Common Inspection Questions

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What is the name of the Marine Corps mascot?

"Chesty". Old English Bulldog

What is the birthdate of the Marine Corps?

10 November 1775

How many General orders are there?


How many leadership principles are there?


How many leadership traits are there?


Who was known as the Father of Marine Aviation?

1stLt Alfred A. Cunningham

How long did General Archibald Henderson serve as Commandant of the Marine Corps?

39 years

What is the primary purpose of leadership?

Accomplish the mission

What do the words "Semper Fidelis" mean in English?

Always Faithful

Who was know as the "Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps"?

Archibald Henderson

What does the Red NCO stripe of the Dress Blue Trousers represent?

Awarded to signify the bloodshed at the battle of Chapaultapec

Who was the Commandant who adopted the Marine Corps Emblem?

BGen Jacob Zeilen


Being fair and even in your decision making process


Being honest and truthful in your actions and words


Being known to perform your duties in a proper manner

What are the four colors on a Military Topographical Map?

Black, Reddish-Brown, Green, Blue

1 star

Brigadier General

What does a Marine call a wall?


3 discs

Cadet Captain

3 diamonds

Cadet Colonel

2 stripes, Lamp of Learning

Cadet Corporal

2 discs

Cadet First Lieutenant

3 stripes, Lamp of Learning, 3 rockers

Cadet First Sergeant

3 stripes, Lamp of Learning, 2 rockers

Cadet Gunnery Sergeant

1 stripe, Lamp of Learning

Cadet Lance Corporal

2 diamonds

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel

1 diamond

Cadet Major

Who is the Cadet Executive Officer of Curie High School?

Cadet Marquez

Lamp of Learning

Cadet Private First Class

Who is the Cadet Company Gunnery Sergeant of Curie High School?

Cadet Rodriguez

Who is the Cadet Company Commanding Officer of Curie High School?

Cadet Santos

1 disc

Cadet Second Lieutenant

3 stripes, Lamp of Learning

Cadet Sergeant

3 stripes, Lamp of Learning, 4 rockers

Cadet Sergeant Major

3 stripes, Lamp of Learning, 1 rocker

Cadet Staff Sergeant

Who is the Cadet Company First Sergeant of Curie High School?

Cadet Torres

2 Silver connected bars


Who was the first Commandant of the Marine Corps?

Captain Samuel Nicholas

Which famous Marine is the bulldog named after?

Chesty Puller

Who was the Marine who was awarded the Navy Cross five times for bravery?

Chesty Puller

Gold bar, 3 red inserts

Chief Warrant Officer 2

Silver bar, 2 red inserts

Chief Warrant Officer 3

Silver bar, 3 red inserts

Chief Warrant Officer 4

Silver bar, 1 red vertical insert

Chief Warrant Officer 5

What does the "CNO" stand for?

Chief of Naval Operations

Silver eagle


What does "CMC" stand for?

Commandant of the Marine Corps

2 stripes, cross rifles



Creating a favorable impression by your presence

What Marines were awarded 2 Medals of Honor?

Dan Daly Smedley Butler

What does a Marine call a floor?


What is the Mission of Marine Corps JROTC?

Develop informed and responsible citizens Develop leadership skills Strengthen character

Who is the Principal of Curie High School?

Dr. Allison Tingwall

What are the four types of uniforms?

Dress, Service, Utility and Physical Training

When is the storm flag flown?

During bad weather

What are the three parts of the Marine's emblem?

Eagle, Globe and Anchor

What was the first objective of the USMC in 1776?

English Forts, New Providence, Bahamas


Faithfulness to country, organizations, seniors, subordinates and peers

Silver bar

First Lieutenant

3 stripes, diamond, 3 rockers

First Sergeant

4 stars


Who served the longest term as Commandant of the Marine Corps?

General Archibald Henderson

Who was the first Marine Commandant to achieve the rank of General?

General Archibald Henderson

Who is the current Commandant of the Marine Corps?

General Berger

Who was the 13th Commandant of the Marine Corps?

General John A. Lejeune

Who was the Marine General who developed the Marine Corps birthday celebration?

General John A. Lejeune

Who was the only Marine General to command an Army Division in combat?

General John A. Lejeune

Who is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff?

General Milley

Who is the Commanding General of TECOM?

General Mullen

To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

General Order #1

To salute all Officers, colors and standards not cased.

General Order #10

To be especially watchful at night and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

General Order #11

To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

General Order #2

To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

General Order #3

To repeat all cards from post distance from the guardhouse than my own.

General Order #4

To quit my post only when properly relieved.

General Order #5

To receive, obey and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the Commanding Officer, Officer of the Day and Officers and Noncommissioned Officers of the Guard only.

General Order #6

To talk to no one except in the line of duty.

General Order #7

To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

General Order #8

To call the Corporal of the Guard in any case not covered by instructions.

General Order #9

Who is the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps?

General Thomas

What is the definition of purpose?

Gives others a reason for why they should do something

What is the definition of direction?

Gives others the "knowledge" to complete the task

What is the definition of motivation?

Gives others the will to do what they are capable of doing

What was the first USMC offensive action in the Pacific in WWII?


3 stripes, cross rifles, 2 rockers

Gunnery Sergeant

Who is the Marine Instructor of Curie High School?

Gunnery Sergeant Small

What does a Marine call a door?


What does "HQMC" stand for?

Headquarters, United States Marine Corps

What are the Marine Corps core values?

Honor, Courage & Commitment

What are the Marine Corps "Core Values"?

Honor, Courage and Commitment

What does the term Teufel Hunden mean?

Hounds from hell

What is the acronym for the 14 leadership traits


What is the acronym for the 14 leadership traits?


Who wrote the Marines march?

John Phillip Sousa

What are the 3 Enlisted Rank Groups?

Junior Enlisted (Pvt, PFC, LCpl) Noncommissioned Officers (Cpl, Sgt) Staff NCO (SSgt, GySgt, MSgt/1stSgt, MyGySgt/SgtMaj)

1 stripe, cross rifles

Lance Corporal

What are the three branches of the U.S. Government?

Legislative, Judicial, Executive

What Marine was awarded 5 Navy Crosses?

Lewis B "Chesty" Puller

Silver oak leaf

Lieutenant Colonel

3 stars

Lieutenant General

Who is the Commanding General of MCCDC?

Lieutenant General Smith

Who is the Regional Director of Region 1?

Lt Colonel Johnson

Who is the Senior Marine Instructor of Curie High School?

MSgt Ledbetter

Gold oak leaf


2 stars

Major General

What is the oldest post in the Marine Corps?

Marine Barracks 8th & I, Washington, DC

What does MCJROTC stand for?

Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps

3 stripes, bursting bomb, 4 rockers

Master Gunnery Sergeant

3 stripes, cross rifles, 3 rockers

Master Sergeant

What is the highest Medal awarded for bravery?

Medal of Honor

What is the Primary & Secondary objective of leadership?

Mission Accomplishment Troop Welfare

Who is the Director of the Marine Corps Junior ROTC?

Mr. Robert Oltman

Why are Marines called devildogs?

Name given to Marines by the German soldiers during the Battle of Belleau Woods in WW1

What does the anchor on the Marine's emblem represent?

Naval Traditions

Why are Marines called leathernecks?

Nickname given to Marines because of the leather neckpiece worn on the uniform and to keep the head erect

What is the term Leatherneck?

Nickname given to Marines because of the leather neckpiece worn on the uniform to protect them against the sword blade and to keep the head erect

What was the last USMC offensive action in the Pacific in WWII?

Okinawa, Japan

Who was the first female Marine?

Opha Mae Johnson

What is the Marine and Navy expression for left?


What are the three types of flags used in the military?

Post, Storm and Garrison

No insignia (MCJROTC)


No insignia (Marine)


1 stripe

Private First Class


Putting the comfort and needs of others ahead of yourself

What is the cross shaped braid on the Officer's barrack cover called?


What does a Marine call a bed?


When is the Post flag flown?

Regular work day

What are the official colors of the Marine Corps?

Scarlet & Gold

What are the Marine Corps Colors?

Scarlet and Gold

Gold bar

Second Lieutenant

What is the name of the Marine Corps march?

Semper Fidelis

What is the motto of the Marine Corps?

Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful)

3 stripes, cross rifles


3 stripes, star, 4 rockers

Sergeant Major

Who is the Sergeant Major of TECOM?

Sergeant Major Easton

Who is the Sergeant Major of MCCDC?

Sergeant Major Eggerling

3 stripes, EGA and 2 stars, 4 rockers

Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps

Who is the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps?

SgtMaj Green


Showing interest in your performance of duty

3 stripes, cross rifles, 1 rocker

Staff Sergeant

What is the name of the National Anthem?

Star Spangled Banner

What is the Marine and Navy expression for right?


What are the four life saving steps?

Start the breathing Stop the bleeding Protect the wound Treat for shock

When is the Garrison flag flown?

Sundays & National Holidays

What is the Marine Corps drum and Bugle Corps called?

The Commandant's Own

Who is the Commander in Chief of the United States?

The Honorable Donald Trump

Who is the President of the United States?

The Honorable Donald Trump

Who is the Vice President of the United States?

The Honorable Mr. Pence

Who is the Secretary of State?

The Honorable Mr. Pompeo

Who is the Secretary of Defense?

The Honorable Mr. Shanahan

Who is the Secretary of the Navy?

The Honorable Mr. Spencer

What is the name of the sword carried by Marine Officers?

The Mameluke Sword

What does the eagle on the Marine's emblem represent?

The Nation

What is the Marine Corps band known as?

The President's Own


The ability to consider all of the facts of a problem and make a correct decision


The ability to deal with hardships, both physical and mental


The ability to deal with others without causing a problem

What is the definition of leadership?

The ability to influence, lead and guide others to accomplish a mission using purpose, motivation and direction


The ability to take action without being told to do so


The ability to take swift and firm action

Who wrote the words to the Marine Corps hymn?

The author is unknown


The mental quality that allows you to face fear and overcome it, both physical and moral

What does the seven belt loops on the male trousers represent?

The seven seas


The technical and tactical knowledge that will help accomplish tasks

What does the expression Gung ho mean?

To work together

What is the Marine and Navy expression for up?


What is the secondary purpose of leadership?

Troop welfare

What are the three types of North in map reading?

True, Grid, Magnetic

What is the birthplace of the Marine Corps?

Tun Tavern, Philadelphia, PA

What is the largest post in the Marine Corps?

Twenty-Nine Palms, CA

What are the 4 Officer Rank Groups?

Warrant (WO1, CWO2, CWO3, CWO4, CWO5) General Grade (BGen, MGen, LtGen, Gen) Field Grade (Maj, LtCol, Col) Company Grade (2ndLt, 1stLt, Capt)

Gold bar, 2 red inserts

Warrant Officer 1

Who was the first Officer of the Marine Corps to be officially appointed as the Commandant?

William Ward Burrows, 1798

What does the globe on the Marine's emblem represent?

Worldwide service

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