Chemical property of bases and acids
Physical property of bases
taste bitter. feel slippery. dark chocolate. soap
Physical property of acid
taste sour. citrus fruits (lemons)
base PH
under 7
Chemical property of bases
- corrosive - release negatively charge hydroxide ions (OH) in water
Chemical property of acid
-corrosive (react with metals and skin.) rust -release positively charged hydrogen ions (H) in water
ph scale
-tells us whether substance is an acid or a base -ranges from 0-14 the number 7 is in the middle "neutral" neither a base or acid
potential of hydrogen
acid and bases often react with each other to form water.
changes color find out if a substance is an acid or a base
chemical reaction that reduces the properties of the acid and base
compounds made of a metal and non metal that are formed when acids and bases react.
acid PH
over 7
examples of indicator
ph paper litmus paper bromothymol blue phenolphthalein