Child Development - Test 2, Pool of Questions

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When asked, "Tell me about yourself," ____-year-old John is most likely to say, "I have new, blue shoes."


According to our text and class presentation, the early childhood stage of development (ages 2-6) is often referred to as the: A) play years. B) elementary years. C) toddler years. D) growing years.


All of the following are reasons why immunization rates for young children are lower in the U.S. than in other industrialized nations, EXCEPT: A) the doses are too potent. B) low-income families lack health insurance. C) religious or philosophical objections. D) a belief in discredited media reports linking vaccinations to autism.


Children and adolescents in the poorest families, according to research, are affected in brain development in the areas of: A) memory and spatial understanding, processing auditory information, voluntary movement, and expressive language. B) balance, control over body movement, alertness, and consciousness. C) processing novelty, emotional information, hearing, and visual processing. D) facial expressions, blood flow, pain, and touch.


Fast-mapping, during early childhood language development, is characterized by the concept, among other things, of overregularization. An example of this would be: A) "tooths" for "teeth" B) "Karyn go house" C) "Mama here" D) "dog" for all 4-legged furry animals


The most obvious change as children move from the sensorimotor to the preoperational stage of cognitive development is an extraordinary increase in ________. A) symbolic activity B) private speech C) motor activity D) abstract thought


According to Bowlby, the ________ becomes a vital part of personality, serving as a guide for all future close relationships. A) Strange Situation B) internal working model C) "clear-cut" attachment phase D) preattachment phase


One strategy of positive parenting is ________. A) withdrawal of privileges B) reducing opportunities for misbehavior C) allowing children freedom from family routines and duties D) using time out when children are obstinate


Piaget's conservation-of-liquid task demonstrates that preoperational children's thinking is characterized by ________, in that they focus on one aspect of a situation, neglecting other important features. A) class inclusion B) centration C) animistic thinking D) reversibility


Preschoolers who spend more time engaged in ________ play benefit by contributing to their cognitive and social skills like developing the coordination of roles with others and aiding in solving conflicts more constructively. A) parallel B) make-believe C) gross-motor D) independent


Research on environmental influences on gender typing suggests that beginning at birth, parents ________. A) actively reinforce dependency in boys B) have different expectations of sons than of daughters C) have similar expectations of sons and daughters D) give their sons toys that emphasize cooperation


Provide a detailed description of the authoritative child-rearing style and what makes it so effective.

- Create positive relationship, enforce rules - Outcomes: self-control, social and moral maturity, high self-esteem, high school achievement - Warm, involved parents model caring concern and confident, self-controlled behavior - Children are more likely to comply with and internalize control that appears fair and reasonable, not arbitrary - Authoritative parents convey that they are competent, in this way fostering self-esteem and maturity - Supportive aspects of the authoritative style are powerful sources of resilience

Among preschoolers, ________ contributes to gains in emotional self-regulation. A) permissive child rearing B) authoritarian child rearing C) language D) a larger family size


Children, between the ages of 2-6, whose mothers pressured them to eat, were more likely to be: A) overweight. B) obese. C) underweight. D) poor sleepers.


Empathy ________. A) is more often expressed in toddlerhood than in the preschool years B) leads to feelings of sorrow for another's plight C) is the ability to feel with another person D) is feeling concern or sorrow for another's situation


When asked, "How many are there?" 5-year-old Drew correctly counts nine gummy bears. He tells his teacher there are nine bears because he knows that the last number in the counting sequence indicates the quantity of items in the set. Drew has a grasp of ________. A) chronological order B) addition C) cardinality D) interactive mathematics


Which statement about basic emotions is true? A) Infants come into the world with the ability to interpret basic emotions. B) Newborns' emotional expressions closely resemble those of older children and adults. C) Babies' earliest emotional life consists of attraction to pleasant stimulation and withdrawal from unpleasant stimulation. D) Babies are born with well-organized and specific emotional expressions.


Research on friendships shows that ________. A) preschoolers interact in essentially the same ways with both friends and nonfriends B) preschoolers give more reinforcement to nonfriends than to friends C) most friendships during the preschool years are based on mutual trust D) children entering kindergarten who have friends in their class adjust to school more favorably


Research on maternal depression shows that ________. A) infants of depressed mothers have low levels of the stress hormone cortisol B) it does not have a lasting impact on the infant, unless it persists for more than a year C) most mothers with depression require long-term treatment for a full recovery D) infant sleep is affected, motor and cognitive development is hindered, and long-term adjustment problems occur.


Which statement about preventing childhood injuries is true? A) Once they know better, children do not behave in ways that compromise safety. B) Parents should ease off on monitoring preschoolers once they have learned safety rules. C) American parents rarely ignore safety rules. D) Many parents overestimate young children's knowledge of safety rules.


At least as strongly as does a mothers' warmth, a fathers' _____________ predicts a child's later cognitive, emotional, and social competence.

affectionate involvement

According to Erikson, the psychological conflict of the preschool years is _______ versus _______.

initiative, guilt

The hippocampus plays a vital role in ______ and _______.

memory, images of space

Research suggests that academic-focused preschool and kindergarten programs that include large-group, teacher-directed learning, and repetitive drill undermines _______.


Three-year-old William understands that 3 is more than 2, and 2 is more than 1. William has a grasp of ______.


According to social learning theory, moral behavior is acquired through ________________.

reinforcement and modeling

Infants engage in __________ by actively seeking emotional information from a trusted person in an uncertain situation.

social referencing

The leading cause of childhood mortality in industrialized nations is ____________.

unintentional injuries

There are individual differences in motor skills during early childhood. Girls are ahead of boys in _______ while boys are ahead in _______. There are a total of 5 possibilities, just select ONLY 1 for the girls and ONLY 1 for the boys.

fine motor skills, throwing

The __________ understands the unique dispositions of children and encourages an effective match between child rearing and the child's temperament.

goodness-of-fit model

Explain why children from Asian cultures are more advanced in their drawing skills than U.S. children. You should be able to provide a complex understanding of this phenomenon from both perspectives - Asian and U.S. children and their processes to develop these fine motor skills.

- China - Adults show children how to draw, teaching precise steps - Taught to paint with prescribed brush strokes - Taught to write - focus on unique details of Chinese characters - Parents and teacher believe that children can only be creative after acquiring a foundation of artistic knowledge and technique - US - Children try to imitate art around them as a way to acquire their culture's visual language - US art education emphasizes independence and finding one's own style - Teachers assume copying others' drawings stifles creativity so it is discouraged - Emphasis on imagination and self expression - "In sum, even though young Chinese children are taught how to draw, their artistic products are original. Once they succeed at drawing basic forms, they spontaneously add unusual details of their own. Although Western children may come up with rich ideas about what to draw, until they acquire the necessary skills, they cannot implement those ideas. Cross-cultural research indicates that children benefit from adult guidance in learning to draw, just as they do in learning to talk."

There are a number of benefits of learning with computers, especially evidenced in early literacy and math development for young children. Describe those benefits in detail and provide an explanation for how children may improve one literacy and one math outcome. [An example that you cannot use would be how practice with a keyboard may help the child identify letters and understand their use in spelling words.]

- Develop language, literacy, and math skills - Expand general knowledge - More elaborate pictures and text - Writing with fewer errors - Simplified programming languages promote problem solving and metacognition EXAMPLES: - Literacy: spellcheck provides real-time spelling corrections/suggestions - helps them correct spelling mistakes and remember spelling for next time - Math: ability for more elaborate pictures can help visual learners with basic math skills - can use images to represent numbers (addition in pictures - there is one cow, what happens when you add two more - helps them see it and can count the total)

What are the factors that affect attachment security in children?

- Early availability of a consistent caregiver - Quality of caregiving (next 3 bullets): - Sensitive caregiving - Maternal mind-mindedness - Proximal care, in cultures that emphasize interdependence - Infant characteristics - Family circumstances - Parents' internal working models

When it comes to early childhood, what are the key features of a high-quality home environment?

- Fosters intellectual growth - Rich in educational toys and books - **Warm, affectionate parenting** - Language and academic stimulation - Reasonable demands for socially mature behavior - Healthy conflict resolution - Use of reason, not physical force and punishment

What are some of the ways parents can reduce gender stereotyping during early childhood?

- Limit adherence to traditional gender roles in their own behavior and provide children with counterstereotypic alternatives - Parents take turns making dinner, driving, bathing children - Give sons and daughters both trucks and dolls and both pink and blue clothing - Delay exposure to stereotyped messages in language and media - Provide nontraditional models - men and women in nontraditional careers (show interest and skills should determine job not gender) - Encourage mixed-gender activities - Making cookies isn't for girls, it is something a boy and his mother enjoy doing together - Once aware of stereotypes, point out exceptions

How can toddlers' compliance and self-control be fostered by caregivers? (quoted)

- Respond to the toddler with sensitivity and encouragement → toddlers whose parents are sensitive and supportive sometimes actively resist, but they are also more compliant and self-controlled - Provide advance notice when the toddler must stop an enjoyable activity → toddlers find it more difficult to stop a pleasant activity that is already under way than to wait before engaging in a desired action - Offer many prompts and reminders → toddlers' ability to remember and comply with rules is limited; they need continuous adult oversight and patient assistance - Respond to self controlled behavior with verbal and physical approval → praise and hugs reinforce appropriate behavior, increasing the likelihood that it will occur again - Encourage selective and sustained attention → development of attention is related to self-control. Children who can shift attention from a captivating stimulus and focus on a less attractive alternative are better at controlling their impulses - Support language development → in the second year, children begin to use language to remind themselves of adult expectations and to delay gratification - Gradually increase rules in a manner consistent with the toddler's developing capacities → as cognition and language improve, toddlers can follow more rules related to safety, respect for people and property, family routines, manners, and simple chores

The class presentation, and the text, present positive parenting strategies for preschoolers that help develop positive morality and reduce aggression. List them and provide an example for 2 of them.

- Use transgressions as opportunities to teach - Reduce opportunities for misbehavior - Provide reasons for rules - EXAMPLE: When a child attempts to run across a street without a parent, the parent will need to remind the child of rules. When the child asks why they can't cross the street by themselves, rather than just saying "because I said so", it would be better to explain that the rule is in place to protect them from fast moving cars since they are small and it may be hard for drivers to see them and slow down. - Arrange for children to participate in family routines and duties - When children are obstinate, try compromising and problem solving - Encourage mature behavior - Be sensitive to children's physical and emotional resources - EXAMPLE: If a child is acting out and it is past their lunch time but they haven't eaten yet, it would be important to consider this and offer them lunch, rather than focusing on punishing the behavior that resulted from the child being hungry.

Describe in detail both child-centered and academic preschool and kindergarten programs. Which type of programming does the research favor for early childhood and why? [In order to receive full credit, you will need to expand from the PowerPoint presentation by going to the text and reading more about this.]

Child centered programs - favored - Children select from teacher provided activities - Learning through play - Montessori: multiage classrooms, long time periods for individual and small group learning in child chosen activities, outperformed children in other public preschools in language, literacy, math knowledge, etc - showed greater liking of academic tasks likely due to the leeway they had to select their own activities Academic programs - Teachers structure learning - Formal lessons: repetitive drill of letters and numbers - Evidence suggests large group teacher directed learning undermines motivation - display more stress behaviors and have less confidence in their abilities --> lasting effects through elementary - poorer study habits and lower achieving test scores

According to Erikson, a healthy outcome of the parent-child relationship during infancy depends on the ________. A) amount of food offered B) amount of oral stimulation offered C) channeling of biological drives D) quality of caregiving


Besides self-awareness, self-conscious emotions require an additional ingredient: ________. A) the use of social comparisons B) the use of emotional self-regulation C) adult instruction in when to feel happy, angry, or sad D) adult instruction in when to feel proud, ashamed, or guilty


Describe the emotional relationships between siblings. Six to eight key characteristics (both positive and negative) were presented in class and are mentioned in the text. Make sure you discuss 5 of these in your answer.

Resentment Affection and concern ...

As children approach age 2, many become unpredictable, picky eaters. Dr. K suggested that his oldest son, at this age, pretty much survived two food items and his grandson did the same thing with two other food items. List these four food items.

Tater tots, mini muffins, velveeta, chobani yogurt

Four-year-old Donna is shown two identical tall glasses of water and agrees that they contain the same amount of liquid. When the liquid from one glass is poured into a short, wide container, she says there is more water in the shorter container because it is "all spread out." Donna lacks an understanding of __________.


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