Embedding Quotations 7

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Which of the following sentences contains a punctuation error?

"Don't be silly," my Uncle Lee said when I backed up from the spider. The manager told us, "No calls during the play!", so we will wait until intermission. "The truth," Mrs. Cooper admitted, "is more complicated than you think." Nicole shouted "Run fast or you'll miss the school bus!" X

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

"Hand me the flashlight," my sister said. X "You need to get more sleep." the doctor advised. "Is that all of the watermelon?," Lizzy asked. "Stop yelling at me!," Mr. Connors said.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

"Listening to music always helps me study, Susan explained." In today's newspaper, the mayor stated, "We currently have a pothole problem." X As my mother always said, this too shall pass." "Books," as Mr. Hopkins reminded us, are windows to the rest of the world."

Which of the following sentences uses quotation marks correctly?

"Please, the customer said, "help me figure out what is wrong with my computer." The restaurant was full and the door on the sign stated "The waitlist is currently an hour long." "This breaking news story just in, said the young reporter. The actor's final remarks were, "It has been an amazing experience." X

Which sentence correctly uses a signal phrase to embed a quotation?

"There's one side of the moon that we never see." Astronomer Steve Molden reminds us. Astronomer Steve Molden reminds us "there's one side of the moon that we never see." "There's one side of the moon," astronomer Steve Molden reminds us, "That we never see." Astronomer Steve Molden reminds us, "There's one side of the moon that we never see." X

Which rule about using quotation marks is correct?

A quotation mark at the beginning of a sentence does not need a quotation mark at the end. A question mark should go outside the quotation marks. If a quote ends in a period, the period should be placed inside the end quotation mark. X Use quotation marks when paraphrasing what someone says.

Which of the following correctly sets off a quotation?

As Frederick Douglass once said, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." X As Frederick Douglass once said: "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." Frederick Douglass once said that, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress." Frederick Douglass once said that: "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."

Read the text. "Do you ever think about what it would be like to live on Mars," he asked. Which sentence correctly embeds the quotation?

He asked this: "Whether anyone ever thought about what it would be like to live on Mars?" "Do you ever," he asked. "Think about what it would be like to live on Mars?" The sentence is correct as it is. "Do you ever think," he asked, "about what it would be like to live on Mars?" X

Read the text. "Once you jump off the diving board, you're committed", he pointed out. Which sentence correctly embeds the quotation?

He pointed out that once you jump off the diving board "You're committed." "You're committed" he pointed out "once you jump off the diving board." The sentence is correct as it is. "Once you jump off the diving board, you're committed," he pointed out. X

Read the text. He raised his hand enthusiastically and said, "Me, me, me!" Which sentence correctly embeds the quotation?

He said: "Me, me, me, with his hand raised enthusiastically." He enthusiastically raised his hand, "Me, me, me." He said "Me, me, me," While enthusiastically raising his hand. The sentence is correct as it is. X

Which of these sentences correctly uses a dialogue tag to show the speaker is talking quietly?

Her voice became quiet, "I wish you'd stop talking long enough to listen to me." Her voice became quiet. "I wish you'd stop talking long enough to listen to me." "I wish you'd stop talking long enough to listen to me." She said quietly. "I wish you'd stop talking long enough to listen to me," she said quietly. X

Read this text. In a famous article by travel agent Donald Workman, he asserts that, "It's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal." Which of the following is a correct revision of this text?

In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that, "it's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal." In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that: "It's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal." In a famous article, travel agent Donald Workman asserts that "it's simply wrong to visit Paris without going to the top of the Eiffel Tower. It may even be illegal." X The text is correct as it is.

Which sentence below correctly uses a comma before the quote?

In her best selling memoir, Curtis writes, "We all have something to learn from the memories of our parents." X In her best selling memoir, Curtis writes "we all have something to learn from the memories of our parents." In her best selling memoir, Curtis writes "we all, have something to learn from the memories of our parents." In her best selling memoir, Curtis writes... "we all have something to learn from the memories of our parents."

Read this sentence. She said happily, "I could listen to you all night." Which option correctly describes this sentence?

It uses an action tag incorrectly to show the speaker is happy. It uses a dialogue tag correctly to show the speaker is happy. X It uses a dialogue tag incorrectly to show the speaker is happy. It uses an action tag correctly to show the speaker is happy.

Which of the following correctly builds a quotation into a sentence?

Mayor Dee Johnsburger claims that, "The money budgeted for road repairs is inadequate." Mayor Dee Johnsburger claims that: "the money budgeted for road repairs is inadequate." Mayor Dee Johnsburger claims that, "the money budgeted for road repairs is inadequate." Mayor Dee Johnsburger claims that "the money budgeted for road repairs is inadequate." X

Joel is working on an essay about his Uncle Frank and he wants to share one of his uncle's common sayings Which of the following is the correct way to write the sentence?

My Uncle Frank used to tell us the same joke about circus monkeys every Thanksgiving. X My Uncle Frank used to tell us the "same joke about circus monkeys" every Thanksgiving. My Uncle Frank used to tell us the same joke about "circus monkeys" every Thanksgiving. My Uncle Frank used to tell us the same joke about circus "monkeys" every Thanksgiving.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

My grandmother always told me, "Take an umbrella, so I did. The counselor recommended that "we find a seat someone in front." "Don't forget to finish your homework," my mother reminded me. X "That is the weirdest animal I've ever seen" my brother said.

Susan is working on an essay about her neighbor and she wants to include a quote from him. Which of the following is the correct way to write the sentence?

My neighbor, Ralph Summers, gets up every morning and says, "What adventure waits for me today?" X My neighbor, Ralph Summers, gets up every morning and says, What adventure "waits for me today?" My neighbor, Ralph Summers, gets up every morning and says What adventure waits for me today? My neighbor, Ralph Summers, gets up every morning and says, What adventure waits for me today?

Which sentence below correctly uses a comma before the quote?

Obama claims, "Looking at today's youth, our future is bright." X "Obama claims, looking at today's youth, our future is bright." Obama claims: "looking at today's youth, our future is bright." Obama claims - "looking at today's youth, our future is bright."

Which statement about quotation marks is correct?

Periods and commas should always be placed outside end quotation marks. An explanatory phrase should be separated from quotation marks with a comma. X Quotation marks should be placed at the end of a quote, not at the beginning. Quotation marks are used even when summarizing what someone has said.

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Select one: "Watching the morning news is the best way to wake up, Stephen admitted." On today's episode, the host stated, "We will feature six ways to use your slow cooker." X As my older brother keeps telling me, "You snooze, you lose"! "Sugar," as Mrs. Lewis told us, causes more health problems than anything else."

Which sentence below correctly uses a comma before the quote?

Select one: According to Clarke "Many of the water sources, have been depleted." According, to Clarke "many of the water sources have been depleted." According to Clarke, "many of the water sources have been depleted." According to Clarke, "Many of the water sources have been depleted." X

Which of the following sentences contains a punctuation error?

Select one: The chef told everyone in the kitchen that he "expected them to work harder than ever". X My Aunt Stephanie hugged me and said, "I think you've grown at least six inches since I last saw you." "Isn't he adorable?" my best friend asked as she showed me her new puppy. "You will not believe what I just found out at work," Raoul announced as he came through the door.

Read the text. "I'd really love," she said, "To know where you learned to dance so well." Which sentence correctly embeds the quotation?

She said that she'd: "really love to know where you learned to dance so well." "I'd really love to know," she said, "where you learned to dance so well." X The sentence is correct as it is. I'd really love, she said, "To know where you learned to dance so well."

Read the text. She said she was happy because she had gotten her "first good night's sleep in days." Which sentence correctly embeds the quotation?

She said: She was happy because she had gotten her first good night's sleep "in days." The sentence is correct as it is. X "She said she was happy because she had gotten her first good night's sleep," in days. She said she was happy because she had gotten "her first good night's sleep in days."

Examine the two sentences. "I'm not sure I want to talk to you." He looked above her as he spoke. "I'm not sure I want to talk to you," he said, looking above her. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the sentences?

The first contains a dialogue tag; the second contains an action tag. The first contains an action tag; the second contains a dialogue tag. X Both contain action tags. Both contain dialogue tags.

Examine the two sentences. She stormed into the reading room. "Listen to me!" She yelled, "Listen to me!" Which of the following is true of these sentences?

The first contains a dialogue tag; the second does not. Both contain dialogue tags. The first contains an action tag; the second contains a dialogue tag. X Both contain action tags.

Examine the two sentences. "It's cold in this room," he commented. "It's cold in this room." His teeth chattered. Which of the following is an accurate comparison of these sentences?

The first contains an action tag; the second contains a dialogue tag. The first contains a dialogue tag; the second contains an action tag. X Both contain dialogue tags. Both contain action tags.

Which of the following sentences contains a punctuation error?

The librarian pointed out to our class that "reading never goes out of style. X My father turned to me and said, "That was the best movie I have ever seen!" "Don't be ridiculous," my sister said when I accused her of taking my shoes. "Remember to turn the oven off in 30 minutes," Grandma Helen reminded me.

Which of the following sentences contains a punctuation error?

The pilot got our attention when he announced we were running into turbulence. "Make a wish!" Jonathan told me as he unveiled the homemade birthday cake. Thoreau once stated "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately." X "The concert is starting," my cousin whispered as he searched for his seat.

Which sentence correctly sets off a quotation with a comma?

The president commented, too many people don't know their own country's history. The president commented, "Too many people don't know their own country's history." X The president commented that, too many people "don't know their own country's history." The president commented, Too many people don't know their own country's history.

Which sentence correctly "builds in" a quotation?

The principal declared that school spirit is "Alive and well." The principal declared that school spirit "is alive and well." X The principal declared that, "school spirit" is, "alive and well." The principal declared that school spirit is alive and well.

True or false: The following sentence is correct? The speaker states "Therefore, we know that there will be exploration beyond Mars in the decade to come."

True False X

True or False: The sentence below correctly uses a comma before the quote. "Diane," she said, "put the book down and go outside for a little while."

True X False

What is the rule for using commas to introduce a quote?

Use a comma to end a quote and reintroduce an idea. Use a comma to introduce a quotation after a standard dialogue tag, a brief introductory phrase, or a dependent clause. X Use a comma to introduce a quotation, or to begin a list. Use a comma to introduce multiple quotations at once.

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word? In his latest article, William writes,"There is an obligation to treat animals with more respect as we learn more about their capabilities."

asserts X stated says croaks

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word? Arnold says, "Humanity is on the edge of important discoveries about how our genes really work.""

mentions declares X whispers

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word? The author says, "In the near future we will no longer need computers to do the work we use them for today."

predicts X states said announced

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word? "We know more," he says, "about the human body than any generation before - but we still have much to learn."

said declares X exaggerates yells

When introducing a quote, a writer must:

start a new sentence. use a comma or colon. X include the word "said."

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word? The author said, "there are only a few writers in history that compare to William Shakespeare."

tells declares X says implied

Which word below is the best replacement for the underlined word in the following sentence? "Hush," he said, "I can hear their footsteps."

whispered X shouted says yelled

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