CPC Exam

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How are the conceptual estimating categories identified? A. Numbers B. Capital letters C. Roman numerals D. Written out numbers

B. Capital letters

A conflict arises between the documents provided below, which item will be given highest Priority by the Courts? A. Drawings B. Drawing Notes C. Technical Specifications D. Supplementary Conditions

B. Drawing Notes

At which point in time must the agreement be provided to each prospective bidder? A. At the bid opening B. During the bidding phase of the project C. At the signing of the Owner-Contractor Agreement D. Just before the signing of the Owner-Contractor Agreement

B. During the bidding phase of the project

Owner-Contractor Risk Relationship for Various Contract Types


UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Services' Designation


A conflict arises between the documents provided below, Which of the Documents listed below would be given the highest Priority? A. Drawings B. General Conditions C. General Requirements D. Supplementary Conditions

D. Supplementary Conditions

When writing the Bid Division Scope Description, a portion of the Specific Inclusions section can be obtained by consulting the A. General Conditions B. General Requirements C. Instruction to Bidders D. Technical Specifications Division/Level number

D. Technical Specifications Division/Level number

Which of the following bid items are "Commonly Overlooked when Evaluating Subcontractor Bids." A. Labor B. Material C. Equipment D. Temporary electrical

D. Temporary electrical

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Special Construction and Demolition' Designation


UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Building Sitework' Designation


UniFormat Level 1 System Category Z Description


Construed Against the Author

If any clause of a contract is ambiguous then that provision will be interpreted against the party who prepared the document. The courts have ruled that if both interpretations are reasonable then the interpretation by the party that did not draft the clause will prevail.

Condition Subsequent

If something is not done following to the event within the specified time limits, this event relieves the promissory of any liability already attached. Some examples are words such as: "Policy claim within time," "Claims for Contract Change Order."

Trade Practices and Trade Terms

In the construction industry, numerous terms take on a specialized meaning within the industry. Courts call these trade practices or trade terms. For instance, if the contract documents included two typical details which were in conflict with each other regarding the installation, then the detail that was consistent with local trade practices will prevail. Also, construction trade terms such as rebar, caisson, sheet piles, and piles are distinctive to construction, and the courts will interpret the terms according to their commonly accepted meaning within the construction industry.

Standardized General Conditions

Numerous construction associations have written their version of Standardized General Conditions. These documents define the basic rights, responsibilities and relationships of all parties involved in the construction process. It also sets forth the manner and general procedures whereby the provisions of the contract are to be implemented according to accepted business practices in the construction industry. This document has preprinted terms. These General Conditions are "incorporated by reference."

Best Application for a Negotiated Cost Plus Percentage Fee Contract

Scope, duration, and scheduling of work ill defined, engineering proceeding with construction. Examples: emergency work; involvement in new "state of the art"; project in which scope and design being developed as project progresses. Exceptional confidence required.

UniFormat Level 1 System Category D Description


UniFormat Level 1 System Category B Description


UniFormat Level 1 System Category F Description

Special Construction and Demolition

Contractual Provisions Clause

This clause should contain the location the law is governed by, the prevailing wage rate table including the county and state, the minimum number of skills craft workers, the expected material leadtime, the start date of construction, the number of days to complete construction, and an expected completion date.

Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel

This doctrine holds that if the prime contractor reasonably relies on the promise or price of the subcontractor to its detriment, then the subcontractor must be held to its promise in order to avoid harm to the prime contractor. To ensure that this promise isn't indefinite or unreasonable, the subcontractor provides a time limit for acceptance of their bid.

Plan Notes

When contradictions exist between the plan notes and the specifications, the more specific item governs over the general item. The general principle of law described above is that the specific takes precedence over the general.

UniFormat Level 1 System Category G Description

Building Sitework

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Interiors' Designation


Which conceptual estimating method provides the most accurate estimate? A. Range B. Assemblies C. Square Foot Model D. Square Foot/Cubic Foot

B. Assemblies

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Substructure' Designation


UniFormat Level 1 System categories (list all)

A - Substructure B - Shell C - Interiors D - Services E - Equipment and Furnishing F - Special Construction and Demolition G - Building Sitework Z - General

Order of Precedence

A clause in the documents that states that in the event of an internal conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within or between the contract documents, certain documents or portions of the document shall take precedence over other documents or portions of the document. For example, in EJCDC 1910-8 it states that "in resolving conflicts, errors, and discrepancies, the documents shall be given precedence in the following order: Modifications, Agreement, Addenda, HUD, Supplementary General Conditions, Plan Notes, Plans, Technical Specifications."

How many categories are in the conceptual estimating classification system? A. 9 B. 16 C. 31 D. 49

A. 9

The Equal Employment Opportunity clause states that "on this project a total of 13 percent of the contract award value shall be for minorities," What is this minority hiring percentage considered according to the law? A. A goal B. An obligation C. A minimum requirement D. A maximum requirement

A. A goal

Which of the following sub bid organization documents is used to list the technical specifications Division/Section numbers & assign the work to a specific trade or vendor? A. Bid Division Index B. Bid Scope Description C. Subcontract Agreement D. Subcontract Bid Breakdown and Proposal Form

A. Bid Division Index

A contract is entered into whereby the design and scope are undefined and the Owner agrees to pay for all direct labor, materials, equipment plus some agreed upon fee to the Contractor for their services. What is this type of contract called? A. Cost Plus B. Turn Key C. Unit Price D. Lump Sum

A. Cost Plus

Which of the following contract formation principles are needed to form a valid contract? A. Offer, Acceptance, Meeting of the Minds and Consideration B. Performance, Technical Specifications and Consideration C. General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and a Proposal D. Plans, Technical Specifications, General and Supplementary Conditions

A. Offer, Acceptance, Meeting of the Minds and Consideration

According to the courts, the bidder must interpret or make an inference considering all physical site condition that are observed during the pre-bid site inspection. You have observed cattails in a certain area of the project. What inference must be made? A. Organic material is present and not suitable for structure. Hence remove and replace B. Civil plans do not show the low wet area, Therefore, a contract change order can be requested later C. The Soil Investigation Report does not address the soil condition. Therefore, an RFI can be requested and converted into a contract change order D. The Design Development drawings do not address the soil condition. Therefore, an RFI can be requested and converted into a contract change order

A. Organic material is present and not suitable for structure. Hence remove and replace

Which of the following bid items are "Commonly Overlooked when Evaluating Subcontractor Bids." A. Prevailing Wages B. Craft Changehouses C. Automobile Insurance D. Workers Compensation

A. Prevailing Wages

Which of the following is considered a physical site condition that the Contractor must interpret from the pre-bid site inspection or examination of the site? A. Soft Rock outcropping B. Site plan with dimensions C. Soil Report and the soil borings D. Site location plan with building location

A. Soft Rock outcropping

Which of the following Content items are included in the Specific Inclusions section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Trade Activities, Systems & Locations, Complete and Operational and Accepted by the Owner B. Scaffolding, Unload Materials, Material Storage, Layout Work, Test and Inspect, Material Protection, Temporary Facilities, and Cleanup C. Shop Drawings, Owner & Operating Manuals, Prevailing Wages, Permit Fees, Meetings, Lien Waivers, Licensed Contractor, and Warranties D. Document list, Bid Scope Description, Contract Price, Bid Breakdown, Leadtime Dates and Crew Size, Scheduled Dates and Enumeration of Documents

A. Trade Activities, Systems & Locations, Complete and Operational and Accepted by the Owner

What is the name of the conceptual estimating classification system? A. UniFormat B. PageFormat C. MasterFormat D. SectionFormat

A. UniFormat

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Shell' Designation


According to numerous court decisions, under which of the following conditions will the Soil Investigative Reports be considered a part of the contract? A. If it is listed in the Project Index and the Drawing Index B. If it is listed in the Project Index and the Index is listed in the Agreement C. If it is listed in the General Conditions and the Supplementary Conditions D. If it is included with the Bid Package and the Project Index listed the Soil Report

B. If it is listed in the Project Index and the Index is listed in the Agreement

On a $27 Million project, a Contractor priced the Bid on the assumption that it would not be responsible for the height pay to workers under a collective bargaining agreement. The Contractor's Bid Proposal was low. After the Bid Opening the contractor learned that the collective bargaining agreement required the Contractor to provide height pay worth $375,000. The Contractor Requested to withdraw due to the error. What type of error or bid mistake is this called? A. Quantity error B. Judgment error C. Arithmetic error D. Transposing error

B. Judgment error

Which of the following bid items are "Commonly Overlooked when Evaluating Subcontractor Bids." A. Profit B. Sales and Use Taxes C. Main office expenses D. Management Experience

B. Sales and Use Taxes

Which of the following content items are included in the General Inclusions section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Trade Activities, Systems & Locations, Complete and operational and Accepted by the Owner B. Scaffolding, Unload Materials, Material Storage, Layout Work, Test and Inspect, Material Protection, Temporary Facilities, and Cleanup C. Document list, Bid Scope Description, Contract Price, Bid Breakdown, Leadtime Dates and Crew Size, Scheduled Dates and Enumeration of Documents D. Document List, Scope Description,, Addenda Numbers, Base Bid Price, Bid Breakdown, Alternates, Bonds, Leadtime Dates, Crew Size and Manufacturers

B. Scaffolding, Unload Materials, Material Storage, Layout Work, Test and Inspect, Material Protection, Temporary Facilities, and Cleanup

What stages of the project is the conceptual estimating system used for? A. Construction and project closeout B. Schematic design and design development C. Facility management and decommissioning D. Construction documents and bidding documents

B. Schematic design and design development

Which of the following content items are included in the Other Considerations section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Unload, Rehandle Materials, Scheduled Maintenance, Trade Coordination, Supervision, Safety Activities, Training and Rework B. Shop Drawings, Owner & Operating Manuals, Prevailing Wages, Permit Fees, Meetings, Lien Waivers, Licensed Contractor, and Warranties C. General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, General Requirements, Technical Specifications, Bid Documents, Modifications and the Agreement D. Notice of Award, Notice to Proceed, Stop Work Order, Stop Work Notice, Schedule of Values, Construction Schedule and the Lien Waivers

B. Shop Drawings, Owner & Operating Manuals, Prevailing Wages, Permit Fees, Meetings, Lien Waivers, Licensed Contractor, and Warranties

How does the conceptual estimating system organize information? A. Divisions and levels B. Systems and assemblies C. Products or methods D. Work results or construction practices

B. Systems and assemblies

A contract has been entered into whereby the Contractor agrees to design, build, purchase the land and finance the project. What is this type of contract called? A. Cost Plus B. Turn Key C. Unit Price D. Fixed Price

B. Turn Key

A clause in the contract states that "if the Quantities of an item of work varies from the estimated quantities by more than 20 percent, then the price will be adjusted." Which type of contract will this clause be primarily used in? A. Cost Plus B. Unit Price C. Fixed Price D. Turnkey

B. Unit Price

During the Bidding phase of a project, Which of the following are the Pre bid Categories that the Contractor should gather for developing their bid proposal? A. Shop Drawings, Product Data Sheets, Samples and Submittal Logs B. Schematic Drawings, Design Development Drawings, Contract Documents and Bid Documents C. Adjacent Site Conditions, Existing Surface Conditions Existing Utility Locations, Field Dimensions D. Value Engineering, Design Considerations, Total Quality Management Procedures, Safety Management Procedures

C. Adjacent Site Conditions, Existing Surface Conditions Existing Utility Locations, Field Dimensions

What is the primary purpose of providing the agreement to each prospective bidder? A. Describes the bidders willingness to enter into a contract B. Allows the bidders to find mistakes in the agreement C. Allows the Contractor to hold the party making the promise to the agreement D. Describes how the bidders will perform the work

C. Allows the Contractor to hold the party making the promise to the agreement

According to the legal system, which of the following site activities shall the Contractor be expected to perform prior to bid opening? A. Attend the pre-bid meeting and hire an independent soil testing company B. Conduct separate soil tests, drill for the water table & hire a soil consultant C. Attend the pre bid meeting, conduct an inspection, verify field dimensions D. Attend the pre bid meeting, conduct an inspection & conduct separate soil tests

C. Attend the pre bid meeting, conduct an inspection, verify field dimensions

Which party is responsible for assigning the work for the project? A. Owner B. Subcontractor C. Contractor or CM D. Architect/Engineer

C. Contractor or CM

Which of the following bid items are "Commonly Overlooked when Evaluating Subcontractor Bids." A. Per Diem B. Office Supplies C. Electrical Hookups to Process Equipment D. Social Security (FICA)

C. Electrical Hookups to Process Equipment

What are the two FEE methods that an Agency CM firm may offer an Owner? A. Incentive or Target B. Unit Price or Alternate Prices C. Fixed Price or Guaranteed Maximum Price D. Cost-Plus a Percentage or Cost Plus Fixed Price

C. Fixed Price or Guaranteed Maximum Price

According to numerous court decisions, under which of the following conditions will the Soil Investigative Reports be considered a part of the contract? A . If it is listed in the General Conditions B. If it is listed in the General Requirements C. If it is listed in the Owner/Contractor Agreement D. If it is listed in the Listed in the Instructions to Bidders

C. If it is listed in the Owner/Contractor Agreement

During the Bidding phase of a project, Which of the following are the Pre-bid Categories that the Contractor should gather for developing their bid proposal? A. Uniform Commercial Code, State Tax Laws, Covenants, and Administrative Laws B. Plans, Technical Specifications, General Requirements and Information Available to Bidders C. Material Availability, Labor Availability, Site Accessibility, and Transportation Considerations D. Design, Conceptual Estimating, Bid Document Development and Project Manual

C. Material Availability, Labor Availability, Site Accessibility, and Transportation Considerations

What types of systems are under level 1 category D? A. Doors, windows, drywall and painting B. Structural steel, concrete, masonry and roofing C. Mechanical, electrical, fire protection and electrical D. Site utilities for plumbing, mechanical and electrical

C. Mechanical, electrical, fire protection and electrical

Which of the following principles of law states that if the prime contractor reasonably relies on the promise or price of the subcontractor to its detriment, then the subcontractor must be held to its promise in order to avoid harm to the prime contractor even though a signed contract between the contractor and subcontractor does not exist at the bidding phase of a project? A. Consideration B. Legal Purpose C. Promissory Estoppel D. Equitable Adjustment

C. Promissory Estoppel

Which of the following responses is the best answer for a written description in the Other Considerations section of the Bid Division Scope Description? A. Provide the Insurance certificates B. Provide the Insurance certificates at the closeout of the project C. Provide the Insurance certificates at the signing of the Agreement D. Provide the Insurance certificates according to the Contract Documents

C. Provide the Insurance certificates at the signing of the Agreement

What types of conceptual estimates utilize the UniFormat classification system? A. Range and Parameter estimates B. Unit price and the Budget estimates C. Square Foot Model and Assemblies estimates D. Square Foot/Cubic Foot and the Detailed cost estimates

C. Square Foot Model and Assemblies estimates

The Contractor has submitted a Bid Proposal and after the Bid opening the Contractor discovers an error. They request to withdraw. One of the essential conditions that the Contractor must prove to withdraw their bid is that the error is so great that to enforce it is unconscionable. What are the other essential conditions that the Contractor must prove to withdraw? A. Transposing, Quantity and Judgement error, visited the site and notified the owner B. Error in judgement, and they must prove where, how, used care, visited the site and notified the Owner C. Transposing error, and they must prove where, how, used care, visited the site and notified the Owner D. Error in judgement, used due care, visited the site, substantial Harm to Contractor, and notified the Owner

C. Transposing error, and they must prove where, how, used care, visited the site and notified the Owner

A contract is entered into whereby the bid quantities are stated and payment for the work is based upon the actual quantities placed. What is this type of contract called? A. Cost Plus B. Fixed Price C. Unit Price D. Fixed Price

C. Unit Price

Which of the following are the writing principles that apply for the Specific Inclusions section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Use action verbs and write in paragraph form B. Use action verbs and write a separate line for each activity C. Use action verbs, write in a paragraph form and state time frame D. Use action verbs, write a separate line for each activity and state time frame

C. Use action verbs, write in a paragraph form and state time frame

Best Application for a Hard Bid Lump Sum Contract

Completely engineered and scheduled project in a well-developed technology with all reasonable risks clearly discernable. Example: highway work, civil work in established economic setting.

Best Application for a Negotiated Lump Sum or Unit Price Contract

Completely engineered and scheduled project. The Owner has exceptional confidence in the Contractor and project management team. Best suited to civil work or in technology where Contractor has proprietary position, i.e., chemical process offered on turnkey basis.

Which of the following content items are included in the Subcontract Proposal Form according to the principles outlined in the reading? A. Scaffolding, Unload Materials, Material Storage, Layout Work, Test and Inspect, Material Protection, Temporary Facilities, and Cleanup B. Shop Drawings, Owner & Operating Manuals, Prevailing Wages, Permit Fees, Meetings, Lien Waivers, Licensed Contractor, and Warranties C. Enumeration of Documents, Payment Terms, Insurance Amounts, Safety, Bonds, Warranties, Termination, Changes, Claims and Dispute Resolution D. Bid Scope Description, Contract Price, Addenda Numbers, Base Bid Price, Bid Breakdown, Alternates, Leadtimes, Crew Size, Start Date, and Manufacturers

D. Bid Scope Description, Contract Price, Addenda Numbers, Base Bid Price, Bid Breakdown, Alternates, Leadtimes, Crew Size, Start Date, and Manufacturers

A contract is entered into whereby the Design and Scope are partially undefined, the Owner holds a contract with the A/E, the Owner holds the contracts with each trade and the Owner also holds a contract with a management service company to perform the trade coordination, cost control and scheduling services. What is this project delivery called? A. Partnering B. Joint Venture C. Design-Build D. Construction Management

D. Construction Management

The Owner wants to fast-track a construction project. Which project delivery system best supports this process? A. Partnering B. Design- Bid-Build C. Construction Management D. Design-Build

D. Design-Build

What is the purpose of the Exclusions section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Exclude the General Inclusions section B. Exclude the Specific Inclusions section C. Exclude the Other Considerations section D. Exclude the other related work from within that bid package

D. Exclude the other related work from within that bid package

According to numerous court decisions, under which of the following conditions will the Soil Investigative Reports be considered a part of the contract? A. If it is numbered sequentially within the project manual B. If it is numbered according to the format utilized for an outline C. If it is numbered non consecutively separated by 10 numbers D. If it is continuously numbered in a Division along with the other Section numbers

D. If it is continuously numbered in a Division along with the other Section numbers

Which type of contract has low Owner involvement and high Contractor risk? A. Cost Plus B. Turn Key C. Unit Price D. Lump Sum

D. Lump Sum

Which document is signed by the Contractor indicates that their bid was arrived at without any conferring with other bidders? A. Bid Breakdown B. pre qualification C. Notice to Proceed D. Non-collusive Affidavit

D. Non-collusive Affidavit

On a $12 Million project, a Contractor submitted the low bid and after the bid opening the Contractor determined that a $250,000 error in judgement was found and the low bid is not an unconscionable error. Under what conditions can the Contractor withdraw their bid? A. Notify the Vendors in writing and document that you used due care B. Notify the Bonding company and document that you used due care C. Notify the Subcontractors in writing and document that you used due care D. Notify the Owner immediately in writing and document that you used due care

D. Notify the Owner immediately in writing and document that you used due care

What are the essential items the Contractor must prove to bind the Subcontractor to their price quotation? A. Transposing, Quantity or Judgement error B. Judgement error which caused Substantial Harm to Contractor C. Agreement existed, Contract Documents were Complete, and Fixed Price Quote D. Offer was received, Offer was relied upon and Reliance caused Substantial Harm

D. Offer was received, Offer was relied upon and Reliance caused Substantial Harm

The owner requests that you submit a proposal supplement titled "Statement of Contractors' Qualifications - All Contracts" and under the officers/principals section it requests the names and titles of the vice president and the president. A proposal is submitted to the Owner with a bid bond, signed addenda, and the proposal form is attached and signed by the chief estimator. Have all of the contract formation principles been satisfied and would the proposal be considered responsive? A. The principle of Consideration has been met, therefore, responsive bid B. The principle of Legal Capacity has been met, therefore, responsive bid C. The principle of the meeting of the minds has been met, therefore, responsive bid D. The principle of Legal Capacity has not been met, therefore, a non-responsive bid

D. The principle of Legal Capacity has not been met, therefore, a non-responsive bid

Which of the following bid items are "Commonly Overlooked when Evaluating Subcontractor Bids"? A. Per Diem B. Office Supplies C. Main Office Expenses D. Trenching, excavation and Backfill for Electrical

D. Trenching, excavation and Backfill for Electrical

Which of the following are the writing principles that apply for the Other Considerations section of a Bid Division Scope Description? A. Use action verbs and write in paragraph form B. Use action verbs and write a separate line for each activity C. Use action verbs, write in a paragraph form and state time frame D. Use action verbs, write a separate line for each activity and state time frame

D. Use action verbs, write a separate line for each activity and state time frame

What are the Contractors Responsibilities Prior to Submitting a Bid Proposal? A. Visit the Site, Verify the working drawings and the Shop drawings B. Visit the Site, Verify the Design, the Working drawings and the Shop Drawings C. Visit the Site, Verify the Design, the Schematic Design & the Working drawings D. Visit the Site, Verify Existing Conditions, Field conditions & Infer soil conditions

D. Visit the Site, Verify Existing Conditions, Field conditions & Infer soil conditions

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'Equipment and Furnishings' Designation


UniFormat Level 1 System Category E Description

Equipment and Furnishings

UniFormat Level 1 System Category C Description


Major elements required to form an enforceable contract.

Meeting of the minds Offer is Made Acceptance of the Offer Consideration Legal Purpose Legal Capacity

Best Application for a Hard Bid Unit Price Contract

Partially engineered and scheduled project in a well-developed technology, with all reasonable risks clearly discernable. Quantities can vary to suit final design. This type of contract is mostly applicable to civil work.

Whole Contract Clause Does Not Apply

Pre-Bid Information, Instructions to Bidders, Information Available to Bidders (Soil Reports, Site Plans), Bid Forms, Proposal Supplements, Proposal Bid Forms, Addenda, Alternates, Modifications, or it does not list the Specifications and Plans Index which would allow the use of the unlisted documents. Therefore, if a conflict arises from the bidding requirement documents, these normally are not admissible evidence.

Condition Precedent

Promise is based upon events taking place before something else will occur. Common words used in these clauses are:" When" or "If." Some examples of a Condition Precedent are: "Licensed," "Waiver," "Pay when Paid." These words can limit your ability to recover.

Best Application for a Negotiated Cost Plus Fixed Fee Target GMP Contract

Scope and duration fairly well fixed in concept but subject to significant design interpretations. The Engineering is not complete. The Owner must have maximum commitment. Owner/Constructor relations subject to unknown

Best Application for a Negotiated Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract

Scope and duration fairly well fixed in concept, but subject to significant design interpretations. Engineering not complete. Example: construction in a technology with long background of similar projects, i.e., thermal power plants, offshore structures, paper plants. The Owner is experienced in project construction with confidence in Contractor.

Best Application for a Negotiated Cost Plus Fixed Fee Target Estimate Contract

Scope and duration quite well fixed in concept and basic engineering completed. "Completion" must be clearly identifiable. Best suited where time is a major economic factor.

UniFormat Level 1 System Category A Description


The Written Agreement

The Agreement contains certain terms and conditions or contract clauses that take precedence over all other documents and it establishes the scope and intent of the parties.

Incorporated by Reference Clause

The Agreement pulls together, and "incorporates by reference," under one cover all documents such as the (1) General Conditions, (2) Supplementary General Conditions, (3) General Requirements, (4) Technical Specifications, (5) Plans, (6) Addenda describing changes published to these original documents, and normally a provision for Modifications after the Agreement is signed.

Owner's Implied Warranty

The courts' have concluded that when a project owner provides a set of plans or site plans indicating utility locations and elevations to the contractor, they are extending an implied warranty that the documents are accurate, complete, and suitable for their intended purpose. This implied warranty has been upheld by the courts if the owner provides distances, elevations or measurements even though the contract documents were stamped "for information purposes only" as a contractual disclaimer.

Enumeration Clause

The enumeration clause contains a list of each document used to price the work. Each document is preceded by page or sheet numbers, dates, "issued for" and revision numbers.

Condition Concurrent

These are events that go on simultaneously. Some examples to look for are:" Install Pipe one block at a time,." and "Close one block."

The Intent of the Contract Clause

This clause describes the specific work the contractor or subcontractor shall perform according to the Agreement. This description should include trade activities, systems and/or locations, general inclusions and the intent of the project.

The Whole Contract Clause

This clause is a list of the contract documents that shall be utilized to interpret the contract if conflicts arise. This is sometimes referred to as the "whole contract." This clause in the Agreement states that the documents listed "form the contract and all are as fully a part of the Contract as if attached to this Agreement."

General Requirements

This document contains specific administrative and procedural requirements that apply to all of the Technical Specification sections. The General Requirements contain specifics directly applicable to a particular project and are written separately for each project. These expand the broad administrative and procedural requirements stated in the General and Supplementary Conditions documents, but they apply to the work of all Technical Specification sections. This document also Summarizes the Scope of Work, use of the site, Owner Occupancy of building during construction, Phased construction activities, multiple prime contract requirements, and exclusions and inclusions as they relate to the Plans. The General Requirements describe the Contractor's administrative, procedural and other activities that the Contractor must provide.


This document contains written description of the specific requirements relating to a specific product or system, and establishes a legally precise picture of the technical aspects of the work to be preformed. The specification provisions define and establish the quality level procedures, standards of work and material standards. Each subsection defines the scope, technical requirements, performance requirements, material suppliers, and quality requirements. These are frequently standardized, therefore, specific requirements over the general requirements, or the most stringent requirements prevail.

Plans or Drawings

This document graphically portrays the physical aspects of the structure, showing the arrangement, dimensions, construction details, materials, and other information necessary for estimating and building the project. A job covered by drawings that are complete, intelligible, accurate, detailed, and well correlated can be priced much more realistically and claims for extra payment during construction are minimized, and the owner is likely to get a much better finished product at a lesser cost.

UniFormat Level 1 System Category 'General' Designation


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