Dance 301 Exam #1

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Who was the contestant on Dancing with the Stars that made the comment that dancing with a partner requires a level of cooperation and communication that is highly sophisticated and if the world leaders would learn the cooperation and coordination of dancing, the world would be a better place?

Steven Guttenberg

Sitting Bull had participated in the Sun Dance several times and experienced visions predicting future events. What premonition did he have about his death?

That he would die by the hands of his own people

The year of 1454 was known as "The Year When People Died" and it was also the last year of the 52-year cycle according to the Aztec calendar. 1455 was the start of a new cycle and abundant rain brought a bountiful harvest but the Aztecs feared the gods might cause more calamities. What did the Aztecs determine would keep the gods appeased?

They created a constant state of war to capture sacrificial victims to supply the hungry gods with human flesh

According to Alan Lomax, two-dimensional movement displays curved or circular movements and can be found in dance styles from economies that use metal tools.


Animism is the belief system that honors all elements of nature including plants, animals, stones, and natural phenomena believing they all have a spirit that interacts harmoniously with humans.


Dance is part of the Yoruba religion. The shaman trains the dancers so that they can be an open channel for the gods to possess. Once "mounted" the dancer displays divine characteristics through the gestures and movements and provides a means of communication between the world of the humans and the spirit world.


In the Snake Dance the medicine man or priest carries the snake in his mouth and is accompanies by a hugger guard and a gatherer as he performed his ritual dance.


It is thought that the bipedal stance on two feet rather than on all fours developed to allow the hands to be free to use tools and therefore helped to expand the human thought process.


Movement is the most basic experience of life and dance is simply movement to an internal rhythm.


Refugee camps surrounded by chain link fences and topped with barbed wire provided a safe place to live for children who had been abducted by the LRA and had either been rescued or able to escape from the LRA. Rehabilitation techniques using music and dance therapy have helped some of the psychologically damaged children to find hope.


The Aparima is a Tahitian dance performed by the women using the hands to tell stories expressed everyday life.


The Aztec civilization also had a school for a few select young women to become priestesses where they learned to weave and decorate costumes for tribal ceremonies.


The Gumboots dance was created by the oppressed miners in South Africa as a means of communication because they were forbidden to speak. They were forced to wear Wellington boots or Gumboots, to protect their feet and type of Morse code including stomps, whistles, and slaps was developed to send each other messages.


The LRA who were fighting against Uganda's government military forces abducted children and gained them to fight. The boys were trained as soldiers and the girls became sex slaves.


What is the African philosophy called that reflects the humanitarian ideology of treating others with respect and when practiced the qualities that are demonstrated are friendliness, generosity, caring, and compassion


The Sun Dance is a sacred ritual lasting 8 days. The first 4 days are dedicated to prayer and meditation including time spent in the sweat lodge and the passing of the peace pipe. On the last day a sacrifice of flesh is offered to the gods. What is the purpose of this ritual?

to bring peace and ultimately be reborn

What is the purpose of the Hopi Snake Dance?

to bring rain

In vodou rituals the devotees or dancers are possessed by a loa and go into trance bringing messages that are intended to create change and heal the community. Particular gestures and actions are associated with each loa. When the possessed dancer exhibits outrageous behavior displaying obscene hip grinding movements and speak in a nasally voice, who is the loa possessing the dancer?

Baron Samedi

What is the modern style of hula dancing called?


In what popular movie does the main character express his desire to connect with his love interest and re-experience comforting memories with his mother through music and dance?

Guardians of the Galaxy

What is the definition of dance ethnology?

It is the study of ethnic dance as it represents a society

This is the Yoruba god of thunder that dances to hot rhythmical drumming and once possessed rises to his toes cries out rips his shirt and dances into a frenzy?


The Dutch, whose political group was known was the Afrikaner National Party took over South Africa in the 1940s. In 1948 they established a system of laws for racial segregation. What were these laws known as?


In the Inuit language, "poetry" and "breathe" are derived from the same word that also means soul. What is that word?


What is the Acholi traditional royal dance called that is performed in a series of circles?


In the Aztec culture when a young man reached puberty he underwent initiation rites to prepare him for the responsibilities of adulthood. At the age of 15 he was sent to a boarding school to be educated for community work to become a priest. Which school educated the priests?


What is the picture book called that was created by the Aztecs that depicts historical scenes from their daily life?


Who said, "In song and dance man expresses himself as a member of a higher community: he has forgotten how to walk and speak and is on the way towards flying into the air, dancing."?

Friderich Nietzsche

What is the word that refers to the collective spirit of all deceased loved ones and is also the name for the festival of the deceased ancestors which is an important tradition for the Yoruba people.


Because of over population, Polynesians migrated to what we know as the Cook Islands about 600 CE. Britain became a protectorate in 1888 but by 1900 the residents of the Cook Islands took control and governed themselves.


In 1944, Haiti was proclaimed the first Black nation to be governed by the people of African descent.


The Aztec culture consisted of 20 extended families of which three principle officers were in charge of governing their particular family. However, when it came to electing a king that was determined by popular vote among the citizens 15 years of age or older.


The dance of Osun, the goddess of beauty, fertility and protector of children, is gentle and flowing like the river. However when possession takes place her movements become extremely active and frenzied and then calm down to an easy flowing movement again.


The ritual Los Voladores is done in honor of god of spring and agriculture Xipe by the Totonac Indians in Huehuetla Puebla who created it. There is no evidence that the Aztec Indians Performed this ritual.


In the 1980s, a civil war broke out in Uganda between Uganda's government and a group of insurgents called the Lord's Resistance Army or LRA. Who was the leader of the LRA?

Joseph Kony

Who was the Hawaiian king that united the islands to protect them from colonial powers?


The early system of Hawaiian laws was based on a set of rules and if the rules were broken the punishment was death unless one was able to seek refuge at the pi'uhonua. What was the forbidden act called?


The natives in South Africa were hunters, gathers, and herders. The indigenous names for these people were San (gatherer) and Khoikhoi (hunter). What were they jointly known as?


Who was the kuma hula that was hired by the Hollywood movie industry in the 1930's and 40's to choreograph hula dancing for film?

Louise Leiomalama Beamer

The Polynesians believed in Animism. They also believed that all things in nature contain a supernatural power. What did they call this power?


Who was elected president of South Africa in 1994?

Nelson Mandela

The Yoruba people believe that communication with the gods and ancestors happen through chants and songs of praise combined with dance. What are these chants called?


What is the original Tahitian dance that was originally performed only by the men employing a leg movement of flapping the knees opened and closed?


Two pyramids at Teotihuacan, in the Valley of Mexico, were discovered along with an 11-acre plaza known as the Citadel which was a place for citizens to meet. What did the Spaniards name these pyramids?

Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon

The Sioux Indians accepted the Ghost Dance religion in hopes of restoring the old ways before settlers arrived. Who is credited with creating the Ghost Dance religion?


What is the component of dance that provides the dancer with the ability to maintain his or her position while resisting physical forces, especially gravity?


This component of dance is related to balance and gives the dancer a greater sense of strength and connectedness to bring forth a spiritual essence that can be displayed and expressed with confidence.


This component of dance is determined by the way the dancer aligns the body. Using this component the dancer can also indicate certain emotions to the audience.


In modern times the Hoop Dance became a storytelling dance as a solo dance creates shapes depicting animals of nature reflected in the traditional stories. What was the original purpose of the Hoop Dance?

it was a healing dance

In the ritual dance, Los Voladores, five dancers climb a pole. One dancer performs a dance on top of the pole representing deity. The other four dancers sit on the wooden rigging and secure themselves with ropes then they cast themselves and the weight of their bodies turn the frame as they descend, suspended by the rope. What do the four dancers suspended by ropes represent?

the souls of the dead warriors and sacrificial victims

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