and other vulnerable people

Which best describes the ratio of Catholic settlers to Protestants in Maryland?

Protestants outnumbered Catholics.

What occurred as Berkeley expanded his powers in the colony?

Recent settlers in the frontier were underrepresented in the House of Burgesses.

Which statement about events leading up to the English Civil War is not correct?

Recognizing his mistakes with Parliament, Charles I in 1640 signed the Magna Carta.

Who dominated Virginia politics as a royal governor of Virginia for more than thirty years?

Sir William Berkeley

Which statement regarding John Smith's role at Jamestown is not correct?

Smith refused to work with or learn from the Powhatan.

The Puritans were called Separatists because they ______.

Sought to separate from the Church of England

What is not one of the ways in which colonial powers made use of Native Americans or enslaved people in their struggle to dominate the borderlands of the Southeast?

Spanish priests stirred up revolt among the Native Americans of the Carolinas.

Why was the institution of slavery different in New York than in other colonies?

The Dutch West India Company granted enslaved people "half freedom."

What was the outcome of the treaty in which the English agreed not to settle west of the Blue Ridge Mountains?

The English broke the treaty due to population pressures.

The Three Navigation Acts: First (1660): Second (1663): Third (1673):

(1660): Banned non-English trade for the colonies, and required sale of certain products exclusively to England (1663): Required that all goods shipped from Europe to the colonies pass through England for taxation (1673): Imposed duties on the coastal trade among the English colonies, and provided for customs officials

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