A way of selecting data from a database using one or more criteria, e.g. "show all the people over 30 with red hair"
All the data about one person or thing, stored as a database row
A 2-dimensional grid containing one set of data, there can be many of these in a database
A data type used to store data about money
A data type used to store numerical whole, decimal, positive and negative data
A single piece of data or information about a person or thing, it's a column in a table
A structured set of data held in a computer, accessible in various ways, it can be searched, filtered and sorted
An online page that contains spaces to enter data, which is to be stored in the database
Describes how two tables are linked together, e.g. by Primary keys or Foreign keys
Primary key
Identifies every record in a table, it is field that is unique to every row.
Field length
The number of characters that can be stored in each text field
The output of a database query in a readable format
Data type
The type of data a field must contain, it can be Text, Number, Currency or many other types
Foreign key
a field in one table that is linked to the primary key in another table to create a relationship between two tables.