ENVI: Chp. 4 Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy and Enviroment

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uniform constant fact that describes what happens in nature

a scientific law is a ________

scientific law

a uniform or constant fact of nature that describes what happens in nature. -example is law of conservation of mass


a widely accepted, plausible generalization about fundamental concepts in science that explains why things happen. also; a unifying principle that binds together large areas of scientific knowledge


a(n) ______ bond is an attractive force exerted between atoms that results from the interaction of their electrons

high quality

if energy is in a form that is available to do lots of work, such as electrical energy, it is said to be ________.

pseudoscience (pseudo=false)

is a deceptive practice that uses the appearance or language of science to convince, confuse, or mislead people into thinking that something has scientific validity when it does not. When these claims are closely examined, it is found that they are not supported by unbiased tests. -Often facts are selected to support a particular point of view.


it is critical; that scientists are able to ______ the results of their experiment in order to demonstrate the validity of their work

scientific method

making careful observations, asking questions, testing hypotheses, and remaining open to new information and ideas are all important components of the


anything that takes up space and has mass. Air, water, trees, cement, and gold are all examples of matter. As stated earlier, the kinetic molecular theory is a central theory that describes the structure and activity of matter.


atoms or molecules may gain or lose electrons and thus become electrically charged particles called _______

kinetic molecular theory

states that all matter is made up of tiny, moving particles also; the widely accepted theory that all matter is made of small particles that are in constant movement -an example of scientific theory

law of conservation of mass

states that matter is not gained or lost during a chemical reaction

compound, mixture

table salt (NaCl) is an example of a(n) _______ because sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl) are chemically bonded together. Honey is a(n) _______ of sugar and water.

asking a focused question that can be answered through testing and observation

the "right question" in science usually means ________

second, first

the __________________ law of thermodynamics is related to the generation of useless energy called entropy. The ________________ law of thermodynamics explains why the chemical energy in gasoline can be burned to provide kinetic enrgy to power a car.


the ability to do work is called __________


the accompanying illustration (see screenshot) shows how the second law of thermodynamics applies to cars: potential energy in gasoline is converted to kinetic energy to power the car, and some heat is lost in the process. This lost heat is also known as _______.


the accompanying image illustrates what common chemical reaction vital to all life on earth? get image from screenshots

controlled experiment

the best experimental design is a ___________ ____________ in which two groups differ in only one way

cannot be used to do any useful work (energy quality is very subjective based upon human energy needs)

the heat energy of the oceans is considered low-quality because it __________.


the process of respiration utilizes atmospheric _______ to break down sugar, fat, and protein molecules to release energy needed by organisms

pg 60

the scientific method involves several important identifiable components, including:

a c e

the three common states of matter are __________ (choose all that apply.) a liquid b light c solid d heat e gas f plasma

Other scientists will attempt to reproduce the same results to determine whether the theory of everything is correct (reproducibility of experiments and results is a critical last step in the scientific method before the original results will be considered reliable)

A scientist publishes the results of their latest experiment in a prestigious journal, claiming the results support their theory of everything. what will be the likely response from the rest of the scientific community?

acid rain

An example of applying the scientific method would be ______ ________


Atoms of the same element that differ from one another in the number of neutrons they contain are called _________. -For example, there are three isotopes of the element hydrogen. All hydrogen atoms have one proton and one electron, but one isotope of hydrogen has no neutrons, one has one neutron, and one has two neutrons. These isotopes behave the same chemically but have different masses since they contain different numbers of neutrons.

1. Look for statements that are specific. Statements like "contains all natural ingredients," or "biodegradable," or "nontoxic" are not useful unless there is other evidence provided to support the claim. A "natural ingredients" statement should be backed up with a list of the actual ingredients and their sources. A claim of being biodegradable is not a very useful term, since most things will biodegrade if given enough time and the proper microorganisms. However, if there are statements about how quickly materials break down or that they break down in septic systems or sewage treatment plants, you can have more confidence. A claim of being nontoxic is meaningless—nearly everything is toxic in high enough concentrations, even table salt, ethanol, and vinegar. 2. Look for evidence that companies have a general environmental commitment. Do they market in recycled containers? Do they sell concentrated products that can be diluted at home, thus saving energy? Do they sell with a minimum of packaging? 3. Look for statements about the use of recycled materials in the product. Saying a product or container is recyclable is not very useful if there is no easy way to recycle it. Does the business have a program for recycling its products? If a claim is made that the product is made from recycled materials, evaluate the claim. What percent is post-consumer waste? Many products that claim to be made from recycled materials are made from materials salvaged during the manufacturing process. 4. Look for evidence that the claims are highlighting one positive element while ignoring other important issues. A statement that a product contains no chlorine is not useful if the other ingredients are as bad or worse. 5. Look for statements that take credit for things they are legally required to do. "Meets all FDA requirements" and "contains no CFCs" are meaningless statements because it would be illegal to sell the product if it didn't meet FDA requirements and it is illegal to sell products containing CFCs.

Businesses have discovered that there is money to be made by marketing their products as ecologically friendly, Earth friendly, or green. But how do you know when a product is truly green? Most of us do not have the expertise to evaluate highly technical statements about products, so it is useful to have some general guidelines that help separate the charlatans from those that have a sincere interest in marketing a green product. Be a skeptical consumer.

a b e

How do scientists explore sources of knowledge to gain information in order to form a question? (check all that apply) a searching for information on the internet b contacting other scientists interested in the same field of study c making observations of the phenomenon being explored d creating experiments to answer the question e reading scientific publications


In other instances, atoms bond to one another chemically to form stable units called __________


Is a re-creation of an event or occurrence in a way that enables a scientist to support or disprove a hypothesis. Also; an artificial situation designed to test its validity


The results of a well-designed experiment should be able to support or disprove a ______________.

a special way of gaining information by asking questions and testing hypotheses to reach a solution

The scientific method is

false (before formulating a hypothesis, a scientist will explore other sources of knowledge to determine if the question has been asked before and if the question is intriguing enough to continue pursuing)

True or False: Scientists first formulate a hypothesis before searching science publications or contacting fellow scientists to solve their problem


When two or more atoms or ions are bonded chemically, a new kind of matter called a _________ is formed. -While only 92 kinds of atoms are commonly found, there are millions of ways atoms can be combined to form compounds. -Water (H2O), table sugar (C6H12O6), table salt (NaCl), and methane gas (CH4) are examples of compounds.

exothermic, endothermic

________ chemical reactions release enrgy. ___________chemical reactions require an input of energy to get started


___________ are the many separate happenings that can influence an experiment. Controlled experiments are designed to help account for these separate happenings by using two different groups that differ in only one way


____________ are variable combinations of atoms, ions, or molecules. -------Honey is a mixture of several sugars and water; concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, gravel, and reinforcing rods; and air is a mixture of several gases, of which the most common are nitrogen and oxygen.


____________ molecules exhibit some rather unique properties, such as the ability to dissolve nearly any. Substance, since they are polar molecules with both positive and negative ends.

atoms, element, nucleus, protons, neutrons, electrons

_____________ are fundamental subunits of matter. There are 92 kinds of (answer) found in nature. Each kind forms a specific type of matter known as an __________. Gold (Au), oxygen (O), and mercury (Hg) are examples of (answer). All atoms have a central region known as a ____________, which is composed of two kinds of relatively heavy particles: positively charged particles called __________ and uncharged particles called ____________. Surrounding the nucleus of the atom is a cloud of relatively lightweight, fast-moving, negatively charged particles called ___________.


a broad concept that shapes how scientists look at the world and how they frame their hypotheses -Because they are broad, unifying statements, there are few of them


a characteristic of the scientific method in which independent investigators must be able to reproduce the experiment to see if they get the same results

a b c

a good hypothesis _______ (choose all that apply) a should be testable b must account for all available information and observations c must be logical d should not be falsifiable e should offer a well-supported, general explanation for why things happen

hypothesis (The test of a hypothesis can take several forms. It may simply involve the collection of pertinent information that already exists from a variety of sources. )

a logical statement that explains an event or answers a question that can be tested also; a statement that provides a possible answer to a question or an explanation for an observation that can be tested


a process used to solve problems or develop understanding of nature that involves testing possible answers - distinguished from other fields of study by how knowledge is acquired rather than by what is studied

cause-and-effect relationship

a relationship between two events or things in which a change in the first leads to a change in the second


ability to detect by the senses or machines that extend the senses


built in 1910 to generate electricity, the dam along the Elwha River in Washington was removed in 2011. Not long after, populations of wild _______ were observed spawning in stretches of river formerly blocked by the dam.


one way to test a hypothesis is by designing a(n) ________ that re-creates an event or observation in such a way that it either verifies or disproves the hypothesis

perform cellular respiration

organisms convert high quality energy to low quality energy when they _________

rainbow trout mistake flies for real insects and will attempt to eat them (this statement satifies all the requirements of a good hypothesis: it is logical, accounts for all of the given information, is predicatble, and is testable)

peiople fishing for rainbow trout often use a type of lure called a fly. fish tend to be caught more easily when the fly looks similair to the type of insects found in the water at any given time. which of the following is a good hypothesis to explain why trout can be caught on flies?


provides a possible explanation for a specific question;


scientists rely on _______ because it allows for the results from experiments to be discussed, examined, and refined

science cannot solve every problem, and there is no guarantee scientists will ever find a replacement for fossil fuel

some people believe that we dont need to search for alternatives to fossil fuel because scientists will soon find or create a replacement for them. Why is this line of reasoning flawed?


things (in an experiment) that change from time to time

b c

upon closer examination, pseudoscience claims are ______ (select all that apply) A often based on preliminary data b often motivated by the desire forpersonal gain (money for presumed damages, to sell something) c not supported by unbiased tests d simply an opinion based upon well-supported scientific fact

a nucleus b electron cloud c neutron d proton

using this image of an atom, match the lettered structures with the proper term get image from screenshot

scientific method

way of gaining information (facts) about the world by forming possible solutions to questions, followed by rigorous testing to determine if the proposed solutions are valid


when energy is converted from one form to another, a common by product is ____________, such as the emissions from power plants or the wear of automobile breaks

1. there are specific causes for events observed in the natural world; 2. the causes can be identified; 3. there are general rules or patterns that can be used to describe what happens in nature 4. an even that occurs repeatedly probably has the same cause each time; 5. what one person perceives can be perceived by others; and 6. the same fundamental rules of nature apply regardless of where and when they occur

when using the scientific method, scientists make several fundamental assumptions. They presume that:

a b d

which of the following are common misconceptions regarding science (choose all that apply) (A) science is capable of solving any problem that humans face (B) scientific research is often threatening and dangerous work (C) science is just a certain way to solve problems (D) science can only be understood by very smart people

a c d

which of the following are forms of matter? (choose all that apply) A soil b energy C water D air e light

b c d

which of the following are properties exhibited by water molecules? (select all that apply) a stick together to form sheetlike structures b evaporation cools surroundings c polar molecule with positive and negative ends d can dissolve most substances e does not boil at high altitude

a c e f g

which of the following are some of the basic assumptions scientists must make when using the scientific method? (choose all that applY) A the fundaemntal rules of nature apply regardless of where and when they occur B when two different events occur at the same time, they always have the same cause c specific causes exists for events observed in the natural world d there are certain causes for events that we can never understand e the causes of observed events can be identified f events that occur repeatedly probably have the same cause g general rules can be used to describe what happend in nature


which of the following is NOT a common means for testing a hypothesis? a collecting related information b making other scientists prove you wrong c doing an experiment d making additional observations

reduces the amount of activation energy needed to start a chemical reaction

which of the statements best decribes the function of a catalyst? a CATALYst _______


without the presence of ___________ in living things, the chemical reactions essential for the existence of life would occur at temperatures that would destroy organisms

b d e

you are tasked with devising a controlled experiment to answer the question: "does the ingestion of large amounts of cheese make rats overweight?" which of the following elements must be part of your experiment to make it a success? (Choose all that apply) A control and experimental groups include few rats B an experimental group of rats fed only cheese c control group will be fed many different cheeses D control and experimental groups include many rats E a control group composed of rats that will be fed a varied diet of foods

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