ES 1123 Unit 2

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removing introns, RNA splicing, adding 5' cap and poly-A tail.

"pre mRNA" processing includes:


"start transcribing" signal is a DNA sequence at beginning of gene called a

Transcription (simplified)

"start transcribing" signal is a DNA sequence at beginning of gene called a promoter RNA polymerase and transcription factors attach at promoter and RNA synthesis begins (5' -> 3' direction)

Natural selection

"survival (and reproduction) of the fittest"


- in simple Mendelian inheritance, the allele that, when inherited, is expressed*

Polygenic Inheritance

-Multiple genes control a phenotype -Additive effects of two or more genes on a single phenotype -E.g., height and eye color in humans


-can occur during meiosis I or II

Thymine, cytosine

1. Adenine pairs with? Guanine pairs with?

she died before getting nobel prize, found X-rays on DNA.

2. Who was Rosalind Franklin?

Mendel's law of segregation

3:1 ratio Ratios of F2 generation from monohybrid cross became the basis for:

Turner Syndrome

45 chromosomes (has just one X chromosome)


: nitrogenous base consist of

Nonrandom mating

: sexual selection, female choice

Handicap principle

: trait carries risk, so must be a strong mate

Gene flow

: transfer of alleles from one population to another (migration events)


A group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendants.

Sexual selection

Acts on an organism's ability to obtain a mate and successfully reproduce

Peripatric Speciation

Agrostis tenuis plants span mine tailings and uncontaminated soils. Some individuals are tolerant of mine waste, some are not. This is a heritable trait. Though some hybridization could occur, differences in flowering times substantially prevent gene flow.

Genetic Drift

Allele and genotype frequencies change by chance

simple Mendelian inheritance

Allele is either dominant or recessive Two possible alleles per trait gene is found on autosome

Initiation of translation

An mRNA molecule binds to a small ribosomal subunit, then the initiator tRNA binds to the start codon, where translation is to begin on the mRNA. A large ribosomal subunit binds to the small one, creating a functional ribosome.


An organism's __________ is its genetic makeup, the sequence of nucleotide bases in DNA.

random nature of fertilization adds a huge amount of potential variability to the offspring of sexual reproduction

At fertilization event, how many possible combinations from two human individuals?

two complementary strands of DNA nucleotides

Basic DNA Structure

double helix

Basic DNA Structure is twisted into:

ZW = female; ZZ = male

Birds, Lepidoptera (moths, butterflies), and some fish:

Genetic Drift

Can have strong effects when bottleneck or founder effects have occurred to dramatically decrease allele frequencies


Central Dogma: DNA -> ______ -> protein


Central Dogma: DNA -> mRNA -> _______


Central Dogma: ________ -> mRNA -> protein

individuals that are best-adapted to an environment survive and reproduce more than those that are less well-adapted

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection said that A. characteristics acquired during an organism's life span are passed onto offspring B. new species spontaneously arise as a result of mutation C. individuals that are best-adapted to an environment survive and reproduce more than those that are less well-adapted D. evolution happens very quickly

Sympatric Speciation

Chromosome doubling in plants is common mechanism

gene pool

Collection of all alleles in a population is called its

nitrogenous base, deoxyribose sugar, and phosphate group

DNA Nucleotide consists of:

a cell and an organism as a whole.

DNA provides instructions to



Struggle for existence, Heritable variation, Natural selection, evolution

Darwin's model of evolution by natural selection

charles lyell(founded fossils) and lamarck(founded inherited of acuired characteristics) influenced darwin's theory of natural selection. the mechanism for evolution ("descent with modification"). Struggle for existence which more offspring are produced than are able to survive, resources are limited, and competition for resources among individuals exists. Heritable variation is variation exist among individuals of population much of its variation is heritable. Natural Selections is individuals with traits best suited to local environment generally produce most surviving fertile offspring. traits will be better represented in next generation. evolution over many generations natural selection gradually produces new species based on population, not individuals. he also did Common descent: organisms inhabiting Earth today descended from one ancestral species. observing from phyogeny tree.

Darwin's model of evolution by natural selection

4 nonidentical haploid daughter cells

Diploid parent cell yields

Trisomy 21

Down's Syndrome has

50 years

Down's Syndrome has Trisomy 21, which has life span about:

Autosome Aneuploidy:

Down's Syndrome is example of

extra nucleotides at the ends of the RNA transcript

Eukaryotic mRNA processing, adding a 5' cap and poly-A tail consisting of:

Independent Assortment

Every chromosome pair orients independently of all of the others at metaphase I.

Punctuated Equilibrium

Explains discontinuous evolutionary changes observed in fossil record

Sympatric Speciation

Exploitation of new niche Apple maggot flies cichlids


Females have this type of chomosome


For a species with four pairs of chromosomes (2n=8), ________ chromosome combinations are possible.


For any species, the total number of chromosome combinations that can appear in the gametes due to independent assortment is

Sex-linked Inheritance

Gene carried on sex chromosome

Law of Independent Assortment

Genes for different traits assort independently of one another in the formation of gametes*

transcription and translation

Genotype becomes phenotype through two consecutive processes:

accumulation of small changes over long period of time

Geological change occurs gradually by: (as opposed to catastrophic events in recent past) -> earth is very old

Incomplete Dominance

Heterozygote displays an intermediate/blended phenotype


If one side of a DNA strand reads 3' TAC GGT AGT CAA ACT 5' other would read(complementary DNA sequence):

3' TAAGC 5'

If one side of a DNA strand reads 5' ATTCG 3' ,the other side would read

Dihybrid Cross

In Labradors, the allele for a black coat is dominant over the allele for a brown coat, and the allele for normal vision is dominant over the allele for blindness. example of

Sex-linked Inheritance

In humans, most sex-linked genes are carried on the X chromosome

During prophase I there is one diploid cell; during prophase II there are two haploid cells.

In meiosis, how does prophase I differ from prophase II? A) During prophase I there is one diploid cell; during prophase II there are two haploid cells. B) During prophase I chromosomes line up single file in the middle of the cell; during prophase II the chromosomes line up in double file in the middle of the cell. C) During prophase I the chromosomes coil up; the chromosomes are not coiled up during prophase II. D) In prophase I the sister chromatids are attached; in prophase II the sister chromatids are separated.

change the reading frame of the genetic message lead to disastrous effects.

Insertions and deletions can


Klinefelter's Syndrome has this type of chromosome

may develop certain traits that it passes on to its offspring, thus, acquired traits are inherited

Lamarck suggested inheritance of acquired characteristics Wrongly proposed that by using or not using its body parts, an individual


Males are _____________ for sex-linked genes because they have just one X chromosome


Males have this type of chromosome:

two, gametes

Meiosis has one or two rounds of cell division? what is produced


Meiotic Error

the dihybrid cross

Mendel also crossed parent plants who differed on two characteristics

explains why pea plants can have yellow peas that are wrinkled or smooth, as well as green peas that are wrinkled or smooth

Mendel's law of independent assortment A) states that alleles segregate from each other in the formation of gametes B) was developed after Mendel observed the results of his monohybrid crosses C) explains why pea plants can have yellow peas that are wrinkled or smooth, as well as green peas that are wrinkled or smooth D) none of the above

Gene Flow

Migration in or out of a population can cause changes in allele frequencies

gene flow

Migration of individuals in and out of a population would increase A) genetic drift B) gene flow C) natural selection D) mutation rates E) bottleneck effects


More than one dominant allele (but recessive allele can also exist) Heterozygous for two dominant alleles displays both

nucleotide substitutions (the replacement of one base by another) nucleotide deletions or insertions (the loss or addition of a nucleotide).

Mutations within a gene can be divided into two general categories:

Parapatric Speciation

New species is formed from a continuously distributed population There is no specific barrier to gene flow

Peripatric Speciation

Occurs when a smaller population is genetically isolated from a larger population, often on edge of geographic range

Klinefelter's Syndrome

Often not noticed until adolescence or adulthood Tall, feminine body shape, underdeveloped secondary sex characteristics, mainly infertile

Founder Effect

Over time, the new population becomes genetically isolated from original

sex chromosomes

Pair 23: (two types: X and Y)


Pairs 1-22: (do not determine sex)

easy to grow came in many readily distinguishable varieties can self-fertilize

Pea plants - model system in which are:

Allopatric Speciation

Populations are geographically separated from parent species, subsequently evolve

Recombination: Prophase 1

Prophase I of meiosis Nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange corresponding segments


Punnett squares show the ______________ that a given offspring will display a particular genotype and phenotype

transcription Elongation

RNA grows longer, peels away from DNA template

RNA polymerases

RNA nucleotides are linked by the transcription enzymes called

Transcription (DNA to mRNA)

RNA nucleotides are linked by the transcription enzymes called RNA polymerases

transcription Termination

RNA polymerase detaches from the RNA and the gene

transcription Termination

RNA polymerase reaches ____________ in the DNA template, signaling the end of the gene

When two or more characteristics are inherited, the inheritance of one character has no effect on the inheritance of another.

Results of dihybrid cross told Mendel that:

Reproductive Isolation

Separation of species or populations so that they cannot interbreed and produce fertile offspring

46 in somatic cells

Sex Determination - Humans which in 2n =

Temperature-dependent sex determination in many egg-laying reptiles (turtles, crocodiles, tuatara)

Sex determination can be affected by environmental or behavioral conditions rather than by sex chromosomes

environmental or behavioral conditions

Sex determination can be affected by this rather than by sex chromosomes

Founder Effect

Small group of individuals splits from main population to found new colony

Turner Syndrome

Small, infertile females, webbed neck

1) Independent assortment of chromosomes 2) Random Fertilization 3) Recombination (Crossing Over)

Sources of Genetic Variation in Sexually Reproducing Organisms

translation Elongation

Step 1: Codon recognition. The anticodon of an incoming tRNA pairs with the mRNA codon at the A site of the ribosome. Step 2: Peptide bond formation. The polypeptide leaves the tRNA in the P site and attaches to the amino acid on the tRNA in the A site. The ribosome has an RNA-based enzyme called peptidyl transferase that catalyzes the bond formation between the two amino acids. *requires energy Step 3: Translocation. The P site tRNA leaves the ribosome. The tRNA carrying the polypeptide moves from the A to the P site.

-Domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species

Taxonomic ranks- indicate the general degree of inclusiveness per group


The Genetic Code "special" because also "start codon" (always at beginning of protein)

tell ribosome to stop synthesizing protein

The Genetic Code -3 "stop" codons means:


The _____________ is the organism's physical traits, which arise from the actions of a wide variety of proteins.

a repeating sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate pattern

The backbone of DNA consists of ______. A) nitrogenous bases B) a repeating sugar-nucleotide-sugar-nucleotide pattern C) a repeating sugar-phosphate-sugar-phosphate pattern D) paired nucleotides

Mendel's Law of Segregation

The fact that the recessive trait reappeared in the F2 generation meant that the traits remained separate (did not blend) in the plants of the F1 generation.


The formation of two species from one original species Two new populations form from one original population Two new populations evolve to be unable to interbreed

peptidyl transferase

The ribosome has an RNA-based enzyme called ___________ ___________ that catalyzes the bond formation between the two amino acids. *requires energy

Mendel's Law of Segregation

The two members of a gene pair (alleles) segregate from each other in the formation of gametes.

Initiation, Elongation, Termination

Transcription (simplified) steps

uracil (U) for thymine (T)

Transcription: DNA to mRNA substitutes:

has an anticodon that is complementary to a corresponding mRNA codon

Transfer RNA (tRNA) A) has an anticodon that is complementary to a corresponding mRNA codon B) carries an amino acid to the site of transcription C) catalyzes bond formation between amino acids D) reads the mRNA and coordinates functions of the ribosome


Transfer RNA (tRNA) matches amino acids with codons in mRNA using _________________, a special triplet of bases that is complementary to a codon triplet on mRNA

When the stop codon reaches the ribosome's A site, the completed polypeptide (amino acid chain) is freed, and the ribosome splits back into its subunits Then, protein folds into complex 3-D shape

Translation 3. Termination

The polypeptide leaves the tRNA in the P site and attaches to the amino acid on the tRNA in the A site The ribosome has an RNA-based enzyme called peptidyl transferase that catalyzes the bond formation between the two amino acids. *requires energy

Translation Elongation Step 2: Peptide bond formation.

The P site tRNA leaves the ribosome. The tRNA carrying the polypeptide moves from the A to the P site.

Translation Elongation Step 3: Translocation.

< 1 yr

Trisomy 18 and 13 can also produce live birth, but infants live

45 (has just one X chromosome)

Turner Syndrome has how many chromosomes?

segregation and independent assortment

Two mendel "laws" are:

XYY syndrome

Typically no unusual features Normal sexual development, fertile (typically) Behavioral and emotional difficulties possible

two haploid

Upon completion of telophase I and cytokinesis of meiosis, there is(are) ______ cell(s). A) four haploid B) two diploid C) two haploid D) one diploid E) four diploid

one allele, and the other half carry the other allele

We now know that this is achieved during meiosis (specifically Meiosis I), when half the daughter gametes produced carry

series of three nucleotides that codes for one amino acid, it is the smallest number of nucleotides to change the genetic message

What is a codon?

physical expression of the genotype

What is a phenotype?


What type of speciation is illustrated in the figure? (The blue line represents a river.) A) allopatric B) sympatric C) peripatric D) parapatric

incomplete dominance

When a white rabbit and a black rabbit mate, their offspring are grey. What pattern of inheritance does this represent? A) codominance B) incomplete dominance C) sex-linked inheritance D) simple Mendelian inheritance E) dominant inheritance

Independent Assortment

When aligned during metaphase I of meiosis, the side-by-side orientation of each homologous pair of chromosomes is a matter of chance.

the ribosome attaches to the promoter

Which of the following does not happen during eukaryotic transcription? A) the RNA polymerase binds to a promoter region of the DNA B) transcription factors bind to a promoter region of the DNA C) the ribosome attaches to the promoter D) an RNA transcript of a gene is produced

in a sexually reproducing diploid organism, each body cell has four alleles per gene

Which of the following is not true of alleles? A) they are alternate forms of a gene B) in a sexually reproducing diploid organism, each body cell has four alleles per gene C) a diploid individual may inherit two of the same alleles D) they occupy the same position on homologous chromosomes E) all of the above are true of alleles

Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell

Which of the following is not true of cell division by meiosis? A) Daughter cells are identical to the parent cell B) daughter cells are haploid (1n) C) this process produces gametes D) two rounds of cell division occur


Which of the following patterns of inheritance violates Mendel's law of independent assortment? A) epistasis B) polygenic inheritance C) linkage D) pleiotropy E) incomplete dominance

Met - Gln - Arg

Which of the following polypeptides results from the RNA sequence 5' AUG - CAA - AGA 3'? A) Met - Tyr - Arg B) Tyr - Val - Ser C) Met - Gln - Arg D) Ser - Val - Tyr

inheritance of acquired characteristics

Wrongly proposed that by using or not using its body parts, an individual may develop certain traits that it passes on to its offspring, thus, acquired traits are inherited


XX = female; XO = male males arise from an unfertilized egg


a few members of a species move to a new geographical area (founder effect)


a trait that increases an individual's chances of survival


accumulation of small changes over time lead to different life forms Calls for series of intermediate forms not seen in fossil record

Transfer RNA (tRNA)

acts as a molecular interpreter

Natural selection

acts on an individual; causes changes in gene frequencies of populations over time (evolution)


adding a 5' cap and poly-A tail consisting of extra nucleotides at the ends of the RNA transcript Protects mRNA from:


adenine pairs with this only in DNA


adenine pairs with this only in rna

specific epithet

adjective must agree in gender with species and never used alone

universal code

all living things use same "code"

Phylogenetic species concept

all members of a species share a common ancestor (monophyly)

common descent

all members of species trace ancestry to common ancestor

adaptive radiation

alloatric species that occurs when individuals in population find different niches and diverge from funder species to many species


alternate forms of a gene; occupy same position on homologous chromosomes.

one strand runs 5'-> 3', the other runs 3' -> 5'

anti-parallel of DNA structure:

taxonomic characters

any features used to study vartiation within and among species, may be morphological, biochemical or molecular features


as refinement of traits that equip organisms to perform successfully in their environment

RNA polymerase and transcription factors

attach at promoter and RNA synthesis begins (5' -> 3' direction)

Punctuated Equilibrium

brief events of rapid speciation, followed by long intervals of stasis

disruptive selection

can lead to a balance between two or more contrasting phenotypic forms in a population.


carried on the same chromosome and located close together, and often violate the law of independent assortment

Transfer RNA (tRNA)

carries amino acids


change in gene frequencies over time


change over time

Genetic drift

changes in allele frequencies due to random forces (sampling error); strongest effects in small populations (such as in case of bottleneck effect or founder effect)


changes in the DNA produce novel genotypes and phenotypes

derived characteristic

characteristic that appears in recent parts of a lineage, but not in its older members


characteristics inherited with some modification from a corresponding feature in common ancestor

Morphological species concept

characterizes species by physical characteristics

scientific name

consist of two words, normally in latin


constructiong groups of oplrganism based on common feauture

Ribosomes (rRNA)

coordinate the functions of mRNA and tRNA


derived character share by ....

Sexual dimorphism

differences in appearances of males and females of species


due to convergent evolution, non homologus similar fuond in varoius, common descent misinterpret

Random Fertilization

each gamete represents one of _?_ different chromosome combinations from an individual


evolutionary tree

Stabilizing selection

favors intermediate phenotypes, occurs in relatively stable environments, and is the most common.

founder effect

few member of species move to new geographic area

scientific name

formal name of species

perpetually changing

fossil record as evidence that the living world is

Modern Synthesis: Darwin meets genetics

fusion of genetics with evolutionary biology -describes how evolutionary processes can affect population's genetic makeup


gametes with an incorrect number of chromosomes are produced; offspring resulting from these gametes have incorrect number of chromosomes


gene interactions affect phenotypes; often one gene masks or interferes with expression of another


genotype in which alleles are different


genotype in which alleles are the same


goal of systemiatics to infer phylogeny relates all extent extinction

discover all speces, rebuild and classify organisms evolutionary relationships

goals of systematics


group of individuals of same species, living in same place at same time; smallest biological unit that can evolve


help carry out translation

less than 20% of all extent organisms are known

how many species are on earth?

F1 generation

hybrid progeny of P generation; these were then crossed to produce F2 generation.


in simple Mendelian inheritance, the allele that will only be expressed if the individual is homozygous for this allele*

taxonomic ranks

indicate general degree of inclusiveness per group

Biological species concept

individuals of the same species may interbreed with each other, but are reproductively isolated from other species

monohybrid cross

individuals who are "hybrids" for one trait from F1 generation are crossed

Natural selection

individuals with traits best suited to the local environment generally produce the most surviving, fertile offspring These traits will be better represented in next generation.

reproductive community

interbreeding is critical for maintaining reproductive community

Natural selection

is the mechanism for evolution ("descent with modification").

test cross

is used to determine a phenotypically dominant individual's genotype

RNA splicing

joining exons together to form messenger RNA (mRNA)

Reduction division

keeps the chromosome number from doubling every generation

Turner Syndrome, Klinefelter's Syndrome, XYY syndrome

list Sex Chromosome Aneuploidy:

amino acids

mRNA letters code for


major goal of systematics is to infer __________ that relates all exant and extinct species


major group of organism at each level in hierarchy

Transcription (DNA to mRNA)

makes complementary RNA strand from a DNA template


mathematical measurement of likelihood

Struggle for existence

more offspring are produced than are able to survive resources are limited therefore, competition for resources among individuals exists.


more specific form of classification, placing groups in units of common evolutionary descent.

redundant code

more than one codon for most amino acids

haploid number

n is the


naming and classification of organisms; part of broader science of systematics

Sexual selection

natural selection arising from preference by one sex for certain characteristics in individuals of other sex


natural situation physically divides organisms

parapatric speciation

new species formed from continuosly distributed population- there is no barrier to gene flow


nitrogenous bases are paired to form "rungs of ladder" A pairs with:


nitrogenous bases are paired to form "rungs of ladder" C pairs with:

removing introns

noncoding regions of the RNA

genus name

noun and refer to only single group


occurs in Bees, ants, wasps


offspring of true-breeding individuals always have same traits of interest as parents


on Y chromosome, responsible for development of fetus into a male


one common ancestor and all descendent


one gene influences several characteristics E.g., sickle cell disease

hierachial system

organisms arrange in ascending groups with increased inclusiveness still use today, still use this hieracical system

Common descent

organisms inhabiting Earth today descended from one ancestral species.


over many generations, natural selection gradually produces new species

test cross

performed by crossing the individual in question with a homozygous recessive individual

common ancestor not homoplasies

phylogenetic reconst. compare characters from

taxonomic characters

phylogenies are build by analyzinf features called_______ that vary among species


physical expression of the genotype


presence of abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell

Sympatric Speciation

process of speciation within the same space

F2 generation

progeny of F1 generation cross

radiometric dating

radioactive decay of some naturally occurring elements is independent of heat and pressure ("radioactive clocks")

Allele frequency

rate at which specific allele is present in population's gene pool


recombination can extensively reshuffle alleles, but genes close together typically inherited together

descent with modification, derieved characters, ansectral and then derived

reconstruct phylogenies princicple

law of stratigraphy

relative dating system for fossils, with older on bottom of rock layers, younger on top


representation of evolutionary lineage in a branching tree

Natural selection

results in change in gene frequencies over time

evolutionary relationships

science of classifying organisms based on

italics or underlined if handwritten

scientific name should be named in


segment of DNA located on a chromosome that codes for a specific protein in an organism (typically thousands of nucleotides long).

Natural selection

selects for beneficial alleles, and against deleterious alleles


separate chromosomes will always assort independently


sequence of DNA that codes for a protein ("trait")


series of three nucleotides that codes for one amino acid

ancestral characteristic

similarity that arose prior to the common ancestor of the group

peripatric speciation

small population isolated from larger population

sympatric speciation

speciation occurs in same area

allopatric speciation

speciation occurs when populations become geo. separated from parent species


species having very large geographic ranges or worldjwide distribution.

smallest distinct groupings

species must be smallest unit sharing pattern of ancestry and descent


species very restricted geographic distributions, continuous or disjunct.

Natural selection

survival and reproduction of the fittest; alleles that confer adaptive advantage become more common in population

domain, kingdom, phylon, class, order, family ,genus, species

taxonomic ranks from general to specific

transcription Termination

the DNA strands rejoin and "pre-mRNA" is released


the alleles for a gene that an individual possesses (in diploid organisms, homozygous or heterozygous)


the code


the members of a chromosome pair fail to separate at anaphase I or II

the number of thymine (T) residues

the number of adenine (A) residues always equals:

the number of cytosine (C) residues

the number of guanine (G) residues always equals:

the number of pyrimidines (T+C)

the number of purines (A+G) always equals:


the parts of the gene that are expressed

the dihybrid cross

the phenotypic ratios of F2 generation were 9:3:3:1

Genetic recombination

the production of gene combinations different from those carried by parental chromosomes


the transfer of genetic information from DNA into an RNA molecule


the transfer of information from RNA into a protein.

Good genes hypothesis

trait signals good immune system/metabolism/genetic superiority

The anticodon of an incoming tRNA pairs with the mRNA codon at the A site of the ribosome.

translation Elongation Step 1: Codon recognition.

P0 (P) generation

true-breeding plants from different "strains"; these were crossed to produce F1 generation

Adaptive Radiation

type of allopatric speciation -population disperses throughout an area, individuals find distinct niches Multiple speciation events over time from a single ancestral (founder) species Darwin's finches are example


used differently between classification and systematization

Heritable variation

variation exists among individuals of a population much of this variation is heritable

Adenine and Guanine

what are purines?

thymine and cytosine

what are pyrimidines?

thymine and cytosine

what consist prymidine?

adenine and guanine

what consist purine?

met Pro ser val STOP

what is amino acid based of mrna strand 5' ATG CCA TCA GTT TGA 3' AUG CCA UCA GUU UGA

1:2:1, 3(red):1(pink)

what is genotype of Rr*Rr what is phenotype


what is mrna translate based of cmplementary sequence of 5' ATG CCA TCA GTT TGA 3'


wht is back bone of DNA nucleotide?

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