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A.D. (From The Latin)

"Anno Domini" meaning "In The Year Of Our Lord"


"Before Christ"'

St. Francis de Sales was the eldest of __ children, was born to Francois and Franciose de _____ in Chateau du _______ on August ___, 1567.

13, Boisy, Thorens, 21st

In ____ Francis was named the Bishop of _______, Switzerland. As a bishop he was concerned with teaching both children and adults about their faith, and the needs of the poor both in ________ poverty and those with a poverty of the heart (__________).

1507, Geneva, physical, knowledge

St. Francis de Sales was born in ___ in the Duchy of ____ in France, to a family related to both the royal families of Italy and France

1567, Savoy

With his father's reluctant approval, St. Francis was becomes a priest in ____.


When was the first edition of his most famous book, the Introduction to the Devout Life, published?


Bishop Peter Ireton was a Bishop for __ years, was remembered as being polite and kind to everyone, and worked for _____ equality

22, racial

How old was Jane de Chantal when Christophe, her husband, died?


What is Luke's account of the early days of the Christian community under the leadership of Saints Peter and Paul.

Acts (abbreviated)

Where are St. Jane de Chantal's relics?

Annecy, Savoy.

St. Francis de Sales grew up and attended his first school in the city of _______ on the shores of the alpine lake of the same name.


Divine Revelation transmitted Through (1) ________ Tradition, (2) the relationship of Sacred _________ and Sacred ________ and (3) through the Deposit of _____ and the ____ of the Catholic Church.

Apostolic, tradition, scripture, Faith, role

Why is the Bishop Ireton School Seal a scale and ship?

Are symbols of the city of Alexandria (trade and commerce)

Since God Inspired the biblical writers, He is the ________ of Scripture (CCC, nos. 105‐106, 136).


St. John _____, St. Mary _________, St. Dominic _____, St. Luigi ________, St. Callisto _________, and Blessed Michael ___ were saints were positively influenced by St. Francis de Sales?

Bosco, Mazzarello, Savio, Versiglia, Caravario, Rua

What is the collection of seven letters following Pauline literature?

Catholic Letters

Who died from a family friend's shot while the family friend and he were out hunting together?

Christophe, Jane de Chantal's husband.

Francis is sent to the University of _________ (Paris) and _______ (Italy) to get a doctorate in ____ and continue his study of theology.

Clarement, Padua, Law

When and where did St. Jane de Chantal die?

December 13, 1641 in Moulins, France

Where was St. Jane de Chantal born?

Dijon, Burgundy, France.


Don't live for the moment - but in the moment. (read and fill in that blank) beginning


Every moment is a new beginning - a chance to start again. "There is no better means of attainment to the spiritual life than by continually ___________ again..." Saint Francis de Sales


Experience God in this moment - for this is the only moment God has given you.

"Do ORDINARY things _____________ well, and with great ____."

Extraordinarily, love

T/F Jane de Chantel had a horrible and abusive relationship with Christophe de Rabutin.

FALSE, they had a very happy married life.

(What is the Catholic Church?) The Catholic Church is the society whose members, baptized and incorporated in Christ, profess the same _____, partake of the same _________ and are in communion with and under the government of the successor of Saint _____, the ____, and the _______ in union with him.

Faith, sacrament, Peter, pope, bishops

After Jane de Chantal's husband died, she and her children lived with her ________, who was a very difficult man. While living there, Jeanne took a vow of _______, and spent much of her time praying. She had a hard time living with her father-in-law, but through it all she became closer to God and it helped to deepen her faith. Because of this, she is the patron of family '___ -___ _______'.

Father in law, chastisy, in-law problems.

Why is the Bishop Ireton School Seal a quill and book?

For the Salesian focus on education and learning (the 8th sacrament)

Jane de Chantal is the patron saint of _________ people, __-___ problems, loss of _____-, parents __________ from children, and _______.

Forgotten, in-law, parents, separated, widows

Why is St. Francis de Sales a patron of Bishop Ireton?

He is the patron saint of the religious order that began our school, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Was the first to write about spirituality for the ordinary lay person and to teach them how to grow closer to God.

Some of the Books of the Old Testament were stories, or oral traditions. That is, unwritten, memorized versions of the history of the ________ people and their ____. As long as four thousand years ago, elders recited these stories to members of their communities who listened and passed on what they heard. What stage is this?

Hebrew, law. Oral Stage

The Yahwist might have been a _________ whose task was to put into writing the ____ and ______ recited at court and at religious festivals.

Historian, songs and legends

___________ Is the Gift of the Holy Spirit By which a human author was able to write a biblical book which really has God As the author and which teaches faithfully and without error the saving truth that God willed to be consigned to us for our salvation. (CCC 105, 135)


What is St. Francis de Sales most famous book?

Introduction to the Devout Life

Why is the Bishop Ireton School Seal an upside down cross?

Is a portion of Bishop "Peter" Ireton's shield (upside down cross is what St. Peter was crucified upon).

What did St. Francis de Sales write about? (FASPS)

Issues ordinary people face in their lives: friendship, anxiety, sadness, prayer, sacraments, etc.

Who are the Catholic Letters attributed to?

James, Peter, John and Jude.

Who was the spiritual companion of Francis?

Jane de Chantal

Francis de Sales became known throughout France for his preaching and was frequently requested to preach. In his travels preaching, he met a young widow, ____ __ _____, sister of the Bishop of _________.

Jane de Chantal, Burgundy

When was Saint Jane de Chantal born?

January 28, 1572

The main focus of Luke centers around ________ and moves outward through the Roman Empire as the message of Jesus Christ spreads.


The Pentateuch shows us God as a ______ Creator and reveals the effects of ___ and disobedience.

Loving, sin

Acts is the companion to what Gospel?


These texts are the primary authority in matters of belief and practice for all Jews, is also called the "Law" or the "Torah"


Pope _____in ____, in recognition of his holiness and of the effectiveness of his writings in helping others develop their relationship with God, declared St. Francis de Sales what? (highest honor in the Church - only 35 out of 3000+ saints).

Pius IX, 1877, Doctor of the Universal Church

The Christian Scriptures conclude with a very strange and complex work. __________ is a highly symbolic and mysterious work written in a language that was popular among Hebrews c.a. 100 A.D.


What was composed for Christians suffering from intense persecutions by the Romans for their belief in Jesus Christ and encourages all Christians to remain faithful to Jesus until He returns in glory?


The Bible Is Inerrant In matters of ___________and ______: because God is the author of Scripture, all the religious truths that God intends to reveal concerning our salvation are true; this attribute is called "_________" (see DV, no. 11; CCC, no. 107). This is makes the Bible a sacred text.

Revelation and Faith, innerany

The Word of God; the source of revelation about God's person and will. (Old and New Testaments)

Sacred Scripture

The Catholic Faith rests on two foundations; Sacred _________ + Sacred __________ = Rule of Faith

Scripture, Tradition

Acts pays special attention to the missionary activities of who?

St. Paul

The collection of correspondences that follows the Acts of the Apostles was written by who and called what?

St. Paul, the Pauline Letters

The oral traditions were the primary concern who?

The Deuteronomist

Who sought to update the religious laws given to the Hebrew people by God and make them clear for all to understand.

The Deuteronomist

Who is the author of the traditional stories in the Torah and strongly emphasizes the Hebrew heroes of history.

The Elohist

These stories include such figures as Joshua, the Judges, the first Kings, and the breakup of a Hebrew nation. As well, there are the Books of Ruth, Esther, Judith, and the Maccabees. Finally, we see the Prophets emerge and attempt to warn the Hebrew people of coming disaster.

The Historical Books

Which books tell of the Hebrew people and their conquest of the land of Canaan?

The Historical Books

What is the religious masterpiece of the Old Testament.

The Pentateuch

The books of the Old Testament are sub‐divided into four major categories based on stories, legends, conversations, letters, laws, biographies, speeches, poems, proverbs, and prayers. What are they?

The Pentateuch, The Historical Books, The Wisdom Books, The Prophetic Books

This author also served as an editor, weaving the earlier accounts into final written form, and strongly emphasized the power of God.

The Priest

Who supplied the final documents in creating the Torah, that emphasize traditional stories and rituals that were of interest to the religious leaders alone?

The Priest

The ________ of the Old Testament were people who spoke for God in their own times. They were individuals concerned with their world, and they spoke with authority given to them by God.

The Prophets

With St. Jane de Chantal, St. Francis began a community of women to visit the sick, teach, and feed the poor for Girls and widows. What is this called?

The Visitation community

Who were the four writers of the Pentateuch?

The Yahwist, The Elohist, The Deuterinomist, The Priest

Who was the earliest writer of the Torah and why was he called what he was called?

The Yahwist, because he used the Hebrew name "Yahweh" for God.

Why are the Catholic letters called the "Catholic" letters?

They are "Universal" or general in form and content, because they are addressed to believing Christians as a general audience rather than to specific individuals or communities.

Written Stage: About the time of the first King of Israel, (c.a. 930 B.C.) Hebrew historians began to compose and formulate into documents the ________ of their people. Later, the _______ of the Old Testament, and others with ________, compiled their own works and recorded their own sayings. What stage is this?

Traditions, prophets, authority, Written Stage

T/F The four Gospels include information about the life, works, message, death, and Resurrection of Jesus.


T/f St. Francis de Sales wrote many letters giving advice on how to live a devout life to those who wrote to him for help.


Jane de Chantal was a ______ who followed Francis and started the __________ Sisters (focusing on _______ and ______).

Widow, visitation, widows, orphans

Ten ways to know, read, and understand sacred scripture: (1) Christians treasure the Scriptures (both Old and New Testaments) because it is the _____ __ ____. (2) Catholic Christians believe that within the pages of the Scriptures one learns Truths from God. This is also known as ________ or the ________ of the Scriptures by God. (3) The revealed truth of the Scriptures is found in what the various writers __________ about the meaning of faith itself. (4) While much of the Scriptures are historical, Catholic Christians do not always accept the accuracy of every _________, ___________, or _________ detail in the Bible. The focus is on ________ truths found in the pages of Scripture. (5) An informed Christian should not take one passage from the Scriptures and make it an absolute. Understand the ____ and ________ of the statement or reading. (6) Do not be surprised to find conflicting opinions in the Scriptures. Yes, authors did disagree but the accuracy of _______ ________ is unchangeable. (7) You can learn much from the Scriptures. Its history and literary background form the many books of the Old and New Testament. (8) Read the Scriptures regularly to stimulate faith ____________. The mind is a muscle; use it! (9)The Scriptures serve as a "________ ____________" for Christians. (10) The Scriptures do not remove the responsibility of the reader to make strong and responsible decisions about their ____ and ____ development.

Word of God, Inspiration, authoring, expressed, historical, biographical, scientific, religious, time, context, Divine Inspiration, development, religious conscience, faith and moral

What is St.Francis de Sales the patron saint for?

Writers and journalists.

Finally, editors combined these _____ records with the ____ traditions. The resulting books, written on ______, became the Hebrews' most precious work. What is this stage called?

Written, oral, scrolls, Edited stage.

By who and where was St. Jane de Chantal canonized

by Pope Benedict XIV on July 16, 1767,

Continue then in a _______ life, as you have began, and ADVANCE ALWAYS from good to better in the way in which you walk; and you will see that, after a time, those _____ will grow less, and you will not be _________ so much. Consider sometimes that you are a child of the Church, and rejoice in the thought..." ---St. Francis de Sales

devout, alarms, disquieted

Jane learned to put aside her anger and forgive this friend. She did it slowly. How did she do it?

first by saying hello to him in the streets, then by having him over to her home, and finally she became his child's godmother.

St. Francis began writing _________ explaining the Catholic faith.


The purpose and function of the Catholic Church is to preach the Gospel of ________ to all nations, to _______, and form the community of ____ in His name

salvation, baptize, faith,

"Above all, I love the little _______..." --St. Francis in a ______ to St. Jane de Chantal

virtues, letter

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