Embryology Study Guide

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the length of a woman's period may change but almost all women ovulate ... days after the start of their last period



an involuntary ending of a pregnancy through the discharge of the fetus from the womb at too early a stage in its development for it to survive


assisted fertilization and implantation of an egg in the woman's uterus

what are the "practice contractions called that happen in the 3rd trimester?

braxton hicks contractions

d & c

dilation and curettage

what is a d&c and under what conditions would a doctor need to perform one?

dilation and curettage: a surgical procedure to remove the fetal tissue from the uterus if a woman miscarries but the body doesn't expel the fetal tissue


done to test for genetic disorders in a fetus


egg cell


fertilized ovum

which vitamin is the most critical during pregnancy and prior to pregnancy? (it is found in all prenatal vitamins)

folic acid


follicle stimulation hormone


high blood pressure and excess protein in your urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy

what would be a sign of preeclampsia?

high blood pressure and excessive protein in the urine after 20 weeks


human chorionic gonadotropin

an episiotomy would need to be performed under which circumstances?

if the doctor needs to use any tools to help deliver the baby or if the vaginal opening will not be big enough

under what circumstances would a doctor need to perform an amniocentesis?

if the patient is over 35 years old, has a history of genetic disorders, or has a child of genetic disorders


most popular means for pain relief during childbirth

what is an epidural?

most popular means for pain relief during childbirth

at the beginning of the second trimester the baby can now move in a jerky fashion, however can the mother feel this movement yet?


do females produce and oocytes after birth?


if a woman has a c-section by a classical incision would she be able to give birth naturally for a second child?


at the end of the proliferative phase what happens?



pasty white coating that protects the fetus's skin

folic acid

prevents birth defects of the brain and spinal cord

days 6-14 of the 28 day cycle is called the

proliferative phase

days 15-28 is called the

secretory phase


soft hair that covers the entire body

where does the urine go once the baby excretes it?

the amniotic fluid

the term natural childbirth refers to what?

the birth of a child without any drugs


the inability of a couple to become pregnant (regardless of cause) after 1 year of unprotected sexual intercourse

placenta previa

the placenta is lying unusually low in the uterus, next to or covering the cervix


the substance that allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate and keeps them from collapsing and sticking together when they deflate

during week 19 a pasty white coating called ... covers the baby and under the vernix is a layer of hair called the ...

vernix, lanugo

what are some of the changes to the mother in the second trimester?

weight gain 1/2 lb per week, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, shortness of breath

all oocytes have which sex chromosome?


what sex chromosomes do sperms carry?

x or y

once an egg has been fertilized it is now called a


typically how many embryos are implanted into the uterus during IVF?


if my baby is breech, what does that mean?

butt is down toward the cervix, not the head


chorionic villi sampling

what is the average cost of IVF?

$12,400 - $30,000

how long can sperm survive in the female reproductive tract?

2-5 days

how much should a baby weigh at birth?

7-10 lbs

halfway into the pregnancy the baby weighs about ...

1/2 lbs

where must the egg be fertilized?

1/3 of the way down the fallopian tube

what is the highest score a baby can get on the APGAR test?


the risk of miscarriage decreases after which week?

12 weeks

how long is the egg viable for fertilization?

12-24 hours

IVF was first used in the US in what year?


how many sperm get released per ejaculation?

200 to 500 million

in weeks ... the baby's lungs are producing surfactant which allows the air sacs in the lungs to inflate


about what percentage of women will experience a miscarriage?


at ... weeks if the baby is born it has about an 85% chance of surviving


at weeks ... the baby's bones are fully developed


at puberty how many oocytes are left?


during which weeks does the lanugo begin to fall off?

32-36 weeks

after the age of ... there is a much higher risk of having a baby with down's syndrome or other chromosomal disorders or birth defects


at which week is the baby considered full term?

37 weeks

babies born at week 24 have about a ... chance of surviving


what is the assessment test that is done on the baby immediately following birth?


explain how an epidural is administered

a catheter infuses pain medication into the epidural space

how do doctors test for gestational diabetes?

a glucose tolerance test


a quick assessment of a newborn's overall well being


a surgical incision used to enlarge the vaginal opening

gestational diabetes

a type of diabetes that occurs only during pregnancy

what are the various things that are tested in APGAR?

activity pulse grimace appearance respiration

what happens during the secretory phase?

increase blood supply to the uterus, progesterone increases, menses begin again if implantation does not occur

why do people elect to give birth in water?

it helps to relax them during the pain of childbirth

why does a woman's fertility decrease with age?

less eggs are released, decrease in the health of the eggs, changes in hormones

which hormones increases during ovulation?

lh (luteinizing hormone) and fsh (follicle stimulating hormone) and estrogen

what is the most common cut for a c-section?

low transverse / bikini cut


luteinizing hormone

days 1-5 of the 28 day cycle is called the

menstrual phase

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