CPN exam - Practice questions

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The mother of a 3 year old boy with cystic fibrosis is interested in having another child. What genetic counseling can you give regarding her chances of having another child with the disease with her next pregnancy? 1. 100% 2. 75% 3. 25% 4. 50%

4. 50%

• A child with croup is receiving a nebulized dose of racemic epinephrine. The mother is concerned because the child is frightened, consistently crying and pulling the mask off. The best nursing action would be to: 1. Put the child in restraints so they do not pull the mask off 2. Call the physician and obtain an order for a mild sedative 3. Use a dinosaur shaped mask to deliver the medication 4. Let the mother hold the child on her lap during the treatment

4. Let the mother hold the child on her lap during the treatment

Mom calls you to assess her 4 month old child. She tells you he keeps crying and she cannot seem to console him. You note head bobbing, intercostal retractions, and decreased breath sound on the left and rhonchi bilaterally. Your first priority is to: 1. Calm mom down as the infant will pick up on her anxiety 2. Call the pediatrician to come examine the child 3. Suction the nares, if no improvement nasopharyngeal suction 4. Manage the airway, increase oxygen, suction

4. Manage the airway, increase oxygen, suction

Which of the following describes the defective process that occurs in cystic fibrosis? 1. A defective gene inhibits the body's ability to move salt and water in and out of cells 2. The body produces clear, thin mucus 3. The glands throughout the body are swollen and enlarged 4. Scar tissue develops around all major organs

1. A defective gene inhibits the body's ability to move salt and water in and out of cells

• Which of the following, when described by the parents of a child with CF, indicate they understand the underlying problem of this disease? 1. An abnormality in the body's mucous secreting glands 2. Formation of fibrous cysts in various body organs 3. Failure of the pancreatic ducts to develop properly 4. Reaction of the formation of antibodies against streptococcus

1. An abnormality in the body's mucous secreting glands

Which of the following are priority assessments for a 10 year old child receiving digoxin? 1. Apical pulse prior to administration 2. Blood pressure prior to administration 3. Temperature prior to administration 4. Ensure adequate hydration prior to administration

1. Apical pulse prior to administration

A 10 year old child is treated for acute exacerbation of asthma. A nurse reports which of the following, knowing that it indicates a worsening of the condition? 1. Decreased wheezing 2. Warm, dry skin 3. Pulse of 90 beats/minute 4. Respirations of 30 breaths/minute

1. Decreased wheezing

• The pediatric nurse read the results of a Mantoux test on a 3 year old child. The results indicate an area of induration measuring 10 mm. The nurse would interpret these results as: 1. Positive 2. Negative 3. Inconclusive 4. Definitive and requiring a repeat test

1. Positive

What medication is often used to maintain a patent ductus arteriosus? 1. Prostaglandin E 2. D51/2 NS 3. Fentanyl 4. Esmolol

1. Prostaglandin E

A nurse is caring for an infant with confirmed RSV bronchiolitis. Which of the following is the most appropriate nursing action? 1. Initiate strict enteric precautions 2. If necessary, may cohort with another child with RSV 3. No isolation is necessary, as RSV is not contagious 4. Inform the staff that they must wear gloves, a gown and N95 mask when caring for the child

2. If necessary, may cohort with another child with RSV

Which of the following assessments may indicate a child is in respiratory distress? 1. Nasal flaring and bradycardia 2. Sitting up, leaning forward with chin thrust out 3. Low grade fever and complaint of sore throat 4. Leaning backward supporting themselves with hands and arms

2. Sitting up, leaning forward with chin thrust out

What is the most appropriate equipment to have available for the child admitted with epiglottitis? 1. Bag-mask and bronchodilators 2. Tracheotomy set up and oxygen 3. Suction set up and oxygen 4. Antibiotics and suction

2. Tracheotomy set up and oxygen

A hospitalized 2 year old with croup is receiving corticosteroid therapy and the mother asks a nurse why the physician did not prescribe antibiotics. The appropriate response would be: 1. The child may be allergic to antibiotics 2. The child is too young to receive antibiotics 3. Antibiotics are not indicated unless a bacterial infection is present 4. The child still has the maternal antibodies from birth and doesn't need antibiotics

3. Antibiotics are not indicated unless a bacterial infection is present

An emergency room nurse is caring for an 3 year old child who presents with irritability, fever, sore throat, drooling, painful swallowing and refusal to talk. Which of the following is an appropriate intervention? 1. Start IV antibiotics immediately 2. Assess the throat for tonsillar swelling and exudate 3. Defer inspecting the throat until staff and equipment present for emergency tracheotomy 4. Tell parents to use cool mist humidifier

3. Defer inspecting the throat until staff and equipment present for emergency tracheotomy

The mother of an 8 year old being treated for right lower lobe pneumonia at home calls the clinic nurse. The mother tells the nurse that the child complains of discomfort on the right side and that acetaminophen is not effective. The nurse should tell the mother to: 1. Increase the dose of acetaminophen 2. Encourage the child to lie on the left side 3. Encourage the child to lie on the right side 4. Increase the frequency of acetaminophen

3. Encourage the child to lie on the right side

Mom says her 5 year old daughter has been home from school sick for the past three days, with a fever of 38.90 C that decreases to 37.20 C with acetaminophen. Mom states she has not had any energy. She has be coughing and complaining that her chest hurts. The most likely diagnosis is: 1. Bronchiolitis 2. Asthma exacerbation 3. Pneumonia 4. None of the above

3. Pneumonia

A 16 year old male comes into the school nurse and says, "My chest had a sudden, sharp pain and it still hurts." The school nurse examines an anxious appearing, tachypneic young man and notes decreased, possibly absent breath sounds to the left lower lobe. The most likely diagnosis is: 1. Cystic Fibrosis 2. Anxiety Disorder 3. Pneumothorax 4. Asthma

3. Pneumothorax

What are the abnormal changes in heart structures in Tetralogy of Fallot? 1. Stenosis of the pulmonary vein, hypertrophy of the right ventricle, overriding aorta, and a ventricular septal defect 2. Hypertrophy of the left ventricle, stenosis of the pulmonary vein, atrial septa defect and overriding aorta 3. Stenosis of the pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of the right ventricle, ventricular septal defect and overriding aorta 4. Stenosis of the pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of the left ventricle, a patent ductus arteriosus and overriding aorta

3. Stenosis of the pulmonary artery, hypertrophy of the right ventricle, ventricular septal defect and overriding aorta

Isoniazid is prescribed for a child with HIV who has a positive Mantoux test result. The mother of the child asks the nurse how long the child will need to take the medication. The nurse tells the mother that the mediation will need to be taken for: 1. 4 months 2. 6 months 3. 9 months 4. 12 months

4. 12 months

A new mother expresses concern to the nurse about SIDS. She asks the nurse how to position her infant when putting him down to sleep. The nurse appropriately tells the mother that the infant should be placed on the: 1. Side or prone 2. Back or prone 3. Stomach with face turned 4. Back or supine

4. Back or supine

A child with a cyanotic heart defect has an elevated hemoglobin level, hematocrit and RBC count. What do these suggest? 1. Anemia 2. Dehydration 3. Jaundice 4. Compensation for hypoxia

4. Compensation for hypoxia

• A 4 year old boy was brought to the ED by his nanny, "he was at the playground and they were all running around and all of a sudden he was coughing and breathing funny..." You note vital signs T - 37.20C, P - 110, R - 32, BP - 110/74, SpO2 - 90% on room air, audible stridor, intercostal retraction. The child asks between breaths, "Am I in trouble?" You tell him he is not in trouble and that you are going to try to make him feel better. You ask him if he has ever had trouble breathing like this before and he says "no." The nanny says "he is a very healthy and active boy." You apply oxygen and give a dose of racemic epinephrine, which has limited effect on the stridor. You transport him to get a chest x-ray. • What is the most likely cause of this child's breathing trouble? 1. Asthma exacerbation 2. Pneumothorax 3. Epiglottitis 4. Croup 5. Foreign body aspiration

4. Croup

• The nurse recommends which of the following to prevent otitis media? 1. Cleaning the ear canals with hydrogen peroxide 2. Administering continuous, small dose antibiotic therapy 3. Instilling ear drops regularly 4. Holding the infant upright when feeding with a bottle

4. Holding the infant upright when feeding with a bottle

• The major pharmacologic action of albuterol (Proventil) is: 1. Decreasing airway reactivity 2. Decreasing inflammation and airway obstruction 3. Improving the action of cilia to sweep trapped mucous upward 4. Relaxing constricted bronchial smooth muscle

4. Relaxing constricted bronchial smooth muscle

• A clinic nurse is providing instructions to the mother of a preschool child with cystic fibrosis regarding the immunization schedule for her child. Which statement would the nurse make to the mother? 1. The immunization schedule will need to be altered 2. The child should not receive any hepatitis vaccines 3. The child will receive all the immunizations except for the polio series 4. The child will receive the recommended basic series for immunizations along with a yearly influenza vaccine and high risk pneumococcal vaccine

4. The child will receive the recommended basic series for immunizations along with a yearly influenza vaccine and high risk pneumococcal vaccine

A nurse is confronted with an ethical dilemma. Which of the following documents will probably be most beneficial in helping resolve the concern? a) ANA Code of Ethics b) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) c) Patient Care Partnership d) The Joint Commission

a) ANA Code of Ethics

The mother of a 10 year old complains that her daughter "zones out frequently and just seems to be daydreaming." She denies any concurrent movement changes or loss of consciousness. This behavior may be indicative of which type of seizure? a) Absence seizures b) Complex partial seizures c) Myoclonic seizures d) Simple partial seizures

a) Absence seizures

. An infant with retinoblastoma will exhibit which of the following? a) Absent red reflex b) Eyes that gaze in one direction c) Inability to visually track an object d) Nystagmus

a) Absent red reflex The red reflex in a child with retinoblastoma may be absent or have an abnormal appearance

Stridor is most commonly heard when assessing which of the following conditions? a) Croup b) Asthma c) Cystic Fibrosis d) Pneumonia

a) Croup

. The father of a 2½ year old girl tells the nurse he is frustrated by her temper tantrums and that she says "No" to every question. Although the father realizes this is common behavior for toddlers, he doesn't understand the reason of the behavior. The nurse explains that toddlers act this way as a normal expression of their desire to: a) Increase their independence b) Gratify oral fixation c) Develop a sense of trust d) Assert how industrious they are

a) Increase their independence

An infant weighed 2.90 kg at birth, Now at her 6 month well-child checkup, she weighs 12.75 lbs. How would you describe her weight gain? a) Normal for her age b) Small for her age c) Large for her age d) Excessive for her age

a) Normal for her age

A 4 week old is suspected of having pyloric stenosis. Which of the following symptoms would you expect? a) Olive-sized bulge in the abdomen b) Projectile vomiting of bile-tinged vomitus c) Malnutrition d) Inability to pass an NG Tube

a) Olive-sized bulge in the abdomen The hypertrophied pylorus may be palpable as an olive-like mass in the upper abdomen, most easily felt when the stomach is empty and the infant is quiet.

A mother brings her 10 month old son to the pediatrician's office. When the nurse approaches to measure the child's vital signs, he clings to his mother tightly and starts to cry. The mother says, "He used to smile at everyone. I don't know why he's acting this way." Which response by the nurse would help the mother understand her child's behavior? a. "Your baby's behavior indicates stranger anxiety, which is common at his age." a. "Children who behave that way are developing shy personalities." b. "Children at this age begin to fear pain." c. "Your baby's having a temper tantrum, which is common at his age."

a. "Your baby's behavior indicates stranger anxiety, which is common at his age."

A parent calls the clinic to express concern over her child's eating habits. She says the child eats very little and consumes only a single type of food for weeks on end. The nurse knows that this behavior is characteristic of children ages: a. 2-4 years b. 5-8 years c. 9-12 years d. 13-17 years

a. 2-4 years

The period of greatest growth is from: a. Birth to one year b. Toddlerhood to preschool years c. School age to preadolescence d. The beginning to the end of adolescence

a. Birth to one year

Dana is a 30-month-old female whose length you are plotting. You measured her using a length board. Which growth chart would you choose? a. Girls: 0-36 months b. Girls: 2-18 years c. Either a girls 0-36 months or a 2-18 years growth chart; it does not matter d. You must plot on both charts since she's in the transitional period

a. Girls: 0-36 months

Four year old Juan is being admitted today for a tonsillectomy. You know that Juan is in which developmental stage according to Erikson: a. Initiative vs. guilt b. Identity vs. role confusion c. Industry vs. inferiority d. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

a. Initiative vs. guilt

Four year old Rebecca, who is hospitalized for treatment of a brain tumor, tells her nurse that she got sick because she was a bad girl. Which of the following would the nurse identify as the underlying rationale for this statement? a. Magical thinking b. Egocentrism c. Self-blame d. Conservation

a. Magical thinking

When assessing the 7 month old, which of the following is the most likely to be developing? a. Rocking back and forth on hands and knees b. Standing while holding onto an object for support c. Waving bye-bye d. Rolling over

a. Rocking back and forth on hands and knees

When telling a 4 year old about an upcoming procedure, the nurse's most important consideration is to: a. Tell the child immediately before the procedure is to occur b. Prepare the child at least 24 hours in advance so that the child has time to emotionally adjust c. Offer a toy to keep the child happy and distracted d. Wait to tell the child until you are doing the procedure

a. Tell the child immediately before the procedure is to occur

Research has identified which of the following as a protective factor against sudden infant death syndrome? a) Avoidance of pacifier at bedtime b) Breastfeeding c) Consistent use of video monitoring device d) Well-supported side-sleeping position

b) Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is a protective factor, although use of a pacifier and back sleeping position are also considered protective

A 14 year old boy has been prescribed amphetamine and dextroamphetamine (Adderall) for ADHD. The nurse explains that the patient should be alert for which of the following adverse drug effects? a) Weight gain b) Depression c) Somnolence d) Bradycardia

b) Depression Children with ADD/ADHD are at greater risk for conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, and development disorders such as speech and language delays and leaning disabilities

Which diagnostic study is performed periodically to monitor potential medication side effects in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA)? a) Antinuclear antibiotics b) Liver enzymes c) Rheumatoid factor d) White blood cells

b) Liver enzymes Liver enzymes are check to monitor for liver disease a side effect of medications used for JIA.

What statement by a child's parent would be revealing about an abusing parent's personality? a) My kid cries all the time b) My kid never smiles at me; he doesn't like me c) She's such a fussy eater d) I can't wait until this kid sleeps at night

b) My kid never smiles at me; he doesn't like me

A 3 month old child accompanies her parents to a seasonal flu clinic. Assuming that the child does not have a fever, can the nurse give the child a flu shot? a) Yes, if regular immunizations are up to date b) No, because the child is not old enough c) Yes, because the child won't get sick later d) No, because it would interfere with regular immunizations

b) No, because the child is not old enough Infants must be 6 months old to have a flu shot

Which nursing intervention is the highest priority when caring for an infant awaiting surgery for Wilms tumor? a) Meticulous skin care for edema that characterizes this condition b) Posting a sign on the crib stating "no abdominal palpation" c) Scheduled administration of morphine for this painful tumor d) Strict adherence to protective infection prevention precautions

b) Posting a sign on the crib stating "no abdominal palpation" Abdominal palpations may rupture the tumor

A first time parent is discussing developmental milestones with the nurse. the nurse tells the client that she can reasonably expect her child to achieve which of the following by the time the child is 1 year old? Select all that apply a) Walking b) Rolling from tummy to side c) Transferring toys from hand to hand d) Beginning to respond selectively to words e) Vocalizing sounds (coos)

b) Rolling from tummy to side c) Transferring toys from hand to hand d) Beginning to respond selectively to words e) Vocalizing sounds (coos)

Parents of a 4 month old infant bring their blue and nonbreathing baby to the emergency room where she is diagnosed with sudden infant death syndrome. Which of the following is most appropriate to say to the parents? a) Do you know how to do CPR? b) Tell me more about how you found her. c) Why did you put the pillow in bed with her? d) What did you do after you put her in bed for the evening?

b) Tell me more about how you found her.

What is the most appropriate equipment to have available for the child arriving in the ED with suspected Epiglottitis? a) Bag-mask and bronchodilators b) Tracheostomy setup and oxygen c) Suction set up and oxygen d) Antibiotics and suction

b) Tracheostomy setup and oxygen

An 8 year old patient has neutropenia. What is important information that will guide the care you provide: a) Lab reports will show a deficiency in protective antibodies b) You may not see signs of inflammation even when it is present c) The child is at risk for autoimmune disease d) The child is at risk for anemia and platelet deficiency

b) You may not see signs of inflammation even when it is present

Thomas is a 6 month old who weighed 6 lbs at birth. Based on your knowledge of pediatric growth, you know that his weight today should be at least a. 9 lbs b. 12 lbs c. 16 lbs d. 18 lbs

b. 12 lbs

You are preparing to measure the length of 12-month-old William. His mother tells you he was 20 inches at birth. Based on your knowledge of normal growth parameters you would expect his length to be approximately: a. 25% greater than his birth length b. 50% greater than his birth length c. 75% greater than his birth length d. Double his birth length

b. 50% greater than his birth length

Introduction of a cup to drink fluids can begin as early as what age? a. 3 months b. 6 months c. 9 months d. 12 months

b. 6 months

An 18 month old child, immobilized with traction to the legs, has a nursing diagnosis of diversional activity deficit related to immobility. The nurse should include playing with which diversional activity in the plan of care? a. Tinkertoys b. A pounding board c. A pull toy d. Board games

b. A pounding board

When assessing a toddler's growth and development, the nurse understands that a child in this age group displays behavior that fosters which developmental task? a. Initiative b. Autonomy c. Trust d. Industry

b. Autonomy

A 2-year-old who is chronically ill is being admitted to the inpatient unit for pain control. Her mother tells you that she feels guilty leaving her in the hospital because she cries so much. As the nurse caring for this child, the most appropriate explanation to the mother would be... a. The child will stop crying as soon as you leave b. Crying is a sign of attachment, but you need time for yourself too c. It's always hard to leave your child, but once you do you will feel much better d. She is crying because she is uncomfortable, not because you are leaving

b. Crying is a sign of attachment, but you need time for yourself too

When developing a plan of care for adolescent, the nurse considers the child's psychosocial needs. During adolescence, psychosocial development focuses on: a. Becoming industrious b. Establishing an identity c. Achieving intimacy d. Developing initiative

b. Establishing an identity

When assessing the development of a 3 month old, which of the following would be most concerning? a. Failure to look for the objects when they are no longer in the visual field b. Failure to smile c. Failure to roll over d. Failure to pull feet to mouth

b. Failure to smile

A child, age 15 months, is recovering from surgery to remove a Wilms' tumor. Which finding best indicates that the child is experiencing pain, even though the child is denying it? a. Increased appetite b. Increased heart rate c. Decreased urine output d. Increased interest in television

b. Increased heart rate

A developmentally appropriate 3 ½ year old child is likely to be most fearful of which of the following activities: a. Chest x-ray b. Rectal temperature c. Bed bath by the nurse d. Blood pressure

b. Rectal temperature

Which of the following criteria is used in assessing readiness for toilet training? a. The child should be at least 2 years old before toilet training b. The child can demonstrate an awareness that she is urinating and defecating c. The child should have a dry diaper through the night d. The child should have resolved her fears about what might happen when she flushes the toilet

b. The child can demonstrate an awareness that she is urinating and defecating

Which of the following is not well developed in a newborn infant? a. Hearing b. Vision c. Touch d. Pain sensation

b. Vision

When conducting an initial assessment of a 5 year old child, which of the following would be the best approach for the nurse to take? a) Ask the child if she is allergic to anything b) Request the child's mother step out of the room c) Ask the child's mother what approach would work best d) Ask the child's grandmother to explain the child's behaviors

c) Ask the child's mother what approach would work best

A 2 month old infant is brought to the pediatrician's office for a well-baby visit. During the examination, congenital subluxation of the left hip is suspected. The nurse would expect to see which of the following symptoms? a) Lengthening of the limb on the affected side b) Deformities of the foot and ankle c) Asymmetry of the gluteal and thigh folds d) Planter flexion of the foot

c) Asymmetry of the gluteal and thigh folds C: restricted movement of affected side

A 3 year old is hospitalized for treatment of Kawasaki disease. During the acute phase of this disease, the nurse must asses the child for: a) Level of consciousness b) Kidney failure c) Desquamation of the hands and feet d) Hepatitis

c) Desquamation of the hands and feet The child's hands and feet become edematous and the palms and feet become erythematous. Areas affected by the rash may desquamate.

The child with a fractured left femur receives a cast. A short time later, the nurse notices that the toes on the child's left foot are edematous. Which nursing action would be most important? a) Applying ice to the foot b) Messaging the toes c) Elevating the foot of the bed d) Placing the child on the right side

c) Elevating the foot of the bed

A 12 year old with Down Syndrome is admitted to your unit. When planning care, what is most important for the nurse to keep in mind? a) This patient should be spoken to with language appropriate for a preschool child b) The child's intellectual disability may require a large crib for the child's protection c) It is essential to assess the child's adaptive functioning as well as their cognitive level before care is planned d) The parents are probably older and will need a great deal of support.

c) It is essential to assess the child's adaptive functioning as well as their cognitive level before care is planned

After the birth of a son with hypospadias, parents need to know that this condition: a) Can be prevented in the future by earlier prenatal care b) Is easily correctable with one simple surgical procedure c) May require a temporary urinary catheter after repair d) Requires prompt circumcision to prevent urinary tract infection

c) May require a temporary urinary catheter after repair A catheter may be used after surgical intervention, hypospadias is not related to prenatal care, several surgeries may be required, and the foreskin may be used during the repair

A bottle-fed infant, age 3 months, is brought to the pediatrician's office for a well-child visit. During the previous visit, the nurse taught the mother about infant nutritional needs. Which statement by the mother during the current visit indicates effective teaching? a. "I started the baby on cereals and fruits because he wasn't sleeping through the night." b. "I started putting cereal in the bottle with formula because the baby kept spitting it out when I gave it with a spoon." c. "I'm giving the baby iron-fortified formula and a fluoride supplement because our water isn't fluoridated." d. "I'm giving the baby skim milk because he was getting so chubby."

c. "I'm giving the baby iron-fortified formula and a fluoride supplement because our water isn't fluoridated."

The nurse suspects that a child, age 4, is being neglected physically. To best assess the child's nutritional status, the nurse should start by asking the parents which of the following questions? a. "Has your child always been so thin?" b. "Is your child a picky eater?" c. "What did your child eat for breakfast today?" d. "Do you have difficulty buying nutritious food at the supermarket?

c. "What did your child eat for breakfast today?"

You are educating the mother of an infant about growth and nutrition. You know that the earliest age at which the infant should be changed from formula or breast milk to whole milk is: a. 6 months b. 9 months c. 12 months d. 15 months

c. 12 months

When performing a physical assessment on a girl, age 10, the nurse keeps in mind that the first sign of sexual maturity in girls is... a. Axillary hair b. Pubic hair c. Breast bud development d. Menarche

c. Breast bud development

The principles of growth and development include all of the following except: a. Each child grows and develops according to a general orderly pattern that tends to resemble that of others of the same age, sex and nationality b. Development proceeds in a cephalocaudal and proximodistal manner c. Development proceeds from the specific to the general d. Growth and development are interrelated and interdependent

c. Development proceeds from the specific to the general

You are the nurse in a community health center and are responsible for reviewing anticipatory guidance and safety education with parents who bring young children for health assessments. You are educating the parents of 12 month old Alyssa who weighs 18 pounds. Which if the following is the most accurate anticipatory guidance for Alyssa's parents regarding car seat installation? Alyssa should sit in a: a. Forward facing car seat in the rear of the automobile b. Forward facing car seat in the passenger seat of the automobile c. Rear facing car seat in the rear of the automobile d. Rear facing car safety seat in the passenger seat of the automobile

c. Rear facing car seat in the rear of the automobile

The nurse should expect a 3-year-old child to be able to perform which action? a. Roller-skate b. Tie shoe laces c. Ride a tricycle d. Jump rope

c. Ride a tricycle

A child, age 5, is brought to the pediatrician's office for a routine visit. When inspecting the child's mouth, the nurse expects to find how many teeth? a. Up to 10 b. Up to 15 c. Up to 20 d. Up to 32

c. Up to 20

. A mother calls the clinic because she suspect that her baby as otitis media. The baby has been pulling at her ear and crying all morning, but has recently relaxed and is no longer crying. The nurse offers which advice? a) "Call back if she starts crying again." b) "Don't worry. It sounds like she's fine now." c) "Give her acetaminophen and call tomorrow if she's not better." d) "Her eardrum may have torn. Bring her in today."

d) "Her eardrum may have torn. Bring her in today." The rupture of tympanic membrane provides release of fluid with relief of pressure and pain

Parents of an 18 month old are worried about their child's behaviors and propensity to have accidents and get hurt. Which of the following recommendations should the nurse make to this parent? a) Allow your child to learn by trial and error b) Reward your child's good behaviors, and ignore the bad behavior c) Punish your child when he does something wrong d) Consistently enforce well-defined limits, such as no playing on the stairs

d) Consistently enforce well-defined limits, such as no playing on the stairs

A 7 year old child was recently hospitalized with a respiratory infection and has a special need related to her autism. She lives with her mother, two sisters, and grandmother. Which of the following describes the family's composition? a) Blended family b) Nuclear family c) Same-gender family d) Extended family

d) Extended family

A preschool-age child underwent a tonsillectomy 4 hours ago. Which assessment finding would make the nurse suspect postoperative hemorrhage? a) Vomiting of dark brown emesis b) Refusal to drink clear fluids c) Decreased heart rate d) Frequent swallowing

d) Frequent swallowing

A teenage client is admitted to the hospital with anorexia nervosa. Which of the following statements by the client requires immediate follow-up by the nurse? a) My gums were bleeding this morning b) I'm getting fatter every day c) Nobody likes me because I'm so ugly d) I'm feeling dizzy and weak today

d) I'm feeling dizzy and weak today

Which visual disorder is characterized by an abnormal growth of blood vessels, resulting in their death and formation of scar tissue? a) Amblyopia b) Cerebral visual impairment c) Optic nerve hypoplasia d) Retinopathy of prematurity

d) Retinopathy of prematurity

The nurse notices a line of dark, thick, velvety skin along the back neck crease of an adolescent boy. This find is often present with which condition? a) Diabetes insipidus b) Hyperthyroidism c) Type 1 diabetes d) Type 2 diabetes

d) Type 2 diabetes Acanthosis nigricans is often found in children with type 2 diabetes

A school age child with a chronic condition is hospitalized for the fourth time this year. What would be the most appropriate strategy related to contact with the school? a. Have her mother go to the school to get her missed homework b. Have the school nurse come to visit c. Make arrangements for the child to be homeschooled so that she does not fall behind in her studies d. Have her classmates send her letters wishing her a good recovery

d. Have her classmates send her letters wishing her a good recovery

A 9 month old infant is hospitalized for treatment of inorganic failure to thrive. Which nursing action is most appropriate for this child? a. Encouraging the infant to hold his bottle b. Keeping the infant on bed rest to conserve energy c. Rotating caregivers to provide more stimulation d. Maintaining a consistent, structured environment

d. Maintaining a consistent, structured environment

When performing a well-child assessment of a 4 month old, which one of the following represents a normal assessment finding? a. Closed anterior and posterior fontanel b. Open anterior and posterior fontanel c. Closed anterior and open posterior fontanel d. Open anterior and closed posterior fontanel

d. Open anterior and closed posterior fontanel

Which of the following types of play would the nurse expect to see when assessing a toddler? a. Cooperative b. Associative c. Solitary d. Parallel

d. Parallel

A four year old who is blind is hospitalized. You bring in her dinner tray. How do you tell her where her food is? a. Set the food up like a clock b. Tell her which food is on the left and right c. Tell her you will feed her to make it easier for her to eat d. Place one food at a time in front of her

d. Place one food at a time in front of her

The neonatal period begins at birth and lasts for 4 weeks. During this time, the infant adapts to the extrauterine environment. Which one of the following is true about the neonate? a. The sense of hearing is immature b. Myelinization of the brain is complete c. The anterior fontanel will close within a month d. Temperature-regulating mechanisms are immature

d. Temperature-regulating mechanisms are immature

A mother of a 3 ½-year-old cannot stay in the hospital with her child today. The nurse suggests the mother do which of the following: a. The mother visit at the same time daily for the same amount of time b. The mother explain that she'll be right back c. The mother leave while the child is distracted or sleeping d. The mother leave one of her possessions behind for the child

d. The mother leave one of her possessions behind for the child

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