Counseling Diverse Populations Unit 4

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What are some common examples of institutional and legislative forms of discriminations against Asian Americans?

-The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: The first ethnic-specific ban of its kind -The Gentleman's Agreement of 1907: Restricted Japanese immigration -The Immigration Act of 1917: Restricted Asian Indian immigration -The Tydings-McDuffie Act of 1934: Restricted Filipino immigration -The 1942 incarceration of 120,000 Japanese Americans in remote internment camps

What are some benefits of the psychodynamic approach?

-The capacity for clients to deal with the individual and multiple complexities of their lives -The focus on early childhood experiences and their impact on client functioning in later life

What are some Adlerian theoretical principles that appear conducive to therapeutic work with African descent clients?

-The concept of collective unity and social interest -Importance of family atmosphere -Emphasis on collaborative goal setting -Influence of multigenerational legacy -Flexibility of intervention strategies

Limitations of the client-centered approach with clients of African descent

-The intent to promote growth by the counselor seems to suggest a hierarchical relationship which is more consistent with a European rather than African worldview. -It suggests that the client lacks, in some basic way, an understanding of self or the concept of harmony and unity that is inherent in the African worldview. -The focus remains solely on the individual, primarily without any focus upon the connection to others as a part of the concept of self, which is rooted in a connection or existence within a community.

What are some limitation of the psychodynamic approach?

-The lack of attention to cultural factors -A tendency to pathologize cultural differences -The limited experience of many analysts with African descent women patients -The authoritarian style of the analyst with respect to the client -Heterosexism -The likelihood of racial attitudes of White therapists that have not been addressed in their own therapy

Factors that mask the negative effects of discrimination on Asian Americans include

-The model minority myth -The tendency to dichotomize racism as a Black-White issue -The lack of racial socialization and a language to speak to these issues among new immigrants -Related racial politics of success and economics

Factors that mediate Asian American adaptation to U.S. society include

-The nature and reason for immigration -The age at immigration -Language abilities -Past and present exposure to Western cultures -Immigration status -Socioeconomic status -Professional status -Ethnic pride -The length of stay in the U.S.

What are some things to consider when counseling Arab American clients?

-If the counselor is seen as an authority figure, the client may expect him to provide concrete solutions to problems rather than to ask questions designed to promote insight. -Arab Americans may initially be reserved with members of other ethnic groups until an initial sense of trust is established. -Some clients could feel that they are betraying their families by sharing personal matters with an outsider (the counselor). -Same-gender pairs, where available, may be more comfortable for Arab American clients. -As a counselor, particularly a non-Arab American one, learning a few key Arabic greetings, phrases, and cultural traditions from one's clients could go a long way in building rapport

What are some mental health experiences of Black middle-class persons?

-Institutional racism increases psychological distress across all socioeconomic levels. -Racial discrimination is a strong predictor of psychological symptoms in general, and somatization and anxiety in particular. -There is a relationship between internalized racism and alcohol consumption, psychological distress, depression, and lower self-esteem. -Blacks experience mental illness proportional to Whites, but the contributing factors may be different.

What are some contemporary forms of institutional and individual racism experienced by Asian Americans?

-"English-only" language initiatives -Income-to-education disparities -Glass ceiling effects in career advancement -Differential treatment -Verbal insults and racial slurs -Physical harassment -Vandalism -Homicide

What was the slogan of Black Americans in the 1960s?

"Black is beautiful"

At the individual level, barriers fro Asian Americans in seeking professional help may include

-Lack of knowledge or exposure to Western mental health treatment -Misconceptions about professional counseling -Immigration history -Length of stay in the U.S. -Levels of acculturation -Gender -History of previous treatment -Limited language proficiency -Client-counselor ethnic matching

What are some stressors of the acculturation process; acculturative stress

-Learning a new language and cultural customs -Learning to navigate within entirely new social structures (e.g., education, employment, government) -"Transferring" from former levels of education/employment credentials -Intergenerational stressors -Arab American children translating for parents -Different or stricter rules/expectations between c cultures

What are the truths countering several misconceptions about Muslim women?

-Males and females are considered by Islam to be equals before God. -Muslim women are able to obtain education, own property, make their own decisions about marriage and divorce, and vote. -For prayer and other activities in traditional Arab Muslim households, the genders are separated

What are some truths about middle class persons of African descent?

-Middle-class African Americans are more likely to have to operate biculturally. -Middle-class Blacks who are isolated from the Black community may experience symptoms of depression and guilt for "making it" (i.e., "survivor guilt") when others in the Black community have not. -Counselors need to assess and understand how social class interacts with and affects Black clients' treatment issues and experiences with discrimination

What are some general facts about individuals of African descent and mental health?

-African Americans may underutilize mental health services, may only seek them out in times of crisis, and may have more severe symptoms once attaining treatment. -African Americans are more likely to be misdiagnosed and to drop out of treatment earlier than their White counterparts. -Depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and schizophrenia are seen in the African American community at similar rates as with Whites, even though misdiagnosis may be common. -Racism can be a significant contributing factor to feelings of depression and anxiety even if the client does not recognize it. -The Black community faces uniquely negative environmental influences that impact mental health

What are some "best practices" counseling interventions with clients of Arab descent?

-Avoiding the tendency to impose Western biases and approaches -Engage community and family member involvement as much as possible -Understand and identify the nature of stigmas and help-seeking behaviors -Be mindful of standards for cultural competence

Common Arab American vlaues

-Collectivism -Religion and faith -Education, work, and economic status -Communication styles

What are some general values associated with individuals of African descent?

-Collectivism and group consciousness (a group identity) -Communalism—person-centered versus object-centered -Care for elderly at home -Flexible time orientation -Racial socialization of children -Kinship bonds -Spiritual and/or religious orientation -Harmony and interrelatedness with nature -Extended family relationships -Collective child-raising practices -Nonrelative familial relationships -Educational attainment -Gender egalitarian romantic relationships -Respect of adult figures by children -Assertiveness -Expressiveness in communication style -The "family business" stays in the family

client-centered counseling

-Counseling where the focus is on the relationship between counselor and client and how client change is facilitated through the development of the therapeutic relationship -Conditions include genuineness, congruence, positive regard, acceptance of the client, and empathic understanding

What are some of the factors influencing the ease or difficulty of the adjustment process from those of Arab descent?

-Country of origin -The reason for coming to the U.S. -Language used at home -Proximity to an Arab American enclave

At the sociocultural level, barriers to seeking mental health services for Asian Americans may include

-Cultural values and views of mental health -The notion of shame or loss of face -Expression of distress -Stigmatization of persons with mental illness and mental health services use -Availability of alternative healing practices


-Muslim women and girls who agree to wear veils may feel that it is a sign of their religious devotion and cultural pride -Some women indicate that they can develop their minds and opinions when attention is taken away from their physical selves -Other Muslim women may have an ambivalent view, accepting it at certain times and places and rejecting it at others. -Women who wear veils have not forfeited their rights (e.g., they can study, choose professions, exercise authority in the family and in the community)

What are other external influences on Arab American ethnic identity?

-Political discourse of the times -Predominant religions in the local communities -Absence or presence of other Arab Americans -Other acculturation-related factors such as length of time in the United States or language spoken at home

What issues are common to inner city Black children?

-Poverty -Disparity of educational resources -Poorer mental and physical health care -Temptations of drugs and violence -Teen pregnancy -Growing up in predominately female-supported households -Fewer community support resources

What are some common presenting issues of Black elderly people in the US?

-Poverty -Poor mental and physical health care -Illiteracy -Gender discrepancies -Employment discrimination -Social and physical isolation -Disability -Grief and bereavement issues

With regard to children of African descent in counseling what are some things counselors should be aware of?

-Racial identity -Problems children might face given their school, home, and social environments -How racism affects normal developmental challenges children face

What are some demographic characteristics likely to influence individuals of Arab descent?

-Religion -Gender -Refugee status -Acculturation -Discrimination experiences

What are some common presenting issues of Black women?

-Single parenthood or parenting issues -Weight -Skin color -Self-esteem, depression, anxiety -Economic struggles -Perceived lack of available same-race romantic male partners -Childhood sexual abuse -Domestic violence -Inappropriate use of anger as a defense -Relational mistrust -Emotional intimacy issues

What are some Asian American values surrounding death and dying?

-Death is a communal affair among several Asian groups. -Burials and cremation ceremonies are traditionally performed by the males in the family, and elders are often consulted in performing rites. -The Hmong believe that proper burial and ancestral worship influence the health, safety, and prosperity of the family. -Buddhists believe that proper burial rituals and state of the mind of the dying person influence the rebirth process. -For Hindus, cremations and other death rituals are designed to assist with rebirth and release the soul from its earthly existence. -For Muslims, burials are crucial to the Islamic belief in the physical resurrection of the dead

Findings from the Chinese American Psychiatric Epidemiological Study (CAPES), the Filipino American Community Epidemiological Study (FACES) and The National Latino and Asian American Study (NLAAS) studies provide insight on racism and its relationship to psychological distress, including:

-Depression -PTSD -Domestic violence -Anxiety -Schizophrenia -Self-esteem -Race-related stress -Drug use -Body image -HIV risk behaviors -Chronic health concerns

When working with a diverse Asian community, counselors should:

-Develop a range of treatment modalities. -Assess the problem to determine if it is individual, systemic, environmental, or a combination of these. -Be sensitive to the cultural norm of placing a family's needs before an individual's needs. -Factor alternative healing approaches into treatment.

What are some common health issues faced by individuals of African descent?

-Diabetes -Heart disease -HIV/AIDS -Prostate cancer -Higher infant mortality rates -Substance abuse -Sickle cell anemia -Lead poisoning -Teen pregnancy

What are the three broad groups of Asian Americans?

-East Asians from China, Taiwan, Japan, Philippines, and Korea -South Asians from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives -Southeast Asians from Vietnam, Laos, Hmong, and Cambodia

What are some unique struggles faced by couples of African descent?

-Economic problems -Unemployment -Women making more money than their male partners -Substance abuse issues -Blended families -The sex ratio that favors men over women so fewer marriageable men are available -Internalized racism -The realities and pressures of daily racism faced by Black couples

In terms of social advocacy and social justice, it is important for counselors to:

-Engage in a constant process of raising their awareness about Asian Americans in different contexts (e.g., media, work) -Understand how meanings of identity shift through different social locations (e.g., race, gender) -Sort through their assumptions and stereotypes (e.g., model minority) about this heterogeneous group

What are some common presenting issues in Black families?

-Finances -Blended families -Missing father figures -Violence -Multigenerational role conflict -The negative impact of colorism -Unemployment

What are common issues for children middle class children of African descent living in suburban areas?

-Fitting into predominately White environments -Feeling isolated from other children of color -Being the only person of color in a classroom -Having to develop bicultural skills -Parental divorce -Growing up in predominately female-supported households -Feelings of not being "Black enough" or "White enough," depending on their social environments

What are some common presenting issues for Black men?

-Formation of a Black male identity in a society that fears and rejects Black men as "problem people" -Absent or distant relationships with father figures -Self-esteem -Economic struggles -Domestic and other violence -Relational mistrust -Emotional intimacy issues -Depression -Anxiety -Substance abuse

In relation to acculturation a counselor should asses:

-How invested a Black client is in traditional African American religious beliefs and practices -Traditional African American socialization experiences and values -Preferences for African American things that will give the counselor an indication of the client's level of acculturation

What are some outcomes that may result from the process of encountering an unfamiliar culture for Arab Americans?

-Some individuals become so assimilated to customs of their new home that they leave behind their former cultural values. -Others may become bicultural or integrated in their acculturation status. -Other individuals may keep themselves separated from the new culture and cling tightly to their original traditions. -Others may feel marginalized in both cultures

What are some common support systems for individuals of African descent?

-Spirituality and religion play an important role in the lives of many Black families and individuals and help combat societal oppression and increase economic support. -Black organizations (e.g., fraternities, sororities, NAACP) -Extended family -Sister Circles -Brotherhood opportunities -Activities for children (e.g., sports, music)

What are some strengths of Black couples?

-Support systems of the couples' extended families -The Black church and other Black organizations -The gender egalitarian nature of Black couples -A cultural connectedness often shared by Black couples -A flexible role orientation within the relationship

What are the four waves of Arabs arriving in the United States?

-The 1st group came primarily from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and Jordan at the end of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. -The 2nd group of Arab immigrants arrived after World War II. -The 3rd wave of immigrants were also predominantly educated Muslims. -The 4th wave of immigrants included Iraqi refugees

What is true about the poverty, unemployment, incarceration and graduation rates for African Americans and White Americans?

-The poverty rate for African Americans (27.2%) remains nearly three times higher than that of White Americans (9.6%). -The unemployment rate for African Americans (13.1%) remains two times higher than that of White Americans (6.5%). -Blacks are incarcerated at a rate five times higher than Whites. -Among high school students enrolled in public schools, African Americans have the lowest graduation rate compared to Whites (66.1% vs. 83%). -Of African Americans, 20.8% are college graduates from 4-year universities compared to 43.3% of Whites.

What are some characteristics of multiculturally competent counselors working with children of African descent?

-They are aware of available culturally appropriate community resources for children and their families. -They are open to including significant community members (e.g., one's minister) in a child's treatment if therapeutically indicated and if parental permission is given

Working with Arab Americans, given the socio-political climate over the recent decade or more, requires knowledge of:

-U.S. foreign policy toward the Arab Middle East and neighboring regions -Civil liberties issues around profiling and harassment -Laws surrounding immigration and seizure

What are some sites of resiliency for Asian Americans?

-Use of alternative forms of healing -Holistic emphasis on health and a spiritually guided life (themes of fatalism, karma, and religion) -Family and social community

What are some Arab American communication characteristics that differ from average US communication style?

-Use of non-verbal gestures to express emotion and respect -Comfort with touching and standing in close proximity while communicating with those they are familiar with -Use of high volume or repetition to emphasize a critical point -Arab Americans may be reluctant to share emotional feelings or issues with those outside of their culture, and may resort to somaticizing their emotions. -May be reluctant to say anything negative about others, especially family or community members. -There may be a hierarchy of communication among family members, with an emphasis on children speaking respectfully to elders and women being respectful to men in public settings

NTU psychotherapy

-describes a universal, unifying force that touches upon all aspects of existence, including a spiritual force inside an individual and a spiritual force outside the individual -Counseling is considered to be a healing process based on a spiritual relationship between the client & counselor (healer).

Psychodynamic theory

-focuses on the individual and not the community. -The general principles of individualism, unconscious mental processes, and impulses are inconsistent with an Afrocentric framework

Perceived trustworthiness

-includes factors of sincerity, openness, honesty, or lack of motivation for personal gain. -Counselor self-disclosure is intrinsic to developing trust

What are some of the challenges faced by interracial and intercultural couples?

-lack of support by one or both members' families -social stigma -criticism within their own same-race communities -fears about their children's adjustment to a biracial identity -social pressure or rejection

What are some basic beliefs of Islam?

-persons are responsible for their own deeds and must always remain accountable to God and aware of his presence -Muslims also share the Christian belief in Heaven and Hell. -Islam emphasizes unity among peoples, even across racial or religious lines

collective worldview

-see themselves as part of an extended family and community structure. -Decisions are made within this context. -Help is sought from other members of the collective group. -Appropriate behavior is defined by the shared beliefs of the community. -Interdependence is valued as a sign of dedication and loyalty to the group.

strengths-based approach

-when working with Black families involves assessing a family's strengths (skills, abilities, and knowledge) and using these strengths in counseling to empower clients. -Some of the strengths of Black families include strong kinship bonds, strong work orientation, adaptability, high achievement orientation, and versatility

What two approaches are generally used for research on counseling Asian Americans?

1.Epidemiological studies that attempt to be representative of a particular population at large. 2.Small-scale studies that often use smaller convenience samples.

What are 3 levels that should be considered when thinking about how an Arab American identity could be constructed?

1.Individual level: Adolescents must come to understand their ethnicities, build a sense of self-esteem, and confront the roles that take up most of their time (e.g., student, family member, friend). 2.Family and peer level: There may be differences regarding how much they feel their values are similar to or conflicting with those of the parental generation (collectivism vs. U.S. individualism). Sociocultural level: Young Arab Americans may learn of the discrimination directed at their community and about the politics of the Middle East

When was the League of Arab States founded and how many states does it include?

1945 22 states

Which racial/ethnic community is one of the fastest growing in the US?

Asian Americans

How should counselors approach the terminology they use with their clients of African descent?

Ask their clients what they would like to be called

What are some examples of psychosocial issues for Arab Americans presenting as somatic issues?

Depression or anxiety may become manifest in digestive, sleep, or any number of other physical disorders

Why do counselors need to assess how central clients' racial awareness and identity is to who they say they are as individuals?

Due to great variation in racial identity development

Five circular phases of NTU psychotherapy

Harmony, Awareness, Alignment, Actualize, and Synthesis

What is the reason that a disproportionate amount of Black children were labeled with intellectual disabilities in the late 20th century?

Intelligence tests which were not normed on Black children or children of lower SES were used as the sole measure for placing children into special education programs

According to the U.S. census categories where are most individuals of Arab descent from?

Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, and Iraq

What are some of the historical terms used for African Americans?

Negroes, Colored, Blacks, Afro-Americans, and African Americans

Who coined the term African American and why?

Reverend Jesse Jackson in the 1980s to emphasize Black Americans' ties to Africa as well as the country of their citizenship, the U.S

relative functionalism

The concept common to Asian Americans of placing a higher value on education as the most viable means of upward mobility

What constituted the start of immigration among Asian ethnic groups?

The large-scale arrival of Chinese laborers on the Hawaiian sugar plantations and the gold mines of California in the mid-1800s

Why may Arab American parenting styles be more authoritarian than their counterparts in home countries?

U.S. cultural values may be viewed as a potential threat to the structure of the Arab American family and its value system, particularly in the case of Muslims

What knowledge about a client will guide the counselor in recommending or acknowledging appropriate support systems for their clients?

Understanding a client's racial identity and level of acculturation


although foreign born, are involuntarily displaced from their countries -They are often forced to leave their countries of origin due to political unrest, human rights violations, or other chaotic situations -They are in exile from their own lands and are unable to return

Filial piety

an abstract concept, which prescribes the way children need to show respect and obedience toward their parents, elders, and ancestors

emigrational status

an important determinant of the nature of transition and adjustment that individuals make in moving to a new environment

scientific racism

an unethical practice initiated during the middle of the 18th century through the beginning of the 20th century where pseudoscientists played an integral role in promulgating myths that indigenous non-Whites were racially inferior

Arab American

any individual who defines himself or herself as part of that ethnic group and has heritage linked to the League of Arab States


are foreign-born individuals who leave their countries on a voluntary basis -They moved to a new country for economic opportunities and upward mobility, and they are free to return to or visit their countries without legal restrictions. -Immigrants may come to the U.S. for short periods of time or on a permanent basis

ecological perspective

asserted academic performance cannot be adequately understood without consideration of the confluence of environmental variables and educational resources and how they affect learning

How does perceived discrimination affect mental health?

associated with an increase in suicidal attempts and ideation, an increased likelihood of a mental disorder, and chronic health conditions

Why did Chinatowns develop?

because Chinese Americans were restricted from living among Whites, owning land, buying property, intermarrying with Whites, or obtaining an education

Why are some Black families pathologized by traditional mental health models?

because many Black families are not nuclear

What are some of the ways a client's Black identity (especially if excessively negative) can have negative implications for mental health issues and self-esteem?

can present as forms of internalized racism, such as internalization of the White beauty ideal, rejection of a Black identity, high negative feelings about being Black, and the disparagement of other Blacks

What is possibly true about depression in Asian Americans?

depression rates among Asian Americans may be higher than that of the general population

Cross model of Black Racial Identity Development

describes a process by which most African Americans come to embrace and internalize a positive Black identity despite instances of racial discrimination and negative societal messages about being Black

Adlerian approach

focuses on social interest as an organizing principle and gives attention to cultural factors on development and presenting treatment issues

Jim Crow laws

maintained and supported segregationist policies that governed the lives of Blacks through the 1960s

Among Asian Americans what concept governs interpersonal relationships?

maintaining harmony


noted "mental illness" of slaves who tried to escape from their owners


refers to a form of internalized racism in which African Americans with lighter skin are often perceived as having an easier time than African Americans with darker skin

Asian American value of family or kinship

refers to an extended network of relationships that encompasses several households

Involuntary Immigration

refers to situations in which newcomers seek refuge due to intolerable situations at home

Cultural frame switching

refers to the notion that different aspects of identity may be activated based on different contexts

Sites of resiliency

represent those psychological and/or physical spaces that help Asian Americans cope

What element of physical features is often related to self-esteem, body image issues, & feelings of attractiveness especially in women?

skin color

What kind of interventions do Arab-Americans tend to prefer?

solution-focused, cognitive behavioral, or other pragmatic or practical interventions

deficit perspective

students who underachieve academically, especially African American students, are responsible for their own failure because of an innate lack of intellectual and behavioral abilities

Racial microaggressions

subtle statements or behaviors, whether intentional or unintentional, that convey insulting or demeaning messages to people of color

Afrocentric psychotherapies

supportive and sensitive to the cultural values of African descent peoples

one drop rule

the belief that "one drop" of black blood makes a person black

What was the second wave of Arab immigration to the US nick-named and why?

the brain drain because those who left were formally educated Muslims with the means to escape undesirable situations

Post-Civil War Reconstruction

the brief historical period between the end of enslavement in 1865 and the beginning of the Jim Crow era in 1877

achievement gap

the chronic disparity in academic performance between White and some ethnic minority students, including African American students

What is true about the demographics of Arab Americans?

the majority is made up of Christian Arabs who immigrated to the United States over a longer time period than their Muslim Arab counterpart

Prior to the "black is beautiful" movement who named African Americans?

those in power

Who are included in the Arab population geographically speaking?

those who have ancestral ties to the Saudi Arabian peninsula and historically have practiced Islam

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