English 10 A Semester Exam

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indirect object

Choose the answer that correctly identifes the underlined word. "Western Canada also gives US the art of Kwakiutl Indians."


Which of the following is NOT an adverb?

sound device

ways to use sounds in poetry to achieve certain effects


Identify the underlinded part of speech. "Dolley Madison, the wife of the fourth United States president, is one of history's MANY interesting women."


Identify the underlined part of speech. "The dynamic wife of James Madison became the unofficial first lady DURING Jefferson's eight years as president."

predicate adjective

In the following sentence, "famous" is the complement. What kind of comlement is it? "In 1975, Margaret Thatcher became famous as the first woman leader of the British Conservative Party."


In the following sentence, what kind of phrase is "to play basketball"? "Porpoises have been trained to play basketball."


In the following sentence, what kind of phrase is "to the library"? "I will be going to the library soon."


In the following sentene, what kind of phrase is "Moving away"? "Moving away made my little cousin sad."

She would like to change her father's views of women.

Read the following lines from "Girls Can We Educate We Dads?" Listn the male chauvinist in mi dad- a girl walkin night street mus be bad. He dohn sey, the world's a free place for a girl to keep her unmolested space. Instead he sey - a girl is a girl. Which of these conclusions about the speaker is best supported by the ideas in these lines?

man vs. society

Read the following lines from "Ten Songs." The consul banged a table and said: "If you've got not passport you're officially dead": But we are still alive my dear, but we are still alive. Went to a commitee; they offered me a chair; Asked me politely to return next year but where shall we go to-day, my dear, but where shall we go to-day? Came to a public meeting; the speaker got up and said: "If we let them in, they will steal our daily bread"; He was talking of you and me, my dear, he was talking of you and me. The main conflict in these sentences can be identified as

introspective and disturbed

Read the following lines from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." And would it have been worth it, after all, Would it have been worth while, After the sunsets and the dooryards and the sprinkled streets, After the novels, after the teacups, after the skirts that trail along the floor- And this, and so much more?- It is impossible to say just what I mean! Which of the following best describes the mood created by the speaker and the setting?


Read the following lines from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock." To say: "I am lazarus, come from the dead, come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all"- Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer in these lines?

mysterious and threatening

Read the following sentences from "In the Shadow of War." He followed her till they came to a muddied river. She moved as if an invisible force were trying to blow her away. Omovo saw capsized canoes and trailing, waterlogged clothes on the dark water. He saw floating items of scarifice: loaves of bread in polythene wrappings, gourds of food, Coca-Cola cans. When he looked at the canoes again they had changed into the shapes of swollen dead animals. He saw outdated currencies on the rivebank. He noticed the terrible smell in the air. Which of the following best describes the mood created by the speaker and the setting?

empathizes with Juan's situation.

Read the following sentences from "The Censors." Poor Juan! One day they caught him with his guard down before he could realize that what he had taken as a stroke of luck was really one of fate's dirty little tricks. After reading these sentences the reader can mosly likely conclude that the narrator

Old Misery had once been a builder and decorator and lived alone in his damaged house. He made weekly trips for food and once watched the boys playing in the car-park.

Read the following sentences from "The Destructors." Old Misery-whose real name was Thomas-had once been a builder and decorator. He lived alone in the crippled house, doing for himself: once a week you could see him coming back across the comm,on with bread and vegetables, and once as the boys played in the car-park he put his head over the smashed wall of his garden and looked at them. Which of the following sentences is the best paraphrase of this excerpt?


Read the following sentences from "The Destructors." The new recruit had been with the gang since the beginning of the summer holidays, and there were possibilities about his brooding silence that all recognized. He never wasted a word even to tell his name until that was required by him by the rules. When he said "Trevor" it was a statement of fact, not as it would have been with the other a statement of shame or defiance. Which word best describes Trevor?


Read the following sentences from "The Pig" in which the main character, Kibuka, receives a surprise gift from his grandson. Kibuka was more delighted than ever. He had never seen so small a pig before, and he spent a good ten minutes marveling at its tiny twinkling eyes, its minute hoofs, and its wisp of a tail. When his grandson drove away, he waved happily from the doorstep, the piglet clutched tenderly to his chest. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Kibuka and the pig?

man vs. nature

Read the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll." The aunt spent a whole week with her leg covered with mustard from thigh to ankle, but when the treatment was over, they found that the ulcer had grown even larger and that it was covered with a slimy, stonelike substance that couldn't be removed without endangering the whole leg. She then resigned herself to living with the prawn permanently curled up in her calf. The main conflict in these sentences can be identified as

torn between his anger at the gang for following T and his own desire to join in the plan to destroy Old Misery's house.

Read this passage from "The Destructors." Blackie said uneasily, "It's proposed that tomorrow and Monday we destroy Old Misery's house." ... Blackie's main conflict is that he is

randomly following others

Read this sentence from "The Destructors." Beyond, paying no more attention to him than to a stranger, the gang had gathered round T; Blackie wsa dimly aware of the fickleness of favour. The word fickleness suggests that the gang


The fearful look on Tom's face showed us that he was cowering while on the ledge. Cowering means that he was


The scientist did not elaborate on his ideas but instead made his point in a perfunctory way. Perfunctory means

future progressive

What is the tense of the underlinded verb in the following sentence? "I WILL BE STUDYING his painting techniques this summer."

imperative mood

What is the verb mood of the sentence? Wear your coat when you are in the snow.

dramatic irony

When the reader knows something that a character or speaker does not, it is called

Roger has never performed a solo in his life.

Which of the following sentences contains a helping verb?

"...the last thing I should have expected was that in that corner, in that very kitchen...somebody should come and catch me by surprise and pluck me like a flower that has been hidden in the grass."

Which of the following sentences from "Poor Fish" does not support the story's theme of self-loathing and inferiority?

"The children would crawl deep into the green darkness of the forest during the autumn when dampness drove the mushrooms out of the soil, and almost every family had its own places where it gathered mushrooms, places which were handed down in whispers from generation to generation."

Which of the following sentences from "The Balek Scales" does not support the story's theme of oppression and inequality?

"And I'm going to show you that it ain't no trouble when you pack double."

Which statement is spoken in a colloquial manner?


giving human qualities to nonhuman subjects

stage direction

identified as physical movements of characters in a play

author's purpose

reason a writer writes about a topic.

"I will pronounce your name, Naett."

Each of the following lines from "I will Prounounce Your Name" contain examples of connotative language except

"I have a narrow, yellow face, eyes of an indefinite, dirty colour, and a nose that seems to have been made for a face twice as broad as mine..."

Each of the following sentences from "Poor Fish" is an example of indirect characterization except

"The doctor who examined her assured her it was nothing, that she had probably been bitten by an angry river prawn."

Each of the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll" contains an example of magical realism except

predicate nominative

Choose the answer that correctly identifes the underlined word. "The grain of the western praries is a major SOURCE of income."

predicate adjective

Choose the answer that correctly identifes the underlined word. "The ice fields of the north are still relatively BARREN."


Read the following lines from "The Third Bank of the River." " I said it as loud as I could:'Father, you have been out there long enough. You are old...come back, you don't have to do it anymore...Come back and I'll go instead. Right now, if you want. Any time, I'll get into the boat. I'll take your place.' And when I had said this my heart beat more firmly. He heard me. He stood up. He maneuvered with his oars and headed the boat towards me. He had accepted my offer. And suddenly I trembled, down deep. For he had raised his arm and waved-the first time in so many, so many years. And I couldn't...in terror, my hair on end, I ran, I fled madly." Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer in these lines?


Read the following lines from the poem "At the Tourist Center in Boston." Whose dream is this, I would like to know: is this a manufactured hallucination, a cynical fiction, a lure for export only? Which word best describes the tone created in these lines?


Read the following lines from the poem "Ten Songs." Once we had a country and thought it fair, Look in the atlas and you'll find it there: We cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now. Which word best describes the tone created in these lines?


Read the following paragraph from "The Balek Scales" "My grandfather walked the two hours home through the forest, got a beating when at home, said nothing, not a single word, when he was asked about the coffee, spent the whole evening doing sums on the piece of paper on which he had written down everything he had sold to Frau Balek..." Which of these words is most closely related to the theme in this paragraph?


Read the following passage from "Forbidden Fruit" in which the main character describes a fictional scene where, despite torture, he stands by his religious principles. At home, I slipped out of my clothes and into my bed to luxuriate in...Kill me, but eat port I will not. Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer to create humor in these lines?

He regrets that he has acted so stubornly and has caused his grandsons to suffer.

Read the following passage from "Marriage is a Private Affair." The old man at once felt the resolution he had built up over so many years falling in.... That night he hardly slept. According to the passage, what is the most likely reason that Okeke cannot sleep?

Kibuka decides to share the meat of his pig with the people who helped him keep it.

Read the following passage from "The Pig" in which Kibuka considers what to do after his pet pig has just been accidentally hit and killed by a motorcyclist. The idea of eating the pig had never entered Kibuka's mind. While sitting beside the body, he had been seriously considering just whereabouts in the shamba he could bury it. Now he opened his mouth to tell Musisi in no uncertian terms that eating one's friends was a practice reserved for barbarians: and then, he suddenly had a clear picture of himself struggling to dig a grave. He was sure no Kalasandans would want to help him do it. Then came the realization of the effect a perpetual reminder of his porking friend in his shamba would have on him. He did not think he could stand it. Far better, indeed, to let the past bury itself and, besides, why deprive his fellow villagers of a tasty treat? They were, after all, the people who had nourished the creature on their leftovers. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this paragraph?


Read the following passage from the beginning of "Rhinoceros." We were sitting outside the cafe, my friend Jean and I, peacefully talking about one thing and another...made some comments on the incident and then dispersed. Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer to create humor in these lines?

Madame's gifts were intended to bribe Diouana to stay but also to remind Diouana of her inferior status.

Read the following passages from "Black Girl." Used to being waited on hand and foot, Madame had yielded to her wifely duties, and clumsily fulfilled the role of mother. As for a real vacation, she had hardly had any. She soon persuaded her husband to return to Africa. On her return, grown thin and thoroughly exasperated, she had conceived a plan for her next vacation..." According to the passage, what most likely divides the maid from her Madame?

the narrator is not a native English speaker.

Read the following sentence from "When Greek Meets Greek." One morning Ramkilawansingh (after this, we calling this man Ram) was making a study of the noticeboards along Westbourne Grove what does advertise rooms to let. After reading this sentence, the reader can most likely conclude that


Read the following sentences from "Day of the Butterfly" in which Myra, who is hospitalized, is unwrapping gifts brought to her by her classmates. She began to unwrap the presents, with an air that not even Gladys could have bettered, folding the tissue paper and the ribbons, and drawing out books and puzzles and cutouts as if they were all prizes she had won. Miss Darling said that maybe she should say thank you, and the person's name with every gift she opened, to make sure she knew whom it was from, and so Myra said, "Thank you, Mary Louise, thank you, Carol," and when she came to mine she said, "Thank you, Helen. Which of the following best describes the relationship between Myra and her classmates?

The children kept to themselves and seemed shy. Their thin bodies were often huddled together and their faces and haircuts made them seem older than they were.

Read the following sentences from "Day of the Butterfly." Whenever you happened to look at them their heads were slightly bent, their narrow bodies hunched in, quite still. They had long smooth oval faces, melancholy and discreet - dark, oily shining hair. The little boy's was long, clipped at home, and Myra's was worn in heavy braids coiled on top of her head so that she looked, from a distance, as if she was wearing a turban too big for her. Over their dark eyes, the lids were never fully raised; they had a weary look. But it was more than that. They were like children in a medieval painting, they were like small figures carved of wood, for worship of magic, with faces smooth and aged, and meekly, cryptically, uncommunicative. Which of the following is the best paraphrase of this excerpt?

dark and foreboding

Read the following sentences from "First Confession." Then, to crown my misfortunes, I had to make my first confession and Communion. It was an old woman called Ryan who prepared us for these. She was about the one age with Gran; she was well-to-do, lived in a big house on Montenotte, wore a black cloak and bonnett, and came every day to school at three o'clock when we should have been going home, and talked to us of Hell. She may have mentioned the other place as well, but that could only have been by accident, for Hell had the first place in her heart. Which pair of words best describes Ryan?

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