CoursePoint Chapter 16: Outcome Identification and Planning - ML3

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A nurse is reviewing the plan of care for a client. Which statement would the nurse identify as an appropriate outcome?

"Client will identify one coping strategy to try by end of week."

A nurse is caring for a client who began taking the antidepressant paroxetine 2 weeks ago. The client recently began giving away prized possessions and tells the nurse, "My mind is made up, I can't do this any longer." What is the best action by the nurse to incorporate this information into the plan of care?

Add the nursing diagnosis: Risk for Self-Harm.

Which is an appropriate expected outcome for a client undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer?

By discharge, the client will perform hand hygiene before and after port care.

A nurse administers an antihypertensive medication according to the standardized plan of care for a client admitted with uncontrolled hypertension. Which assessment information indicates the expected client outcome has been met within the first 24 hours?

Client is normotensive

Which elements are important to incorporate into a client's plan of care? Select all that apply.

Client participation Care that is realistic and measurable Involvement of support people

Which is an appropriate expected outcome for a client?

Client will ambulate safely with walker in the room within 3 days of physical therapy.

A client with food poisoning has the nursing diagnosis "diarrhea." Which expected client outcome most directly demonstrates resolution of the problem?

Client will have formed stools within 24 hours.

A home care client with dementia has the nursing diagnosis "Wandering." Which expected client outcome most directly demonstrates resolution of the problem?

Client will not leave the premises without a caregiver.

Which guideline should the nurse follow when including interventions in a plan of care?

Date the nursing interventions when written and when the plan of care is reviewed.

A nurse designs a care plan to improve walking mobility in an older adult client. When the nurse encourages the client to implement the new strategies for ambulation, the client refuses to try and tells the nurse, "I find it easier to use a wheelchair." What action by the nurse may have led to failure to meet the outcome?

Developing the plan without client input

A nurse is demonstrating Foley catheter care to a client. Which type of nursing intervention does this best represent?


A nurse is caring for a client who was admitted 2 days ago following surgery. The client has diminished lung sounds in the posterior bases. What is the best action by the nurse?

Encourage hourly use of the incentive spirometer.

A nurse is using a standardized plan of care for a client. Which action would be most important for the nurse to do?

Individualize the plan to the client.

What is true of nursing responsibilities with regard to a physician-initiated intervention (physician's order)?

Nurses do carry out interventions in response to a physician's order.

A nurse is writing an initial plan of care for a client with a rare condition. The nurse has little experience with the condition. What action by the nurse will result in the best plan of care?

Seek research about the disorder

Which is an example of a nurse-initiated intervention?

Teach the client how to splint an abdominal incision when coughing and deep breathing.

The nurse recognizes that an example of a cognitive outcome is:

The client identifies three foods high in potassium by August 8.

Which outcome for a client with a new colostomy is written correctly?

The client will demonstrate proper care of the stoma by 3/29/20.

Which is an example of a psychomotor outcome?

Within 2 days of education, the client's spouse will demonstrate an abdominal dressing change.

The nurse is considering the needs of the postoperative client in the home setting. The nurse is performing:

discharge planning

A client is unconscious and unable to provide input into outcome identification. With which group of individuals should the nurse consult for the formulation of goals and measurable outcomes?


When planning nursing interventions, the nurse must review the etiology of the problem statement. The etiology:

identifies factors causing undesirable response and preventing desired change

The nurse recognizes that identifying outcomes/goals must include:

involvement of the client and family.

A client was admitted 2 days ago with sepsis. The nurse updates the client's care plan based on improvements in the client's condition. This is an example of which type of planning?


A nurse is caring for a client with congestive heart failure. The nurse manager informs the nurse that the client was enrolled in a clinical trial to assess whether a 10-minute walk, three times per day, leads to expedited discharge. What type of evaluation best describes what the researchers are examining?


A client's diagnosis of breast cancer necessitates a bilateral mastectomy and breast reconstruction with tissue expanders. The nurse recognizes that the client's surgery will have a significant impact on the client's activities of daily living (ADLs) during the period of recovery. When should the nurse begin discharge planning to address this client's ADLs?

On the client's admission to the hospital

The expected outcome for a client with a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is: "Client will describe appropriate actions when implementing the prescribed medication routine." Which statement by the client indicates the outcome expectation has been met?

"I will test my glucose level before meals and use sliding scale insulin."

A client is required to have nothing by mouth (NPO) for 8 hours prior to a test scheduled for tomorrow. What action by the nurse best communicates this change in basic care needs for the client?

Updating the diet orders in the client's plan of care

When a nurse assists a postoperative client to the chair, which type of nursing intervention does this represent?


Although each care plan is individualized, clients undergoing similar medical or surgical treatments often have certain risks and health problems in common and therefore can benefit from a common care plan. What name is given to this type of care plan?


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