Chapters 7, 8, 9

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Between 1800 and 1820 the population of America grew very slowly.

nearly doubled.

Between 1800 and 1820, the population of the United States


Philosophies such as universalism were not consistent with the doctrines of Calvinism.

the nation remained overwhelmingly agrarian.

Population data of the United States in 1800 reveals

federal officeholders.

President Andrew Jackson sought to apply his democratic principles by first targeting

left the nation with an unstable banking system for many years.

President Andrew Jackson's success in abolishing the Bank of the United States


President Jackson considered those who favored nullification to be traitors.


President Jackson sought to remove all of the eastern Indian tribes except the "Five Civilized Tribes."


President Jackson vetoed the Maysville Road because the road was contained in one state and thus not part of "interstate commerce."


President Jackson was a strong advocate for protecting the autonomy of Indian tribes.

spoils system

President Jackson's attack on federal officeholders led to the introduction of what one of his allies called the "________."

specie circular

President Jackson's distrust of paper currency became obvious when in 1836 he issued an executive order called the "________."


President James Monroe began his administration under what seemed to be remarkably favorable circumstances.


President Jefferson responded to British and French violations of American neutral rights by securing passage of the ________.


President Madison believed that federal funding of internal improvements required a constitutional amendment.

was a financial system to replace the Bank of the United States.

President Martin Van Buren's "subtreasury" system

an offer to Indians to become settled farmers and join white society, and an insistence that they give up claims to tribal lands in the Northwest.

President Thomas Jefferson's Indian policy included

served as secretary of state.

Prior to becoming president, James Monroe had


Prior to running for the presidency in 1824, Andrew Jackson was a military man who had never held elective office.


Prior to their journey west in 1804, neither Lewis nor Clark had experience dealing with Indians.


Radical Jacksonians were known as ________.

a nationwide system of free public schools for all male citizens

Regarding education, early-nineteenth-century Republicans favored

both the philosophy of "unitarianism" and a wave of revivalism.

Religious skepticism resulted in


Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston are both associated with ________ navigation.

monroe doctrine

In 1823, the United States announced the ________ in order to prevent European nations from interfering with the development of new nation-states.


In 1824, Andrew Jackson received the most popular votes and electoral votes.

the road was not a part of any system of interstate commerce.

In 1830, President Andrew Jackson vetoed a federal subsidy to the proposed Maysville Road, because

Andrew Jackson

In 1830, what political figure said, "Our Federal Union—It must be preserved"?

John C. Calhoun

In 1830, what political figure said, "The Union, next to our liberty most dear"?

boost his presidential candidacy.

In 1832, Henry Clay sought to use the debate over the Bank of the United States primarily to

renominate him for the presidency.

In 1832, supporters of President Jackson held a national convention in order to


In the early nineteenth century, primary and secondary education, but not higher education, operated in close conformity to republican ideals.

private institutions.

In the early nineteenth century, school education was largely the responsibility of

included a vast, productive region in Alabama and Mississippi.

In the early nineteenth century, the Deep South

agreed with the findings and conclusions of Zebulon Pike.

In the early nineteenth century, the explorer Stephen Long

the lure of mineral mining in the mountainous regions of the West.

In the early nineteenth century, the westward movement of white Americans was encouraged by all of the following EXCEPT for

henry clay

In the election of 1832, Andrew Jackson defeated the National Republican candidate ________.

John Q. Adams received the second-most electoral votes and became president.

In the presidential election of 1824,

most doctors received their training by working with an established physician.

In the study of medicine during the early nineteenth century,

New York.

In the years after the War of 1812, support for the idea of political parties was greatest in

a permanent political opposition made parties sensitive to the people's will.

In the years after the War of 1812, the "Bucktail" philosophy that favored political parties argued that


Jackson's supporters held a national party ________ as a forum for selecting candidates for president.

none are correct

Jacksonian Democrats


Jacksonian democracy included a weak challenge to the institution of slavery.


Jefferson as president was able to cut the size of government, but he was not able to reduce the national debt.


Jefferson believed that Native Americans were uncivilized and innately inferior.


Jefferson tried to make sure that federal offices went to people who would be loyal to his ideas and to his presidency.

new orleans

Jefferson was alarmed in 1802 by the imposition of a new French policy that restricted access by American shipping vessels to the port of ________.


Jefferson was not a pacifist, but he did scale down the size of the American armed forces.


Jeffersonians believed in a smaller government, but they also favored a nationwide system of public schools.


More people gained the right to vote in the 1830s, but requirements for voters to own property remained in place.

the French army on the American continent had been decimated by disease.

Napoleon decided to sell the entire Louisiana Territory to the United States in part because


National political conventions were introduced during the Jacksonian period in order to expand the democratic process.

hartford convention

New England Federalists opposed to the War of 1812 organized the ________ to show their displeasure.


New management and more specifically new business practices at the Bank of the United States caused several state banks to fail.

as a nationalist.

Noah Webster thought every American schoolboy should be educated


Of the "Five Civilized Tribes," the tribe that best resisted the pressures of removal was the

small western farmers.

Of the following groups, support for the Whigs was weakest among

vetoing a bill that would have used federal funds to construct roads and canals.

On his last day in office, President James Madison influenced "internal improvements" by


On the road to the War of 1812, most Americans regarded England as a greater violator of American neutral rights than France, because England had the stronger navy.


On the road to the War of 1812, the British expected an American invasion of ________.

new management practices within the Bank of the United States.

One cause of the Panic of 1819 was


One of the major reforms of the Jacksonian period was the introduction of the secret ballot.


One of the most striking features of the Second Great Awakening was the preponderance of ________ who were involved in it.


Opposition to the Bank of the United States came from both "soft-money" and "hard-money" advocates.

the admission of four new states to the Union.

The rapid growth of the Northwest and Southwest led to which of the following in the immediate aftermath of the War of 1812?

argued for a remote God that had withdrawn from human affairs.

The religious concept of deism

James Tallmadge Jr.

The representative from New York who proposed an 1819 amendment prohibiting slavery in Missouri was


The results of the election of 1832 could be interpreted as a defeat for both Henry Clay and Nicholas Biddle.

encouraged racial unrest.

The revivalism of the Second Great Awakening


The revivalism of the Second Great Awakening was essentially restricted to white people.

virginia dynasty

The series of early presidents from the same state that included presidents Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe is called the ________.

a political deal to determine the outcome of the presidential election.

The so-called "corrupt bargain" of 1824 involved

Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams.

The so-called "corrupt bargain" was negotiated between

radical Democrats.

The so-called Locofocos of the 1830s were


The terms of the Louisiana Purchase were made without the prior approval of either the president or Congress.

Jedediah Smith.

The trapper who led a series of forays deep into Mexican territory that ended in disastrous battles with the Mojaves was

fletcher v. peck

The validity of contracts was upheld in the Supreme Court case of ________.


The well-to-do were more likely to support Whigs than Democrats.

should have the same educational opportunities as men, were equal to men in intellect and potential, should have a role in society apart from their husbands, should have opportunities to earn their own livings.

The writer Judith Sargent Murray argued that women

Ichabod Crane and Rip Van Winkle.

The writer Washington Irving is best remembered for his works on

was an important example of American nationalism.

The writing of the Monroe Doctrine

peoples party

Thomas Dorr and his followers formed a(n) "________."

who might become civilized through exposure to white culture.

Thomas Jefferson believed American Indians were primitive people


Those who accepted the existence of God but regarded Him as a remote being were called ________.


To fulfill the position of secretary of ________ in his cabinet, James Monroe ultimately chose John C. Calhoun.


To many in 1828, the election of Andrew Jackson as president ushered in an era of the "common man."


Today, the oldest political party in the United States is the

the land boundaries were not clearly defined.

Under the treaty terms for the Louisiana Purchase,


Unlike most other tribes, the relocation of the Seminole in Florida was never completed.


Western Americans tended to blame the national bank for the Panic of 1819.


Western settlements were generally opened by people who lived in eastern seaboard cities.

the Seminole War

What event prompted Spain to negotiate the sale of Florida to the United States?

his identification with the West

What proved to be a serious liability to Henry Clay's presidential ambitions?


When Jefferson referred to a "fire bell in the night," he was talking about the issue of ________.

vice president.

When John C. Calhoun put forth his doctrine of nullification, he was

interpretation of the Constitution.

When President Jefferson spoke of "loose construction," he was referring to

was unsure of his constitutional authority to accept it.

When Thomas Jefferson received the treaty for the Louisiana Purchase, he

The national bank forbade state banks from issuing their own notes.

Which of the following statements about American currency and banking in this era is FALSE?

President Jackson ordered the Bank closed before the expiration of its charter.

Which of the following statements regarding the Bank of the United States is FALSE?

It included an American pledge not to allow slave ships to land at British ports.

Which statement about the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty is FALSE?

The United States entered the war with enthusiasm and optimism.

Which statement about the War of 1812 is true?

The right to vote was expanded to include many more white males.

Which statement regarding the American electorate during the 1820s is true?


The Hartford Convention called for secession from the United States.


By the time of the War of 1812, the Federalist Party was the minority party nationally, but it was still the majority party in New England.


The Second Great Awakening succeeded in restoring to prominence traditional doctrines such as predestination.

"The Star-Spangled Banner."

Following the British bombardment of Fort McHenry, Francis Scott Key wrote

improving the power loom.

Francis Cabot Lowell's contribution to American textile mills included


Aaron Burr was convicted and imprisoned for the murder of Alexander Hamilton.

all white male citizens should be treated equally.

According to Andrew Jackson's theory of democracy,


According to the terms of the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819, the United States surrendered its claims to ________.

quickly opened its northern territories to trade with the United States.

After Mexico won its independence from Spain in 1821, it

internal transportation system.

After the War of 1812, it was clear that the United States needed an improved


Although a political opponent and a supporter of the Bank of the United states, Henry Clay benefitted politically from President Jackson's veto of the 1932 bill that would recharter the bank.

the Court could not enforce the order.

Although the Supreme Court found in favor of the Cherokee tribes in Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia, President Jackson decided


American forces during the War of 1812 made good use of a powerful new American transportation system.


Andrew Jackson believed a strong federal government would lead to a strong democracy.


Andrew Jackson considered his victory in the year ________ to be as complete and important as that of Jefferson in 1800.


Andrew Jackson sided with Robert Hayne in the Webster-Hayne debate.

decisive but sectional.

Andrew Jackson's presidential victory in 1828 was

saw the number of colleges and universities growing substantially.

Around 1800, higher education in the United States


As Andrew Jackson's vice president, John C. Calhoun became a strong Jackson opponent.


As President, James Monroe acted to preserve the "Virginia Dynasty."

nearly all American Indian societies were removed to west of the Mississippi.

As a result of the U.S. government's Indian policy in the 1830s and 1840s,

the growth of American manufacturing was stimulated.

As a result of the War of 1812,

should be reduced, and yet was supreme over individual states.

As president, Andrew Jackson believed the power of the federal government


As president, Andrew Jackson's first political target was the Bank of the United States.

was a Whig who had once been a Democrat.

As president, John Tyler

sought to convey the public image of a plain, ordinary citizen.

As president, Thomas Jefferson

viciously broke the resistance of the Creek.

At the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, in 1814, Andrew Jackson


At the beginning of the nineteenth century, opponents of centralization had also often been opponents of economic growth.


At the end of the eighteenth century, only a small proportion of white Americans were members of formal churches.


At the time of the War of 1812, what is now Florida was held by Spain.


Both the 1824 and 1828 presidential elections were decided by the House of Representatives.

included a national road that reached as far as the Ohio River.

By 1818, the United States' internal road system

carried more cargo on the Mississippi than all other forms of river transport combined, increased the transport of manufactured goods westward, stimulated agriculture in both the West and the South, had reached as far up the Ohio River as Pittsburgh.

By 1820, American steam-powered shipping

popular vote.

By 1828, in all but one state, presidential electors were chosen by

a desired and essential part of the democratic process.

By the 1830s, political parties were generally regarded as


By the early nineteenth century, the United States began to have cities that approached the major cities of Europe in population.


By the end of Jefferson's presidency, the capital city of Washington rivaled New York and Philadelphia as a major American city.

Napoleon's catastrophic campaign against Russia.

In the War of 1812, Britain turned its full military attention to America after

took place weeks after the war had officially ended.

In the War of 1812, the Battle of New Orleans

the "hard-money" advocates.

In the debate over the Bank of the United States, President Andrew Jackson agreed with


Calhoun's defense of his doctrine of nullification was directed primarily at the issue of tariffs.

aaron burr

Chief Justice John Marshall presided over the treason trial of ________.


Chief Justice John Marshall strengthened the judicial branch of government at the expense of the executive and ________ branches.


Congress's response to the violations of American neutral rights was in part to prohibit American ships from leaving any American port for any foreign port in the world.


Congressmen who were labeled "war hawks" were almost exclusively Federalists.

he used threats and bribery as a means to acquire Indian lands.

During William Henry Harrison's governorship of the Indiana Territory,

eliminated all internal taxes.

During his first term, President Thomas Jefferson


During his presidency, Thomas Jefferson best demonstrated his willingness to use force against the ________ states.


During the 1830s, evangelical Protestants tended to support


During the Jacksonian era, free blacks could not vote at all in the South, and could hardly vote anywhere in the North.


During the Jacksonian period, political parties were regarded as a threat to democracy.

naturalized Americans born on British soil.

During the Jefferson administration, the British claimed the right to stop American merchant ships and seize

the restoration of traditional Indian culture.

During the Second Great Awakening, the Indian revivalist Handsome Lake called for


During the Tyler administration, the United States established diplomatic relations with China.


During the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson made a name for himself in Florida and at New Orleans.

saw Tecumseh killed while a brigadier general in the British army.

During the War of 1812, the Battle of the Thames

struck a virtual death blow to the Federalist Party.

During the War of 1812, the Hartford Convention

on the Great Lakes.

During the War of 1812, the United States achieved early military success

great lakes

During the War of 1812, the United States achieved early military successes on the ________.

the Federalist Party in effect ceased to exist.

During the administration of James Monroe,

Andrew Jackson was labeled a murderer.

During the presidential campaign of 1828,

concept of interchangeable parts.

Eli Whitney is a major figure in American technology for introducing the

cotton gin

Eli Whitney's ________ revolutionized the American South's economy.


Fur traders consistently relied on Indians to trap, while they served as the middlemen.

great american desert

Government-sanctioned explorer Stephen H. Long called the Great Plains the "________."

made significant advances in steam-powered navigation.

In the early eighteenth century, the Americans Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston


Immediately following Jefferson's first inauguration, Republicans began to attack the judicial branch of government.

gabriel prosser

In 1800, Virginia was the scene of a foiled slave revolt to be led by ________.

was little more than a simple village.

In 1800, Washington, D.C.,

a new French regulation restricting the use of the port of New Orleans by American ships

In 1802, what spurred President Jefferson to seek the building of a river fleet and to give the impression that the United States might ally with Great Britain?

marbury v. madison

In 1803, the Supreme Court defined its authority over Congress with its ruling in the case of ________.

feared the westward growth of the United States.

In 1804, the Federalists known as the Essex Junto

Macon's Bill No. 2.

In 1810, the Non-Intercourse Act expired and was replaced by


In 1811, General William Henry Harrison defeated Native Americans at the Battle of ________.

war hawks.

In 1812, Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun could best be described as

seized Washington and set fire to the presidential mansion.

In 1814, the British

bank of the us

In 1816, Congress chartered a second ________.


In 1819, the Adams-Onís Treaty dealt with the American purchase of

very often married Indian and Mexican women.

In the early nineteenth century, "mountain men"

disperse its surplus funds to the states.

In 1836, Congress passed a "distribution" act that required the federal government to

resulted in a severe financial panic.

In 1836, President Andrew Jackson's "specie circular"


In 1840 the Whigs elected a president for the first time.

two governments claiming control of the state.

In 1840, efforts to expand voting rights in Rhode Island resulted in


In 1840, the number of adult white males who voted in the presidential election had risen to 80 percent.

supported the rights and freedom of mutinous slaves on the Creole.

In 1841, the British government


In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled against the Indian tribe.

Supreme Court review of state court decisions.

In Cohens v. Virginia (1821), Chief Justice John Marshall affirmed the constitutionality of

considered their state legislatures to be more prestigious political bodies.

In the early nineteenth century, many members of Congress

"implied powers" of Congress.

In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819), the Supreme Court confirmed the

both individual states and all American Indian tribes.

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the Marshall Court affirmed federal authority over


In Worcester v. Georgia, the Marshall Court upheld the right of a state legislature to regulate Indian affairs.

authorized the use of military force to see the acts of Congress were obeyed.

In an attempt to end the nullification crisis, President Andrew Jackson in 1833

states were the final authority on the constitutionality of federal laws.

In his doctrine of nullification, John C. Calhoun argued that

helped establish a military academy at West Point.

In his first term, President Thomas Jefferson

as an alternative to possible secession.

In the 1820s, John C. Calhoun proposed his doctrine of nullification

the desire of the party to attract the largest possible number of voters.

In the 1820s, Whig support for the Anti-Mason Party demonstrated

was financially sound and profitable.

In the 1820s, under Nicholas Biddle, the Bank of the United States

the integrity of the Union.

In the 1830 Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate, Webster considered Hayne's arguments to be an attack on

territorial expansion.

In the 1830s, Democrats were more likely than Whigs to support


In the 1830s, as a result of removal policies, the United States gained control of more than 100 million acres of Indian lands.

both "soft-money" advocates and "hard-money" advocates.

In the 1830s, the Bank of the United States was opposed by


In the Black Hawk War, white forces attacked Indians as they surrendered and retreated.


In the Treaty of Ghent, the British renounced their practice of impressments.

was bound by lines of race and class.

In the United States during the early nineteenth century, horse racing


In the early nineteenth century, many whites viewed Indians as "noble savages."


John C. Calhoun argued that the federal government was a creation of the ________.


John C. Calhoun championed a states' rights theory called ________.

ideas of Madison and Jefferson, and the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.

John C. Calhoun drew his doctrine of nullification ideas from the

martin van buren

John C. Calhoun's most powerful rival within the Jackson administration was ________.

chief justice of the Supreme Court at the time of Marbury v. Madison.

John Marshall was


John Marshall was a Federalist who served during several Republican administrations.


John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay were considered by many to have negotiated what is known as the "________ bargain" of 1824.


John Tyler saw every cabinet member but one resign together from his administration.


Judith Sargent Murray is best known for defending the right of women to a(n) ________.


Many efforts were made to educate both Native Americans and African slaves to "uplift" them as people.

the political opposition offered multiple candidates.

Martin Van Buren won the presidency in 1836 because

South Carolina.

Senator Robert Hayne represented the state of

undertook a goodwill tour of the country.

Shortly after becoming president, James Monroe


The British practice of stopping American ships and seizing American sailors was called ________.

believed the only effective means to resist white settlers was Indian tribal unity.



Tenskwatawa, otherwise known as the Prophet, was a brother of ________.


The "Trail of Tears" traveled by the Cherokees led them to the area that later became


The "age of Jackson" was less a triumph for the common man than conservatives feared.

rising nationalism and optimism in the United States.

The "era of good feelings" following the War of 1812 reflected


The "penny press" was more lively and sensationalistic than previous newspapers.

giving out jobs as political rewards.

The "spoils system" refers to


The "tariff of abominations" was most strenuously opposed by the people of New England.

led the United States to prohibit its ships from leaving for foreign ports.

The Chesapeake-Leopard incident


The Whigs were more concerned with their political philosophy than with winning elections.


The Aroostook War was the result of tensions between Canada and Maine.


The Battle of Tippecanoe was a rare Indian victory against the United States.

was notable for vicious behavior by the American military.

The Black Hawk War

the sale of public land.

The Daniel Webster-Robert Hayne debate of 1830 was begun by a political dispute over


The Democrats were more likely than Whigs to favor territorial expansion.


The Democrats were more likely than Whigs to oppose legislation establishing banks.


The Dorr Rebellion was generally consistent with Jacksonian principles.

created a serious economic depression in the nation.

The Embargo of 1807


The Essex Junto was composed of extreme ________ of New England.


The Federalist Party made a surprising comeback during the presidency of James Monroe.

democracy in america

The French government had requested Alexis de Tocqueville make a study of American prisons, but he quickly went far beyond the study of prisons and wrote a classic study of American life, titled ________.

daniel webster

The Great Triumvirate consisted of Henry Clay, John Calhoun, and ________.


The Lancaster Pike was a road partially financed by the state of

was assisted by the guide Sacajawea.

The Lewis and Clark expedition


The Lewis and Clark expedition was aided by the Indian woman ________.


The Lewis and Clark expedition was organized over President Jefferson's objections.


The Marshall Court accepted the argument that Indian tribes were foreign nations.


The Marshall Court gave its approval to the Bank of the United States even as it ruled that state legislatures could tax the bank.

gibbons v. ogden

The Marshall Court strengthened the ability of Congress to regulate interstate commerce in the case of ________.


The Marshall Court strengthened the federal government at the expense of the states.


The Marshall Court upheld the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States.


The Missouri Compromise brought Missouri and ________ into the Union.

maintained the nation's equal number of slave and free states.

The Missouri Compromise of 1819


The Missouri Compromise preserved equality between free and slave state representatives in the House of Representatives.

European powers should not engage in new colonization of the American continents.

The Monroe Doctrine declared that


The Monroe Doctrine was consistent with the spirit of nationalism at work in the United States during the 1820s.


The Monroe Doctrine was primarily the work of John Quincy Adams.

all nations except Great Britain and France.

The Non-Intercourse Act reopened American trade with

6 years

The Panic of 1819 resulted in a depression that lasted


The Panic of 1837 began the worst American depression to that point.


The Peggy Eaton affair improved Andrew Jackson's relationship with John C. Calhoun.

the mutual disarmament of the Great Lakes by Britain and the United States.

The Rush-Bagot agreement of 1817 called for

began as an effort by church establishments to revitalize their organizations.

The Second Great Awakening


The Second Great Awakening helped spread all of the following denominations EXCEPT the

Indians had a basic right to their tribal lands.

The Supreme Court ruled in Johnson v. McIntosh (1823) that

reflected Jacksonian ideas of democracy and economic opportunity.

The Supreme Court ruling in Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge (1837)


The Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819) was a victory for

strengthened the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce.

The Supreme Court ruling in Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

stated that Congress had no authority to expand the power of the Supreme Court, and that the Supreme Court had the power to nullify an act of Congress.

The Supreme Court's ruling in the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803)

began an improvement in relations between England and the United States.

The Treaty of Ghent that ended the War of 1812


The Treaty of San Ildefonso gave France control of ________.


The Treaty of ________ ended the War of 1812.


The War of 1812 gave the Indian tribes east of the Mississippi at least a glimmer of better days to come in their ongoing battle to resist white expansion.


The War of 1812 was caused by conflicts on the Atlantic Ocean and in the American West.


The Washington Star was the first of the new "penny press" newspapers.


The Webster-Ashburton Treaty of 1842 was strongly criticized in the United States.


The Webster-Hayne debate began as a conflict over the imposition of a(n) ________.


The Webster-Hayne debate primarily concerned the issue of the sale of public lands.


The Whig Party held the first national party convention.

uniting behind a strong national leader.

The Whig Party was LEAST successful at


The case of Charles River Bridge v. Warren Bridge could be interpreted as a victory for the forces of democracy.

Pierre L'Enfant.

The chief designer of the capital city of Washington was


The clash between the Chesapeake and the Leopard resulted in a victory for the British ship.

Eli Whitney

The cotton gin was invented by

good feelings

The presidency of James Monroe is often called the "era of ________."

noted for its inability to carry out its policies effectively.

The presidential administration of John Quincy Adams was

the first influence of the "penny press" in politics.

The presidential election campaign of 1840 saw

was partly motivated by the number of runaway slaves who escaped there.

The desire by American southerners to acquire Florida

Burr's belief that Hamilton's malevolence had cost him the New York governor's race.

The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton was the result of

many roads were built for profit by private companies.

The early nineteenth century in America is known as the "turnpike era" because


The early nineteenth-century growth of the medical profession resulted in an expansion in opportunities for women.

saw the emergence of a new two-party system.

The election of 1828


The end of the War of 1812 suddenly improved the prospects for American industrial development.

decline in midwives.

The expansion of the medical profession during the early nineteenth century resulted in a

another national bank.

The experience of American banking during the War of 1812 revealed the need for

convinced many Americans that the land between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains was undesirable.

The explorations of Zebulon Pike

the University of Pennsylvania.

The first American medical school was established at

university of pennsylvania

The first American medical school was the ________.

Waltham, Massachusetts.

The first American mill to carry on the processes of spinning and weaving under a single roof was located in


The first modern factory in America was located in ________, Rhode Island.


The first national bank had gone out of existence before the War of 1812.


The first of the "Five Civilized Tribes" to be removed to the West, beginning in 1830, was the


The forced Cherokee migration on what was called the Trail of Tears ended in the territory of ________.

john tyler

The former Democrat who became president upon the death of William Henry Harrison was ________.


The government's "factor" system on the Great Lakes helped create a situation of Native American dependency that made them easier to control.


The idea of the "republican mother" presumed that it was important that women be educated.

santa fe trail

The increasingly traveled road between Missouri and New Mexico was called the ________.

had a profound effect on the textile industry in New England.

The invention of the cotton gin in the late eighteenth century

Thomas Dorr.

The lawyer and activist who led the campaign to expand voting rights in Rhode Island was

called for an active and fervent piety.

The message of the Second Great Awakening

handsome lake

The most important Indian revivalist during the Second Great Awakening was ________.


The most successful of the "Five Civilized Tribes" when it came to resisting Jackson's removal policy was the ________ tribe.


The policy expressed in the Monroe Doctrine was principally directed at

acquire the land occupied by Indian tribes and move the Indians west.

The policy most favored by white westerners during the early 1800s was to

favored expanding the power of the federal government.

The political philosophy of Whigs

the presidential aspirations of John C. Calhoun were likely ended.

The political significance of Peggy Eaton on Andrew Jackson's administration was that

Martin Van Buren

Who among the following was NOT a leading Whig at some point during his political career?

James Monroe

Who among the following was a part of the "Virginia Dynasty"?

Martin Van Buren

Who of the following saw his close ties and great influence with President Jackson grow stronger as a result of the Peggy Eaton affair?

had been a soldier and Indian fighter, and was a descendant of the Virginia aristocracy.

William Henry Harrison


William Morgan mysteriously disappeared shortly before he published a book that allegedly exposed the secrets of ________.

roger b taney

________ succeeded John Marshall as chief justice of the Supreme Court.

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