CHPT.14 Ancient Mediterranean Worlds

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The Sphinx is thought to have the head of which pharaoh?


Which Upper Paleolithic Period paintings were believed to be the oldest paintings in Europe until the discovery of other paintings in 1996?

Lascaux cave paintings

Which pharaoh changed Egyptian culture from polytheism to monotheism during the Amarna period?


Which 20th-century artist was inspired by Cycladic art?

Alberto Giacometti

What was the most prominent Roman element used in the construction of the Colosseum?


What are the Greek-inspired elements used in the construction of the Colosseum?

Arches Corinthian Columns Ionic Columns

When was Ishtar's Gate constructed?

Around 575 B.C.E

Look at this image. What are the characteristics of this double portrait that reflect the Roman interpretation of Hellenistic art?

Husband's face looks aged. Skin wrinkles are visible.

What type of columns were used on the Parthenon?


Look at this image. How does Narmer's pose reflect the Egyptian requirements for depiction of the body?

Eye is frontal Torso is full frontal Lower body is in profile

The Babylonian's ______ is the only complete legal code to survive from the ancient world.

Hammurabi Code

During which period of Greek history did Rome become prominent?


What is the last period of Greek art that also refers to the spread of Greek culture?


The writing system that was developed in ___________ and used for 3,000 years was called cuneiform, which is Latin for "wedge-shaped."


Which of the following is the most common feature of female sculptures in the ancient world?


Look at this image. What assumptions can you make about Minoan culture by studying the Toreador Fresco?

People loved sports and games. People were lighthearted and cheerful.

Look at this image. What is this fresco from the house known as Villa of the Mysteries in Pompeii believed to represent?

Secret cult rituals

What did the Sumerians leave behind in addition to artifacts?

Writing System

What city was the center of Minoan culture?


Because the ________ did not have stone, they built the Zuggurat out of sun dried clay.


The Paleolithic paintings in the France's Chauvet cave, discovered in 1994, have interested scholars as the paintings are almost all of animals. Which descriptions capture the interest?

They are meaningful, but the meaning is uncertain. They are believed to go back even farther in time.

Why did the Greeks start using naturalism in sculpture?

They wanted to depict their gods as human.

True or false: The Classical period encompasses both ancient Greeks and Romans.


True or false: The Romans made marble copies of Greek bronze statues.


Which goddess was the Parthenon dedicated to?


Look at this image. What form of communication recalls the victory shown in the stele of King Naram-Sin?

Cuneiform Writing

When was the Babylonian empire established by the Amorites?

1830 B.C.E

Look at this image. Who are the artists of this amphora?

Andokides and the "Andokides Painter"

What did the second Hellenistic style prefer over previous Classical values?

Dynamic poses Extreme emotion

Look at this image. This musical instrument found in a queen's burial was a featured what characteristics?

Gold bull's head Shell Lapis lazuli Limestone

Who were the first to speculate on the nature and purpose of art?

Greek Philosophers

Look at this image. Which period of Greek art does this sculpture belong to?


Look at this image. This stele of King Naram-Sin with his idealized anatomy, shows him dressed in god-like regalia and striding confidently over the defeated soldiers in order to show what characteristic?

His political power His strength

Look at this image. Where would mosaics such as this one be found?

In wealthy homes In a triclinium

Look at this image. What is the most significant trait of this Neo-Babylonian wall?

It features a true arch, an architectural feature often associated with the Romans.

Look at this image. How is this Roman sculpture of the emperor Marcus Aurelius significant?

It has influenced many sculptures since its rediscovery It is the only surviving equestrian portrait from Roman times.

Look at this image. It is suggested that Sargon, the ruler of the Akkadians is depicted in this sculpture. How does the face appear?


What did the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius help to preserve?

Roman frescoes

What were the three major ancient Aegean cultures?

The Minoans The Mycenaeans The Cycladics

Look at this image. How was the importance of the Akkadian king shown in this work?

There is a hierarchy of scale. He was larger.

Some funerary portraits were attached to the _____ of those depicted.


What elaborate structures did the Mycenaeans build that were influenced by neighboring Egypt?


When are the rock paintings of the Tassili n'Ajjer region of Algeria estimated to be created?

5000 B.C.E. and 2000B.C.E.

Look at this image. What are the characteristics of the Cycladic statuette of a woman in terms of elements and style?

Simplified Abstract Geometric

What is a krater?

Vessel used for wine

The small statuette from Willendorf was formed approximately when?

25,000 years ago

Look at this image. What is this Hellenistic sculpture that represents the ideals of beauty resulting from incorporating nudity into female statuary?

Aphrodite of Melos

What are the similarities between Egyptian sculpture and early Greek sculpture?

Clenched hands One leg forward Sense of stone block

Look at this image. What does the artist do to create shadows for the figure?

Darker tesserae

What was the purpose for the stylization used by Egyptian artists to depict the human form?

Each body part could be read clearly.

True or false: The age of Aegean art and culture followed the collapse of the Egyptian civilization.


True or false: The most important legacy of the Babylonian empire is artistic.


Look at this image. The purpose of this Assyrian beast motif by the palace gates was to

Impress and Intimidate

Look at this image. What popular subject matter for Assyrian reliefs is depicted here?

Lion Hunt

Look at this image. What Aegean culture created this rhyton, or drinking cup?


Ziggurats were designed to be a symbolic mountaintop, which could be seen for miles around. For whom were they designed?

Priest and Priestess

What is the Egyptian symbol of stability, order, and endurance?


Which of the following are characteristics common to the architecture of ancient Sumer, Egypt, Greece, and Rome?

Structures were built with lasting permanence in mind. The largest structures were often temples or shrines

The sculptural technique where objects and figures do not project from the surface but are carved deep into the surface is called

Sunken Relief

What is the difference between the Classical period and the generic term classical when it refers to art?

The Classical period is a specific period, whereas the term classical encompasses all of Greek and Roman art.

What impression did portraits often set into mausoleum facades to give?

The dead looking out at the living

In ancient Greece, sculpture, painting and architecture were described as "things requiring a special body of knowledge or skill to make," or______


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