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The J-1 office normally performs what functions? a. Joint logistic actions to include general office supply actions b. Joint personnel actions to include working personnel assignments, JMD related actions, awards & ratings c. Establishes & implements JFC acquisition legal policy d. Recommending changes to JMD & staffing reflecting most effective operation of subordinate organizations


The J-3 would normally perform joint logistic actions. a. True b. False


The Joint Acquisition Review Board (JARB) is normally chaired by the: a. Joint Forces Commander (JFC) b. JFC Deputy Commander or J4 c. Staff Judge Advocate d. Joint Staff Comptroller


Legally, there are two types of contingencies: __________ contingencies and _____________ contingencies. Of the two types, a(n) _____________ contingency has fewer legal flexibilities.

Declared, Undeclared, Undeclared

Methods of removing conflicts of interest

Disqualification or recusal (stepping aside from decisions that could affect financial interests) Waivers of disqualification (continuing involvement, but only with full disclosure and permission from Agency officials) Divestiture (removing the financial interest that creates the conflict, which often involves selling the financial interest at issue)

Senior Contracting Official (SCO) Responsibilities

Establishes policies and procedures for developing, reviewing, and managing the contingency contracting process to include administration plans

As a Federal official, CCO may not accept gifts per __________.

FAR 3.101-2

Fraud is the misrepresentation of a material fact with ________________.

Intent to deceive

Regional Contracting Offices (RCOs):

Joint-staffed contracting organizations under the command and control of an RCC Normally led by a contracting officer and made up of between 2-8 warranted contracting officers, NCOs, and DoD civilians Size and makeup is based on actual mission support requirements Provide area support to specific forward operating bases and designated areas within the Joint Operations Area

Fill in the period of availability for the following funds: a. MILCON ________ b. RDT&E _________ c. Procurement ________ d. O&M _________ e. MILPER ________

MILCON -5 years, RDT&E - 2 years, Procurement - 3 years, O&M - 1 year, MILPER - 1 year

Employees who must file financial disclosure reports must report travel-related cash reimbursements or gifts totaling more than $285 from any one source, received by the employee, spouse or dependent children Reporting is done on __________________, Part V or on SF 278, Schedule B, Part II

OGE Form 450

The Regional Contracting Center (RCC) Chief, also known as the Chief of Contracting Office (COCO), has responsibilities to:

Plan, direct, and supervise purchasing Contract, administer and closeout for supplies, services and construction for assigned customers Approve actions exceeding CCO authority Develop and execute to ensure maximum competition Set priorities for your requirements

Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) Responsibilities

Provides overall guidance Acts as the approving authority Provides contractual policies and procedures Responsible oversight of Contracting within AOR

In operational area, contracting authority flows from Congress to the President, then to the Secretary of Defense, through the Service Agency Head, to the Head of the Contracting Activity (HCA) and then to the _________________________ and then to the Contracting Officer.

Senior Contracting Official (SCO)

Flows from Joint Contracting Commander / Head of Contracting Activity (In Theater)

Through the Senior Contracting Official (SCO) or Principal Assistant Responsible for Contracting (PARC) (usually the same person) SCO warranting authority includes: Selecting CCOs Appointing CCOs Terminating CCOs

Regional Contracting Centers (RCCs):

Typically consists of 10 to 25 warranted contracting officers, noncommissioned officers (NCO), and DoD civilians Common practice to align RCCs to a major land force (division, corps, or Marine Expeditionary Force) headquarters or air expeditionary wing or group Proper manning is based on the warrant and experience level of the staff, not the rank of the contracting officers on staff

A "prohibited source" is defined as ___________. a. Company doing business/seeking to do business with the Federal gov b. Foreign government c. Distinguished Visitor d. All of the above


Contingency Contracting Support Phase I; Mobilization/Initial deployment is normally the first ______days of deployment and is characterized by an extremely high operation tempo, confusion and controlled chaos a. 30 - 45 b. 45 - 90 c. 90 - 120 d. 120 - 180


General responsibilities of the SCO include: a. Managing and executing the Procurement Management Reviews b. Solicitation and Contract Review c. Litigation Management d. Respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Congressional inquiries


If a gratuity is delivered to you (e.g., left on your desk or car), what should you not do? a. Keep it because the giver is unknown b. Return it to the person who left it immediately c. Pay the fair market value d. Donate it to charity


The Navy's Global Contingency Services Contract (GCSC) is designed to provide: a. Short term facilities support services with incidental construction at various locations (including remote locations) throughout the world b. Long term facilities support services with incidental construction at various locations (including remote locations) throughout the world c. Long and short term facilities to include major construction at all locations throughout the world d. Short term facilities to include support services and major construction to all locations throughout the world


The SCO establishes policies and procedures for developing, reviewing and managing the contingency contracting process. a. True b. False


The ___________________ provides overall contracting oversight throughout the contingency and ensures compliance with law, regulation, policy, and good business practice: a. Head of Contracting Activity b. COCOM Commander c. Senior Contracting Official d. Joint Task Force Commander


The only personnel authorized to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts is: a. The CCO b. The COR c. The CCO after the COR d. The CCO before the COR


The purchase description should clearly describe: a. Essential physical and functional characteristics b. The level of effort for personal services c. Personal name, home address, electronic mail, and phone number of the customer d. Describe at length how the purchase will be paid for


What funding can be spent on unanticipated, short notice construction, but cannot exceed $500K without the Secretary of Defense notifying Congress? a. Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses (E&EE) b. Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP) c. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) d. Combatant Commander Initiative Fund (CCIF)


What is the term also identified with the SCO? a. Principal Authority Responsible for Contracting (PARC) b. HCA c. Chief of Contracting Office (COCO) d. Joint Task Force Commander (JTFC)


When defining and specifying requirements, contracting activities and their customer will consider: a. Technical needs and business strategies b. Business strategies and rank of the primary customer c. Competition restriction opportunities d. CO economy of effort


Who may direct Foreign Disaster Assistance (FDA) be used outside the United States to respond to manmade or natural disasters when necessary to prevent loss of life? a. President of the United States (POTUS) b. Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) c. Executive Agent d. Certifying Official/Comptroller


Who would perform normal joint communications support? a. J6 b. J4 c. J3 d. 51C


Match the Agreement with the function. a. ACSA b. SOFA c. Bilateral Agreement 1. Govern the status of contractors and employees, criminal jurisdiction, and taxation. 2. Bilateral international agreements that allow for the provision of cooperative logistics support 3. Clarifies terms under which the foreign military is allowed to operate

a2 b1 c3

Match the Team with the contingency contracting function. (Varies) a. HNS Team b. Advon Team c. JOCST Team 1. Team deploying within the first 30 days of a contingency that usually conducts a site survey. 2. Team that helps the CCO connect with host nation authorities and personnel designated to offer support 3. Team offering support during the initial phases of a declared contingency


As the CCO, you know that offices order supplies at the end of the month. However, you noticed that a specific office has also been randomly ordering every two weeks. What is your first thought: a. The office must have needed more supplies b. This could be an indication of fraud; further investigation is needed c. A new person has started d. This is not fraud


At what point must the Bona Fide Need exist? a. Before award b. At time of award, not performance c. After award d. At time of performance


For companies that offer product incentives with a purchase, the CCO may keep the item since the government did not necessarily pay for it. a. True b. False


Many foreign business cultures do NOT expect kick-backs, finders fees, exchange of gifts, or other gratuities. a. True b. False


Military exercises such as Joint Dawn and Foal Eagle are able to provide the participant with an exact replica of contingency contracting conditions. a. True b. False


Pre-arranged contracts awarded by Service acquisition program management offices that provide technical support, maintenance support and, in some cases, Class IX support for selected military weapons and support systems are: a. Theater support contracts b. System support contracts c. External support contracts d. Navy husbanding contracts


Professional friendships with contractors or subcontractors are prohibited. a. True b. False


Supply Class _____ Items consist of the following: construction materials, including installed equipment and all fortification and barrier materials. a. I b. IV c. VII d. X


The "Purpose Statute" prohibits what? a. Spending money on research and development fuels b. Spending money on objects other than those for which appropriations have been made c. Using appropriated funds on MWR resale items d. Utilizing non-appropriated funds for MWR recreational services


The Bona Fide Needs for severable services pertains to the: a. Period in which they will be performed but not later than 1 Oct of the obligated fiscal year b. Period in which the services are performed c. Year in which a contract is executed d. Period of which the monies are certified


The Bona Fide Needs rule provides for what? a. Specific funds are available and certified b. Funds are available only to satisfy requirements during period of availability c. The appropriate "color" of money is available to buy any supplies d. CCOs may be whatever, whenever needed


The HCA is responsible for i. Oversight of contracting ii. Compliance with statutes and regulations iii. Appoints SCO iv. Acquires supplies for the warfighter a. Answers i and ii b. Answers i, ii and iii c. Answers ii, iii and iv d. Answers iii and iv


What are the three parts of the "Necessary Expense Doctrine" for expenditures? a. Appropriate to the means of delivery, authorized use as agency dictates, and prioritized mission need b. Logically related to the appropriation, not prohibited by law, and not otherwise provided for c. Used as the agency directs, not otherwise prohibited by law, appropriate to the means of delivery d. None of the above


What funding may only be used for providing official courtesies to authorized guests? a. Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP) b. Official Representation Funds (ORF) c. Combatant Commander Initiative Fund (CCIF) d. Development Fund for Iraq (DFI)


What is the primary purpose of the Joint Contracting Support Board (JCSB)? a. To be the primary joint acquisition, not contracting, board b. To function as a coordination/deconfliction activity for contracting in joint operations c. Serve as the key board of advisors operating the Regional Contracting Centers directly d. None of the above


When an American CCO is deployed to support a NATO operation, they are only required to follow the procurement policies of the United States. a. True b. False


Which of the following does the CCO not have the authority to do? a. Use judgment to protect the warfighter and taxpayer b. Grant home leave to a supporting contractor c. Assist contractors finding experts since none are available in the DoD d. Encourage personnel to speak up if ethics are not being upheld


You may accept gifts from a prohibited source with a face value up to a total of $________ per calendar year, but any gifts on a single occasion may not exceed $_______ in value. a. $100 and $10 b. $50 and $20 c. $200 and $50 d. $ 75 and $40


A CCO's warrant is derived from which of the following? a. Legal Officer/Commander b. Command Authority c. Contracting Authority d. Service Director of Staff


A generic purchase description is written in simple language with one exception: a. You must use military specifications b. You do not need a supplier address c. Brand names are prohibited without a separate written justification d. When military specifications are used, the customer must reference an appropriate Technical Order (TO) or regulation


A knowing and willful violation of the "Anti-Deficiency Act" is punishable by: a. $10K fine, 35 years in prison, or both b. Up to two years in prison c. Up to $5K fine and two years in prison, or both d. Up to a $10K fine, 2 years in prison, or both


Any person who knowingly and willfully engages in conduct prohibited by the Anti-Kickback Act shall be imprisoned for not more than _____ years or shall be subject to a fine or both. a. Six months b. Two years c. Ten years d. Five years


CCOs must NOT avoid: a. Conflict of interest b. Appearance of a conflict of interest c. A particular matter without a direct financial impact d. A particular matter with a direct financial impact


Host Nation Support Agreements (HNSA), Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA), or Assistance in Kind Agreements (AIK) are normally negotiated through: a. The Contingency Contracting Office b. Foreign location Commander c. U.S. Department of State d. U.S. Department of Labor


If you have any doubt about what you should or should not accept, who should you consult? a. Supervisor b. Commander c. Legal Office or Ethics Advisor d. A contractor


In general, a Joint Theater Support Contracting Command will only be stood up for what type of operations? a. Humanitarian b. International missions c. Major sustained operations d. Small scale operations with short durations


Pre-arranged contracts, or contracts awarded during contingency, from contracting organizations whose contracting authority does not derive directly from the theater support contracting heads of contracting activity or from system support contracting authorities are: a. Theater support contracts b. System support contracts c. External support contracts d. Navy husbanding contracts


The Annex W of COCOM's Deliberate and Crisis Action Planning has which of the following documents: a. Site survey from the Advon team b. SF 1402 template c. Contractor Support Integration Plan (CSIP) d. After Action Reports (AARs)


The Bona Fide Needs for non-severable services generally apply to the: a. Period in which they will be performed but not later than 1 Oct of the obligated fiscal year b. Period in which the services are performed c. Year in which a contract is executed d. Period of which the monies are certified


The DoD does not tolerate any form of trafficking in persons (TIP). When should a TIP-related situation be reported to the appropriate officials? a. If there is knowledge about trafficking b. Only if the CCO actually sees it happening c. Always, it is a CCO responsibility d. When it becomes an inconvenience in the CCO position


What are the three basic fiscal constraints appropriated funds are subjected to? a. Time, Amount, United States Code b. Bona fide need, time, purpose c. Time, amount, purpose d. Purpose, Amount, agency ownership


What is the regular micro-purchase threshold amount? a. $1,000 b. $1,500 c. $3,000 d. $5,000


What type of funds are used for the day-to-day expenses incurred during training exercises and deployments? a. Maintenance and Repair b. Official Representation Funds (ORF) c. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) d. Commander's Emergency Response Program (CERP)


Which of the following is correct? i. Contracting Authority is the authority to enter into binding contracts ii. Contracting Authority is the authority to effectively use available resources iii. Command Authority is the authority to enter into binding contracts iv. Command Authority is the authority to effectively use available resources a. Answers i and iii b. Answers ii and iv c. Answers i and iv d. Answers ii and iii


Who provides quality inspections on contractor performance? a. HCA b. CCO c. COR d. SCO


Within contingency operations, who does the CCO mainly work with? a. J-1 officer b. J-2/3/5 officer c. J-4 officer d. J-6 officer


All purchase requests must meet two requirements: a. Funds are available, authorized representative signature b. Proper form and certified funds c. Point of contact available, good item description d. Good item description, certified funds


As a last resort, if the contractor appears to be offended, accept the gratuity and perform which of the following steps? a. Have your finance officer safeguard the gratuity by placing it in a safe and ask for a receipt b. Consult with the legal office c. Write a memo for record (MFR) explaining the circumstances/approx value of the item and mention legal advice was obtained d. All of the above


As the CCO, if I am offered an "escort" by a local vendor, which of the following should I do? a. Immediately inform counsel b. Inform your chain of command c. Take immediate action to impose suitable remedies, including termination, on contractors that support or promote trafficking or fail to monitor the conduct of their employees or subcontractors with regard to trafficking. d. All of the above


Commanders may use O&M funds to purchase unit coins for the purpose of: a. To "enhance esprit de corps" b. Mementos to build goodwill with local officials c. A personal award with a specific commander's name on it d. Recognizing excellence in accomplishments


Construction contracts obligated and awarded late in the fiscal year must have a performance start within how many days? a. 45 b. 15 c. 30 d. 90


Contingency Contracting Officers have which of the following duties and responsibilities? a. Maintain contract oversight with respect to contract performance by the contractor. b. Plan, direct, and supervise purchasing and contracting for supplies, services, and construction for assigned customers. c. Ensure contracts are competed and awarded to the local populace to the fullest extent possible in order to aid the development of the local economy while ensuring fair and reasonable prices. d. A & C only


Contracting and procurement fraud schemes involve which of the following: a. Product substitution b. Government employee collusion c. Bribes, gratuities and kick-backs d. All of the above


For bulk funding purchase requests: a. Return the purchase request back to the customer since these are improper in the contingency environment b. Coordinate with the Finance officer to ensure they are maintaining a running to track such bulk fund usage c. Obligate all bulk funds to one contract, one supplier d. The CO is responsible for maintaining a record of obligations and monitoring the remaining balance of funds


The Bona Fide Need for supplies exists when: a. The Government actually will be able to use such item(s) b. The Government obligates the appropriated fund c. The funds are presumed to be available d. Both a and c


The CCO or the Customer should contact the accounting and finance office for procedures to fund which of the following? a. Medical supplies b. Food, Goods and Services c. Vehicle rentals for recreational activities d. All of the above


The principal features of a purchase description may be determined by answering questions such as: a. What is it? b. What is it used for? c. What does it do? d. All of the above


There are several sources of contracting expertise geographically separated from the deployed CCO. Which of the following sources could be used? a. Defense Logistics Agency b. The nearest permanent military installation contracting office c. The American Embassy or Consulate d. All of the above e. A and B


What is the SAT threshold for declared contingencies outside of the US? a. $250,000 b. $500,000 c. $750,000 d. $1,000,000


Which of the following documentation may accompany purchase requests as required for construction projects? a. Cost Breakdown b. Schedule of Material Submittals c. Government Estimate of Completion Costs and Bidding Schedule d. All of the above


Which of the following is considered fraud? a. Suppression of truth b. A gesture or innuendo c. Misleading representation d. All of the above


Who maintains ethical responsibility for the US Government? a. Senior leadership b. Military personnel c. Civilians d. All government representatives


Who plans, directs and supervises purchasing and contracting for supplies, services and construction for assigned customers? a. COCO b. RCC c. CCO d. Both a and b


Who would assist the commander and SCO(s) to synchronize support to on-going and planning future operations? a. DOS b. HCA c. J6 d. J2/3/5


Contingency Operation' (10 U.S.C. 101(a)(13)) means a military operation that is ___________ by Secretary of Defense when armed forces used against an enemy; or _____________ by President or Congress when Reserves activated under Title 10, U.S.C.

designated, declared

The Anti-Kickback Act of 1996 does NOT apply to: a. Money, fees, commissions, gifts, gratuities b. Things of value c. Compensation of any kind d. Favorable treatment e. None of the above


When in a foreign area, the CCO may accept food, refreshments, or entertainment during meals or meetings so long as which of the following conditions are met: a. The US market value does not exceed the DoS per diem rate for the foreign area, when converted to US Dollars b. Guests include non-U.S. citizens or foreign representatives c. Attendance at the meeting or event is part of the employee's official duties d. The gifts are not from foreign governments e. All of the above


Contingency Contracting Officer (CCO) Responsibilities:

Acquire supplies and services for the warfighter Ensure contract files are documented, prepared, maintained, and closed Maintain contractor oversight/performance Provide training/monitor CCO appointed representatives Record and report on contractor performance

Anti-Kickback Act of 1996 "Prohibits actual or attempted payments or offers to provide kickbacks, which include any money, fees, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind, to include obtaining or rewarding favorable treatment" Giving or accepting a bribe is a crime punishable by fine and/or up to _______ in prison

10 years

Punishment for Bribery... "shall be fined under this title or not more than ______times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than _______ years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States."

3, 15

3 Most Common Types of Fraud

Bribery, Kickbacks and Gratuities

The purpose of the ____________________ is to acquire supplies, services, and minor construction as needed by the war fighter to support essential missions in response to a crisis, contingency, or declaration of war.

Contingency Contracting Officer (CCO)

KOs must understand the difference between Command and _____________ lines of authority


Pursuant to (Federal Acquisition Regulation [FAR] 1.602), these are the only personnel authorized to enter into, administer, or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings.

Contracting Officers (KOs

CCOs receive their contracting warrants from a source of ________________, not Command authority *

Contracting authority

When is UCMJ applicable to contractors accompanying the force?

Contractor employees are subject to military law under the UCMJ when accompanying U. S. forces during a declared war.

One of the indicators for conflicts of interest is...

Contractor's refusal to deal with anyone except Captain ______.

KOs may bind the government only ______________delegated to them. KOs shall receive from the appointing authority clear instructions in writing regarding the limits of their authority.

to the extent of the authority

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