EDU Final Exam

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Though local superintendents often serve for four-year terms, how long is the typical length of service of a superintendent? a. 3 years b. 4 years c. 10 years d. 13 years


What does a well-founded program of classroom management require? a. understanding of classroom management terms, planning, and practice b. understanding of classroom management terms, practice, and funding c. district-developed and district-wide implementation of a discipline program d. a statement of policy provided to the parents


For a society, _____ represent a collective view of what is right and wrong. a. ethics b. laws c. regulations d. morals


In recent years bullying has been addressed not only as an example of school violence but also as _____ . a. teasing b. neglect c. intimidation d. abuse


In the 1950s, Admiral Hyman Rickover expressed which of the following opinions of progressive education? a. Progressive education was preparing the United States to enter the "space race." b. The increased rigor of progressive education had de-motivated students. c. A new wave of progressivism was needed to meet the challenges of the "space race." d. The "watered down" curriculum of progressivism was undermining education in the U.S.


Which of the following techniques serves to impart information in a one-way verbal transaction? a. direct instruction b. drill and practice c. discovery d. lecture


Which of the following techniques supposes that on some level the teacher and the student share a common body of knowledge? a. discovery b. inquiry c. lecture d. question and answer


Which of the following was not among the five-step process for solving problems as suggested by Dewey? a. Recognize that a problem exists. b. Clearly define the problem. c. Consider the potential consequences of the possible solutions. d. Always identify at least two possible solutions.


An assessment through which a teacher gathers information for the purpose of making instructional decisions is known as which of the following? a. formative assessment b. standardized test c. summative assessment d. pop quiz


How does the text define assessment? a. the means by which information is gathered to make a variety of decisions b. providing students with grades to reflect their performance c. review of instructional plans prior to implementation d. district-based systems for evaluating teacher performance


The fastest growing category of students in the United States is which of the following? a. English language learners b. students with learning disabilities c. students with behavioral disorders d. students with severe reading problems


The grade-level cluster of prekindergarten through grade 3 is referred to as: a. primary b. grammar c. elementary d. induction


The text suggests that with regard to the question of whether or not a teacher is a role model away from school, what should be the response? a. The answer should be yes. b. The answer should be no. c. The answer should be yes when attending school-sponsored functions. d. The answer depends on the circumstances.


Used effectively, ____ allows the teacher to bring a more accurate representation of the real world to the classroom setting. a. multimedia b. a guest speaker c. field trip d. an integrated curriculum


What is the least likely way you can learn about the school's curriculum? a. review the school policy handbook b. read the teacher editions c. review sample lesson plans d. study state requirements


What is the name for an activity in which a teacher engages before, during, and after interacting with students to allow instruction to take place? a. classroom management b. discipline c. assessment d. planning


When evaluating a potential reform program, what is the first question to ask? a. Why is the program under consideration? b. What evidence is available to support the need for the program? c. What purpose will the program serve? d. Are there any other programs like this available?


Whether a teacher could be terminated over an issue of personal grooming would be considered a matter of _____ due process. a. substantive b. personal c. professional d. procedural


Which of the following is not one of the categories included in Gardner's list of intelligences? a. problem-solving b. linguistic c. musical d. intrapersonal


Which of the following social metaphors most closely reflects the idea of multiculturalism? a. the salad bowl b. the fog c. the melting pot d. the filing cabinet


With which philosophy is Socrates most closely related? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


Asking students to solve a series of similar math problems would be an example of which instructional technique? a. direct instruction b. drill and practice c. discovery d. question and answer


Category II of the evaluation of a reform effort asks about which of the following? a. the need for the program b. the nature of the program c. implementation d. funding


How many subjects are included as the basis for contemporary curriculum design? a. 10 b. 8 c. 6 d. 4


The work of Piaget suggests that people _____ knowledge as they integrate new information with what they already know. a. restructure b. build c. deconstruct d. discover


What were the three subject areas included in the trivium? a. English, logic, math b. grammar, rhetoric, logic c. math, science, reading d. reading, writing, arithmetic


Which of the following types of reform would address the organization and operation of schools? a. instructional b. administrative/conceptual c. curricular d. systemic


With what does John Dewey suggest that genuine thought begins? a. an idea b. a problematic situation c. an argument d. a decision to think


Public schools that attempt to attract students by focusing on a particular academic, vocational, or specialty study are known as which of the following? a. vocational / tech schools b. charter schools c. district honors schools d. magnet schools


The current system of classifying mental retardation refers to levels of support rather than to levels of deficiency. The levels of support include all except which one of the following? a. systemic b. intermittent c. limited d. extensive


The reform evaluation model indicates that the question of costs involved for a program should be considered in which stage of considering a proposal? a. implementation b. nature of the program c. duration of the program d. need for the program


What is a means by which parents can send their children to a public school other than the one in their home district? a. vouchers b. magnet schools c. referrals d. charter schools


The report of the National Commission for Excellence in Education that served as a "wake-up call" for American education was known as which of the following? a. The First White House Report on American Education b. A Nation at Risk c. Project 2061 d. The Bilateral Report on Brown v. Board of Education


The text suggests that the most common educational experience has which relationship with the real world? a. It offers the closest relationship with real-world experiences. b. It is furthest removed from real-world experiences. c. It parallels real-world experiences. d. It specifically shields students from the realities of world experiences.


Which of the following borrows from Piaget's idea of an ever-expanding and dynamic knowledge base and from Vygotsky's notion of learning as an exercise in social interaction? a. behaviorism b. constructivism c. humanism d. socialism


Which of the following is sometimes referred to as the "hidden" curriculum? a. explicit b. implicit c. common d. null


Which of the following perspectives focuses on seeking out processes that help people to reach desirable ends and includes a consideration of the consequences of those actions? a. existentialism b. pragmatism c. social reconstructionism d. axiology


All of the following represent support levels for individuals with intellectual disabilities except: a. intermittent b. limited c. extensive d. persuasive


An assessment that a teacher uses to assign a grade for student work is known as which of the following? a. formative assessment b. standardized test c. summative assessment d. pop quiz


Approximately how many students are currently enrolled in charter schools? a. 125,000 students b. 300,000 students c. 1.4 million students d. 375,000 students


The text suggests that effective portfolios might include all of the following (as appropriate) exceptwhich one? a. term papers b. examples of materials you have developed c. revised artifacts (e.g., correcting errors in graded papers) d. grade reports


In the context of administrative decision-making, assessments are not used for which of the following? a. policy making b. funding decisions c. school accountability d. assigning students to teachers within a grade level


Programs to help improve reading achievement among struggling students would be categorized as which of the following? a. curricular reform b. curricular intervention c. instructional reform d. instructional intervention


A Code of Ethics for Teachers has been published by which organization? a. National Education Association (NEA) b. Association of Educator's International (AEI) c. Organization for the Ethical Conduct of Teachers (OECT) d. Classroom Teachers of America (CTA)


"Classroom pragmatics" refers to which of the following? a. design of lesson plans b. time spent in observations and student teaching to "practice" teaching c. practical concerns that are non-instructional responsibilities of the teacher d. hands-on activities that are designed to involve students in learning


The term "intelligence" is generally agreed to mean which of the following? a. the breadth of knowledge one has about a given topic b. the extent of knowledge one has across a broad spectrum of topics and experiences c. an individual's capacity to learn from experience and to adapt to the environment d. the ability to perform mathematical and logical operations with a high degree of accuracy


Of the four general ways of arranging experiences, which does the text suggest is furthest removed from "the real world"? a. classroom lessons b. multimedia presentations c. guest speakers d. field trips


A family structure in which the children may be his from a prior marriage, hers from a prior marriage, and theirs is known by which of the following terms? a. nuclear family b. extended family c. functional family d. blended family


What is meant by the phrase in loco parentis? a. parental dysfunction b. acting in partnership with parents c. parents in need of transportation d. acting in the place of parents


Which of the following represents the largest poverty group among children? a. Hispanics b. Blacks c. Asians d. Whites


Which of the following perspectives maintains that the truth, or knowledge, is something that exists and is not created, but rather is discovered? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


A family structure consisting of two parents and one or more children in the household is known as which of the following? a. nuclear family b. extended family c. functional family d. blended family


Cleary stated and conspicuously posted, what do classroom rules represent? a. the code of behavior that the teacher expects from the student b. what the student can expect for misbehaving c. the teacher's vision of the ideal classroom d. a microcosm of the behavioral expectations of the society at large


Determining whether a program under consideration is a reform or an intervention falls under which category? a. program characteristics b. program development c. the claims d. program definition of terms


Each year when students complete the district- or state-adopted achievement tests, two dimensions of the educational process are being measured: the school's success in effectively teaching the ____ curriculum and the students' success in learning it. a. explicit b. implicit c. common d. null


Which of the following represents a vital aspect of the work of Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs)? a. they provide parents a formal mechanism for working with the schools b. They regulate the hiring and firing of teachers. c. Referendums can be cleared through them before being presented to the public at large. d. By law they occupy one seat on all boards of education.


Which statement best describes the strategic nature of teaching? a. Teaching requires planning some course of action and coordinating the implementation of that plan. b. Without a lesson plan, a teacher has lost the battle before it is begun. c. Students need a teacher who can lead them. d. Achieving goals and objectives requires a plan.


Who bears the responsibility for ensuring the quality of classroom assessments? a. the classroom teacher b. the district curriculum/assessment supervisor c. textbook/instructional materials publisher d. designers of the standardized testing instrument adopted by the district


A group of traveling teachers in ancient Greece were known as which of the following? a. philosophers b. sophists c. peripatetics d. tutors


A key to preventing the loss of instructional time is to ____ a classroom management program. a. purchase b. practice c. adjust d. post


A situation in which a child is injured in class due to the teacher's negligence would fall under the legal heading of which of the following? a. misconduct b. unintentional torts c. allegations d. intentional torts


A student-centered curriculum emphasizing the natural interests and curiosity of the child is most closely associated with which of the following perspectives of curriculum? a. basic skills b. affective c. mastery d. cognitive


A study of _____ focuses on the ideas and beliefs that are valued by a society in a moral sense. a. axiology b. ethics c. aesthetics d. metaphysics


According to the text, the teacher arranges experiences and materials in a manner that will _____ a student to learn a particular lesson. a. ensure b. enable c. allow d. require


For rules to be effective in managing behavior and fostering positive social conduct, rule-following must be _____ by the teacher. a. enforced b. acknowledged c. expected d. recommended


School personnel responsible for the overall direction of the curriculum and instruction activities in a district are often referred to as which of the following? a. instructional specialists b. curriculum specialists c. textbook adoption supervisors d. personnel directors


Senge argues that reforms fail because they fail to include which of the following? a. community support b. shared vision c. adequate funding d. research-based development


That political administrations serve "at the pleasure of the voters" results in which of the following? a. There is consistency of educational funding from one administration to the next. b. A child in kindergarten under one administration will most likely graduate from high school under a different administration. c. The school curriculum must be changed with each change of administration. d. School boards of education must have new elections with changes of administration.


The text questions whether businesses should receive which of the following in exchange for financial support of school activities? a. reduction in corporate taxes b. advertising c. membership on the school board d. school vouchers


Which of the following represents the final source for information about teacher certification requirements? a. Director of Teacher Education in your school's Education Department b. State education agency in your state c. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) d. U.S. Department of Education


Which of the following was not among the behaviors of effective teachers identified by Kounin? a. "withitness" b. meticulous record keeping of student progress c. the handling of transitions d. ability to supervise multiple situations at once


Which perspective does the text suggest has governed much of the system of formal organized education? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


Which philosophy holds the expectation that teachers should be experts in their subject-matter and liberally educated so they might appreciate the place of their subject in relation to others? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


With regard to legal issues that could affect a teacher candidate's clinical practice, which is the best course of action? a. Offer information only if asked. b. Share any possible points of concern with the department chair of the teacher education program immediately. c. Withdraw from the program so that personal experiences do not become public record. d. Take a course in criminal justice.


Implementation of the Common Core State Standards is an example of which of the following? a. instructional reform b. instructional intervention c. curricular reform d. curricular intervention


In a 2010 study of over 43,000 high school students, 92 percent said they were satisfied with their personal ethics and character, while, at the same time, _____ said they had cheated on a test a. 25%. b. 37% c. 50% d. 65%


In discussing at-risk students, Gilroy found that it takes the typical non-English speaker approximately how many years to acquire oral English proficiency? a. 1 - 2 years b. 2 - 3 years c. 3 - 5 years d. 5 - 7 years


Landmark research suggesting that people learn by observing models was conducted by: a. B.F. Skinner b. Jean Piaget c. Albert Bandura d. Carl Rogers


Legal contracts are binding on which parties to the contract? a. the issuing party only (for example, the school district) b. the receiving party only (for example, a teacher) c. both parties d. neither party because either party can terminate a contract


Under what conditions are school district personnel empowered to conduct a search of a student's locker or property (such as purses or book bags) and to seize items found in that search? a. only with a search warrant b. only if probable cause can be demonstrated c. only if reasonable suspicion can be demonstrated d. under no circumstances


What development would have made mastery learning more effective a generation or so ago? a. smaller class size b. the use of national standards c. technological innovations d. increased emphasis on school-wide staff development


What thinker is most associated with classical realism? a. Socrates b. Plato c. Aristotle d. Berkeley


Which of the following terms most closely refers to the values, attitudes, and beliefs that influence the behavior and traditions of a people? a. customs b. ethnicity c. culture d. race


A subject-centered curriculum, emphasizing the subjects that all students should learn, is most closely associated with which of the following perspectives of curriculum? a. basic skills b. affective c. mastery d. cognitive


According to Borich (2010), failure to enforce classroom rules consistently can cause a teacher to lose which of the following? a. valuable instructional time b. sleep c. student achievement d. prestige and respect


According to the Child Welfare Information Gateway, in 2008-2009, almost _____ children were victims of abuse or neglect. a. 100,000 b. 400,000 c. 600,000 d. 800,000


Jacqueline Jordan Irvine refers to the compatibility between one's own cultural norms and those encountered within the school as which of the following? a. overt racial integration b. ethnic equilibration c. cultural distancing d. cultural synchronization


Of the curriculums listed below, which one is intended to allow students to learn at higher levels by clearly setting the standard which must be reached? a. subject-centered b. core c. mastery learning d. outcome-based education (OBE)


Of the following thinkers, which is most closely related to religious idealism? a. St. Thomas Aquinas b. St. Jude c. Rene Descartes d. St. Augustine


Of the following, who opened the first women's college in the United States, Troy Seminary, in 1821? a. Emily Dickinson b. Margarethe Schurtz c. Horace Mann d. Emma Hart Willard


Which statement is not documented in the text? a. Many students with hearing impairments have a family member with the same issue. b. Heredity is a factor in half of hearing impairments. c. Boys are far more likely than girls to experience continued stuttering problems. d. The left ear is twice as likely as the right ear to be impaired.


Which statement is the best example of static content competency? a. The depth of content knowledge required of elementary and secondary teachers is substantially the same. b. Because of the sophistication of older students, secondary teachers are expected to have greater depth and breadth of static content competency. c. Elementary teachers do not need the same level of static content competency as do secondary teachers. d. Elementary teachers need a greater breadth of static content competency across subject areas, whereas secondary teachers need greater depth in a particular subject area.


A consistent use of which aspect below will be a key aspect of the assessment component of an effective teacher's strategy? a. formative assessments b. summative assessments c. assessment materials provided with the textbooks d. good lesson planning


A student who needs to work with manipulatives or to actually perform the steps in a process to understand it is likely to have a preference for which of the following learning styles? a. tactile/kinesthetic b. visual c. auditory d. vocalic


According to the text, virtual school models may be any of the following except which one? a. classroom-based b. within a traditional school c. self-paced d. semester-based


As applied to education, _____ can be conceptualized as equality of treatment and opportunity for people of various ethnic, economic, gender, and social groups as well as those whose characteristics include cognitive, physical, psychological, and sensory differences and people with varying exceptionalities and gender orientations. a. social justice b. civil rights c. student diversity d. community activism


As of the 2008-2009 school year there were approximately _____ charter schools in the USA. a. 2,500 b. 4,700 c. 5,900 d. 10,000


As part of a student's right to due process, in disciplinary matters such as those that could involve long-term suspension, all of the following apply except which one? a. The student agrees to be bound by the decision of the committee hearing the case. b. Written notice of the charges must be provided to the student. c. Notification of the time and place of the hearing must be provided. d. The school must provide a description of the procedures to be followed at the hearing.


Character education is most closely related to which of the following curricular perspectives? a. broad fields curriculum b. cooperative learning c. activity curriculum d. humanistic education


Enrichment programs under the heading of "gifted and talented" fall under which of the following categories? a. intervention b. systemic initiative c. revision d. reform


It is anticipated that by the 2020-2021 school year in excess of how many students will be enrolled in the public schools? a. 52 million b. 58 million c. 62 million d. 68 million


Kozol argues that which of the following is a major educational issue in contemporary society? a. resegregation of the schools b. desegregation of the schools c. a lack of explicit character education in the curriculum d. teacher competency


The suggestion in Science for All Americans that the current science and math curricula are overstuffed and undernourished means which of the following? a. Students are presented with too many topics and not enough depth. b. Students are presented with too much depth to comprehend rather than a broad exposure to topics in science and math. c. Science and math are too complex for students to study with limited background. d. Science has too much information, and mathematics has too little.


The tension between forces that advocate state control of education and those that advocate a national orientation has resulted in which of the following? a. a lack of national cohesiveness accompanied by a significant degree of "sameness" b. the desire of states to band together to build regional "super curricula" c. efforts by the federal government to regulate curriculum d. the emergence of privately developed "canned" curricula


The text cites which of the following as a current movement which has not typically been referred to as a reform? a. technology b. school regionalization c. alternative teacher certification d. national academic standards


Though one typically thinks of segregation issues as referring to ethnic distinctions, you may also find that there is an increasing movement toward segregation as more communities investigate the use of _____ . a. single-sex public schools b. virtual schools c. charter schools d. alternative schools


What branch of philosophy considers questions about the physical universe (e.g., the nature and origin of the physical world)? a. metaphysics b. logic c. axiology d. epistemology


Your rights to privacy as a college student are part of what federal legislation? a. Buckley Amendment b. Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act c. Safe Schools Act d. Elementary and Secondary Education Amendments of 1968


"Back to Basics" and the idea that there are core skills and knowledge that all students should acquire for sustaining our social order is characteristic of which philosophy? a. perennialism b. essentialism c. progressivism d. social reconstructionism


A curriculum concerned with the subjects that will be taught, the identified mission of the school, and the knowledge and skills students are expected to require is referred to as which of the following? a. extracurriculum b. explicit curriculum c. implicit curriculum d. null curriculum


The authors of the text indicate that it is very important for teachers to understand more about reforms and how to evaluate them with an educator's perspective so that: a. the reform has a better chance for success. b. they can be proactive rather than reactive to them. c. more reforms can be implemented. d. so that they can understand administrative directives.


The content of many elementary and high school textbooks is influenced by Texas and California for which of the following reasons? a. These two states represent a good cross-section of American students. b. Their buying power (a result of high enrollments) induces publishers to address their curriculum needs in particular. c. The major publishers are located in these states. d. The cost of doing business (in a corporate sense) is less in these states than in others.


The first public manual training high school was opened in 1884 in what city? a. Atlanta b. Baltimore c. Charleston d. Denver


The first publicly supported high school was established in Boston in what year? a. 1779 c. 1879 b. 1821 d. 1906


The greatest share of education funding and the responsibility for securing and disbursing that funding is best described by which of the following? a. It is a collaborative effort between the federal government and each state. b. Each state bears the responsibility for public education within its borders. c. The federal government provides funding to regional consortiums of states. d. Funding of schools is accomplished independently by each school district.


The terms resiliency and intentionality are of particular importance for which type of family structure? a. children of divorced parents b. same-sex relationships c. dysfunctional families d. multiethnic marriages


Though approximately 41 percent of teachers have students with limited English proficiency in their classrooms, only ____ percent of those teachers have had as much as eight hours of specialized training to work with them. a. 10.5 b. 12.5 c. 14.5 d. 16.5


Which of the following is true about the United States Secretary of Education? a. The person serves as an elected official. b. The person serves at the pleasure of the President of the United States. c. The person is selected and hired by the U.S. Congress. d. The person is not a member of the president's cabinet.


A means of coordinating the implementation of a set of procedures is referred to as which of the following? a. a plan b. a policy c. a strategy d. a wish


A national analysis found that education management organization (EMO) school enrollment tended to be more _____ than nearby non-EMO schools while enrolling significantly smaller percentages of students with exceptionalities. a. diverse b. like the average c. segregated d. integrated


A period during the Middle Ages during which free thought and intellectual inquiry itself (anything that could question the doctrine and dogma of the Church) was stifled was known as which of the following? a. the Age of Repression b. the Pre-Enlightenment Era c. the Dark Ages d. the Age of Religious Jurisdiction


A teacher's communications with which of the following is the most susceptible to long-term misunderstandings? a. parents b. the community c. students d. colleagues


According to the Digest of Education 2010, the average amount paid by public elementary and secondary school districts per student was approximately: a. $7,000 b. $10,000 c. $15,000 d. $21,000


Approximately how much money did the federal government spend on education in fiscal year 2009? a. $577 million b. $93.5 billion c. $163 billion d. $1.3 trillion


In the 1600s, schools of the middle colonies (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware) began to focus on education for what purpose? a. preparing young men for divinity school b. farming and plantation management c. commerce and business skills d. advanced study abroad


John Dewey is most closely associated with which of the following philosophical movements? a. perennialism b. essentialism c. progressivism d. social reconstructionism


The changes cited in the text with regard to the teaching of reading indicate that reforms: a. are the mechanism for introducing new ideas. b. once in place, remain in place. c. can be characterized as a swinging pendulum. d. are typically successful in indentifying instructional "best practice."


The constructivist perspective suggests that people actively _____ their knowledge as new experiences are related to the previous experiences. a. absorb b. become aware of c. build d. displace


The development of national educational standards has been spearheaded by which of the following? a. state legislatures b. state education agencies c. learned and professional organizations d. the federal government


The doctrine of "separate but equal" education was challenged most notably by which of the following individuals? a. Horace Mann b. Booker T. Washington c. W.E.B. DuBois d. Jim Crow


Though the _____ movement was not sufficient to overthrow the authority of the church in society, it was sufficient to lay the foundation for the Reformation that was about to follow. a. progressivist b. Thomist c. humanist d. renaissance


What happens to students involved in organized extracurricular activities? a. They tend to burn out. b. They suffer "hurried child" syndrome. c. They develop teamwork and persistence. d. They have difficulty balancing academic and extracurricular responsibilities.


What name is given to a statistical model in which 34% of the population scores just above average and another 34% scores just below? a. population distribution b. norm group c. normal curve d. standard deviation


Which of the following is not a question to be asked during the implementation phase of program evaluation? a. Who will do the work? b. What training will be required? c. Why is this program under consideration? d. What costs are involved?


Which of the following is not among the five levels of environmental influence discussed by Bronfenbrenner? a. parents, siblings, caregivers, classmates, teachers b. influences of culture, government, religion c. academic achievement, particularly underachievement d. changes in relationships with parents or caregivers


Which of the following is not one of the four categories of child maltreatment recognized today? a. physical abuse b. neglect c. environmental deprivation d. emotional maltreatment


Which of the following is not one of the primary categories that the text suggests for the evaluation of a reform initiative? a. implementation b. nature of the program c. duration of the program d. need for the program


Within the domain of logic, which of the following is a line of reasoning that proceeds from general principles to explain specific events? a. inductive reasoning b. linear progression c. deductive reasoning d. extrapolation


You might think of the ____ as a document and ____ as the process one goes through to obtain that document. a. certification / the license b. license / teacher education program c. license / certification d. diploma / the license


A formative test differs from a summative test in which of the following ways? a. Formative tests determine whether a child advances to the next grade level. b. Formative tests are formal (such as written tests); summative tests are informal. c. Summative tests take longer to administer. d. The instructor does not intend to re-teach based upon results of a summative test.


Americans spend $54 billion annually in lotteries in 42 states. Of the 24 states that spend lottery money on education, _____ have increased the percentage of money spent on schools. a. 15 b. 11 c. 7 d. 3


An approach to the presentation of curriculum in which a teacher assigns students to groups so that there exists a heterogeneous mix of ability levels is known as which of the following? a. character education b. broad fields curriculum c. humanism d. cooperative learning


In their most fundamental form, what do grades represent? a. whether a student progresses to the next grade b. an indicator of the teacher's effectiveness c. the degree of difficulty of the material in relation to the student's readiness to learn d. degree to which a student has or has not met specified objectives


It is the responsibility of the ____ to ensure teacher competence. a. federal government (the U.S. Department of Education) b. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) c. employing school district d. state


The behaviorist system of learning developed by B.F. Skinner is based on reinforcements known as which of the following types of conditioning? a. classical b. reflexive c. reinforcement d. operant


The concept that teachers are responsible for the achievement of students regardless of their circumstances (e.g., cognitive, social, psychological, environmental, physical) is known as which of the following? a. teacher responsibility b. professional responsibility c. in loco parentis d. teacher accountability


The essence of teaching is ____ from which students can learn. a. planning lessons b. researching materials c. finding programs d. arranging experiences


The evolution of classical humanism developed during which of the following periods? a. the Dark Ages (AD 400 - 1000) b. the Middle Ages (AD 500 - 1400) c. the Socratic Period (BC 469 - 399) d. the Renaissance (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries AD)


The focus of _____ is not on mathematics but on those ideas or principles that are considered fundamental—those truths that are so universally accepted as to be considered self-evident. a. logic b. metaphysics c. epistemology d. axiology


The notion that as a teacher you will teach lessons to students simply as a function of who you are reflects the importance of which of the following? a. personality b. style c. conformity d. being a role model


What do Wong and Wong assert is the number one problem in classrooms? a. failure of the parents to teach children socially appropriate behavior b. a lack of consistently enforced rules with appropriate consequences c. a boring curriculum that fails to capture the imagination of students d. a lack of procedures and routines


What function does a state legislature not serve? a. It provides funds for education. b. It makes laws related to education. c. It influences the practices of the state board of education. d. It grants certification to administrators for advanced degrees.


What percentage of all students will live in one-parent households at some point in their lives? a. 15% b. 25% c. 35% d. 50%


Which of the following is not a part of the three-part test established by the U.S. Supreme Court in matters of religion and the public schools? a. sponsorship b. active involvement of school authorities c. source of financial support d. number of students that will be affected


Which of the following is not among the eight major categories of academics that serve as the basis of the contemporary curriculum? a. math b. science c. foreign language d. character education


Which of the following is not among the five conditions that the American Psychiatric Association uses for the classification of emotional disorders? a. anxiety disorders b. schizophrenia c. mood disorders d. autism spectrum disorders


Which of the following is not one of the four categories through which students with physical or other health impairments may qualify for special education services? a. orthopedic impairment b. traumatic brain injury c. multiple disabilities d. other learning disabilities


A teacher's philosophy, style, and attitude are characteristics of what aspect? a. the art of teaching b. the science of teaching c. the expectations of the school d. the expectations of the community


According to Korn, articulating your philosophy helps you to do which of the following? a. become aware of inconsistencies between what you believe and what you do b. compare your style with other teachers around you to establish consistency c. explain to your students "who you are" d. identify inconsistencies between the curriculum and your sense of purpose


The teacher arranges experiences and materials to ____ a student to learn a particular lesson. a. enable b. allow c. help d. direct


The text cites a research study that found which of the following to be true? a. Programs that involved families supporting learning at home were linked to higher student achievement. b. The less family involvement in children's learning, the more progress their children made. c. Selected types of families were able to exert positive influences on their children's learning. d. The most effective parent involvement related to general activities rather than academic activities.


The text refers to a teacher's knowledge of what to teach and how to teach it as which of the following? a. content competency b. static content c. pedagogy d. teacher competence


Which of the following four pedagogical competencies is most closely related with the style of interacting with students that a teacher brings to the classroom? a. purpose b. content c. communication skills d. professional development


Which of the following is not one of the four pedagogical competencies discussed in the text? a. management b. content c. purpose d. communication skills


Which of the following is the largest (with over 3,200,000 members) professional association for teachers? a. NEA b. AFT c. NCLB d. NCAA


Additional coursework after certification and in-service programs offered by a school district are examples of professional development in terms of teachers in what roles? a. professionals b. learners c. mentors d. researchers


An educational strategy must include which of the following? a. a series of lesson plans b. account for the means for putting the plan into action c. curriculum standards d. approval of the principal


Federal legislation requiring teachers to be certified as "highly qualified" in the discipline they teach is referred to as which of the following? a. The Education for All Children Act b. The No Child Left Behind Act c. The Excellence in Education Act d. Title IX


Findings related to parent involvement include all but which of the following statements? a. Programs supporting at-home efforts prove effective in achievement. b. Regular parent attendance at PTA meetings increases student achievement. c. All types of families can influence student achievement. d. Parental involvement in academic activities is more productive than general activities.


Included under the umbrella of the American Federation of Labor / Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL/CIO), which of the following is a teacher's union formed in 1916? a. NEA b. AFT c. NCLB d. NCAA


Many programs require that students maintain a visual and physical record of their achievements and experiences. What name typically is given to this document? a. dossier b. portfolio c. academic record d. certification packet


Moore and Whitfield (2008) recommend that teachers (and we would include prospective teachers) engage in which of the following? a. advanced study b. self-reflection c. shadowing (of other teachers) d. proctoring of standardized tests


The most widely used series of teacher certification examinations are known as which of the following? a. National Teacher Examination (NTE) b. Praxis Series c. Board of Regents Educational Examination Series d. National Boards for Teacher Examination


The taxonomy of instructional techniques is arranged in which order? a. drill and practice, direct instruction, lecture, question and answer, discussion, mental modeling, inquiry, discovery learning b. direct instruction, drill and practice, lecture, question and answer, discussion, mental modeling, discovery learning, inquiry c. drill and practice, direct instruction, lecture, discussion, question and answer, mental modeling, inquiry, discovery learning d. discovery learning, inquiry, mental modeling, discussion, question and answer, drill and practice, direct instruction, lecture


The term pedagogy encompasses which of the following perspectives? a. making the distinction between the art of teaching and the science of teaching b. blending the art and science of teaching c. teaching is an art d. teaching is a science


The text suggests that an elementary-level teacher may well be the most practical example of a liberal arts education for which of the following reasons? a. elementary teachers are required to teach many subjects b. for elementary students, teachers are the resource for asking any question c. the text suggests that this is true of secondary teachers, not elementary d. because they do not need to know a lot about any one thing


The various methods of arranging learning experiences refer to which of the following? a. interpreting world events in a manner appropriate for students b. bringing the world and its experiences to the students c. sequencing lessons from most basic to most sophisticated d. scheduling each subject area appropriately throughout a school week


As a demonstration of teachers' commitment to lifelong learning, the text indicates that approximately what percentage of teachers holds one or more advanced degrees? a. 23 % b. 35 % c. 62 % d. 71 %


In Chapter 1, the Teacher Testimonial relates a student teacher's experiences with a class of fourth graders. Which of the following was a lesson he learned that dramatically improved his situation? a. Students respond to well-planned lessons. b. Students do not respond to well-planned lessons. c. Classroom management promotes effective learning. d. Effective learning breeds appropriate classroom behavior.


In the Teacher Testimonial feature, the student teacher indicates that he began to "turn the corner" with managing his students when he did which of the following? a. established a stricter discipline system b. started calling the parents of disruptive students c. became more mobile in the classroom, using proximity to minimize misbehavior d. asked the principal to address the class about the importance of appropriate behavior


InTASC standards are intended to address which educators? a. administrators b. supervisors and administrators c. all teachers d. new teachers who have not yet achieved tenure status


Teachers engage in professional development in all of the following categories except: a. as learners b. as mentors c. as school board members d. as researchers


The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards supports each of the following propositions except: a. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. b. Teachers are members of learning communities. c. Teachers can teach any subject if their foundation skills are strong. d. Teachers are committed to students and their learning.


The National Staff Development Council recommends that what percentage of a teacher's work time be spent in collaborating with and learning from colleagues? a. 5% b. 15 % c. 25% d. 33%


The four categories of instructional experiences discussed in the text include which of the following? a. lesson plans, ancillary materials, guest speakers, field trips b. in class, out of class, homework, personal c. classroom lessons, multimedia, guest speakers, field trips d. authentic, contrived (planned), relevant, integrated


The student teaching semester will typically require that the teacher candidate spend how many full days working in a public school? a. 45 days b. 50 days c. 60 days d. 75 days


According to Bandura, which of the following is true of teachers? a. They are models only for those children who choose them as a model. b. Teachers are effective models at school, but that does not extend beyond the classroom. c. The development of behaviors does not rely on observing a model such as a teacher. d. The emphasis placed on observing and imitating models indicates that teachers are models in and out of school.


According to Horng (2009) working conditions such as administrative support, good facilities, and class size were more important to teachers than salary or which of the following? a. class size b. employment benefits c. grade level d. student demographics


Reciprocal certification agreements, sometimes referred to as reciprocity, refer to which of the following? a. being able to transfer education course credits from one institution to another b. forgiveness of student loans for teaching in disadvantaged areas c. teacher exchange programs that allow new teachers to work in diverse settings d. agreements among states to recognize teaching credentials from other states


The text recommends each of the following practices to maximize your clinical internship experience except which one? a. Relate your coursework to your clinical internships. b. Learn about the teacher and the students. c. Record/react/reflect based on your observations. d. Volunteer to let the teacher leave the room while you conduct a lesson on your own.


The text suggests that a teaching style is the result of integrating teaching strategies with which of the following? a. lesson plans b. the curriculum model of school c. fashion trends d. one's own personality


The text suggests that topics in sociology, psychology, philosophy, and economics are among those that relate to which aspect of teaching? a. art b. content areas c. curriculum d. science


Though diplomacy and understanding are good perspectives to bring to any conversation, the text suggests that it can be particularly important with which of the following constituencies? a. parents b. administrators c. community members d. staff personnel


What is the watchword for communicating with parents? a. being prepared b. explaining c. learning d. listening


Which of the following offers a voluntary program leading to advanced certification for teachers? a. National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) b. National Education Association (NEA) c. Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) d. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS)


Which of the following statements is not verified by research? a. Staff development appears to have limited impact on student achievement. b. Staff development related to accountability appears to be effective. c. Increasing the amount of time spent on staff development appears to increase achievement. d. Staff development time is most effective when it is conducted when students are not in school.


For whom were dame schools intended? a. boys b. girls and boys c. all free children d. girls


What does tenure, in education, represent? a. an ongoing contract to teach b. a contractual agreement that a teacher cannot be dismissed c. seniority d. that the U.S. Department of Education has certified the teacher as eligible for an ongoing contract to teach


According to the American Psychological Association, all of the following are negative effects that can characterize homeless children except which one? a. lack of interest in physical education and athletic activities at home b. depression c. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder d. low levels of achievement


According to the text, a teacher's communications might need to include a political nature when speaking with the community due to which of the following? a. The community sees the teacher as representing the school. b. A teacher's comments can influence decisions made by the community. c. People outside of the teaching profession easily misunderstand things. d. Teachers are entitled to say what they think.


According to the text, which of the following is true of a teacher's communication skills? a. An effective teacher understands that different constituencies speak different "languages." b. It is the teacher's responsibility to ensure that all constituencies know the terms that educators use to communicate about progress in school. c. An effective teacher knows educational terminology very well. d. There is little difference between communicating with one constituency or another because all have the same goals in mind.


Charter schools are often established for all but which one of the following purposes? a. religious instruction b. back-to-basics c. technology d. fine arts emphasis


Coursework reflecting a liberal arts perspective is clustered under which of the following headings? a. general education b. professional education c. specialization courses d. clinical experiences


Establishing standards and requirements for teacher certification is the responsibility of: a. each state b. the federal Department of Education c. the National Education Association (NEA) d. the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).


From Aristotle's perspective, the consequence of failing to think intelligently is that people: a. fall victim to the extremes that can affect their lives. b. are easily manipulated. c. will lose the capacity to think. d. can become confused.


Fueled by the rediscovery of the works of Aristotle, a new form of religious-philosophical study, _____, emerged in the eleventh century. a. scholasticism b. secularism c. new wave philosophy d. Greco-Roman philosophy


Galileo's observations of the movement of heavenly bodies led him to conclude that the planets revolve around the Sun. This is an example of which of the following? a. inductive reasoning b. linear progression c. deductive reasoning d. extrapolation


High schools report difficulty in filling all of the following positions except: a. social studies b. bilingual education c. math d. science


If a district wanted to remove a probationary teacher from the classroom during the school year, the teacher can expect to be fully advised of the reasons for the action and to engage in a full hearing of the matter. At the end of the year, however, can a district refuse to extend a probationary teacher's contract for another year without having to justify its reasons? a. yes b. no c. only if a hearing has been conducted d. only if the teacher agrees


If a school district superintendent announces that the district will switch to a new reading instruction program, she is speaking of which of the following? a. reform b. intervention c. remedial education d. compensatory education


If you wanted you high school students to better gain significant insights about how local government operates, which experience may be most productive? a. classroom lessons b. multimedia presentations c. guest speakers d. field trips


In terms of facilitating learning, monitoring refers to which of the following? a. an ongoing assessment of the progress of a lesson b. assessment of student achievement c. watching a class during the administration of a standardized test d. assigning jobs to the students


In the early years of the 20th century, even regions that were not purposely segregated in terms of education tended to become so due to which of the following? a. People would self-select ethnic neighborhoods to be with others of their own heritage. b. School faculty tended to be comprised of ethnicities represented in the community. c. City planners tended to establish neighborhoods based on ethnicity. d. Immigration laws assigned people to ethnic wards.


It certainly can be argued that parents find a comfortable fit with the reform model which allows relatively immediate though short-range changes because most are committed to educational reform: a. only while their children are in school. b. only in terms of the tax implications that would result. c. as the basis of the next generation of government officials. d. as long as it does not harm their children.


Of the 41 states and the District of Columbia requiring testing as part of the certification process, most use which of the following for assessing pre-service teachers? a. Praxis Series b. ACT c. SAT d. National Teacher Exam (NTE)


Of the curriculums listed below, which one can be traced back to the work of William Harris in the St. Louis school system of the 1870s? a. subject-centered b. core c. mastery learning d. outcome-based education (OBE)


Procedural due process should include, at a minimum, all of the following except which one? a. representation by an attorney or other legal counsel b. a hearing before an impartial body c. timely and specific notice of charges d. an opportunity for both sides to present evidence and to confront adverse witnesses


Proponents of voucher systems argue that by having the government give funds to the consumers of education (the students and their parents) rather than the providers (the schools), _____ is encouraged. a. competition between schools b. reduced cost for education c. adoption of common core standards d. smaller class size


Rank the dropout rates of various groups of students from high to low percentages. a. Hispanics, African Americans, Whites b. African Americans, Hispanics, Whites c. Hispanics, Whites, African Americans d. African Americans, Whites, Hispanics


Reforms which seek better ways of teaching students, particularly with regard to student diversity, are representative of which type of reform? a. instructional b. administrative/conceptual c. curricular d. systemic


Rene Descartes' maxim, cogito ergo sum, is most closely linked with which philosophy? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


Some effort that supplements normal procedure, either by providing remediation or enrichment or by extending or reducing responsibility or authority, is known as which of the following? a. intervention b. systemic initiative c. revision d. reform


Standardized testing refers to a system of assessment that is administered to a(n) _____ population of students. a. broad b. controlled c. specific d. identified


Teachers who wish to make and distribute copies of copyrighted material may do so if the use of those materials is a. within the confines of the fair use doctrine. b. done so without charging the students for the materials. c. confined to the school. d. made without any expectation of financial profit .


The Assertive Discipline approach to classroom management, developed by Lee and Marlene Canter, is an example of which of the following approaches? a. teacher-centered b. student-centered c. collaborative (teachers and students work together) d. administration-based (the management program is seen as a function of the school administration)


The Program for International Student Achievement (PISA) was last administered in 2009 and found that American students scored: a. about the international average in reading and science b. above the international average in reading and science c. significantly above the average in math d. above the international average in all subject areas


The argument proposing that intelligence levels are normally distributed in the population would predict that the scores for most people would fall at what point? a. right around the average b. between 50 and approximately 150 c. between zero and 100 d. above 100


The chapter begins by suggesting that there is an important link between which of the following and the academic success of students? a. teacher quality b. home environment c. teacher education programs d. socioeconomic status of the student


The faculty of a particular school can affect the curriculum in which of the following ways? a. Characteristics that define the faculty of a school will also define the curriculum that is presented. b. It is the faculty's option to choose which portions of the curriculum to teach. c. All curriculum is unaffected by faculty strengths and weaknesses because certification programs require that all teachers teach in the same way. d. The faculty members at each school are responsible for writing the curriculum.


The minimum amount of money that is paid to an educator based on certification(s), job description, and years of experience is referred to as which of the following? a. salary b. past salary c. remuneration d. scale


The objectives for instruction may be determined by any of the following except which one? a. the teacher b. the school district c. the state d. the federal government


The text suggests that perhaps the most overlooked of student differences is which of the following? a. academic self-concept b. academic motivation c. temperament d. religion


The text suggests that state legislators' views on education are often influenced by which of the following? a. the voting power of their constituents b. partisan perspectives of education c. prevailing "best practice" in education d. lobbyists


This chapter considers student diversity in terms of each of the following categories except which one? a. ethnicity b. poverty c. homelessness d. child abuse and neglect


What thinker is most closely associated with religious realism? a. St. Thomas Aquinas b. St. Jude c. Rene Descartes d. St. Augustine


Which of the following is charged with setting policy and hiring and firing in individual public school districts? a. local board of education b. state board of education c. state superintendent of education (or other similarly titled position) d. superintendent of schools for each local school district


Which of the following is not one of the underlying themes of classroom management discussed in the text? a. collaborating with other teachers to develop your own classroom rules b. communicating expectations to the students c. involving students in development of class rules and consequences d. ensuring that the rules represent positive behaviors leading to positive self-esteem


Which of the following legislative acts led the way for compulsory education? a. Massachusetts Act of 1642 b. Old Deluder Satan Act of 1647 c. National Defense Education Act d. No Child Left Behind Act


Which of the following represents the three divisions of the taxonomy of instructional techniques? a. teacher focused, dialogue oriented, student focused b. teacher focused, individual focused, student focused c. lower-order instruction, mid-range instruction, higher-order instruction d. skills, content knowledge, abstractions


Which of the following techniques has the instructional intent of taking students beyond "just the facts" and engages them in a more poignant treatment of the subject matter? a. discussion b. inquiry c. question and answer d. lecture


Which of the following techniques is characterized by a teacher explaining or demonstrating a skill and then providing students the opportunity to replicate it? a. direct instruction b. drill and practice c. discovery d. lecture


Which of the following was not among the factors identified by the Census Bureau as putting children at risk? a. ethnicity b. presence of a personal disability c. having no person in the household employed d. lack of English proficiency


Which perspective suggests that because behavior is caused, altering the surrounding circumstances also alters the behavior? a. behaviorism b. humanism c. environmental impact d. constructivism


Why did the Puritans believe that a religiously oriented education was imperative? a. People are inherently sinful. b. A strong work ethic produces a strong community. c. It is in the tradition of the Catholic church. d. There were no secular schools yet available.


With regard to a teacher's appearance, what have courts recently been inclined to rule about hair styles and styles of dress for teachers? a. They do not carry constitutional rights of choice. b. They carry constitutional rights of choice. c. They are to be determined by the state. d. They are a personal matter.


With regard to flexibility, the text suggests that to be effective teachers must be both _____ and _____ making indicated changes. a. willing / capable of b. willing / authorized for c. authorized / capable of d. insightful / prepared for


With regard to religion, what is the most important teacher expectation? a. Do not devalue another's religious beliefs. b. Be aware of a wide range of religious beliefs. c. Do not allow religion to become an issue in the classroom. d. Be able to explain the dominant belief in the community


Axiology is characterized by an emphasis on which of the following? a. questions about the physical universe and its origin b. truths that are so universally accepted as to be considered self-evident c. the nature and origin of truth and knowledge d. the attempt to bring order to the process of reasoning


Which of the following conditions would not be a disorder included under the heading of learning disabilities? a. dyslexia b. blindness c. minimal brain dysfunction d. developmental aphasia


A teacher who is assaulted by a student does have a right to self-defense a. and to full-scale retaliation. b. in accordance with the principle of reasonable force. c. but has no right to injure the attacking party. d. but only in middle school or high school or special needs school.


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, what percentage of students in high school has considered suicide? a. 10% b. 14% c. 23% d. 30%


According to the National Center for Education Statistics, which was not a reason that teachers left their position? a. They felt they lacked administrative support. b. They felt that class sizes were too large. c. They were dissatisfied with workplace conditions. d. They sought better teaching assignments.


According to the text, divorce can affect children in all but which one of the following ways? a. child maladjustment b. loss of dependable transportation to athletic and social events c. belief that the children caused the divorce d. loss of family income


According to the text, effective instructional programs for students with intellectual disabilities need to be all of the following except:__________ , and____________. a. individualized b. broad-based c. comprehensive d. functional


According to the text, when considering Program Development, if a program has been tested in other schools, what is the next question? a. Were those efforts successful? b. Were those schools similar to your school? c. How many students were involved? d. How long did it take?


As an instructional experience, ____ bring life outside of the school inside. a. field trips b. guest speakers c. curriculum standards d. investigations


As discussed in the text, the various teacher perspectives of the purpose of the schools include all except which of the following? a. appreciating cultural diversity b. participating in an appropriate extracurricular activity c. understanding the workings of democracy d. attaining a classical education


As of 2006, ____ states allow the use of corporal punishment in discipline matters involving students. a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40


As which of the following does the teacher raise his or her own level of professionalism by contributing to the accumulated body of knowledge regarding education? a. as a mentor b. as a researcher c. as a professional conference lecturer d. as a learner


Assessments that typically are designed by the classroom teacher to assess a particular population with regard to material specifically presented in that class is referred to as which of the following? a. population specific assessments b. classroom assessments c. standardized tests d. teacher accountability measures


Based on census figures, among the factors that contribute to children being "at risk" are each of the following except which one? a. one or more disabilities b. having two or more siblings c. being unable to speak English well d. living in an overcrowded household


Character education efforts would fall under which of the following categories? a. reform b. intervention c. remedial education d. compensatory education


Depending on their appointment, members of the state board of education may reflect the wishes of all except which of the following? a. the state superintendent of education b. the Council of Chief School Officers c. the legislature d. the governor


How does the American Association of University Women (AAUW) define sexual harassment? a. any behavior that makes reference to one's sexual orientation b. any unwanted or unwelcome sexual behavior that interferes with one's life c. exchanges, provoked or otherwise, of sexually explicit messages d. student-to-student sexual contact


In 1975, Public Law 94142 required schools to provide a free and appropriate public education to which of the following groups? a. all children of U.S. citizenship regardless of the citizenship of their parents b. handicapped children between the ages of 3 and 18 c. children suffering from socioeconomic disadvantage d. Native American children


In discussing the art of teaching, the text suggests that effective teachers are good in what aspect? a. empathizing b. communicating c. planning d. motivating


In recent years bullying has been addressed not only as an example of school violence but also as: a. teasing b. abuse c. assault d. a misdemeanor


In standardized testing, what is the function of the norm group? a. to review the content of the test prior to administration to other students b. to set a standard for the test based on a representative population of test-takers c. to grade the test by following the "normal procedures" set for that test d. to see that the test is administered under consistent conditions and restrictions


In terms of purpose, ____ is a function of who you are, and it will affect who you are as a teacher. a. your heritage b. attitude c. content competency d. ethnicity


In the case of Garcetti v. Ceballos (2006), the Supreme Court ruled that first amendment's freedom of speech provision _____ protect statements that public employees (that includes teachers) make in their official duties. a. does b. does not c. should d. must


In the general student population what percentage of children ages 12-18 are estimated to suffer from depression? a. 2 to 3 b. 4 to 8 c. 10 to 12 d. 15


In the late 1800s, "Jim Crow" laws effectively served which of the following purposes? a. initial integration of public schools b. separation of African Americans from mainstream opportunities within the society c. segregation of public schools d. integration of African Americans into mainstream opportunities within the society


In the text, when language is considered in the context of diversity the emphasis is on which of the following? a. learning another language as part of the educational curriculum b. overcoming barriers that language may put in the way of a student's ability to access the curriculum c. using language as a device for exploring cultural diversity d. establishing a common core language based on regional demographics


In which of the following grade levels do students typically have their first opportunity to take elective courses? a. elementary b. middle school c. high school d. college


It has been difficult to articulate the purpose of schools because: a. The purpose cannot be defined. b. Different groups (parents, business, educators, politicians) have different expectations. c. Laws keep changing. d. School demographics change.


Learning disabilities are estimated to affect what percent of the school-age population? a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8


Local funding for education often comes from what source? a. personal income taxes b. property tax c. state and local sales tax d. state lotteries


Members of which group are likely to speak softly without looking a teacher in the eye? a. Asian Pacific Islander b. Native American c. Eastern European d. African American


Of the curriculums listed below, which one refers to a curriculum emphasizing a particular body of knowledge within subject areas that all students should know? a. subject-centered b. core c. mastery learning d. outcome-based education (OBE)


Public Law 100-77 (The reauthorized McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 2002) includes requirements that constitute a bill of rights for homeless children. They have the right to all of the following except: a. receive Title I services and other academic supports, b. receive mentoring services provided by the school district c. be immediately enrolled in school despite their unstable housing circumstances d. receive referrals for appropriate services such as dental, medical, and mental health


Questions such as, "What is real?" or "What is the origin of the world?" would constitute metaphysical concerns. a. logic b. metaphysics c. epistemology d. axiology


Researchers have found that effective classroom managers are nearly always _____ . a. authoritarian b. good planners c. authoritative d. very laid back


The Massachusetts Act of 1647, also known as The Old Deluder Satan Act, required: a. that all education be based on the Bible. b. that every town of 50 or more households to establish a school and hire a teacher. c. that parents teach their male and female children to read. d. all communities to levy and collect a school tax.


The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the absence of significant state funding in general may unconstitutionally deprive students of equal educational opportunities. The relevant case is which of the following? a. Brown v. Board of Education b. San Antonio v. Rodriguez c. Plessy v. Ferguson d. Mill v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia


The ability to make adaptations or major changes in diagnostic, instructional, or evaluative procedures based on an awareness of student behavior is known as which of the following? a. adaptation b. flexibility c. accommodation d. finesse


The earliest of the federal land grants providing land for public schools were which of the following? a. The Morrill Acts b. The Northwest Ordinances c. The Louisiana Purchase d. Amendments to the Latham Act


The introduction of academics such as beginning reading (emergent literacy) and math, as well as some science, social studies, and health has become the domain of which of the following? a. prekindergarten b. kindergarten c. grade 3 d. elementary school


The perspective of curriculum that can be traced back as a response to a perceived overemphasis on a facts-and-figures, factory-like approach to education is known as which of the following? a. basic skills b. affective c. mastery d. cognitive


The school grade range at which there is a shift in emphasis from learning to read to reading to learn is: a. primary b. elementary c. middle (or junior high school) d. grammar


The text indicates which of the following with regard to ethics? a. One must first become a member of a profession to define a code of ethics. b. One must first become a member of a profession to define a code of ethics. c. Your profession will provide you with a code of ethics. d. Ethics are simply a less formal version of laws.


The text suggests that a code of ethics is important for a teacher for which of the following reasons? a. Teachers are licensed professionals. b. Teachers hold a position of influence. c. The text does not suggest that a code of ethics is important for a teacher. d. A teacher's code of ethics determines what moral values will be taught.


The text suggests that a focus on earning "points" has shifted the educational emphasis from _____ to the _____. a. learning / recall of facts b. learning / completion of requirements c. studying / memorization of information d. teaching / presentation of information


The text suggests that philosophies can be considered from various cultural perspectives, though all have ____ at their core. a. wisdom b. humanity c. cultural heritage d. creative thinking


The text suggests that which of the following presents a significant responsibility for teachers with regard to serving as role models? a. e-mail b. social networking c. cell phones/text messages d. candid conversation


The text suggests that with regard to education, an experience that virtually all adult members of the society share, policy decisions are often made by people with a minimal understanding of the _____ of education and with little thought toward the long-term effects of those decisions. a. process b. structure c. purpose d. goals


The text suggests that you conceptualize "curriculum" as which of the following? a. an emphasis on outcomes rather than on providing certain experiences b. the means and materials with which students interact to achieve identified outcomes c. a collection of subjects deemed suitable for exposure to children d. an organized effort to pass on the values and beliefs of a given community


The use of SmartBoards and individual response technology would be considered as which of the following? a. curriculum reform b. instructional reform c. intervention d. revision


Though the noninstructional tasks discussed in the text typically do not require the time and consideration that goes into developing instructional strategies and classroom management plans, they still entail what aspect of professionalism? a. expertise b. responsibility c. authority d. expectations


To avoid imposing social ideas of cognitive differences between the sexes, teachers should try to do all but which one of the following? a. Avoid sexual stereotyping. b. Engage students in role reversal activities to compensate for sexual stereotyping. c. Promote collaboration between boys and girls. d. Make all subjects equally accessible to both sexes.


Tort law refers to which of the following? a. legal responsibility for an incident b. a civil or private wrong other than a breach of contract c. a breach of contract d. Traditional Obligations and Responsibilities of Teachers (TORT)


What comment does the text suggest about the question of providing academic credit (points) for a student's efforts? a. Doing so is appropriate. b. The topic is still an issue of debate. c. Doing so is inappropriate. d. The topic is resolved by the use of clear objectives.


What is the name for a family structure that includes the presence of several generations, which can include aunts and uncles or other relatives as well as grandparents? a. a nuclear family b. an extended family c. a functional family d. a blended family


What name is given to public schools that have been organized by groups of teachers, parents, or other individuals to provide a particular educational experience? a. vocational / tech schools b. charter schools c. district honors schools d. magnet schools


What was the name of the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision which rejected the constitutionality of "separate but equal" schools? a. Plessy v. Ferguson b. Brown v. Board of Education c. Lau v. Nichols d. Ingraham v. Wright


When Ralph Tyler evaluated the Progressive Education Association's Eight Year Study (1932 1940), he found which of the following? a. Students in the experimental groups had higher grade point averages in all subjects. b. Students in the control group tended to score lower on problem solving, inventiveness, and motivation. c. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group. d. Progressive education had little impact upon student achievement.


When responding to inappropriate behavior, it is important for a teacher to do which of the following? a. establish who is the authority in the classroom b. focus on the behavior, not the person c. allow the student ample opportunity to explain his or her perspective immediately d. establish a consensus among the student's classmates


Which of the following curriculums appear to raise student self-esteem and hold particular value for raising the achievement level of at-risk students? a. problem solving b. cooperative learning c. outcome-based education (OBE) d. activity


Which of the following includes the learning styles discussed in the text? a. visual, vocalic, auditory, gustatory b. vocalic, auditory, tactile/kinesthetic, visual c. tactile/kinesthetic, auditory, vocalic, vicarious d. visual, auditory, copasetic, vocalic


Which of the following is not among the five core propositions supported by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards? a . Teachers are committed to their students and learning. b. Teachers accept their responsibility as role models. c. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. d. Teachers are members of learning communities.


Which of the following is not one of the four curriculums discussed in the text? a. explicit curriculum b. common curriculum c. implicit curriculum d. null curriculum


Which of the following is true of the incidence of teen pregnancy in the United States? a. It is the lowest among industrialized nations. b. It is the highest among industrialized nations. c. The incidence has increased over the last decade. d. The incidence has leveled-off to the point of no longer being considered "problematic."


Which of the following most closely refers to a sense of common identity based upon common ancestral background, the sharing of common values and beliefs, and unique physical and/or cultural characteristics that enable individuals who belong to one group to identify its members easily? a. heritage b. ethnicity c. race d. culture


Which of the following represented a secondary school in the 1700s that emphasized a practical education with classes conducted in English? a. Latin Grammar School b. English Grammar School c. Vocational School d. Community College


Which of the following represents a student's progress as opposed to the meeting of objectives? a. standardized scores b. gain scores c. summative assessment d. grade inflation


Which of the following techniques emphasizes honing a skill or developing stronger links to particular information to improve remembering it? a. direct instruction b. drill and practice c. discovery d. lecture


With regard to formal performance appraisals, in what way are classroom teachers most typically assessed? a. by student course evaluations b. by the building principal c. by the personnel director d. by the superintendent


Written over the three centuries between AD 200 and 500 and encompassing the collective thought and wisdom of the Hebrew people spanning the thousand years between 500 BC and AD 500, the _____ contains numerous references to the education of children. a. Koran b. Talmud c. Dead Sea Scrolls d. Bible


"Clinical experiences" refers to each of the following except: a. practicums b. field service c. coursework in teaching methods d. student teaching


A 2010 study found that approximately how many youths between the ages of 16 and 19 are dropouts? a. 175,000 b. 250,000 c. 400,000. d. 525,000


A philosophy that sees students as individuals with distinct needs rather than as members of a collective group is known as which of the following? a. social reconstructionism b. behaviorism c. humanism d. constructivism


A teacher demonstrating instructional flexibility during a class exhibits which of the following? a. ability to talk about tangential topics during a lesson b. willingness to make changes when things aren't working as planned c. willingness and ability to make changes in an instructional plan d. awareness that if the lesson continues the students will eventually understand


Abuse as a child increases by 30 percent the likelihood that a person will be arrested for: a. shoplifting. b. tax evasion. c. a violent crime. d. driving under the influence.


According to Deyhle, which of the following groups is most likely to equate success with the extent of intact family relationships, the degree to which one's work enhances the family and community, and group (as opposed to individual) accomplishment? a. African American b. Caucasian c. Native American d. Asian Pacific Islander


According to Feldhusen, the gifted student has superior ____; the talented student shows unusually high ____ in some special field of knowledge. a. ability / intelligence b. creativity / knowledge c. intelligence / ability d. knowledge / creativity


According to McKinney et al (2007), 50 percent of teachers in high poverty schools leave within _____ years, and poor working conditions such as classroom management and discipline issues, an overwhelming workload, and lack of support are major factors. a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6


According to William James, why is it useless to assume that a single Truth or Absolute exists? a. Truth is known only by God. b. All people perceive Truth differently. c. The universe is in a state of becoming, and thus so is Truth. d. There is no Truth.


According to the Digest of Education Statistics 2010 (2011), about _____ students in kindergarten through grade 12 (2.9 percent of all students) were involved in homeschooling. a. 500,000 b. 1 million c. 1.5 million d. 2 million


According to the text, discipline refers to actions a teacher takes: a. before misbehavior has occurred as a preventative measure. b. depending on the student and the circumstances. c. after misbehavior has occurred. d. when new rules are needed.


According to the text, pragmatism is a good fit with today's technology because the environment is: a. open to solving problems b. based on facts c. rich with information d. global


According to the text, what do laws represent? a. a collective view of what is right and wrong b. a code of conduct for abiding by the society's moral perspective c. statements that clearly specify behaviors that are and are not acceptable d. particular truths that are considered to be self-evident


According to the text, why can dismissal for a tenured teacher be more complex than for a probationary teacher? a. Tenured teachers earn higher salaries. b. Probationary teachers are not entitled to due process considerations. c. The awarding of tenure implies that the school has previously determined the teacher to be competent. d. Veteran teachers usually can afford attorneys or can utilize the legal services of professional organizations.


According to the text, why should teachers demonstrate strong moral and ethical character? a. The are more likely to be protected against loss of tenure. b. They have increased opportunities for being considered for higher positions. c. They occupy positions of influence. d. They reflect on the college or university from which they graduated.


Aristotle suggested that the state was best served by citizens capable of: a. self-reliance. b. worthy home membership. c. rational thinking. d. democratic governance.


As compared with students with other disabilities, students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are among those _____ included in general education classes. a. routinely b. most often c. least often d. rarely


As of 2011 statistics show that approximately what percentage of teachers hold at least a master's degree? a. 27 b. 35 c. 44 d. 49


At this time, ____ states require achievement testing, many beginning as early as the first grade. a. 25 b. 37 c. 50 d. 42


Berkeley's conclusion, esse est percipi, states that all any of us "know" is that which we: a. experience b. remember c. perceive d. imagine


By law, which of the following individuals is charged with responsibility for overseeing all activities of a particular school building? a. superintendent b. assistant superintendent for facilities and grounds c. principal d. board of education


Does a building principal have the authority to establish grading practices within a school? a. yes b. no c. with the approval of the school board d. with the consensus of the faculty in that school


Each of the following represents an approach discussed in the text to language development for non-native speakers of English except for which one? a. ESL (English as a Second Language) b. ELL (English Language Learners) c. EPI (English Proficiency Improvement) d. ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)


Especially during the years of the Depression, money flowed to the states and then to the schools for free-lunch programs for poor children, for work programs for high school students, and for the construction of schools. In what form was the money provided? a. Federal Education Assistance Program (FEAP) b. school-to-work funding c. categorical funding d. No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)


Establishing benchmarks delineating what students are to learn is representative of which type of reform? a. instructional b. administrative/conceptual c. curricular d. systemic


Ethics relate to morals in which of the following ways? a. Ethics represent underlying values, and morals represent a code of behavior. b. Ethics refer to law, and morals refer to religious belief. c. Ethics represent a code of behavior for preserving one's moral beliefs. d. Ethics are the basis on which morals are developed.


Expectations that the school might have for you in terms of grooming, work ethic, self-control, and the value you place on learning are important because they are communicated to your students in terms of which of the following? a. conformity b. individuality c. being a role model d. personality


From a legal standpoint, what is the term for calling a student by a derogatory or mocking name? a. slander b. unintentional tort c. intentional tort d. libel


Gender is a ____ distinction of masculine/feminine while sex is a ____ distinction of male/female. a. biological / social b. policy / medical c. social / biological d. false / real


How do local school board members get their position? a. They are appointed. b. They are volunteers. c. They are elected. d. They are hired by the district.


In fiscal year 2010, interest on the national debt and just four other areas exceeded the federal contribution to education. Which of the following is not among those four areas? a. defense b. health care c. drug enforcement d. pensions


In her Teacher Testimonial, Daigneault cites all of the following as factors that are essential for children of poverty to succeed except for which one? a. expectations b. success and security c. family support d. belief in students


In his work ____, Plato outlined a system of organized education that would provide a means by which individuals sought and found their place in society. a. Education for a Society b. E Pluribus Unum c. The Republic d. Democracy and Education


In one 2009 survey of teenagers with cell phones, _____ percent admitted to using them to find answers to tests a. 15 b. 25 c. 35 d. 45


In states that require the reporting of suspicion of child abuse, teachers are held immune from prosecution arising from making such a report because they are considered as which of the following? a. state employees b. agents of the child welfare agency c. mandated reporters d. "need to know" personnel


In the debate over a national curriculum, which of the following issues represents the idea that the testing of a national curriculum could help policymakers when making decisions and allocating funds where they are needed most? a. equity b. curriculum assessment c. child benefit d. community support of schools


In the overall scheme of evaluating a reform or intervention proposal, the process discussed in the text suggests that consideration of the cost of the program comes at what point? a. first b. unimportant if the proposal is sound c. last d. cost is not part of the review process


Limited-English speakers comprise what percentage of students between ages 4 and 17? a. 7 b. 21 c. 33 d. 42.5


Motivation is defined as which of the following? a. an extrinsic desire to accomplish some task b. the reason for behavior c. an intrinsic desire to accomplish some task d. actions a teacher takes to make students work


Organized educational efforts in ancient Greece were developed under the separate influences of: a. the regional magistrate. b. the philosopher king. c. each city-state. d. the national directorate.


Pfeffer and Sutton, authors of the Knowing-Doing Gap, Schmoker (2011), reminds us that "It is critical that schools learn the lesson that 'best practice' in effective organizations is rarely _____ practice. a. the same b. a complex c. new d. a collaborative


Proponents of voucher systems argue that by having the government give funds to the consumers of education, which of the following will occur? a. Some public schools will be forced to close. b. There will be a significant decline in private school enrollment. c. Competition between schools will be encouraged. d. School funding will be more equitably distributed.


Proponents of which of the following curricula argue that a primary problem with the subject-centered approach to curriculum is that the interconnectedness of subject areas is lost? a. humanism b. core curriculum c. broad fields curriculum d. character education


Research among 18-25 year olds has shown that, with regard to preparation for college, which of the following was true? a. Students more often blamed teachers than themselves for lack of preparation. b. Teachers more often blamed students rather than themselves for poor preparation. c. Students more often blamed themselves rather than their teachers for lack of preparation. d. Teachers more often blamed themselves rather than the students for poor preparation.


Research has shown that children of never-married mothers have been subject to which of the following? a. greater home stability b. an advantage in academic development over children of divorced parents c. greater disadvantage academically than children of divorced parents d. no academic advantage or disadvantage as compared to children in nuclear families


School choice refers to which of the following? a. the school's responsibility to choose curricular materials for its student population b. the school's responsibility to choose appropriate disciplinary actions c. available educational options apart from the neighborhood school d. the parent's right to send a child with disabilities to a private facility


States that review textbooks and select those from which school districts may choose are known as: a. review states b. curriculum assessment states c. adoption states d. selection states


Students investigating the properties of three substances would be using which instructional technique? a. direct instruction b. drill and practice c. discovery d. question and answer


Students often have their first opportunity to choose an elective course (e.g., music, shop, art) in which of the following levels? a. Primary School b. Elementary School c. Middle School d. High School


The German educator Friedrich Froebel had a profound impact on the structure of education his introduction of which of the following innovations? a. making education available to girls b. standardized testing c. kindergarten d. the liberal arts core curriculum


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was federal legislation with what requirement? a. towns in new territories build elementary schools b. children in new territories attend school c. new towns set aside land for schools d. federal funds be allocated for the building of schools


The United States Census Bureau estimates that perhaps 5 to 7 million youngsters ages 5 to are latchkey at least part of the week with _____ percent of them home alone after school. a. 31 b. 47 c. 76 d. 83


The _____ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states that "no person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law." a. First b. Third c. Fifth d. Seventh


The average hours per week television viewing time of American children is approximately a. 17 hours. b. 28 hours. c. 32 hours. d. 41 hours.


The emphasis of a problem-solving curriculum is on which of the following? a. solution finding b. well-defined problems c. process d. identifying the correct answer


The first public normal school, established in Lexington, Massachusetts, in 1869 emphasized which of the following? a. schooling for boys and girls b. schooling at public expense, though not including special needs students c. preparation of teachers d. secular education


The founding of land-grant colleges was made possible by which of the following legislative acts? a. The Northwest Ordinance (1787) b. National Defense Education Act (1958) c. The Morrill Act of 1862 d. The Morrill Act of 1890


The legislative act intended to help bridge the gap between education and the workplace is known as which of the following? a. Funding the Future Act b. Equal Opportunity Employment Act c. School-to-Work Opportunities Act d. Elementary and Secondary Education Act


The more recent phenomenon of _____ is the use of electronic media to provide a "distance" between the bully and bullied and even a level of anonymity rather than face-to-face confrontations. a. social networking b. e-mail c. cyber-bullying d. text messaging


The most well-known of the accreditation agencies is which of the following? a. Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) b. American Council for Teacher Education (ACTE) c. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) d. Teacher Education Accreditation Charter (TEAC)


The perspective that certain ideas and truths transcend time and are prevalent in the great literature of the ages is known as which of the following? a. existentialism b. essentialism c. perennialism d. progressivism


The question of "Who will do the work?" is part of which category of considering an educational reform? a. the need for the program b. the nature of the program c. implementation d. funding


The question of what materials will be needed to conduct a particular program should be answered in which phase of program evaluation? a. the need for the program b. the nature of the program c. implementation d. funding


The technique that specifically seeks to enhance students' abilities to direct their own learning by demonstrating the use of cognitive processes in the solving of some problem is known as which of the following? a. inquiry b. discovery c. mental modeling d. question and answer


The text notes that ____ students may be able to navigate their environment with their vision but rely on Braille materials for printed communication. a. low vision b. limited vision c. functionally blind d. totally blind


The text recommends that when offered the opportunity to interview for a teaching position, you should do each of the following except which one? a. Dress appropriately. b. Arrive on time. c. Politely refer to the interviewer by first name to make the tone of the interview more conversational. d. Be prepared to ask questions as well as answer them.


The text suggests that perhaps most apparent in the consideration of business and education is that business can significantly affect a school district through which of the following? a. providing guest speakers in classrooms b. holding seats on the local school board c. increasing the tax base that it provides to the community d. having influence with political leaders in the community


The text suggests that which of the following may be an effect of e-publishing? a. fewer publishers, more consistent textbooks b. greater "nationalization" of the curriculum because of the ease of publication c. states choosing their own curricula with little influence from other states d. drastic reduction in the cost of textbooks


The three A's of the data-driven cycle include which of the following? a. attitude, aptitude, achievement b. attention of teachers, attention of students, appropriateness of curriculum c. assessment, analysis, action d. accuracy, agenda-based, accommodation


The topic of facilitating learning addresses each of the following except: a. arranging experiences b. monitoring and flexibility c. certification requirements d. instructional techniques


The use of mentoring programs in schools, either as teacher with beginning teacher or adult with student, would be categorized as what type of intervention? a. curricular b. instructional c. administrative/conceptual d. social


Though parents can have a profound effect on the curriculum of a school, one drawback to their influence is which of the following? a. They have a vested interest in the education of children. b. Parents can have first-hand knowledge of what is taught in the local schools. c. Their interests tend to center around just the years that their children are in school. d. Their taxes are what keep the schools going.


What two factors have curtailed the use of field trips as an instructional experience? a. availability of transportation and parental permission b. availability of chaperones and parental permission c. logistics and liability d. cost of admission and educational relevance


When considering the nature of a program proposal, the final category of inquiry is which of the following? a. program characteristics b. program development c. the claims d. program definition of terms


When constructing summative assessments, Stiggins and Chappuis recommend that teachers keep the perspective that ____ are the real users of assessment data. a. the teachers' immediate supervisors (department chair, principal, etc.) b. parents c. students d. district office personnel


When seeking community support for activities in a classroom, it is important that the teacher communicate which of the following? a. that people have an obligation to support the schools b. that schools are underfunded c. a pleasant manner that acknowledges that the individual is not obligated to agree to the request d. a get-down-to-business approach


When using behaviorist techniques in the classroom, a teacher seeks to replace ____ reinforcements with ____ reinforcements. a. intrinsic / extrinsic b. conditioned / unconditioned c. extrinsic / intrinsic d. unconditioned / conditioned


When would the courts likely uphold a school's decision to curtail symbolic expressions (armbands, buttons with slogans, etc.)? a. The student (or teacher) involved had displayed such symbols previously. b. Statements, explicit or implied, are contrary to the perspective of the school. c. Such a display caused the efficiency or safety of the school to be compromised. d. Too many students participate in the display.


Which of the following Supreme Court decisions deemed the policy of "separate but equal" educational opportunities as unconstitutional? a. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) b. Lau v. Nichols (1974) c. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) d. Engle v. Vitale (1962)


Which of the following curriculums gained acceptance through the work of John Dewey in the early 20th century? a. subject-centered b. cognitive c. student-centered d. affective


Which of the following does the text not mention as a way business is involved in education policy? a. tax funding b. financial involvement such as sponsorship, grant funding, and scholarships c. business leaders as guest lecturers in high school classes d. demands of education such as preparing trained workers


Which of the following groups often promotes respect for authority figures, obedience, and interdependence rather than independence? a. African American b. Native American c. Asian/Pacific Islander d. Hispanic/Latino(a)


Which of the following instructional techniques is most closely aligned with the idea that students be shown how to use what they have learned and then be tested on their uses, not on their recall of the specific information? a. lecture b. inquiry c. mental modeling d. question and answer


Which of the following is among the promising approaches to addressing the problems of teen pregnancy? a. increasing the availability of contraceptives b. encouraging abstinence c. strengthening the family and support structure for the teen and her baby d. sex education courses


Which of the following is at the highest level of the taxonomy of instructional techniques and involves generating a question and then using prior knowledge and discovery to find an answer? a. mental modeling b. discovery c. inquiry d. question and answer


Which of the following is not a gap that the curriculum is supposed to fill? a. between white students and students of color b. between United States students and students in other countries c. between achievement levels of males and females d. between 20th century and 21st century achievement levels


Which of the following is not among the four conceptual clusters within the domain of philosophy that are discussed in the text? a. metaphysics b. axiology c. ontology d. epistemology


Which of the following is the reason most often given by parents for homeschooling their children? a. religious beliefs. b. teachers are not qualified c. the public school environment d. the school does not challenge the child intellectually.


Which of the following represents a collaboration among state education agencies, institutions of higher education, and national organizations to develop performance standards for beginning teachers? a. National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) b. National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) c. Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) d. National Education Association (NEA)


Which of the following represents the notion that a proposal for an educational program should be able to indicate what difference will be made by making a change to this new, or at least different, method? a. Why is the program under consideration? b. What evidence is available to support the need for the program? c. What purpose will the program serve? d. Are there any other programs like this available?


Which of the following textbooks included moral lessons, word lists, and pronunciation guides that began to generate a national identity apart from Great Britain? a. Hornbook b. New England Primer c. Webster's American Spelling Book d. McGuffey Reader


Which of the following was not among the major sources of dissatisfaction that individuals cited for leaving the teaching profession? a. workplace conditions b. student issues c. lack of personal time d. lack of administrative support


Which of the following was the impetus for the flow of nearly a billion dollars of federal money toward curriculum reform projects in math, science, and the "new" subject area of social studies in the late 1950s and early 1960s? a. No Child Left Behind Act b. Brown v. Board of Education c. National Defense Education Act d. Curriculum for the 21st Century Act


Who among the following was a staunch advocate for the provision of a high-quality education for all children in the 19th century? a. Noah Webster b. Thomas Jefferson c. Horace Mann d. John Dewey


Who contended that a Hierarchy of Needs beginning with the needs for food, clothing, and shelter and then safety and self-esteem had to come before the acquisition of higher-level growth needs? a. Jean Piaget b. B.F. Skinner c. Abraham Maslow d. Carl Rogers


Who has proposed a set of curriculum expectations of information that all students should know? a. Benjamin Bloom b. John Dewey c. E. D. Hirsch, Jr. d. Jerome Bruner


Who should establish the class rules? a. the school administrator b. the teacher c. the students and the teacher d. the school district


Who was a leading 20th century proponent of the perennialist perspective? a. John Dewey b. Horace Mann c. Robert Maynard Hutchins d. William C. Bagley


With regard to certification and licensure the provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act are intended to prevent teachers from doing which of the following? a. dress inappropriately b. retaining students in grade more than once c. teaching "out of field" d. missing school days thus requiring substitute teachers who may not be "highly qualified"


With regard to the consequences for inappropriate behavior, the text suggests which of the following? a. The use of academic penalties (for example, deducting points from a grade) is an appropriate and effective consequence. b. Combining academics and discipline is a reflection of real life. c. Discipline and academics are two different entities. d. Students respond best when behavior is tied to achievement.


A program that seeks to replace some aspect of the current educational operation is referred to as which of the following? a. intervention b. systemic initiative c. revision d. reform


A separate school district responsible for administering the education program for a county, city, or other education unit is known as which of the following? a. charter school b. private school c. education management organization d. local education agency


According to Maslow, the highest level human need is that of? a. physiological needs b. safety c. belonging d. self-actualization


According to Ortiz (2009), what fraction of the school-age population are English Language Learners? a. 1/3 b. 1/5 c. 1/9 d. 1/10


According to the text, the prevalence of school violence is difficult to pin down because not all incidents are reported, and: a. most cases are dismissed. b. because the parties involved are minors. c. discipline matters are handled within the school. d. there is no consensus as to what constitutes "violence."


According to the text, which of the following is intended to provide a teacher with guidance and advice while working through the initial stages of being a professional? a. in-service programs b. department meetings c. abbreviated schedules d. mentoring


Approximately how many students were enrolled in public pre-kindergarten through grade 12 in 2008-2009? a. 39.4 million b. 300 million c. 17.5 million d. 49 million


Approximately how much money did the states contribute to education in the year 2007-2008? a. $506 billion b. $174 billion c. $103 billion d. $1.1 trillion


Approximately what percentage of a school district's budget is allocated for teacher salaries and benefits (health care, etc.)? a. 33% b. 52% c. 65% d. 82%


As an example that demonstrates the state's involvement in education, the text refers to the 1989 decision of the Supreme Court of Kentucky. What did it rule? a. The state's system of public education must admit the children of illegal aliens. b. Teachers in public schools cannot be protected by tenure. c. The school system could not accept funding from private enterprises. d. The state's system of public education was ineffective and unconstitutional.


As of 2009 there were more than 30,000 private schools in the USA. Of those, about how many had a religious purpose? a. 27% b. 52% c. 33% d. 68%


As of 2010 it was estimated that there were how many homeless children at some point during the year? a. 250,000 b. 500,000 c. 1,000,000 d. 1,500,000


As recently as 20010, approximately how many children in the United States between the ages of 5 and 17 lived in poverty? a. 5,000,000 b. 8,000,000 c. 11,000,000 d. 14,000,000


Believing that slavery was immoral, Quaker leader _____ established a school for slaves and free African Americans in 1773 in Philadelphia. a. Reverend Cotton Mather b. W.E.B. DuBois c. Thomas Jefferson d. Anthony Benezet


Distinctions of language ability among native speakers of English which could contribute to low levels of achievement are considered under what heading? a. limited English proficiency b. dialect c. English Language Learner (ELL) d. language use


For a contract to be legally binding, it must do all of the following except which one? a. represent the mutual assent to terms b. represent legal subject matter c. indicate the exchange of something of value d. be executed in writing


One of the earliest Roman educators to recognize the special needs of young children and who warned parents to be careful in the selection of those who would interact with their children was which of the following? a. Caesar b. Eberticus c. Aquinas d. Quintilian


Professional development refers most closely to which of the following statements? a. Professional development refers to finding ways to extend a teacher's influence beyond the classroom. b. Teachers work as mentors to save the district money that would have been spent on training. c. It has been shown that the amount of time teachers spend in professional development is directly related to student achievement. d. Professional development represents a teacher's activities toward being a part of, and a contributor to, the discipline of education.


Professional subject area organizations often engage in all of the following except which one? a. sponsorship of regional and national conferences b. representation in the federal legislative process for issues involving education c. legal counsel and group rates on insurance d. teacher certification in the subject area


Published from 1836 through the early 20th century, which of the following provided poems and stories emphasizing honesty, truth, obedience, and hard work? a. Hornbook b. New England Primer c. Webster's American Spelling Book d. McGuffey Reader


Research by Rosenshine suggests that direct instruction is a technique best suited to all except which of the following? a. young learners b. slow learners c. older learners when the material is new, difficult, or hierarchically arranged d. accelerated learners


Schools of the 1600s that were typically run for a fee by educated widows or housewives in their own homes, providing initial academic instruction for boys, particularly those from the middle and upper classes, were known as which of the following? a. Normal schools b. Latin Grammar Schools c. Vernacular Schools d. Dame schools


Some estimates suggest that up to ____ children are homeless at some point during the year. a. 250,000 b. 1,000,000 c. 750,000 d. 1,500,000


Some say the federal government's responsibility with regard to education is included in the U.S. Constitution while others say it is not. Which side is correct? a. The federal government's responsibility is clearly established in Article 1, Section 8. b. Education is a matter of state's rights according to the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. c. Both sides are correct; it is the federal government's responsibility. d. Neither side is absolutely correct because education is not specifically mentioned in the U.S. Constitution.


Stiggins suggests that high-quality assessments include all of the following except: a. clear target b. focused purpose c. appropriate method d. minimum number of questions


Teachers, as ____, are required by law to report suspected child abuse or neglect and are thus immune from prosecution or lawsuit for making such a report. a. mandated teachers b. officers of the court (by virtue of public employment) c. mandated clinical supervisors d. mandated reporters


Terman's 1916 revision of the Binet-Simon intelligence test included what key change? a. It could be administered and scored by classroom teachers. b. Scores were standardized on a large global population. c. The test could be administered to boys and girls. d. Results of the test were reported as a score called the intelligence quotient (IQ).


The 27 states collaborating in the World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment Consortium contend that English language proficiency: a. is a global issue rather than a local school district issue. b. can be circumvented with e-publishing that uses native languages. c. is not the issue. The issue is providing language-appropriate materials. d. is the point at which language is no longer a barrier to education.


The Progressive Education movement is most closely aligned with the pragmatist philosophy of which of the following thinkers? a. Plato b. St. Thomas Aquinas c. Alfred North Whitehead d. John Dewey


The analysis of test data that identifies the performance of students by ethnic group, by the economic status of the family, and by gender is referred to as which of the following? a. analysis of variance b. statistical review c. aggregate analysis d. disaggregate analysis


The text discusses anger, happiness, sadness, level of confidence, introversion or extroversion, novelty, and cooperation or competition as examples of which of the following categories of student diversity? a. culture, ethnicity, and race b. motivation c. academic self-concept d. temperament


The text notes all of the following trends or patterns except which one? a. The use of tobacco products by students 12 - 17 is stable. b. The use of cigarettes (specifically) by students 12 - 17 is stable. c. The use of marijuana by students 12 - 17 has increased. d. The use of alcohol by students 12 - 17 has increased.


The text suggests that school today is largely the same as school was hundreds of years ago with two major exceptions. Which of the statements below is one of those two exceptions? a. The educational curriculum has changed dramatically. b. The ratio of teachers to students is significantly different. c. Education now continually undergoes reform. d. Reform is now part of the institution of education


The text suggests that the impetus for reform in education has historically been due to which of the following? a. competition with other nations b. parents' desire for the best possible educational opportunities c. appreciation of change as necessary for progress d. dissatisfaction with the prevailing condition of education


The text suggests that with classroom assessments you can overcome the expectation of grades being distributed along the normal curve by doing which of the following? a. Assessing students in groups by ability level. b. Writing tests aimed at the lowest common denominator. c. Weighting the grades to reflect different ability levels. d. Demonstrating that your assessment program effectively documents that your students have achieved at a higher level.


The text suggests which of the following with regard to the practice of grade inflation? a. It is a legitimate way to recognize extenuating circumstances. b. Teachers favor it as a way to more equitably distribute grades. c. It tends to be a localized issue, specific to a particular school. d. It undermines the value of the grades.


The theory of multiple intelligences is attributed to which of the following? a. Stanford Binet b. David Wechsler c. Benjamin Bloom d. Howard Gardner


Though the data regarding professional development is mixed, studies do indicate that professional development based on _____ results in increased learning when it relates to the curriculum materials, standards, and assessment or accountability measures employed by educators. a. specific district demographics b. mentoring c. self-selected programs d. research


To what is the efficacy of discipline in a teacher's classroom directly related? a. who makes the rules b. student behavior c. the teacher's ability to adapt the rules to different situations d. rules, consequences, and enforcement


Under the sponsorship of which organization in 1704 did Neau establish a school for African Americans and Native Americans? a. the Abolitionist Society b. the Baptist Church c. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) d. the Church of England


What professional organizations are open to students with high grade-point averages? a. ACEI and CEC b. IRA and NCTE c. NSTA and ASCD d. PDK and KDP


When considering evidence to support the need for a program, what comment does the text make about the achievement test? a. The test must have been administered to large numbers of students during standardization. b. The test must have been administered to the school's students shortly before a program is considered. c. The test must be diagnostic in nature. d. The norm group of the test must match the characteristics of the school's students.


Which factor is not one of those found by a major study to increase the likelihood of school violence? a. the percentage of boys enrolled in the school b. the size of the student enrollment c. the location of the school d. the number of teachers who had taught fewer than three years in the school


Which group is not held accountable for student achievement? a. school administrators b. teachers c. district personnel d. education consultants to the school


Which of the following Supreme Court rulings handed down the decision that a state-written prayer for use in schools was an unconstitutional violation of the First Amendment? a. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) b. Lau v. Nichols (1974) c. Brown v. Board of Education (1954) d. Engle v. Vitale (1962)


Which of the following curricular types refers to the options students do not get to choose, the ideas and perspectives that are not introduced, and the skills and concepts that are not presented to them? a. explicit curriculum b. extracurriculum c. implicit curriculum d. null curriculum


Which of the following curriculums refers to designing experiences based on the interests of particular students at a particular time? a. problem solving b. cooperative learning c. outcome-based education (OBE) d. activity


Which of the following groups is most likely to value reverence and respect for parents and other persons in authority, conformity, obedience, and the promotion of group goals over individual interests? a. African Americans b. white Americans c. Native Americans d. Asian Pacific Americans


Which of the following instructional techniques uses students' personal experiences as the foundation for building concepts? a. mental modeling b. inquiry c. discussion d. discovery learning


Which of the following is among the reasons that business people are often prime movers in education reform movements? a. It counts as civic service that receives a tax break. b. Most employers require community participation among their employees. c. Schools try to emulate the business model. d. They often find their workforce unprepared for specific job-related training.


Which of the following is an international honorary society consisting of 45,000 members drawn from the top 20 percent of people entering education? a. Who's Who in Education b. New Teacher Honor Society International (NTHSI) c. International Society for Teacher Education (ISTE) d. Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)


Which of the following is cited as an advantage of alternative certification programs? a. Candidates tend to bring a stronger academic background to teaching. b. Candidates have a greater commitment to teaching because it represents a second career. c. It is more cost efficient to prepare a teacher who already possesses a degree. d. Such candidates often possess additional skills and a broader perspective of life.


Which of the following perspectives affords the teacher an opportunity to stimulate student thinking and then watch as students make meaningful connections between the lesson and their own experiences? a. social reconstructionism b. behaviorism c. humanism d. constructivism


Which of the following philosophies suggests that teachers should have an affective emphasis and should engage students in questions of moral dilemmas as a means of understanding the implications of one's actions? a. perennialism b. essentialism c. progressivism d. social reconstructionism


Which of the following represents the branch of philosophy concerned with the way in which people come to know things? a. metaphysics b. axiology c. logic d. epistemology


Which of the following represents the data-driven cycle of assessment consisting of three elements, which you can remember as the three A's: assessment, analysis, and action. a. review, re-assess, respond b. research, assess, evaluate c. formative assessment, review, summative assessment d. assessment, analysis, and action


Which of the following supports the argument that teacher-designed tests can offer the best picture of student achievement? a. Teacher-designed tests mirror standardized tests. b. The results of teacher-designed tests can be used to compare one class with another. c. They are less expensive to design and administer. d. Such tests are tailored to the actual students in the class and the actual learning experiences provided.


Which of the following was not among the seven goals of the NEA's 1918 committee report, The Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education? a. worthy home membership b. vocation c. worthy use of leisure time d. global citizenship


Which of the following would be an example of privatization? a. A group of parents opens a charter school when the district consolidates their local school. b. A private academy opens in a community and draws students from the public schools. c. A school does not allow visitors on campus during the school day. d. An education management organization assumes administration of a public school.


Which of the following would be an example of sexual stereotyping? a. providing physical education classes that combine boys and girls b. offering boys' basketball and girls' basketball teams c. tolerating aggressive behavior in girls but expecting boys to act like "gentlemen" d. directing boys toward careers as physicians and girls toward careers as nurses


Which philosophy places the responsibilities that come with being a thinking being on the shoulders of each individual? a. idealism b. realism c. pragmatism d. existentialism


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