Cog Exam 1 Answers

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__________ processing is described as the "the analysis of objects into parts, processing starts with basic units and our perception is then built on the foundation laid by these units."


Bubbles is interested in studying how talking on a cell phone impacts an individual's ability to drive. Which theory discussed in class is relevant to her research?

Capacity Theory

Dorothy Dish is out at her favorite disco, chatting with friends and grooving to the music when she overhears her name and turns her attention towards that conversation to determine what gossip is being spread about her this week. This effect is know as the _______.

Cocktail party effect

Unfortunately for Blanche and her friend - yellow hats were very popular on the day of the big game. Fortunately they had purchased yellow hats with a blue rim - so they were able to spot one-another, unfortunately this now required searching the crowd using a ___________.

Conjunction search

Records a continuous record of electrical activity in the brain using scalp electrodes.

Electroencephalography (EEG)

According to theories of divided attention, we use allocation policies to allocate resources such as _________ which are "built-in" stimuli that will always capture our attention.

Enduring Dispositions

Cognitive psychologist adhere to the scientific method and conduct __________ to establish a causal relationship between variables.


Agnosia is primarily a sensory disorder. T/F


Increasing the amount of neurotransmitter in the synapse will increase the intensity of an action potential. T/F


Perception is the same thing as sensation. T/F


We are always aware of anything to which we pay attention. T/F


In an experiment by Neisser (which we relicated in class), it was demonstrated that it takes less time to spot a leter (z) in a list of other dissimilar letters (O/U/B/Q) than it does to spot the letter in a list of similar letters (X/V,N/K) - in our experiment, you were less accurate in the similar condition that the dissimilar condition.... This experiment is used as evidence for which theory of pattern recognition?

Feature Theory

IN class we discussed feature-integration theory which attempts to explain performance in visual search tasks. According to this theory,we must use our attentional resources to accomplish _______ which explains why conjunction searches take longer than feature searches.

Feature binding

In class we discussed feature-integration theory which attempts to explain performance in visual search task. According to this theory, we must use our attentional resources to accomplish ______ which explains why conjunction searches take longer than feature searches.

Feature binding

According to feature integration theory, what type of search occurs when only a single feature is required to detect a target?

Feature search

Measures where the brain is using blood by imaging dioxygenated hemoglobin

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

_______ are the basic primitive shapes in the recognition by components model of object recognition.


__________ occurs when we begin to attend to a stimulus less and less the longer its present


Cha Cha DeGrogoria has suffered a major stroke in which there has been damage to the right inferior parietal lobule in her brain. She has a very peculiar problem in that she is only applying make-up to the right side of her face and the right half of her wigs. What disorder does Cha Cha suffer from?

Hemi-spatial neglect

Saffron Monsson is interested in whether the male airport screeners differ in their screening abilities than female screeners. To explore her hypothesis, Saffron tests her subjects in a visual search task and finds that her male observers are more likely than female observers to indicate a gun is present in a handbag when in fact there was no gun present - which of the following describes her results?

Her male participants have a higher false alarm rate

An airport screener at GSP has a line backed up at the x-ray maching as he keeps thinking he sees a weapons in bags where there are none. Which of the following best describes the problem with this screener?

High false alarm rate

Damage to the __________ generally results in anterograde amnesia or inability to create new memories.


The ______ is a subcortical brain structure in the limbic system which is responsible for memory consolidation.


Kyle and Stan have 2 theories about why Mr. Mackey has an enormous, ballon shaped head. Stan's explanation is complicated, involving Mr. Mackeys' siblings, the smoking habits of his parents, and Chef's salisbury steak. Kyles' theory is that its because Mr. Mackey's father had a huge head. If we follow Occam's Razor - which theory do we prefer.

Kyle's theory

In class and the text was a discussion of an unfortunate perceptual problem in which drivers often do not see an object they are looking at -- what is this called?

Looked but fail to see

Measures minute magnetic fluctuations in the brain

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

Event-related potentials (ERP)

Measures electrical activity in the brain using scalp electrodes, recordings are time-locked to a stimulus and averaged over a number of trials

Dopamine, seratonin and GABA are all _______ which are chemicals released by the terminal buttons of the pre-synaptic neuron.


A central principle in science is that we prefer simpler explanations. This is know as the Principle of _________


________ is the process by which we recognize an object or event as being familiar then label or identify that object.

Pattern recognition

_________ is the process by which we recognize an abject or event as being familiar, then label or identify that object.

Pattern recognition

A central prediction of feature theories of pattern recognition is ______ which reflects the number of features that stimuli have in common, that it is more difficult to detect differences in stimuli with large numbers of shared features.

Perceptual confusions

The ___________ is the division of the nervous system outside the brain and spinal column.


Uses radioactive tracers to determine where the brain is using blood, glucose or neurotransmitters

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

In studies of preconscious processing, evidence is seen when processing of a stimulus is facilitated by prior presentation of the same or similar stimulus. What is this effect called


Patients with hemi-spatial neglect generally have damage to what part of the brain?

Right parietal lobe

Larry the Lizar is getting ready to go out. He applies a generous amount of his favorite scent, right after he gets out of the shower. An hour later he is getting ready to leave and can no longer smell his cologne, so he aplies another coat and heads out into the the night. Unfortunately for Larry (and anyone riding his his car), he failed ot realize he stopped smelling his cologne because his olfactory system has stopped responding. What is the phenomenon called?

Sensory Adaptation

Sophia has decided to learn to play tennis. She begins practicing three times a week and practices for 52 straight weeks. What is likely to happen?

Sophia will improve dramatically in the first week,s but her improvement will taper offi n the later weeks (she will still improve, but not as quickly) and her skills will become more automatic over time.

What perceptual ability is accomplished by processing the interaural time difference?

Sound localization

Suzie has left the library late one night by herself and is walking to her car - because the danger involved she is highly alert with a high level of arousal. Which of Posner's attentional systems is responsible for this effect?

Subcortical System

The _________ is the narrow space in between the terminal button of one neuron and the dendrite of another neuron.


Miss Anita Cocktail is regaling her friends with tales of her years as a star in the famed cabaret show Le Cages Aux Folles, unfortunately she is having difficulty remembering the name of one of her cast mates. She knows the person's name, but can't quite retrieve it, that is she is unable to pull the information into consciousness. What is this phenomenon called?

Tip-of-the tongue

The fact that when expecting an important phone call we often hear the phone ringing while we are in the showe, context effects and the fact that our knowledge and experiences can bias our perception are all evidenc that _______ is operating during perception, which occurs when higher level information and global knowledge assist in the recognition of patterns.

Top-down processing

Quizzes and tests asses what people know but do not change what they know. T/F


_____ refers to a person's ability to attend to an area in which a stimulus may appear over long period of time -- such as air traffic controllers, military radar operators.


The _______ pathway is known as the 'ventral' stream and is characterized a a slower system which process detailed information and has a higher level of conscious awareness than the dorsal stream.


A number of studies have demonstrated that participants are faster and more accurate at a target letter embedded in a word than in a non-word. For example, if presented with TICKET you would find the letter K faster than if presented with CTIKTE - what is this effect called?

Word Superiority Effect

Cha Cha's disorder of Hemi-spatial neglect can be described primarily as a loss of _________


The goal of an experiment is to establish a ________ relationship


Unfortunately stewie discovers that all participants in his placebo group are former convicts and all of his martini group are members of the National Honor society. This __________ competes with his IV to explain his DV.


The _______ system is often called the body's 'slow' nervous system as behavior is controlled via the release of hormones into the blood stream.


Which of the following neuroscience methods is associated with imaging the hemodynamic response by examining the difference between oxygenated hemoglobin and deoxygenated hemoglobin?


Blanche Devereaux and her friend Dorothy Zbornake have decided to attend a footbal game at their local university. In order to find each other easily, Blache suggests they were bright yellow hats - thinking they would easily "pop-out" of the crowd and therefor they would easily find one-another should they get separated. Blanche is hoping her friends can find one-another in the crowd using a _________.

feature search

Which of the following is responsible for our ability to localize sound?

interaural time difference

Automatization occurs as the result of


__________ refers to the fact that participants are faster and more accurate at finding a letter in a word than a non-word

superiority effect

Ms. Virginia Hamm suffered a cerebrovascular incident recently. While it appears she is well on the road to recovery her doctors have found that she is no longer able to recognize everyday objects. What condition does she have?


Norma Rose has unfortunately suffered from a stroke and as a result when presented with a set of keys and asked about them she responds "I can't think of what they are called but you might use them to open a door or start your car" - which of the following best characterizes her disorder?


According to Posner's theory of attention there are three attentional systems or networks. If you are conducting a high load attention task such as a cooking a meal with three pots on the stove - which system would be involved in exerting control over all the attentional systems to accomplish this task?

Anterior system

Hemispatial neglect is primarily disorder of _____


_______ is defined as the process by which we direct our cognitive resources toward some environmental event in order to gather information about that event


What is defined as the process by which we direct our cognitive resources toward some environmental event?


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