DSST- Intro to Computing Practice Test I

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A utility is a type of a. operating system. b. applications software. c. systems software. d. language translator.

The correct answer is C. A utility is a type of systems software. Operating systems and language translators are also types of systems software.

How many alphanumeric characters are stored within one byte? a. 1 b. 8 c. 10 d. 100

The correct answer is A. A byte stores exactly one character. A character is made up of eight bits

Which of the following is a computer utility that functions by restoring a file that has accidentally been deleted? a. Data recovery b. File conversion c. Driver d. Database

The correct answer is A. A data recovery utility functions by restoring, or undeleting, files that have accidentally been deleted.

An Internet bulletin board through which individuals can use an Internet browser to post and read messages discussing various topics is known as a(n) a. newsgroup. b. listserv. c. host. d. blog.

The correct answer is A. A newsgroup is an Internet bulletin board through which individuals can use an Internet browser to post and read messages discussing various topics. A listserv is an Internet mailing list that sends e-mails directly to users.

Which of the following is a notation for representing the syntax of a programming language? a. Backus-Naur Form b. Scanner generator c. Parser generator d. Turing machine

The correct answer is A. Backus-Naur Form (BNF) is a notation for representing the syntax of a programming language.

Which of the following data types can take on only the values true or false? a. Boolean b. Character c. Real d. Integer

The correct answer is A. Boolean data types can take on only the values true or false. Character data types refer to data consisting of symbols. Real and integer data types refer to numeric data.

In the software development process, a language translator that converts a high-level language program into machine language for later execution is known as a a. compiler. b. debugger. c. interpreter. d. receiver

The correct answer is A. Compilers convert high-level language software programs into machine language for later execution. Interpreters convert high-level language programs into machine language for immediate execution

Which of the following types of programs allows a user to send and receive e-mail through a program on his or her computer? a. E-mail client software b. Web-based e-mail c. Hotmail d. Yahoo! e-mail

The correct answer is A. E-mail client software allows a user to send and receive e-mail through a program on his or her computer. Web-based e-mail is sent through interaction with a Web site.

Which of the following types of software licenses usually does NOT require a fee for long-term use? a. Freeware b. Shareware c. OEM d. Subscription

The correct answer is A. Freeware is software that can be used without a fee over the long term. Shareware licenses allow users to try the software for a period of time without a fee, but users are generally required to pay for shareware use after the trial period.

In a GUI, the display screen is divided into sections by a. windows. b. cursors. c. prompts. d. command lines.

The correct answer is A. In a GUI, or graphical-user interface, windows are used to divide the display screen into sections.

In which of the following types of database models are files connected by means of physical links or addresses? a. Network b. Relational c. Hierarchical d. Object

The correct answer is A. In network database models, files are connected by means of physical links or addresses. Relational database models connect files using logical relationships rather than physical links or addresses.

Information is transferred on the World Wide Web through which of the following? a. HTTP b. HTML c. Browser d. Lynx

The correct answer is A. Information is transferred on the Web through the use of HTTP, or hypertext transfer protocol. HTML is used to format the information that is transferred.

Which of the following types of computers is designed to serve the largest number of users at one time? a. Mainframes b. Minicomputers c. Microcomputers d. Desktop systems

The correct answer is A. Mainframe computers were designed to serve hundreds of users at one time. Minicomputers served smaller numbers of users, usually in the dozens. Microcomputers and desktop systems are designed to serve single users.

Which of the following is the name given to data before any encryption has been performed? a. Plaintext b. Algorithm c. Ciphertext d. Key

The correct answer is A. Plaintext is the name given to data before any encryption has been performed. Once the data has been encrypted, it is known as ciphertext. Keys are used to create ciphertext and unlock encrypted messages.

Which of the following terms is commonly used to refer to the single circuit board that contains a computer's processor, temporary memory, and other electronic components? a. Motherboard b. System unit c. CPU d. ALU

The correct answer is A. The motherboard is the single circuit board that contains a computer's processor, temporary memory, and other electronic components.

Which of the following represents an advantage of parity bit error detection? a. It is inexpensive. b. It is highly sophisticated. c. It is useful for particularly noisy transmission channels. d. It is designed to detect single bit changes.

The correct answer is A. The primary advantage of parity bit error detection is that this method is inexpensive. It costs only one bit per byte of transmitted data. The fact that parity bit checking is designed to detect only single bit changes represents a disadvantage of the method.

In order to preserve the most formatting information when saving a text document, which of the following types of word processing file formats should be used? a. Rich text format (RTF) b. ASCII c. Text-only format d. ANSI

The correct answer is A. To preserve the most formatting information when saving a text document, the RTF file format should be used.

User-defined data types that include definitions of operations are known as a. abstract. b. primitive. c. float. d. real.

The correct answer is A. User-defined data types that include definitions of operations are known as abstract data types. Real, or float, data types are primitive data types and are not user-defined.

Which of the following types of digital graphics is comprised of geometric shapes? a. Vector b. Dot c. Bit-mapped d. Raster

The correct answer is A. Vector graphics are comprised of digital geometric shapes. Bit-mapped graphics are comprised of dots called pixels. Raster graphics are another name for bit-mapped graphics.

In a database applications program, a file is comprised of groups of a. records. b. fields. c. folders. d. bytes

The correct answer is A. Within databases, files are comprised of groups of records. Records contain multiple fields that store different types of information about a subject.

Which of the following professional certifications qualifies an individual to analyze business requirements to design and implement computer infrastructures based on the Windows platform and Microsoft Servers software? a. Microsoft Certified Database Administrator b. Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer c. Microsoft Office Specialist d. Microsoft Certified Application Developer

The correct answer is B. A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) is qualified to analyze business requirements to design and implement computer infrastructures based on Windows and Microsoft Servers software. A Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) develops and maintains applications software.

Which of the following is a seemingly useful program that hides a computer virus? a. Worm b. Trojan horse c. Logic bomb d. Macro virus

The correct answer is B. A Trojan horse is a seemingly useful program that hides a computer virus. Trojan horses can also hide logic bombs. A logic bomb contains instructions for a malicious action to be executed based on specific conditions or the occurrence of a triggering event.

Which of the following is used to connect two existing compatible networks to form a larger single network? a. Bus b. Bridge c. Peer d. Router

The correct answer is B. A bridge is a coupling device that connects two existing compatible networks to form a larger single network. A router is a device that links two individual networks whose characteristics are not compatible. Individual networks linked by a router continue to function as independent networks.

On which of the following types of primary storage can a computer user load read-only programs and data? a. L1 cache b. PROM c. ROM d. RAM

The correct answer is B. A computer user can load read-only programs and data on PROM, which is programmable read-only memory.

Which of the following terms is used to refer to a computer system that is designed to continue to operate even if important components fail? a. Secure Socket Layer b. Fault-tolerant c. Uninterruptible power source d. Volatile

The correct answer is B. A fault-tolerant computer system is designed to continue to operate even if important components fail. Using an uninterruptible power source (UPS) is one method of enabling a computer system to continue operating even if a power source fails

How many bytes of memory are contained in a kilobyte? a. 1,000 b. 1,024 c. 1,056 d. 1,960

The correct answer is B. A kilobyte contains 1,024 bytes of memory. The number of 1,000 bytes is inaccurate because computer numbering systems are based on twos instead of tens.

Which of the following helps to increase productivity by combining several command keystrokes into one or two keystrokes? a. Procedure b. Macro c. Header d. Variable

The correct answer is B. A macro helps to increase productivity by combining several command keystrokes into one or two keystrokes. A procedure is a set of instructions for performing a particular task.

Which of the following computer peripherals converts data into a signal that can be transmitted over a telephone line? a. Node b. Modem c. Token ring d. Ethernet

The correct answer is B. A modem is a computer device that converts data into a signal that can be sent over a telephone line. A token ring is a type of network through which computers can be connected.

Each of the following represents a type of systems software EXCEPT a. language translators. b. spreadsheet programs. c. operating systems. d. utility programs.

The correct answer is B. A spreadsheet program is not a type of systems software. Instead, it is a type of applications software. Language translators, operating systems, and utilities are all types of systems software.

Which of the following refers to a small program that is embedded in a Web page and interpreted and executed by a Web browser? a. Telnet b. Applet c. Hyperlink d. Hot image

The correct answer is B. An applet is a small program that is embedded in a Web page and interpreted and executed by a Web browser. Hyperlinks and hot images permit navigation between pages on the Internet.

An organization that provides users with access to the Internet is known as a(n) a. LEXIS. b. ISP. c. TCP/IP. d. TLD.

The correct answer is B. An organization that provides users with access to the Internet is known as an ISP, or Internet service provider. TCP/IP represents a protocol for transmitting data over the Internet.

An engineer who needs to use a vector graphics software program in order to manipulate individual objects on the computer screen would most likely use a. CASE software. b. CAD software. c. Paint software. d. Authoring software

The correct answer is B. CAD software programs, or computer-aided design programs, are vector graphics programs that enable users to manipulate individual objects on the computer screen. CAD programs are generally used by engineers and scientists. Authoring software is used in the development of integrated multimedia presentations.

Which of the following allows a user to download and upload files on the Internet? a. Frames b. FTP c. Pub d. Ping

The correct answer is B. FTP stands for file transfer protocol, a protocol that allows a user to download and upload files on the Internet.

In the Windows operating system, file directories are represented by a. menus. b. folders. c. toolbars. d. taskbars.

The correct answer is B. In Windows, file directories are represented by folders. Taskbars reflect the computer's active applications

In declarative programming logic, a collection of statements that is self-contradictory is said to be which of the following? a. Clause form b. Inconsistent c. Resolvent d. Deductive

The correct answer is B. In declarative programming logic, a collection of statements that is self-contradictory is said to be inconsistent. Clause form statements are connected by the Boolean operation OR.

In network etiquette, the Internet equivalent of shouting is expressed through the use of which of the following? a. Large file attachments b. All capital letters c. Hoax warnings d. Unsolicited e-mail

The correct answer is B. In network etiquette, shouting is usually expressed through the use of text written in all capital letters. Text written in all capital letters should therefore generally be avoided, unless a communicator intends to convey shouting.

Intellectual property rights protect which of the following? a. Individual privacy b. Intangible creative works c. Freedom of speech d. Freedom from illegal searches and seizures

The correct answer is B. Intellectual property rights protect intangible creative works. Specifically, they protect the creative expression underlying a particular physical work, such as a software program.

Each of the following represents an example of a graphics software program EXCEPT a. Adobe Illustrator. b. Microsoft Word. c. CorelDRAW. d. Windows XP Paint.

The correct answer is B. Microsoft Word is an example of a word processing program, not a graphics software program. Adobe Illustrator, CorelDRAW, and Windows XP Paint are all examples of graphic software programs.

The transmission medium for a mobile network is which of the following? a. Twisted pair cable b. Air c. Optical fiber d. Coaxial cable

The correct answer is B. Mobile networking works through wireless transmission. The transmission medium is air. Twisted pair cable and coaxial cable both contain copper wire, and optical fibers are made of glass.

Which of the following types of memory represents a computer's primary working memory? a. Flash memory b. Random access memory (RAM) c. Read-only memory (ROM) d. Cache memory

The correct answer is B. Random access memory (RAM) is a computer's primary working memory. RAM enables data to be both read and written. Read-only memory (ROM) cannot be altered by a computer user.

The director of information services within an organization is most likely referred to as the a. CEO. b. CIO. c. COO. d. systems analyst.

The correct answer is B. The CIO, or chief information officer, is usually the title of the director of information services within an organization. A CEO, or chief executive officer, handles executive decision making. A COO, or chief operating officer, usually oversees the organization's business operations.

Which of the following types of computer processors has special enhancements for running multimedia applications? a. Intel 8086 b. Intel MMX c. Intel Celeron d. Intel Xeon

The correct answer is B. The Intel MMX computer processor has special enhancements for running multimedia applications. The Intel Celeron processor is an economy processor designed for entry-level computer systems.

Which of the following types of programming language paradigms divides a program into units that describe entities with specific attributes or capabilities? a. Procedural b. Object-oriented c. Applicative d. Declarative

The correct answer is B. The object-oriented paradigm divides programs into units that describe entities, or objects, with specific attributes or capabilities. Applicative languages are another name for functional programming languages, which operate by connecting functions via their inputs and outputs.

When text is cut or copied within a word processing program, it is automatically saved to which of the following areas of memory? a. Tile b. Clipboard c. Cascade d. Menu

The correct answer is B. When text is cut or copied within a word processing program, it is automatically saved to an area of memory known as the clipboard

A communications network that connects computer hardware devices that are within close physical proximity is known as a(n) a. PBX. b. WAN. c. LAN. d. Internet.

The correct answer is C. A LAN, or local area network, is a communications network that connects computer hardware devices that are within close physical proximity. A PBX (private branch exchange) is also a type of local network, but it connects telephone extensions rather than computer hardware.

An information technology specialist who is interested in creating and maintaining Internet sites would most likely look for a job position as a a. network administrator. b. systems programmer. c. web application developer. d. computer operator.

The correct answer is C. A Web application developer is responsible for creating and maintaining Internet sites. A specialist who wishes to work directly with Web sites would most likely look for a Web application developer position. A computer operator generally works with hardware, keeping systems operational.

Which of the following terms refers to the most basic binary on/off signal? a. Word b. Byte c. Bit d. Address

The correct answer is C. A bit is the most basic binary on/off signal. A byte is comprised of a set of bits

A computer hard disk stores information in units known as a. characters. b. addresses. c. sectors. d. blocks.

The correct answer is C. A computer hard disk stores information in units known as sectors. Each sector is made up of an address and a data block with a certain number of characters.

Which of the following is an example of a secondary storage component? a. Keyboard b. ROM c. Disk drive d. RAM

The correct answer is C. A disk drive is an example of a secondary storage component. RAM and ROM are part of the computer's main memory, or primary storage.

Each of the following represents a network topology EXCEPT a. star. b. bus. c. gateway. d. ring.

The correct answer is C. A gateway is not a type of network typology. It is an interface that facilitates communication between dissimilar networks. Star, bus, and ring all represent types of network topologies.

A resource discovery tool that enables users to find information quickly on the Internet is known as a(n) a. counter. b. default site. c. search engine. d. inode.

The correct answer is C. A resource discovery tool that enables users to find information quickly on the Internet is known as a search engine.

A set of rules that computers use to communicate with each other is known as a(n) a. bundle. b. pocket. c. protocol. d. address

The correct answer is C. A set of rules that computers use to communicate with each other is known as a protocol. Information is transmitted over the Internet in packages called packets.

Which of the following refers to a self-organizing group that operates efficiently through the use of social networking? a. Urban network b. Digital swarm c. Smart mob d. Protext group

The correct answer is C. A smart mob is a group that organizes and operates efficiently through the use of social networking technologies, such as texting. Smart mobs typically organize for political or activism purposes, coming together and disbanding in a synchronized manner on short notice.

The Internet was launched in 1969 with the development of which of the following? a. Apple II b. Altair 8800 c. ARPANET d. Lotus 1-2-3

The correct answer is C. ARPANET, developed by the U.S. Defense Department in 1969, eventually evolved into the Internet. Altair 8800 and Apple II were types of personal computers. Lotus 1-2-3 is the name for an electronic spreadsheet program.

Which of the following translates assembly-language software programs into machine language? a. Source-code analyzer b. Profiler c. Assembler d. Optimizer

The correct answer is C. An assembler is a program that translates assembly-language software programs into machine language. Profilers collect statistics about programs to help computer systems run more efficiently.

An individual who wishes to send a text document via e-mail will most likely send the document as a(n) a. HTML tag. b. thread. c. attached file. d. GIF.

The correct answer is C. An individual who wishes to send a text document via e-mail will most likely send the document as an attached file. A GIF is a type of digital image file

An ordered set of executable steps that defines how a task is performed is known as a(n) a. casing. b. syntax. c. algorithm. d. iterative structure.

The correct answer is C. An ordered set of executable steps that defines how a task is performed is known as an algorithm. Casing is a method for naming algorithms within software programs.

Computer memory chips are physically installed on which of the following? a. SDRAM b. Virtual memory c. SIMMs d. General-purpose registers

The correct answer is C. Computer memory chips are physically installed within the computer on SIMMs, single in-line memory modules. Memory chips may also be installed on dual in-line memory modules, or DIMMs.

Which of the following types of application programs is intended for the design and layout of complex documents on a personal computer? a. Database b. Hypertext c. Desktop publishing d. Spreadsheets

The correct answer is C. Desktop publishing application programs are intended for the design and layout of complex documents on a personal computer.

The argument that negative personal information, such as criminal records, should be in the public domain is supported by who of the following? a. Judith Jarvis Thomson b. Samuel Warren c. Richard Posner d. Louis Brandeis

The correct answer is C. Federal judge Richard Posner advanced the argument that negative personal information should be in the public domain.

Which of the following was the precursor of modern database management software? a. Record structure software b. Presentation software c. File management software d. Hierarchical storage software

The correct answer is C. File management software was the precursor of modern database management software.

Each of the following represents a type of software program control mechanism EXCEPT a. sequential. b. looping. c. function. d. conditional.

The correct answer is C. Functions represent units of programming code that perform specific procedures. Sequential, looping, and conditional are all types of control mechanisms.

In C++ programming language, the output stream is known as a. if-else. b. cin. c. cout. d. char.

The correct answer is C. In C++, the output stream is known as cout. Cin represents the input stream.

Which of the following indicates the point on a computer screen at which a user may enter a command for the computer? a. OS/1 b. Mouse c. Cursor d. Finder

The correct answer is C. In a command-driven user interface, the cursor indicates the point at which a user may enter a command or type in data. Cursors may be represented, for instance, by blinking rectangles of light.

In the software development process, which of the following represents an advantage of using an interpreter over a compiler? a. Object code is saved. b. Programs execute faster. c. Programs are easier to develop. d. Interpreters require knowledge of procedural languages.

The correct answer is C. In general, an advantage of using an interpreter over a compiler is that programs are easier to develop. The interpreter requires only one step before the program can be executed. Choice B is incorrect, because programs execute faster when compilers are used instead of interpreters.

MS-DOS was the primary PC operating system during which time period? a. 1958-late 1960s b. early 1970s-1980 c. 1981-mid 1990s d. 1990-2000

The correct answer is C. MS-DOS was the primary PC operating system from 1981 through the mid 1990s.

Which of the following terms is used to refer to the execution of more than one computer program concurrently for a single user? a. Multiprocessing b. Time-sharing c. Multitasking d. Coprocessing

The correct answer is C. Multitasking is the term used to refer to the execution of more than one computer program concurrently for a single user. The computer takes turns executing each of the programs, so the programs are executed concurrently rather than simultaneously. Multiprocessing refers to the simultaneous processing of multiple programs by multiple computers.

Procedural programming languages are also known as which of the following? a. Functional b. Object-oriented c. Imperative d. Declarative

The correct answer is C. Procedural programming languages are also known as imperative languages. Functional, object-oriented, and declarative languages each represent different programming language paradigms

Spreadsheet documents are commonly referred to as a. tables. b. templates. c. worksheets. d. forms.

The correct answer is C. Spreadsheet documents are commonly referred to as worksheets. Tables and forms are commonly used within database management programs. Templates are commonly used within word processing programs.

Which of the following personal computers, introduced in 1984, pioneered the graphical user interface (GUI)? a. IBM PC b. Apple II c. Macintosh d. Windows

The correct answer is C. The Macintosh personal computer, introduced by Apple Computer in 1984, pioneered the graphical user interface (GUI). The Apple II was introduced by Apple Computer in 1977, and the IBM PC was introduced in 1981. Windows represents a graphical user interface operating system, not a type of personal computer.

Which of the following abbreviations represents a data transfer rate of approximately 1 million bits per second? a. 1 Gbps b. 1 MB c. 1 Mbps d. 1 Mbits

The correct answer is C. The abbreviation 1 Mbps represents a data transfer rate of approximately 1 million bits per second. The abbreviation 1 Gbps represents a data transfer rate of approximately 1 billion bits per second. The abbreviations 1 MB (1 megabyte) and 1 Mbits (1 megabit) represent static units of measurement rather than data transfer rates, because they are not expressed in terms of time.

Which of the following steps generally comes first within the software life cycle? a. Testing b. Development c. Analysis d. Maintenance

The correct answer is C. The analysis step generally comes first within the software life cycle. During the analysis phase, developers identify what the software should accomplish.

Which of the following performs the function of booting a computer? a. System doctor b. PIM software c. Operating system d. Desktop

The correct answer is C. The function of booting, or starting, a computer is performed by the computer's operating system. PIM software is a type of applications software that accomplishes personal information management tasks. A system doctor program is a type of utility that checks the health of a computer system.

The first spreadsheet software was a. Lotus 1-2-3. b. Microsoft Excel. c. VisiCalc. d. Quattro Pro.

The correct answer is C. VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet program. Its development helped popularize the use of personal computers in the early 1980s. Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, and Quattro Pro are spreadsheet programs that were developed after VisiCalc.

Each of the following represents a type of error detection EXCEPT a. arithmetic checksum. b. cyclic redundancy checksum. c. simple parity. d. Hamming code.

The correct answer is D. A Hamming code is a data code that is used in performing error correction. Arithmetic checksum, cyclic redundancy checksum, and simple parity all represent types of error detection.

Which of the following types of local area networks consists of requesting computers and supplying devices that satisfy those requests? a. X.25 b. PDN c. Peer-to-peer d. Client/server

The correct answer is D. A client/server network is a local area network model that consists of requesting computers (clients) and supplying devices (servers). Peer-to-peer networks are local area networks that do not rely on servers. PDN and X.25 are types of wide area networks.

A computer that is NOT connected to a network is referred to as a a. node. b. server. c. workstation. d. standalone computer

The correct answer is D. A computer that is not connected to a network is referred to as a standalone computer. A workstation is a computer that is physically connected to a network

A software module that is integrated into a browser or other application to give the application additional capabilities is known as a(n) a. upload. b. protocol. c. control. d. plugin.

The correct answer is D. A plugin is a software module that is integrated into a browser or other application to give the application additional capabilities.

Which of the following computer utilities is used for the purpose of preventing static images from burning into the screens of computer monitors? a. Disk doctor b. Temperature monitor c. Data recovery d. Screen saver

The correct answer is D. A screen saver is used for the purpose of preventing static images from burning into the screens of computer monitors. (Screen savers are still used for this purpose despite the fact that images can't actually "burn into" computer screens.) A temperature monitor tracks the temperature of the computer processor and system unit.

Which of the following terms denotes a graphical-user interface added as an outer layer to an operating system? a. Prompt b. DOS c. OS/2 d. Shell

The correct answer is D. A shell is a graphical-user interface added as an outer layer to an operating system. DOS and OS/2 are different types of operating systems.

Each of the following refers to a single-user computer system EXCEPT a. PC. b. desktop system. c. laptop. d. supercomputer.

The correct answer is D. A supercomputer is a specialized type of multi-user system. Supercomputers are primarily used for high-speed scientific applications. PCs, desktop systems, and laptops are single-user computer systems.

Each of the following represents a method for restricting access to a computer system EXCEPT a. passwords. b. user IDs. c. biometrics. d. trap doors.

The correct answer is D. A trap door is a method through which individuals can enter a computer system by bypassing normal security protocols. Passwords, user IDs, and biometrics all represent methods for restricting access to computer systems.

Which of the following enables a user to communicate or interact with an operating system? a. Directory b. Cursor c. File d. User interface

The correct answer is D. A user interface enables a user to communicate or interact with an operating system

In algorithmic processes, a collection of instructions that is completed as a set and then repeated in a looping manner is known as a(n) a. binary search. b. task structure. c. termination condition. d. iterative structure.

The correct answer is D. An iterative structure is a collection of instructions that is repeated in a looping manner within an algorithmic process. In iterative structures, instructions are completed as a set and then repeated.

Which of the following is NOT a basic component of computer hardware? a. Input b. Storage c. Processor d. Operating system

The correct answer is D. An operating system is not a component of computer hardware. It is a type of computer software. The computer's operating system controls all of the computer's activities.

Which of the following terms is commonly used to refer to the capacity of an Internet communication channel to transmit digital signals? a. DSL b. Cable c. Broadband d. Bandwidth

The correct answer is D. Bandwith is the term used to refer to the capacity of an Internet communication channel to transmit digital signals between computers and over the Internet. DSL, cable, and broadband represent types of Internet access.

During the instruction-execution cycle, decoding takes place in which of the following components of the control unit? a. Program counter (PC) b. Memory address register (MAR) c. Memory data register (MDR) d. Instruction register (IR)

The correct answer is D. Decoding takes place in the instruction register (IR), located within a processor's control unit.

Who of the following led an effort that laid the foundation for the development of COBOL in 1959? a. John Kemeny b. Jack S. Kilby c. Thomas Kurtz d. Grace Murray Hopper

The correct answer is D. Grace Murray Hopper led an effort that laid the foundation for the development of COBOL in 1959. John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz helped to develop BASIC in 1964.

Which of the following are devices that allow the computer to interact with other users and machines? a. Buffer b. Latency c. Chip d. I/O

The correct answer is D. I/O devices are input/output units that allow the computer to interact with other users and machines.

In a traditional filing system, files that are NOT linked together are known as a. schemas. b. distributed files. c. root structures. d. flat files.

The correct answer is D. In a traditional filing system, files that are not linked together are known as flat files. Schemas are descriptions of entire database structures that are used by database software to maintain a database.

Which of the following represents an advantage of the network database model over the relational database model? a. The network database model is superior to the relational database model from a logical perspective. b. The network database model allows a user to perform ad hoc queries that were not anticipated when the database was designed. c. The network database model has more flexibility in its search capabilities than does the relational database model. d. The network database model operates more efficiently than does the relational database model.

The correct answer is D. In general, network database models operate more efficiently than do relational database models. Network databases can generally retrieve results more quickly than can relational databases. However, network databases lack the flexibility of relational databases

Which of the following types of cache is built into the computer processor? a. PROM b. L2 c. BIOS d. L1

The correct answer is D. L1, or Level 1, cache is built into a computer processor. L2, or Level 2, cache sits between the processor and a computer's RAM.

Microsoft Corporation was co-founded in 1975 by a. Bill Gates and Steven Jobs. b. Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak. c. Steven Jobs and Mitchell Kapor. d. Bill Gates and Paul Allen.

The correct answer is D. Microsoft Corporation was co-founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Steven Jobs and Steve Wozniak co-founded Apple Computer in 1976.

Each of the following represents a phase within the software life cycle EXCEPT a. design. b. testing. c. analysis. d. modularity.

The correct answer is D. Modularity does not represent a phase within the software life cycle. It is a term used to refer to the division of software into manageable units.

On a spreadsheet document, a rectangular block of cells is called a a. header. b. query. c. cell address. d. cell range.

The correct answer is D. On a spreadsheet document, or worksheet, a rectangular block of cells is called a cell range. A cell address is the combination of column letter and row number that identifies a particular cell.

Which of the following enables individuals to join and participate in Internet group chat sessions? a. ISOC b. POP3 c. PPP d. IRC

The correct answer is D. The IRC protocol enables individuals to join and participate in Internet chat sessions. IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat.

Copyright law allows the purchaser of a copy of a software program to a. produce derivatives of the program. b. distribute copies of the program. c. make multiple copies of the program. d. make a backup, or archival, copy of the program.

The correct answer is D. Under copyright law, an individual who purchases a copy of a software program may legally make a backup, or archival, copy of the program. Only the owner of the software copyright has the rights to produce derivatives of the program, distribute copies of the program, or make multiple copies of the program.

The Unicode character encoding system has which of the following types of code? a. 7-bit b. 8-bit c. 10-bit d. 16-bit

The correct answer is D. Unicode is a 16-bit encoding system. ASCII is a 7-bit encoding system, and ANSI is an 8-bit encoding system.

Web pages are created primarily through the use of which of the following? a. Slides b. Office suites c. Groupware d. HTML tags

The correct answer is D. Web pages are created primarily through the use of hypertext markup language (HTML) tags.

Which of the following is produced using Lempel-Ziv encoding? a. RLE b. Lossy c. Huffman coding d. Zip file

The correct answer is D. Zip files are produced using data compression based on Lempel-Ziv encoding. RLE (run-length encoding) and Huffman coding represent alternative data compression schemes.

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