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- in public mary comes off as uninterested and recluse however once you get to know her she is very open. in relationships she always stays committed because she doesn't want to lose one of the very few people she trusts making her easy to take be taken advantage of


Every time collin would speak up as a kid his mom would put him in time out for talking too much, now that he is in high school he always gets Cs in participation and his public speaking classes and he doesnt know why

CAUSES OF DISPOSITIONAL: reinforcement model

causes the shy characteristics to be strengthened

REINFORCEMENT MODEL: non-responsiveness

chris always talked around his friends but once his family moved his classmates and teacher never seemed to respond to anything he said. over time he just stopped trying, he wanted to feel like his opinion mattered or was making a difference (what is this desire called?)


emma plans every little detail out, a presentation is coming up and she has every step ready. however, the day of the presentation she learns that she wont be able to have the podium in her presentation but she had planned on having that whenever she practiced. she now feels like she cant do it and is incredibly nervous

BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES: systematic desensitization

gina goes to relaxation therapy where she gets introduced into low communication events where she feels comfortable and slowly she progresses up, the moment she feels uncomfortable they start again until nothing makes her uncomfortable. it gets the body relaxed whenever she would usually feel frightened. the therapist helps calm her down in those usually anxiety-ridden situations


gregs ex is crazy, she sees him around campus and decides to yell at him. everyone then turns to see whats going on, he feels incredibly judged and becomes uncomfortable. he becomes incredibly defensive

CAUSES OF SITUATIONAL: novelty/ambiguity

ingrid's friends all want to try out karaoke night, she has never done this before and doesn't know what one does. she feels incredibly nervous and once there she really does not want to participate because she is too shy

CAUSES OF DISPOSITIONAL: shyness cause no skills

Leslie's parents were overprotective, they never let her date or go to parties or sleep over at friends houses. she never learned what it was like to carry on long conversation with someone or how to interact in social situations. now she is in college and her friends think that they just need to "get her out there" leslie makes a fool of herself and comes off even more shy than before. she just doesnt know what to do and going out is just reinforcing her state.


lauren is shy, when she got an interview for a job she didn't do very well because she got extremely uncomfortable about the things she needed to say she was still offered a job but was given a lower salery than everyone else because she was too nervous to debate it. when promotions came up she denied her promotion because it would require her to handle all the HR stuff - good at law (paperwork) - medicine (surgeon, radiology, anesthesiology) - teacher (1st grade, college) - work with less communication


leslie's friends think of a solution to help her out of her shyness. they decide to take her to some of the best movies of rom-com and that show fun party scenes. after classes they sit at the tables outside so leslie can watch all the different people hanging out and talking as she studies

BEHAVIORAL THERAPIES: cognitive restructuring

mark is really shy, his friend wants to take him to a party to talk to some girls and once there is is stricken with fear about saying hi to a girl he has in his comm class. he thinks that by talking to her and messing up shell make everyone laugh at him at the party and in comm class. his friend challenges him by continually asking him why at every step until he cant think of an explanation to why he thinks like that and understands its not true and wont happen. he feels alot better

CAUSES OF SITUATIONAL: conspicuousness

paul walks into a room and feels like everyone is watching him, he begins to focus too much on himself as he begins to think too closely about every little thing he does making him more and more nervous


sam was adopted into a very outgoing family but he never seemed to adapt to how open and outspoken everyone was. he finds out he has a lost twin brother and discovers he is way more like him than his adopted brothers.

REINFORCEMENT MODEL: learned helplessness

sometimes nancy's mom smiled and laughed at her jokes, other times her mom would just ignore her. other times her mom would get mad. nancy could say the same type of thing and continue to get different responses, she didnt know what was right. she wanted dependable consequences but she never knew what to expect. she began to withdraw

REDUCE: behavioral therapies

technical; change how you think to get less shy


tiffany is very shy, her teacher is concerned about her interest to move into accelerated classes because she is not that good of a reader and never offers the answer to questions covered in class in highschool tiffany got a B in a class because when the teacher offered for people to come talk to them about questions on their final grades she didn't she never joined any activities in college so no one ever knew how good she was in art in college, she decided to be a computer science major because she wouldnt have to talk to so many people all the time

REDUCE: skills training

todd talks to his friend about how he wants to talk to the girl in his geology class. his friend tells him to just ask an easy related class question. then keep the conversation going by acting interested in the response or by having other questions ready. he tells him that its imprortant to act relaxed and that eye contact and being genuine makes someone appear more likable. this is an example of..


todd wants to talk to the new girl in his geology class. one day, to gain courage he just thinks about how hell do it. he will sit in the same row as her and when class ends he'll pick up his bags and walk out at the same time, he thinks about walking by her and what he will say. it makes the situation feel realistic and when they have class again he doesnt feel as nervous


tyler is trying to be less shy, one day he drops his books and this girl comes and helps him pick it all up, he would usually think of this as a huge failure and him looking stupid but decides to think of it as the girl being nice and helpful, maybe he'll even talk to her tomorrow.... what if he thought of this situation as negative?

dispositional shyness

you're shy all the time; only happens to some people type

situational shyness

you're shy at certain times; happens to everyone. Ex. embarrassed type

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