Language arts

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Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). As I slept, Marlena worked on her project.

(As I slept), [Marlena worked on her project.]

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). After I finished helping Annise, I will work with your sister.

+After I finished helping Annise,+ [I will work with your sister.]

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). Her cellphone having sunk to the bottom of the lake, Jenna had no way to contact her parents.

+Her cellphone having sunk to the bottom of the lake,+[ Jenna had no way to contact her parents.]

Determine whether the sentence is A. Fragment=dependent clause left alone, B. Fragment= Phrase left alone, C. Correct, D. Fragment= Don't begin a sentence with "Which, Such as...."? When I have an opportunity to speak to Mr. Popiel, I will ask him about your project.


Determine whether the sentence is A. Fragment=dependent clause left alone, B. Fragment= Phrase left alone, C. Correct, D. Fragment= Don't begin a sentence with "Which, Such as...."? When I have an opportunity to speak to Mr. Popiel. I will ask him about your project.


Dependent clause

A _______ ________ contains a subject and a verb but does express a complete thought. It can't stand alone in a sentence.


A ________ is a group of words that does not contain its own subject and/or verb. It is only part of a sentence.

Who, Whom, Whose, That, Which

A relative clause is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and verb but can't stand alone as a sentence. A relative clause will always began in with one of these five relative pronouns,___,____,____,_____,____.

Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? BRAIN, praying that the storm will hold off, HURRIEDLY PACKED HIS CAMPING SUPPLIES.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? HIS MIND WANDERING FROM SUBJECT TO SUBJECT, Antoine found it hard to complete his math homework.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? HIS ARMS SHAKING NERVOUSLY AT HIS SIDES, Steve paced impatiently.


Absolute phase example

Aaron started down at the floor, his hands shaking and his heart racing.

Make a sentence with a dependent clause, an independent clause.

After I finish correcting papers, I sprawled out..

Write a sentence with a dependent clause, independent clause.

After Mr.Stark checks your draft, you may begin typing.


After, Although, as, when/whenever, while, until/unless, Because, Before, If, Since.

Independent clause

An ______ ______ contains a subject, a verb, and a complete thought. It can stand alone.

Dependent clause sentence

Because he studies regularly, Steve exceles in the classroom.

Write a sentence with independent clause, phrase closer.

Bobby walked down the avenue in a state of ecstasy, his eyes rapidly surveying each of the skyscrapers towering above him.

Write a sentence with independent clause; independent clause.

Bobby walked down the avenue in a state of ecstasy; his eyes rapidly surveyed each of the skyscrapers towering above him.

Determine whether the sentence is A. Fragment=dependent clause left alone, B. Fragment= Phrase left alone, C. Correct, D. Fragment= Don't begin a sentence with "Which, Such as...."?Having the opportunity to speak to Mr. Popiel. I will ask about your project.


Participial phrases

Consists of a verb form ending in -en,-ed,or -ing that functions as an adjective. Participial phrases should always be placed next to the word or words that they are modifying.

Dependent clause

Contains a subject and a verb but does not express a complete thought. It cannot stand alone as a subject.

Determine whether the sentence is A. Fragment=dependent clause left alone, B. Fragment= Phrase left alone, C. Correct, D. Fragment= Don't begin a sentence with "Which, Such as...."? Having the opportunity to speak to Mr. Popiel. Which gives me a chance to ask about your project.


Determine whether the sentence is A. Fragment=dependent clause left alone, B. Fragment= Phrase left alone, C. Correct, D. Fragment= Don't begin a sentence with "Which, Such as...."? Mr. Popiel and I will speak about many things. Such as your future, your attitude, and the status of your project.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? AFTER YOU FINISH YOUR SCHOOLWORK, you may go to the mall.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? IF YOU HAVE THE CHANGE, talk to Mr.Steves about your grade.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? IT was difficult to succeed UNLESS YOU TRY.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? The students worked on their tests WHILE THE TEACHER GRADED PAPERS.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? UNTIL HIS MOTHER ARRIVED, Steve paced impatiently.


Identify whether each boldfaced relative clause is essential (E) or Nonessential (NE)? Few stockbrokers WHO CLAIM TO BE ABLE TO NAVIGATE THE MARKET can actually do so.


Identify whether each boldfaced relative clause is essential (E) or Nonessential (NE)?The home THAT WAS DYSTROYED BY THE FIRE belonged to the Reverend Hizeroth.


Correct the errors in subject-verb agreement in the sentence below. Fix any other errors that you can find. Each of the boys are going to be bringing a gift for you're party.

Each of the boys is going to be bringing a gift for your party.

Fix the errors in the sentence? For years, bandits and thieves inflicted the local community that changed when Sheriff Earl came to town.

For years, bandits and thieves afflicted the local community; that changed when Sheriff Earl came to town.

Relative clause sentence

I like the person. The person on the subway.

Essential (or restrictive) Relative clause sentence

I like the sculptures that are in front of warriner it all.

Reword the fragment in the sentence. His mouth watered at the thought of the feast that was on the way,

I was so hungry.

Reword the fragment in the sentence. If I had a million dollers to spend on anything I wanted,

I would go to college.

Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? YOU MAY GO TO THE MALL after you finish your schoolwork.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? MR.JONES, a well-respected and experienced teacher, WHICH TO BECOME A SCHOOL COUNSELOR.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? THE STUDENTS WORKED ON THERE TESTS while the teacher graded papers.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? Until his mother arrived, STEVE PACED IMPATIETLY.


Essential ( or restrictive) relative clause

It gave info. that is needed to define that noun. Never use commas to set off an essential clause.

Independent clause

It is a clause containing a subject, a verb but does not express a complete thought. It cannot stand alone as a sentence.

Non-essential (or non-restrictive) Relative clause

It is a given extra info. that is not essential to the meaning of a sentence. Use a comma or commas to set off non-essential relative clause.


It is a group of words that does not contain its own subject or verb. It cannot stand alone as a sentence. For the sake of brevity, we will focus on a few types of phrases that are generally set off by commas: participial phrase, absolute phrases, and appositive phrases.

Sentence fragment

It is a group of words that is not a complete sentence. Sometimes, writers will intentionally use fragments in a piece of literature.

Relative clause

It is one kind of dependent clause. It has a subject and a verb, but can't stand alone as a sentence. A relative clause will always began with a relative pronoun (who, whom,whose, that, which.) Look at how the relative clause below are used to combine two sentences.

Fix the errors in the sentence? It's that you stopped begging, and started working.

It's that you stopped begging and started working.

Correct the errors in subject-verb agreement in the sentence below. Fix any other errors that you can find. Joes intelligence and curiosity makes him a good leader for there company.

Joe's intelligence and curiosity make him a good leader for their company.

Write a sentence with Li, s, and t-summary.

John walked in the room, sat at his computer, and said nothing- he was devastated.

Write a sentence to sente n, c, and e

John walked in the room, sat at his computer, and said nothing.

Write a sentence with an independent clause: li, s, and t

John was devastated: he walked in the room, sat at his computer, and said nothing.

Write a sentence with Sent-li,s, and t-ence.

John's behaviors- he sat down, put his head in his hand, and said nothing-revealed that he was devastated.

Write a sentence with a Sent, interrupter, ence.

Luis, a friend of my father, would make an excellent building principal.

Write a sentence with a Sent- major interrupter- ence

Luis- my father has known him for twenty years- would make an excellent building principal.

Write a sentence with a independent clause; independent clause.

Maybe it's the school's fault for not having stricter rules; maybe it's the student's fault for failing to be abide by the rules that are in place.

Identify the four common causes of a sentence

Missing subject or verb, Dependent clause left alone, phrase left alone, using and, which, but, or, such as.

Write a sentence with a phrase opener, independent clause.

Mr.Stark having checked his draft, john began typing.

Appositive phrase example

Mr.Stevens, my psychology teacher, is an interesting man.

Non-essential (or non-restrictive) Relative clause sentence

My brother,who teaches at Grandville high school, is an avid hunter and fisherman.

Write a sentence with Sent, interrupter, ence.

My position on this issue, however, has not changed.

Write a sentence with Sent- major interrupter- ence.

My position on this issue-no matter how many times you challenge me - will not change.

Identify whether each boldfaced relative clause is essential (E) or Nonessential (NE)? Gary WHO WON THE SPELLING BEE became the first one in our class to receive an award.


Identify whether each boldfaced relative clause is essential (E) or Nonessential (NE)? John's wrist WHICH HE HAD BROKE LAST FALL is still too weak for him to throw discus.


Write a sentence with a independent clause ; summary or explanation

No matter the problem, the politician always blamed the same culprit:the public school system.

Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? He quickly stood up and left the room. LEAVING HIS BRIEFCASE BEHIND.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)? PRAYING THAT THE STORM WOULD HOLD OFF, Brain hurriedly packed his camping supplies.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? HOPING THAT HIS MOTHER WOULD ARRIVE SOON, Steve paced back and impatiently.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P)? Steve, PACING IMPATIENTLY, hoped that his mother would arrive soon.


Identify the boldfaced portion as either an independent clause (IC), or a dependent clause (DC), or a phrase (P), or a relative clause (RC)?My brother's football team, WHICH IS NORMALLY A POWER HOUSE, has played badly this season.


Appositive phrases

Restate redefine, or rename a noun. An appositive phrase should always be placed next to the word or words that it modifies.

Participial phrase example

Shaken and disturbed, Aaron turned off the television.

Make a sentence with an independent clause; transition, independent clause.

Some students will adjust to these new expectations; however, some may flounder and fail.

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). Steve who is my brother's best friend, is hard-working, but Bob, Steves's brother, is lazy.

Steve [who is my brother's best friend, +is hard-working+,] but [Bob, +Steves's brother+, is lazy.]

Independent clause sentence

Steve excels in the classroom.

Write a sentence with a independent clause: li,s, and t.

Susan coaxed me onto my first roller coaster: she looked at me, grebbed my hand, and pulled me next to her in line.

Write a sentence with a Sente n, c, and e.

Susan looked at me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into line for the roller coaster.

Write a sentence with a Li, s, and t- summary.

Susan looked at me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into line- she had coaxed me onto my first roller coaster.

Write a sentence with a Sent- li, s, and t - ence.

Susan- she looked at me, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into line - coaxed me onto my first roller coaster.

Fix the errors that you find? There were team members whom were gathering around the coach and were waiting for him too speak.

Team members gathered around waiting for him to speak.

Write a sentence with a independent clause, fanboy independent clause.

The business owner failed to report his income to the IRS, so he was audited.

Write a sentence with a independent clause; transition, independent clause.

The business owner failed to report his income to the IRS; consequently, he was audited.

Missing subject or verb

The guard near the entrance what are the guards doing? Changed into new clothes who changed into the clothes?

Absolute phases

They may contain a subject but contain no acting verb. These type of phrases modify the whole sentence, not just a noun. These two types of phrases are the most likely to be set off with commas.

Make a sentence with phrase opener, and a independent clause.

Tired and listless, I sprawled out on the couch.

Make a sentence with a independent clause, a fanboy independent clause.

Will students be able to adjust to these new expectations, or will they flounder and fail.

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). Lisa is already a better player than her sister Jane, which is impressive.

[Lisa is already a better player than her sister Jane,] (which is impressive.)

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). My brother, a quiet but kindhearted person, enjoys woodworking.

[My brother, +a quiet but kindhearted person+, enjoys woodworking.]

Put brackets around the [independent clause]. Put parentheses around (Dependent clauses) and (Relative clauses). Put plus around +phrases+ that are non-restrictive (set off commas). The singer began the anthem while the crowd stood attention.

[The singer began the anthem]( while the crowd stood attention.)

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