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Search Engine Optimization

(SEO) Involves designing websites with the intention of helping search engines best. Effects the ranking and visibility of web pages.

sponsored links

Advertising links returned from an online search that are located at the right side (or sometimes at the top) of the results; sponsored by companies that want to sell products. Bumped to top positions on results lists. Others do sponsored ads but place them in a clearly marked area.


a collection of related web pages organized and formatted so it can be accessed by a browser. Examples are web based applications like Google Docs, informational like How Stuff Works,,ESPN, Wikipedia, social networking like Facebook, Twitter, and eCommerce like Amazon,Ebay, and EtSY. Homepage =website doorway

HTML conversion utility

creates an HTML document from a conventional document, spreadsheet or other text-based file Example Microsoft Word to create DOCX file,then use word's save as webpage to convert into HTML format. However,some features and formatting of the original might not be possible within the world of HTML.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)(Essential Web Technologies)

coined by Ted Nelson it is a computer system that stores literary documents,links them according to logical relationships,and allows readers to comment and annotate what they read. Standard protocol between browsers and web servers.

Bidirectional Links (Hyperlinks 2)

connect two documents using a two-way link that can be followed from either document. Bidirectional link Project Xanadu was to complex to construct.

search history

contains a list of queries that you've made in a specific search engine. Is not the same as a browser history because BH is the list of websites visited, and then stored in server logs on the search engines computer. Yes sereachengines keep recods of quieries. Permissions pg 297 Fair Use Doctrine-limited use or scholoship and review

session cookies

cookies stored in memory and deleted when the browser is closed. Never stored on disk or permantent storage medium.

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)(Essential web technologies)

detailed style specification tool used to format text and layout for web pages. Specifications are called style rules.

History List

displays a list of past browsing data You can delete like you did the cache.

Inline CSS

A Cascading Style Sheet that can can be intermixed within an HTML document, but the use of an inline CSS is avoided by professional designers.

Internal CSS

A Cascading Style Sheet that is part of an HTML document, but located in a separate area (usually the head section). Can be edited without hunting though the entire document.

External CSS

A Cascading Style Sheet that is stored in a file separate from the HTML source document for a Web page. .css extension. Can be manually created with a text editor. HTML editors usually create enteral CSS automatically. For web sites with more than one page External CSS is recommended. The advantage is all the pages for a web page can be controlled by a single style sheet. Example:Change color of heading font it will be applied to all pages.

Online HTML editor

A Web app that provides tools for creating HTML pages. A second option for web page authors. Word Press/ Google Sites

Web browser

A browser is how the web is assessed. Client software that displays web page elements and handles links between pages. Popular ones are Microsoft Edge,Firefox, Google Chrome,Apple Safari

Private browsing

A feature of all modern browsers that will delete your history, cache, and cookies the moment you close the private window. Not maintained in the cache or history. Chrome calls it Incognito mode. No trail on local device. However, external government and advertisers can still snoop. Passwords are saved in a encrypted file on your local device.

HTML document

A plain text or ASCII document with embedded HTML tags that dictate formatting and are interpreted by a browser. Similar to word procession file. Has a .htm or .html extension. <h1>(heading) <p>(new paragraph) The screenplay. Exists a permanent file. The browser is the director that follows the instructions in the HTML document to display lines of text. Framework head and body. Head starts with <!DOCTYPE html> and <head> tags Also information on global properties like web page title and info to be used by search engines. Body starts with <body>. Body has text,html tags that format the text,plus a variety of links to graphics,sounds,and videos. Basic HTML tags on page 271 <b> and <i> for bold and italics on comet pages. <a href> links to websites HTML documents should be saved in files with .htm or .html. Creating a webpage is NOT the end of the publishing process. Steps for a website are: hosting service choosing a domain posting webpages testing pages in various broswers

HTTP methods

A set of commands that help your browser communicate with Web servers. GET is the most frequently used HTTP method. GET retrives/requests text and image files nessary to display a webpage. GET can also pass a search query to a web server. Othet methods: POST- submits data specified source HEAD-requests HTTP header only for requested data PUT-uploads data specified web address DELETE-removes a specified resource OPTIONS-fetches a list of resources supported bt the server


A set of instructions, such as <B>, inserted into an HTML document to provide formatting and display information to a Web browser. Specifies how the document should appear when displayed in a browser. Use for standout notes on Facebook. Blog Posts and Comments. Most tags are inserted as pairs. The start and end tag enclose content HTML Tags are instructions for the browser.

stateless protocol

Because the server does not "remember" its state from one session to the next, HTTP is called a stateless protocol.


Collection of favorite Web sites stored by URL and title of the page.Appear on browser tool bar and easy to access. Customization.

Web hosting service

Company with large Web server computers to maintain the Web sites of fee-paying subscribers. Godaddy,amazon web services,hostgator,google etc The URL's for your website depend on your domain Subdomains are goolge name plus a name you choose Local pages must be uploaded to you host service You can use FTP to upload files if your hosting serive doesn't provide. Online pages just need to be published. This means they become publically assesible. Testing means trying every text link to make sure it leads to its indeteded destination. Navigation testing means make sure people can reach every page on your site. Browers are not complately standarlized. Browesers usually use fonts on local devices when displaying webpages.

Unidirectional Links(Hyperlinks 1)

Document A links to Document B but not vice versa. Simplified early web prototypes. Limits the ability to trace back to related material. Today's web uses Unidirectional links.

Client-side scripting

HTML, CSS, JavaScript . embedded in a HTML document and run locally when a web page is run by a browser. Customize user interface Simple Interactions classica example is changing the appeance of graphics on a webpage


It is the fifth and current version(2010) of the HTML standard, can be used as an alternative to Flash media. Tim Berners-Lee developed first in 1990. Revisions happened by the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)

URL Linkrot

Links that are no longer available. If a link no loner works it is called broken or dead. To bypass a dead link you can manipulate the URL to locate similar material that remains on the website. You do this by backtracking to the first slash. Then press enter.

Local HTML editors

Software for creating HTML pages that is stored on a local device. Adobe Dreamweaver/Open Source Blue Griffon Text Editor- another web page design option. Text Editor uses basic ASClls such as Notepad or Text edit. You can start from scratch with a blank page. Good for troubleshooting. Great way to learn HTML basics to apply to comments and posts.

style rules

Specifications for styles that are compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Examples:Font Sizes,Font Colors,background colors/borders/text alignment/link formats/margins. Three types. Has a selector and declaration block. Selector-want to apply a style rule. Declaration-specfies the style.

browser cache( web cache/browser history)

Stores Web page files and graphics on a computer hard drive as temporary files when the user visits a site for the first time. Pulls HTML documents,images,web page elements to you local drive, and NOT just the main elements of page. Ads are unfortunately pulled to. This leaves digital breadcrumbs. Files can remain in the cache for days or weeks. If you use more than one browser each one has a separate cache.

Default Browser

The browser that opens automatically when clicking links from email messages or PDF from other sources. Omnibox-dual use of entering Url's and search terms. Today's popular browsers are apple safari, google chrome,microsoft edge,mozilla firefox(decedent from first graphical browser netscape navigator). Upgrade for increased security and bells and whistles intended from designers. You can have more than one browser. Only one browser can be the default browser though which is automatically used when you click a link in email or PDF.

browser home page

The first page displayed when a browser starts.

search terms

The words entered into a search engine or database to form a query Fomulating Serach terms pg. 292

1. Web Crawler(web spider)

This is a robot program that crawls through content on pages for any number of indexing reasons. For example, Google uses a crawler to index and sort pages for search. Spiders download web pages and submit for processing. Using a search algorithm to transverse the web. Methodically visits sites. Begins with a list of URL's to visit. Website ownsers do the list or previoulsy crawled. Copies a specfified URL then it looks for hypertext links to visit next. Runs mutilple processes in parallel. Sophisticated processes keep fromoverlapping or getting stuck in loops. Hundreds of millions of webpages a day 70% of the web Change and its popularity makes revisitng possible. obsecure once a month news daily search engine results are based on when the crawler last visited.

Static Web Page

Using HTML and CSS web designers can display the same information, regardless of who accesses it. Same content and format for all visitors.

Short URLs

Web site addresses that have been shortened by services such as Bitly and commonly used in tweets where there is a character limit. The original URL and the short URL are stored in a translation table on the service's server. provides tracking data. Short Url's can expire. They last as long as the service maintains its servers. Sometime used to disguise the real address of a website that is legitimate. This has caused web hosts and ISP's to block them, and this causes the short url's not to work. Use and to check desination of a short url before you use it.

World Wide Web (WWW)

a collection of HTML documents,images,videos, and sound files that can be linked and accessed over the internet using protocol called HTTP. The Web is NOT the internet.

web search engine

a computer program designed to help people locate information on the Web by formulating simple queries consisting of one or more words called keywords or search terms Results =Hits Seacrch engine=program that works behind the scenes to gather,index,find, and rank info from web. search engine,yahoo. com, bing search engine is the tech for microsofts yahoo searches Seaarch Engines have four components.

Web Page

a hypertext and HTML source document connected to the World Wide Web. It is stored as a file. The source document contains text for a web page interspersed with coding for visual and audio.

Web Server(host)

a internet based computer that stores and sends requested web pages and other files. One server can host multiple websites across multiple servers.

markup language

a language that uses tags to annotate the information in a document. Users "mark-up" documents inserting special instructions called HTML tags.

Link Popularity

a measure of the quality and quantity of the links from one Web page to others pages with links to and frompopular sits tend to get high relevancy ratings.


a program that extends a browser's ability to work with file formats. Adobe Reader(PDF files) Adobe Flash(animations) QuickTime(videos) A plugin and extensions are different. A plugin helps a browser display or play content. A Extension gives the browser itself more features and functionality.

HTTP session

a sequence of transactions most commonly used to request data from a Web server and return the files needed to display a Web page in a browser window At the end of a session, the connection is closed.


a small text file that a web server stores on your computer on memory or disk. Bad repuation for marketing tracking your broswer behavior Can be store don any device with a browser. Cookies monitor,gater info,collect personal info,verify Basically cookies are the answer to stateless protocol that leaves no record of the pages you visit on a website. Cookies contain-customer number,webpage url,shopping cart number,acess date or id number ssigned by java scipt or the server. Two cookies session and persistent.

Browser((Essential web technologies)

a software used to get and display web pages.

search operator

a word or symbol that describes a relationship between search terms and thereby helps you create a more focused query pg 293

query processor

accesses the database by entering search terms,and then produces a list of web pages that contain relevant to your query. Google handles 60,000 queries per second. Some days Google queries handles 6 billion. Each query is processed in less than a second. keeps algorithm a secret

URLs (uniform resource locator) or domain names (Essential web technologies)

addresses on the WWW. Identifier for web pages/sites. Can be long and complex or shortened to disguise what they contain. Security depends on your understanding of URL's and their components. Begins with HTTP to indicate the web's standard communications protocol. File name for specific web page is always last. .htm or.html i used to indicate it was made with hypertext makeup language. Main page file for a website is called Index.htm Sometimes contains a search string instead of name of HTML document. This is done by a question mark(?) and query string. Never type spaces for URL. A underline(/) symbol is sometimes used to give the appearance of a space. Always use a forward slash (/) The http can be omitted and you can just type Capitalize correctly are the sever can't find it. Links are NOT url's. They do contain url to another web page though. Url's contain domain names. Real Owner use WHOIS search.

Browser Extension

adds features to a browser(adblock for example) browsers provide a list of installed extensions to manage by disabling,enabling,deleting. Browsers were originally limited to displaying documents in HTML,and graphical files in GIF and JPEG. When a browser doesn't have built in support for these additional formats a plugin is used.

Browser Tabs

allow users to surf and view multiple pages by loading the Web sites into "tabbed" sections of one page, rather than multiple pages. Each tab holds a page. Alternative to tabs is opening in separate browser windows. This allows to see multiple pages at the same time instead of switching among them. Customization.

invisible web

also known as the deep web this is a large area of the internet that is inaccessible to search engines. Spiders cant get info from here. Password protected logins. Dynamically generated by Server Side Scripts.

source document

another word for HTML document. It is the source of HTML tags used to construct a website. Contains text but no graphics.

Dynamic Web Page

displays customized content in response to keyboard or mouse actions, or based on information supplied directly or indirectly by the person viewing the page Needs a addtional layer of technology. Directly-searches for product or driving directions Indirectly-autonomously grab data based on the vistors location or browsing history. Scipts is the language of dynamic. Javascipt,PHP,Python Can be put into head and body or sepearate docs. Two ways for dynamic client side and server side

Hypertext links (hyperlinks)(essential web technologies)

highlighted words and images within a web page that allow the user to move to another site by pointing and clicking a mouse button. A set of connections between web pages. Example: a syllabubs can have links to another comments in the reading. Links are Underlined or colored. Changes to hand. Touchscreens tap or swipe.

HTTP status code

indicates whether the browser's request could be fulfilled 200 means the request was fulfilled. 404 Not Found means the requested resource doesn't exist.

Predictive Services

look ahead and anticipate what you might do when searching or filling out forms Can track and store your data. If you are wary about security you might want to disable. Customization.

Search engine indexer

processes data gathered by the crawler into a list of keywords and url's stored in a that pulls keywords from a web page and stores them in a index database.

server side scripts

run on web servers rather than on your local device Creates sutomized web pages on the fly Asseses froma database Online Shopping

third party cookie

set by a site other than the one you connected to ad serving targeted ads cookies from domains like adnxs,doubleclick,fetchback,33across and ad.360yield Blocking cookies doesn't elimante ads

first-party cookie

set by the domain that hosts a Web page

persistent cookies

stored on the browser-side (client-side) computer even after the browser is closed remain untill expire or delted web broswe delted some that has a desinated time limit tend to accumulate in main storage areas of digital devices if no expiration date or date very far in future

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) Essential Web Technologies

the predominant language used to create web pages 1990 Tim-Berners-Lee Nexus software originally called World Wide Web Nexus ran on NeXt computers and was not available for huge installed IBM's. Marc Andeessen created Mosaic Mosaic(browser) ran on several computers including Windows Marc then created Netscape Netscape(browser) put the web into million of hands. HTML is the foundation for professionally desined corporate websites. Other parts of the markup family tree. DHTML(Dynamic HTML) creates interactive websites. XML(Extensible Markup Language)describes data like in a phone book. XHTML(Extensible HTML) similar to HTML,but stricter about punctuation and other coding. Most websites actually use XHTML,but everyone just calls it HTML. SGML(Standard Generalized Markup Language)the standard template for markup languages. A language for markup.

HTTP Secure

transports unencrypted data stream between client devices and servers. Based on public key encryption tech called SSL/TLS Is HTTP secure though. NO. HTTP SECURE is secure though-encrypts the data stream between client devices and servers. Vertify if it uses secure by https:// or lock icon. SSL certificate to broswer to know if secure.Helps stop pretender sites.

Public Key Encryption

uses two keys: a public key that everyone can have and a private key for only the recipient(decrypt) a encryption key cant be used to decrypt the message so a third part can't decrypt the data.

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