Driver's Ed Worksheet #2

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56. All of these intersections are uncontrolled, and all vehicles are moving. Which intersection shows the greatest possible danger?


9. The instant you observe a conflict ahead, you should:

Check your mirrors.

24. When you predict where your path mint cross with another vehicle, you are predicting a point of:


31. The best way to keep from getting involved in emergency driving situations is to:

Continually search for hazards.

84. Driving of rural roadways can be especially hazardous due to:


27. To avoid a collision with a vehicle that appears will hit you in the side, you should brake or accelerate slowly. True or False

False - Brake or accelerate quickly

13. The area you can see around you is called:

Field of vision.

26. When following a vehicle that blocks your view of the road ahead, it is best to:

Follow at a greater distance than usual.

42. When making a right turn, start turning the steering wheel when your front wheels are even with _____.

The curb line

100. You are at a red traffic signal. The traffic light turns green, but there are still other vehicles in the intersection. Before entering the intersection, you should wait until _____.

The intersection is clear.

39. If a passing vehicle has to cut closely in front of you to avoid oncoming traffic, you should slow down and check _____ ahead.

The right shoulder

28. When a vehicle hits a fixed object, like a tree, what is the most important factor in determining how hard it hits the tree?

The speed of the vehicle.

85. To make a right turn onto a two-way street, you should start your turn in the farthest _____ lane and end in the lane closest to the _____.

Right, right curb

57. At an intersection controlled by four-way stop signs, you should _____.

Stop. Let cars that arrive before you go first. If you arrive at the same time, the driver on the left shall yield to the driver on the right.

22. When preparing to make a right turn, besides signaling 3 to 4 seconds in advance, you should:

Tap your brake pedal to flash your brake lights.

87. When driving on a one-way street past vehicles parked on the left, you should position your vehicle:

To the right portion of your lane.

80. Collisions occur at curves because speed on the approach is:

Too fast.

89. You should enter a roundabout when there is an adequate gap in _____.


58. When turning, your last check is in the direction of your _____.


67. After you have come to a complete stop at a red light, if traffic is clear you may then _____.

Turn right

23. Traffic is moving at 30 mph on a street you plan to cross. How big of a gap in traffic should you have in each direction in order to cross the street?

Two-thirds of a block.

50. Right-of-way laws are written in terms of who must _____.


30. You need to identify hazards farther ahead when driving at faster speeds because:

You reach the hazards more quickly.

68. Turning right and accelerating to 30 mph takes about:

6 seconds

70. Turning left and accelerating to 30 mph takes about _____ seconds.


18. When driving in city traffic, you should check traffic signals at least:

1 block ahead.

44. When driving past vehicles parked on your right or left, you should position your vehicle at least how far away?

1 door width

69. You should prepare for a turn how far before turning?

8-12 seconds

43. When intending to turn or change lanes, you must communicate your intentions to other road users by activating your turn signal over a distance of _____ feet.


51. When you are parallel parked, you should be within how many inches of the curb?

12 inches

16. A driver should look _____ seconds ahead of the vehicle when driving.


17. You should search how many seconds ahead when managing visibility in cities and suburbs?

12-15 seconds

11. To aim high in steering means you should look at least:

12-15 seconds ahead.

97. You should stop no closer than _____ feet from a railroad crossing if a train is approaching.


1. When planning for a turn in heavy city traffic, you should prepare to get into the proper lane _____ in advance.

2-3 blocks

15. When driving on the expressway, how many seconds ahead should a driver search:

20-30 seconds.

36. Under normal driving conditions, your following distance when traveling at 55 mph on the expressway should be a minimum of:

3 seconds.

96. When changing lanes or merging with another lane to the left, you need at least a:

4 second gap

72. The rule used to estimate your total stopping distance under ideal conditions is the:

4-second rule.

59. If you approach an intersection where the traffic light is not working, you should treat it like _____.

A four way stop

41. You are driving with a row of parked cars on your right and oncoming vehicles on your left. You should drive:

A middle course between them.

33. When you must handle several hazards at the same time, the best tactic is to:

Adjust speed and position to separate the hazards.

8. The process of searching critical areas of the traffic environment in a regular sequence is:

An orderly visual search pattern.

10. Detecting potentially threatening objects or conditions in traffic mostly depends on:

An organized, aggressive, visual search.

4. Before moving a vehicle in reverse, you should check to see that the area _____ the vehicle is clear.


45. When passing a vehicle in a two-way, two-lane road, you should return to the right side of the road when you can see _____.

Both headlights of the passed car in your inside rearview mirror.

73. If you react one-half second slower because of a distraction, the chances of a crash can _____.


34. The single biggest cause of crashes is:

Drivers running into things they can't see.

25. When another driver is tailgating your vehicle, it is best to allow a greater space area to the:

Front of your vehicle.

37. The most basic principle of controlling the consequences of a crash is to avoid a _____ crash.


55. If you want to turn at this intersection, from which lanes could you turn?

Lane 2 or 3

38. A large truck is driving in the middle lane of three lanes of traffic going in the same direction. You want to pass. Is it best to pass quickly on the right or left?


83. To make a left turn from a one-way street to a two-way street, you should turn from the far _____ lane.


66. When two vehicles at an uncontrolled intersection from different streets arrive at the same time, the driver on the _____ shall yield to the driver on the _____.

Left, right

76. The first thing to consider when thinking about making a U-turn is whether or not it is _____.


79. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby, U-turns in residential districts are _____.


74. When joining traffic by turning left, the gap to the left should be (less or more) than when turning right.


86. Yielding the right of way means _____.

Letting the other person go first.

61. When looking for blind spots, which of these statements are true?

Look over your right shoulder when changing lanes to the right. Look over your left shoulder when changing lanes to the left.

64. Minimizing a hazard is a technique for reducing risks from a hazard by putting (more or less) distance between you and a hazard.


48. If you are continually being passed on the right and left while driving in the center lane at the speed limit, you should:

Move to the right lane.

92. When can you drive off the road to pass another vehicle?


65. When turning left, yield to the _____.

Oncoming vehicles

12. The distance your vehicle travels from the time the eyes see a hazard to the time the brain knows it's a hazard is called:

Perception distance.

53. If you don't have room to squeeze by an oncoming vehicle on a narrow street, you should:

Pull over and wait behind parked vehicles.

21. When preparing to make a 3 point turnaround, you should:

Pull to the right and stop.

52. You are driving on a two-lane highway. The final decision whether to abort a pass or proceed to pass should be made just prior to:

Reaching the vehicle you are passing.

35. A driver has the least amount of control over space to the:

Rear of the vehicle.

40. When passing another vehicle in a two-lane road, your engine misses and your speed decrease. You should _____.

Return to your lane

6. You want to back out of an angled parking space on a street with two-way traffic. You should always back out slowly and look over your _____ shoulder as you back up.


75. To turn right from a one-way street, you should position your vehicle in the _____ lane.


78. If you must turn your vehicle around on a narrow roadway and most of the traffic is coming towards you, the best type of turnaround would be a 3-point turnaround using a driveway on the _____.


94. When checking your blind spots, you should look over your _____ shoulder for a right lane change and over your _____ shoulder for a left lane change.

Right, left

3. When backing up to the right, you should steer the top of the steering wheel to the _____ and look over your _____ shoulder.

Right, right

71. An advantage of a 3-second following distance in city traffic is that you can _____.

See better and stop safely

32. The key factor when driving in a city is a plan that allows you to concentrate on:

Seeing everything in your traffic scene.

46. If you encounter a vehicle headed the wrong way on a one-way street, you should _____, _____, and _____.

Slow, steer right, and sound horn

47. You should not pass if you cannot complete the pass before reaching a _____.

Solid yellow line, intersection, railroad crossing, and oncoming vehicle.

5. When you enter traffic from a parking spot, you should wait for a large enough gap to get up to the _____ of traffic.


29. If you must leave the roadway at a high speed and no open space is available, you should:

Steer for something soft.

91. When approaching a crosswalk, you see a pedestrian is waiting to cross, you must:

Stop at the crosswalk and wait for the pedestrian to cross the street.

63. If a traffic signal changes to yellow as you approach an intersection, you should make every reasonable effort to _____.

Stop before entering the intersection.

60. When traffic is slow and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the oncoming intersection, you should _____ and then proceed to cross.

Stop before the tracks and wait until there is room to completely clear the train tracks.

20. You must stop at the intersection ahead. Just before the intersection where you have to cross the railroad tracks, you should:

Stop before you cross the railroad tracks when you do not have room to completely cross the tracks.

14. Searching means to glance quickly and continually. True or False


19. To steer straight forward, look far ahead toward the center of your intended path. True or False


2. When backing a vehicle, you should see clearly in the direction your vehicle is moving. The best way to do this is by turning your head and shoulders and looking backwards. True or False


49. You can pass a vehicle on the right of the vehicle ahead is smoking a left turn and you do not have to leave the paved lane to pass? True or False


54. You are driving 55 mph on a two-lane highway, with one lane in each direction, and want to pass the vehicle ahead of you. To pass safely, you need to have a large enough gap in the oncoming traffic. True or False


7. Searching for specific driving-related clues is different in driving environments. True or False


77. The best position to take when waiting to make a left turn at a traffic signal that does not have a turn light is to wait partially in the intersection with your wheels straight. True or False


81. To plan for a turn, you should be in the correct lane about a block before the turn. True or False


82. In a right turn, the rear wheels will track closer to the curb in relation to the front wheels. True or False


88. You are on a two-way street and have a red light. The cross street is a one-way street going left, and you want to turn. You may turn left when the traffic and pedestrians are not present, and there is no sign preventing a turn on red. True or False


90. Pedestrians are also part of the Highway Transportation System. Pedestrians have the right of way over all vehicles when crossing on a green light. True or False


95. Too much steering input during a lane change can cause your vehicle to turn too sharply into the adjoining lane. True or False


99. You should yield the right of way when it helps prevent crashes. True or False


98. Who has the right of way at roundabout?

Vehicles in all circulating lanes.

62. You are at a traffic signal wanting to make a left turn. You see a green arrow pointing to the left. You should _____.

Wait for traffic and pedestrians in the intersection.

93. Explain the proper procedure for passing a car on the left of a multi-lane highway.

i. Make sure it is legal. ii. Make sure it is clear. iii. Check your mirrors. iv. Check your left blind spot. v. Turn on your left turn signal. vi. Change one lane to your left. vii. Turn signal off. viii. Pass the vehicle without exceeding the speed limit. ix. Check your mirrors. x. Check your right blind spot. xi. Turn on your right turn signal. xii. Change one lane to your right. xiii. Turn signal off.

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