environmental science final exam (all tests/quizzes)

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passed in 1976 to regulate solid and hazardous waste disposal


coal is formed when

Swamplands are buried by sediment. Then the added weight creates heat and pressure, which converts the plants to coal.

organic chemicals that vaporize readily


what pollution is most likely to reach unhealthy levels inside an office building

VOCs found in the building's foam insulation

where would you expect to have a climate with mild temperatures and frequent rain?

a coastal region at about 30 degrees latitude

acid precipitation can lead to

a decrease in a community's standard of living, an increase in respiratory ailments, and a destruction of historic monuments

an example of something biodegradable is

a leaf in a compost pile

during the process of nuclear fission,

a neutron splits a uranium-235 atom, forming new elements and releasing several neutrons, plus energy.

naturally occurring pollutants can become hazardous to health when they are

above normal levels

The lower the pH number is, the more ____________________ a substance is; the higher the pH number is, the more _____________ a substance is.

acidic, basic

normal precipitation is slightly __________ because atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the precipitation and forms ________ ________.

acidic, carbonic acid

which air pollutants can aggravate bronchial asthma in humans and cause fish to suffocate

acids formed from nitrogen compounds

a heat exchanger is used in

active solar heating

the technology that uses solar collectors to gather energy from the sun is known as

active solar heating

uses the sun's energy to heat a liquid, which then heats a building

active solar heating

what is a true statement about recycling

after they are collected, recyclable materials are cleaned and processed

may be harmful even though it's biodegradable

agricultural waste

which of the following is true? - world air quality is better today than it was in 1200 CE - sea-coal is a clean burning coal used in medieval england - air pollution began with the industrial revolution - air pollution has been recognized as a problem for two thousand years

air pollution has been recognized as a problem for two thousand years

much of the oil and natural gas in the us is located in

alaska, texas, california, and the gulf of mexico

In clear-cutting, ___ trees are removed from an area


what is not a method of reducing hazardous waste

allowing fungi to break down petroleum sludge

energy from sources that are still in development is ______________ energy


tidal power, hydrogen fuel cells, and ocean thermal energy conversion are sources of ______________ energy


what toxic substances leaches out of soil and into water when conditions are acidic?


As a result of the destruction of stratospheric ozone, scientists believe that ____________________, including frogs, toads, and salamanders, will be especially vulnerable to increased UV radiation.


a hybrid car uses

an efficient gasoline engine and an electric motor

acid precipitation can not lead to

an increase of aquatic biodiversity

which of the following does not reduce CO2 in the atmosphere - animal respiration - tropical rain forests - oceans - phytoplankton

animal respiration

Each year, most of the cases of organophosphate poisoning occur in people who are

applying the chemical to crops

renewable energy is energy from sources that

are constantly being formed

a common characteristic of all hazardous-waste land-disposal facilities is that they

are long-term storage sites

can lead to difficulty breathing and heart failure


sometimes used to clean up heavy metal waste


gastrointestinal infections are caused by

bacteria in food

which pollutant is caused by poor sanitation and can lead to gastrointestinal infections

bacteria in food

paper, wood, or fibers


what is in example of how biomass fuel is currently being used

biogas digesters ferment manure and produce methane, dung-fired power stations produce electricity, ethanol from fermenting corn is added to gasoline

using gasohol or ethanol from corn in vehicles is an example of using __________ fuel


habitat loss, soil erosion, and air pollution are disadvantages of which renewable energy resource

biomass fuel

in a ________________ ___________ humans and wildlife live side by side

biosphere reserve

the ozone layer protects living organisms on earth by

blocking solar UV radiation

Hybrid cars convert some of the energy of ____________________ into electricity.


what contributes most to acid precipitation

burning fossil fuels

Inside the combustion chamber of a coal-fired power plant,

burning fossil fuels release energy in the form of heat

what accurately describes the use of fossil fuels for energy

burning fossil fuels releases large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere

a true statement about carbon monoxide is that it

can lower the level of oxygen carried in the blood

what country consumes the most energy per person


one of the most important ecosystem services provided by forests is removing _________ __________ from the atmosphere

carbon dioxide

what pollutants are added to air by burning fuels for vehicles

carbon monoxide and many kinds of particulates

the development of an ozone hole over the poles is a result of human activities and begins when molecular _____________ from CFCs is released into the atmosphere and collects on polar stratospheric clouds


Ozone holes appear in polar regions during springtime when ozone-depleting

chlorine atoms are released from polar stratospheric clouds

two diseases that can be caused directly by pollution are

cholera and river blindness

geothermal heat pumps can heat homes by

circulating fluid underground to absorb heat from earth

the ____________ of air in the atmosphere usually keeps air pollution from reaching dangerous levels


The statement "Cool summers, cold winters with lots of snow - about 75 cm of precipitation each year" describes ________________.


what is an environmental change that scientists believe may increase the areas where malaria occurs

climate change

black lung disease is caused by

coal dust

the production of two useful forms of energy from the same fuel source is called


La Nina is the ___ phase of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation cycle.


an important property of air circulation is

cold air is denser than warm air

what correctly describes the disposal of waste by composting

composting could reduce the amount of waste that restaurants, food-processing plants, and animal feedlots send to landfills

an example of source reduction is

composting, recycling, and using canvas shopping bags

carpooling and taking public transportation are ways people can _________ energy


which of the following environmental changes is most likely to lead to the spread of parasites such as hookworm?

contaminated soil

electric generators work by

converting mechanical energy into electrical energy

what is not a main use of fuel


factors influencing what fuel source a nation uses

cost and efficiency

the process of composting

could effectively handle a variety of wastes

what most effectively allows forests to recover from tree harvesting

cutting only medium-sized or mature trees

what is an environmental change that may result in more pathogens making a cross-species transfer to humans

destroying habitats

what is true of land-use plans

developers must prepare detailed reports assessing the environmental impact of their projects, projects in environmentally sensitive areas may be hotly debated, the public often has input in land-use plans

one disadvantage of wind energy is that

difficulty of transporting the energy from its source to where it is needed

light pollution can be decreased by

directing lighting downward

construction method to prevent oil spills


during a __ ______ period, winds push warm water eastward in the pacific ocean

el nino

converts mechanical energy into electrical energy

electric generator

two thirds of the sulfur dioxide that pollutes our air is produced by

electric power plants

the energy in fossil fuels is often converted into

electrical energy

wind turbines convert the movement of the wind into ___________________

electrical energy

a photovoltaic cell converts the sun's energy into


works by giving dust particles an electrical charge

electrostatic precipitation

what can be done to sustain the productivity of rangeland

eliminate invasive plants, limit herd size, and leave the land unused for a time

what are long-term effects of air pollution

emphysema, lung cancer, heart disease

a fuel's stability is dependent on

energy content, cost, and availability

a fuels suitability is dependent on what factors

energy content, cost, availability

a good way to increase the __________ ____________ of a home is to increase the amount of insulation

energy efficiency

the percentage of energy put into a system that does useful work is

energy efficiency

study of the spread of disease


one serious consequence of climate change, a rise in sea levels, could result in _____________ of beaches


deforestation is an especially serious problem in tropical rainforests because

farmers must repeatedly clear additional forest area to obtain land that can support crops

urban sprawl involves people moving from cities to land that was previously used for

food production and open space

in developing countries, you are most likely to find biomass used

for heating and cooking

selective cutting minimizes the impact on

forest ecosystems

energy source derived from dead organisms

fossil fuel

solar energy, or energy from the sun, is contained in

fossil fuels

most air pollution is caused by

fuel burning

combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electrical energy

fuel cell

electricity is produced chemically when hydrogen and oxygen are combined in a

fuel cell

the automobile's contribution to air pollution includes

fumes that escape when the gas tank is filled and nitrogen oxides emitted in exhaust

A land-use planner might use a tool known as ____ to determine where to locate a new mall

geographic information system

a predicted increase in Earth's average temperature caused by human activities and the subsequent release of gases such as carbon dioxide is known as

global warming

the difference between global warming and climate change is that

global warming is a consequence of climate change

what is an example of land used as a protected area to preserve the scenery and ecosystems

grand canyon national park

contains sugar that is consumed by bacteria

green plastic

moderation of temperature, infiltration of rain water runoff, and aesthetic value can be provided to urban areas by

green space

water vapor and carbon dioxide reradiate infrared radiation in the atmosphere back to the surface of earth so they are called

greenhouse gases

secondary pollutant example

ground level ozone

What pathogens have made a cross-species transfer to humans

hantavirus, influenza virus, west nile virus

how do people use the land

harvest wood, grow crops, preserve native species

what is not a long-term effect of air pollution


Cities generate and trap ____________________, causing increased temperatures.


hydrogen gas can be produced by using ________ to split molecules of water


passive solar heating uses energy from the sun to ______ a home directly


noise pollution can cause

high blood pressure, hearing loss, and loss of sleep

organism in which a pathogen lives all or part of its life


The most energy-efficient vehicles available today are

hybrid cars

a tidal power plant works much like a ________________ power plant


Flooding of habitats, disruption of ecosystems downstream, and reduced productivity of farmland are disadvantages of

hydroelectric energy

what element might be the fuel of the future


what is true about hydrogen gas as a fuel source

hydrogen gas can be burned as a fuel or used to produce electricity chemically

a geothermal power plant can be used to generate electricity

in areas where reservoirs of water are heated inside earth

much of the pollution in the environment is a result of

inadequate waste disposal

one way radon and asbestos are similar is that they

increase the risk of cancer

A continuous record from Mauna Loa, Hawaii, reveals that annual average atmospheric CO2 concentrations have ____________________ since 1958.


one benefit of preserving farmland is

increased crop production

from 1970 to the present, the percentage of waste that is recycled has

increased from 6.6 percent to 30 percent

which of the following would not be a consequence of a rise in global temperature - rising sea level - increased polar ice melts - increased frequency of major storms - increased frequency of major droughts

increased polar ice melts

most of the energy consumed in the united states is used for

industrial purposes

Fire stations, roads, and bridges are examples of ____________________


hydrogen gas could be used as a fuel source in the future because it

is abundant, can be burned as fuel, and is used in fuel cells

oil production is still increasing, but it

is increasing much more slowly than in did in the 1960s

a material is biodegradable is

it can be broken down by biological processes

ultraviolet radiation is particularly dangerous because

it can damage genetic material in cells

what is not a requirement of a landfill built today

it must be a specified distance from a city or other populated area

many people move to cities in search of


the ________ _________ is an international agreement that seeks to limit CO2 emissions from developed countries

kyoto protocol

must be lined and must have a way to collect leachate


what are problems associated with landfills

leachate and methane production

brain damage and learning problems are caused by


leads to energy waste

light pollution

a fuel's stability is not dependent on


what is the most helpful thing that a consumer can do to make sure that more materials are recycled

make an effort to buy products made from recycled materials whenever possible

what produces the most solid waste


includes scrap metal, plastics, paper, sludge, and ash

manufacturing waste

what statement is true about pollutants from waste disposal

many communities release raw sewage into a river or the ocean after a heavy rain

Land that is poorly suited for building is considered ____________________ land.


buses and trains are examples of

mass transit systems

what is not a problem associated with modern landfills

materials buried in landfills decompose in three years

the methane found in landfills is a gas that

may be captured and used to produce energy

environmental damage to wilderness areas

may worsen as the U.S. population grows

in selective cutting, __________ __________ _____ __________ trees are removed from an area

medium sized and mature

when bacteria decompose organic waste, one by-product is _________________ which can be burned to generate heat and electricity

methane gas

Almost half of the acid precipitation that falls in southeastern Canada results from pollution produced in _________________________.

midwestern and eastern united states

the ____________ ____________ is an international agreement that limits CFC production

montreal protocol

Latitude strongly influences climate because _____ solar energy falls on areas that are closer to the equator than to the poles.


As the amount of ozone in the stratosphere decreases,

more ultraviolet light is able to reach earth's surface

hydroelectric energy is electricity generated from

moving water

Compared to washing clothes in warm water, washing clothes in cold water uses

much less energy

nuclear fusion

must take place at extremely high temperatures

dust storms, volcanoes, and wildfires are all

natural causes of pollution

product of nuclear fission

new nuclei and neutrons

what is not a primary air pollutant

nitric acid

when fossil fuels are burned, they release oxides of ___________ and _______

nitrogen, sulfur

what is an advantage of nuclear energy

no air pollution

can lead to stress and high blood pressure

noise pollution

energy within the nucleus of an atom

nuclear energy

what is the main reason why fewer nuclear power plants are being built today compared to 40 years ago

nuclear power plants have become too expensive to generate electricity at a reasonable cost

site of controlled fission reaction

nuclear reactor

the thinning of the ozone layer

occurs over both polar regions, is related to seasonal changes, will take many years to reverse

an alternative energy technology that uses the temperature difference between layers of water to generate electricity is

ocean thermal energy conversion

uses low pressure and warm water to boil cold water

ocean thermal energy conversion

How do oceans affect climate conditions on land

oceans are the source of most precipitation, coastal areas have more moderate climate, they redistribute warm and cold masses of water

Making products from recycled materials

often saves energy and other resources during the manufacturing process

place where petroleum is converted into gasoline

oil refinery

which type of building would most likely have poor indoor air quality?

one that is tightly sealed and air-conditioned

Strong circulating winds over Antarctica, known as the _________________________, play a role in the formation of the polar stratospheric clouds.

polar vortex

The National Farmland Protection Program was designed to

protect farmland from being developed

why is it important to preserve farmland

provides food, moderates the temperature, and provides oxygen

the designation of wilderness areas

provides for protected habitats

in the united states, all citizens share ownership of

public lands

a geothermal power plant gets energy by

pumping heated water or steam from geothermal reservoirs

a _______ _____________ is often found on the inland side of a mountain range

rain shadow

Eliminating invasive plants and replacing them with native plants is one aspect of

range improvement

Land that is used to graze livestock is known as ____________________.


what is not an environmental effect of deforestation

re-establishment of trees

the 1991 canada-us air quality agreement is meant to

reduce the acidic emission flowing across the canada-us border

what is not an environmental benefit of open spacee

reducing traffic flow

the opposite of deforestation is


energy from sources that are constantly being formed is ______________ energy


Wind, moving water, sunlight, and heat from Earth's interior are sources of

renewable energy

What is reforestation?

replanting trees in an area

a true statement about the greenhouse gases is that they

reradiate infrared radiation back to earth

people's actions cause some disease-causing bacteria to become

resistant to antibiotics

If polar ice masses melt as a result of climate change, sea levels will _________.


The average global temperature has _____ during the 20th century.

risen some years and fallen others, but increased overall

An estimate of the probability of a negative effect caused by a substance is a(n)

risk assessment

estimate of the harm that might be caused by a pathogen

risk assessment

the energy needs for the united states in the 1990s

rose slightly

what is not considered hazardous waste

rotting meat and other food waste

As opposed to urban land, ____________________ land contains relatively few people.


before 1850, most people lived in ________ areas


Regardless of where people live, they are dependent on resources produced in

rural areas

works by dissolving pollutants in water


which is often used to remove poisonous gases from industrial emissions before they are released into the atmosphere?


the environmentally preferred method of harvesting trees in

selective cutting

storage sites for nuclear wastes

should be located only in areas that are extremely geologically stable

can lead to allergic reactions to fungi and mold

sick building syndrome

the negative consequences of harvesting trees using the clear-cutting method are _____ __________ and wildlife habitat destruction

soil erosion

when the acidity of soil increases,

some nutrients are dissolved and washed away

what correctly describes biodegradable plastics

some plastics are designed to deteriorate when exposed to sunlight, plastic that contains sugars can be broken down by soil bacteria, degradable plastics usually break down into smaller pieces of plastic

primary pollutant example

soot from smoke

used to run a turbine at a power plant


Some hazardous waste is disposed of by deep-well injection. This procedure

stores wastes in layers of dry rock below the water table

toxicology is the study of the harmful effects of

substances on organisms

wind, plant growth, and the water cycle are powered by


involves settling of wastes while surface water evaporates

surface impoundment

a nuclear reactor is

surrounded by a thick pressure vessel that is filled with a cooling fluid

what would happen if earth was not titled relative to the place of its orbit

temperate regions wold no longer have seasonal changes in climate

Elevation is a factor in climate because under most conditions

temperature falls as elevation increases

seasonal changes in daylight hours and climatic conditions are caused by

the 23.5 degree tilt of Earth's axis

under the superfund act,

the EPA may sue companies that dump hazardous waste illegally.

acid precipitation can be traced back to

the burning of fossil fuels

what are the effects of a mountain range on the climate of a region

the coastal side of the range usually has high levels of rain, a desert is often found on the inland side of the range, average temperatures are lower at high elevations than at the base of the mountains

oil and natural gas result from

the decay of tiny marine organisms that accumulated on the ocean floor millions of years ago

how is electrical energy generated in a coal-fired power plant

the heat generated from burning coal turns water into steam, which turns a turbine, thus running the electric generator

an important environmental benefit of open spaces in cities includes

the improvement in air quality resulting from filtering of pollutants by plants

climate in a region is

the long-term, prevailing atmospheric conditions

most of the pollution that causes acid precipitation to fall in southeastern Canada is released from

the midwestern and eastern united states

what does not help predict future oil production

the number of oil refineries operating in the past

After an outbreak of an illness, scientists use epidemiology to try to find

the origin of the disease, how to prevent the disease from spreading, and how the disease spreads

what is true of national parks and preserves

the provide recreation to people

Which regulation requires producers of hazardous wastes to document how their wastes are handled?

the resource conservation and recovery act

new nuclei and neutrons result from

the splitting of an atom's nucleus

chlorofluorocarbon molecules are environmentally significant because

their chlorine atoms can destroy many stratospheric ozone molecules

Given that most people live in urban areas, why should rural areas be preserved?

they provide ecological services

Deforestation is particularly harmful in tropical rain forests because the soil is ____________________


in a nuclear power plant,

three pipe circuits pump water through the reactor, turbine, and cooling tower

which of the following activities is the largest producer of primary air pollutants in the united states


what are main uses of fuel

transportation, manufacturing, and heating and cooling buildings

Radon is one of the elements produced by the decay of ____________________, a radioactive element that occurs naturally in Earth's crust.


where do most americans live

urban areas

Traffic jams, substandard housing, and polluted air and water can be caused by rapid growth in cities, a phenomenon known as

urban crisis

the movement of people from rural areas cities is called


a lifestyle change that can help conserve energy is

using less of any resource

what would increase energy efficiency in the us

using public transportation and developing ore efficient engines for vehicles

what is an example of cogeneration

using the waste heat from a furnace to power a steam turbine

transmitter of a disease to people


air pollution is a major health problem caused by the burning of fuels in

vehicles, power plants and factories, home furnaces

which of the following is an advantage of using fossil fuels for energy

versatility in their uses

large quantities of gaseous sulfur dioxide can reach the upper atmosphere following a

volcanic eruption

a true statement about the physical properties of air is that

warm air can hold more water vapor than an equal amount of cold air

temperature inversions work to trap pollution when

warm air keeps cooler air at the surface from moving upward

what is an observation that helps to explain circulation patterns in the atmosphere?

warm air rises and cools as it rises

rain frequently results whenever

warm, moist air rises

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is considered an emerging virus because it

was previously unknown

most infection diseases are transmitted through


how do oceans not affect climate conditions on land

water cools earth because it reflects the most sunlight

the environment is an important factor in the spread of cholera and dysentery because

water provides a habitat in which the pathogens breed

which of the following gases is most responsible for the greenhouse effect? -nitrous oxide -methane -oxygen -water vapor

water vapor

the statement, "it's hot and sunny today, the temperature is 88 degrees Fahrenheit at 11 am" describes


heat islands affect local

weather patterns

Areas that are protected from development and environmental damage are known as ____________________ areas.


the most protected public lands are ____________ areas


what type of area is protected from exploitation


the fastest growing source of energy in the world is

wind power

During summer in the Southern Hemisphere, the Northern Hemisphere experiences


what are major sources of biomass fuel in developing countries

wood, dung

in 1870, the first national park established to protect and preserve the land for future generations was


Populations of tiny, shrimp-like animals known as _________________________ may be reduced by climate change.


how long will it take for CFCs released from Earth's surface today to reach the stratosphere

10 to 20 years

Each U.S. resident uses the ecosystem services provided by roughly

12 hectares of land

the us census bureau defines an urban area as an area that contains more than

2,500 people

according to the united states environmental protection agency, what percentage of the approved or proposed superfund sites have been cleaned up

341 out of 1,620

what percentage of the energy needed to make aluminum cans from ore is needed to make recycled aluminum cans from used aluminum cans

5 percent

what best describes measurements of CO2 levels in the atmosphere since 1958?

CO2 levels are higher in winter and lower in summer, but the winter "highs" have increased each year and the summer "lows" have not fallen as far

damage to _____ in cells of living organisms is caused by exposure to UV radiation


The Clean Air Act, passed in 1970 and strengthened in 1990, gives the ___________________________________ the authority to regulate vehicle emissions in the United States.


what statement about global warming is not accurate? - carbon dioxide levels have risen over the last 30 years -only fossil fuels, not living plants, release carbon dioxide when burned - global temperature and carbon dioxide concentration are related - by itself, reforestation is not sufficient to slow global warming

only fossil fuels, not living plants, release carbon dioxide when burned

the main problem with so-called biodegradable plastic is that

only its organic portion actually decomposes

most damage to rangeland comes from


what has not resulted from urban sprawl


Stratospheric _________ is destroyed by chlorine atoms released from CFCs.


What pollutant forms when automobile emissions react with oxygen gas and ultraviolet rays?


involved in the formation of smog


aquatic animals are adapted to live in an environment within a particular ___ range


what pH measurement of rainwater would indicate acid precipitation

pH 4.1

Which items make up the largest percentage of waste produced by households and businesses?

paper products

activities such as construction and agriculture are primary sources of

particulate matter

what pollutant is found in vehicle exhaust, burning waste, fires, and tobacco smoke

particulate matter

In an electrostatic precipitator, gas containing _________________________ is blown through a chamber containing an electric current.


asthma, bronchitis, and cancer are caused by


uses the sun's energy to heat a building directly

passive solar heating

organism that causes disease


Though CFC production has been cut back, the threat to stratospheric ozone continues because CFCs ____________________ in the atmosphere for decades.


though CFC production has been curtailed, the threat to upper atmospheric ozone continues because CFCs

persist and continue to break down ozone for decades

nerve damage, birth defects, and cancer are caused by


uses the sun's energy and a semiconductor to produce a very small amount of electrical energy

photovoltaic cell

solar cells are also called

photovoltaic cells

As a result of the destruction of stratospheric ozone, single-celled organisms called _________________________, that live near the ocean's surface, can be killed by increased UV radiation.


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