Evaluating Mental and Emotional Health

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Abraham Maslow developed his hierarchy of needs by studying people in poor health.


One genetic factor that can influence your personality is __________. A. support B. love C. security D. aptitude

D. aptitude

Our esteem-based needs are met by developing self-respect and achieving our personal goals.


Based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, explain why someone who is financially stable is more likely to be focused on social experiences than someone who does not have enough money to buy his or her next meal.

A person who is financially stable is more likely based on social experiences than someone who does not have enough money to buy his or her next meal because the person who is more financially stable can afford to participate in leisurely activity while the person who isn't financially stable couldn't go to places like Bali or go abroad. A person who is struggling financially probably won't be spending money on trips, parties, dinners, or going out to the mall. They would probably spend their money on bills, food, and other necessities. They would prioritize needs over wants.

The most basic level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs are __________ needs. A. physical B. social C. self-actualization D. esteem

A. physical

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, explain what needs must be met in order for a person to reach self-actualization.

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, a person needs to fulfill their physical, safety, social, and esteem needs. Maslow's hierarchy can be imagined as a pyramid. The bottom of the pyramid is physical needs because it is the most tangible out of all the needs. As a person moves up the ladder, the needs become less tangible and more complex.

Before reaching the higher levels of Maslow's hierarchy, one must __________. A. rise above daily problems by improving one's emotional health B. build a strong foundation by satisfying the lower level needs C. free oneself of relationships that tend to cause complications in life D. separate oneself from others who have problems

B. build a strong foundation by satisfying the lower level needs

Those with good emotional health __________. A. always have good mental health B. express both positive and negative feelings appropriately C. can suppress their feelings without consequence D. never get angry

B. express both positive and negative feelings appropriately

Explain how someone can have a sense of belonging while remaining independent.

Being independent means that you have the ability to make confident decisions about your life and that you're responsible for your own behavior. Having a sense of belonging means that you feel like you belong to a bigger group, such as a family or community. You can remain independent and make confident decisions about your own life while participating in a larger community.

Which of the following BEST describes self-actualization? A. breaking down your life into the key components B. learning to achieve without help from others C. reaching your maximum potential in life D. accepting your faults

C. reaching your maximum potential in life

Which of Maslow's needs are related to our environmental health? A. physical B. social C. safety D. esteem

C. safety

Independent individuals __________. A. live without human interaction B. are irresponsible and controlling C. make confident decisions about their lives D. avoid the complicated relationships of life

C.make confident decisions about their lives

Justify why children often have the same habits and mannerisms as their parents.

Children often have the same habits and mannerisms of their parents for two main reasons. Children inherit specific genetic characteristics from their parents, which can include intelligence and reasoning abilities, preferences for various activities, etc. Children also adopt some learned habits from their parents due to living in the same environment. These may include dieting behaviors, sleep patterns, emotional behaviors, etc.

Which of the following is NOT an important characteristic of good mental and emotional health? A. independence B. sense of belonging C. high self-esteem D. blaming others

D. blaming others

Good mental health is defined as the absence of emotional problems.


Those with high self-esteem are highly critical of their strengths and weaknesses.


Our personality is based solely on the environment in which we live.


Provide an example of how mental and emotional health can affect behavior.

If an individual is mentally and emotionally healthy, he or she is better able to handle difficult life challenges or problems because individuals who are mentally and emotionally healthy are likely to have a positive outlook, higher self-esteem, and feel a sense of belonging and purpose. However, if your emotional and mental health is poor, you're more likely to be negative and not cope well with everyday stresses, such as losing a job.

How can good self-esteem help you through difficult situations?

Self-esteem can help you through difficult situations by having the ability to better able to accept challenges and take failure in stride, realistic about strengths and weaknesses, and respect for self and others. You will be able to cope difficult situations as you see it as somewhat of a challenge.

Unfortunately, a good personality can be overshadowed by poor mental or emotional health.


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