Exam 1 Multiple Choice

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Piaget suggested that secondary circular reactions, the third substage of the sensorimotor stage, occurs between ages __________ and is characterized by the infant becoming more object-oriented, moving beyond preoccupation with the self.

4 and 8 months

For the average infant, social smiles appear as early as __________ in response to a caregiver's voice.

4 months

Babies born after a regular period of gestation but weighing less than __________ pounds are called low-birthweight infants.

5 1/2

In stage __________ of labor, contractions cause the woman's cervix to stretch and open.


The average North American newborn is __________ inches long and weighs __________ pounds.

20; 7 ½

Humans have __ pairs of chromosomes.


At birth, the newborn's brain is about ______ of its adult weight.


__________ is to operant conditioning, as __________ is to social cognitive theory.

Skinner; Bandura

Which country has the most extensive family leave policy for new parents?


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is

a genetic disorder in which an individual cannot properly metabolize a specific, naturally-occurring amino acid

An epidural block is a type of regional __________.


Which of Erikson's stages emphasizes the development of independence during the second year of life?

autonomy versus shame and doubt

What type of cry is characterized by a rhythmic pattern of a cry, brief silence, short whistle, and a brief rest before the next cry?

basic cry

A(n) __________ is someone who seeks to discover the influence of heredity and environment on individual differences in human traits and development.

behavior geneticist

The main theme of the ecological approach of Eleanor and James Gibson is to discover

both how perception guides action and how action guides perception

A phenotype can include what kind of information?

both psychological and physical characteristics

An infant would use which of the following reflexes to obtain food?

both sucking and rooting

The National Longitudinal Study of Child Care conducted in 1991 revealed that

by 4 months of age, most infants have entered some form of non-maternal child care

Which type of research method involves an in-depth look at one individual?

case study

The surgical removal of the baby from the uterus is called a

cesarean section

What is an assumption of Vygotsky's perspective on development?

children don't adapt their thinking to new ideas via the processes of assimilation and accommodation

The process we refer to when we speak of changes in an individual's thought, intelligence, and language is the _________ process.


Which research strategy simultaneously compares individuals of different ages?


Sociocultural contexts include five important concepts: context, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and gender. Which of these five concepts could be defined as "the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation"?


According to Bronfenbrenner's theory, the macrosystem is

culture in which individuals live

Andrew Meltzoff is known for

demonstrating infants' imitative abilities

The visual cliff is used to study infant

depth perception

Developmental psychologists suggest that some characteristics develop and change over time. What does this suggest?

development is plastic

FAS is a cluster of abnormalities that appears in the offspring of mothers who __________ in pregnancy.

drink alcohol heavily

Research evaluating Piaget's sensorimotor stage suggests that perceptual development occurs __________ than Piaget suggested, and that conceptual development occurs __________ than Piaget envisioned.

earlier; earlier

What are the three basic types of infant temperament?

easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up

The endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm develop during the __________ period.


Regarding gender differences in parental caregiving, which of the following statements is TRUE? A. Paternal interactions are more likely to involve discipline and less likely to include play. B. Mothers engage in more rough-and-tumble play with their infants than do fathers. C. Infants consistently demonstrate a preference for the mother regardless of the availability of the father. D. Maternal interactions usually center on childcare activities such as feeding, changing diapers, and bathing.

Answer: D

When Jacob says "Me big boy!" his mother replies "Yes, you are a big boy!" This is known as


Which is the longest period in prenatal development?


Who was the psychologist responsible for originating the theory of attachment?

John Bowlby

Which sex-linked chromosomal abnormality occurs when males have an extra X chromosome?

Klinefelter syndrome

Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?

finger dexterity

The trophoblast is

the outer layer of cells that develops during the germinal period

Which of Erikson's stages of personality development emphasizes the need for an infant's environment to be consistently nurturant?

trust vs mistrust

A 24-month-old child would most likely communicate with

two-word, telegraphic utterances

The mirror technique was devised as a means of assessing an infant's

visual self-recognition

Emily, who has brown eyes, has one dominant gene and one recessive gene. When we describe her actual genetic makeup, we are describing her


__________ refers to the match between a child's temperament and the environmental demands the child must cope with.

goodness of fit

Which gross motor skill is acquired before sitting without support?

holding the head erect

The term ___________ refers to memory without conscious recollection.

implicit memory

Which caregiving style is related to the insecure resistant style of attachment in infants?

inconsistently available and usually not affectionate

The theory that emphasizes that individuals manipulate information, monitor it, and strategize about it is called the_________ theory.


Psychologists have learned that the ability to control one's environment can have a powerful effect on a person's health. They have also learned that poor health can influence intellectual functioning. This is an example of:

joint influence of biological and cognitive processes

The term __________ describes the specialization of the two hemispheres of the brain.


One idea proposed by evolutionary developmental psychologists is that

many aspects of childhood function as preparations for adulthood and were selected over the course of evolution

_______ is the specialized form of cell division which produces cells with only one copy of each chromosome.


Which layer of embryonic cells eventually becomes the circulatory system, bones, and muscle?


When presented with a sudden, intense noise, Baby Nathan is startled, arches his back, throws back his head, and flings out his arms and legs. This is an example of which reflex?


The evolutionary process that favors individuals of a species that are best adapted to survive and reproduce is called

natural selection

Unusual occurrences that have a major impact on an individual's life and are usually not applicable to many people are called

non normative life events

According to Piaget, one of the most important accomplishments in infancy is the development of __________, which allows an infant to understand that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

object permanence

Freud theorized that infants become attached to the person that provides

oral satisfaction

Baby Joshua lets out a long initial cry followed by an extended period of breath holding. This pattern can best be described as a

pain cry

The principle of reciprocal socialization suggests that

parents and children both socialize each other

When psychologists speak of life span development, they are referring to an approach that emphasizes what?

periods of the human life span involving both growth and decline

According to Bowlby, in which phase do infants develop specific attachments?

phase 3

Whether or not intellectual skills can be improved through education for individuals in their 70s is a question of?


The __________ principle of development suggests that growth begins at the center of the body and moves toward the extremes.


Freud is associated with which theoretical perspective?


The vocabulary spurt that begins at approximately 18 months involves a

rapid increase in spoken vocabulary

__________ is parental behavior that supports children's efforts, allowing them to be more skillful than they would be if they were to rely solely on their own abilities.


A __________ is a cognitive structure that helps individuals organize and understand their experiences.


Mai uses her mother as a secure base from which to explore her environment. Which type of baby would she be classified as?

securely attached

__________ occurs when information interacts with sensory receptors.


Which of the following is Piaget's stage of cognitive development for infancy?


A genetic disorder that impairs the body's red blood cells is called

sickle-cell anemia

Baby Elizabeth has a low activity level, is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood. She would best be described as


__________ is/are factors that cause birth defects.


Piaget's fifth substage of the sensorimotor period involves __________ circular reactions. At this stage, infants become intrigued by the many properties of objects and by the many things that they can make happened to objects.


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for SIDS? A. being Hispanic B. infants passively exposed to cigarette smoke C. low birthweight infants D. infants sleeping on their stomachs

Answer: A

Which of the following statements regarding developmentalists and their positions on the issues of nature-nurture, continuity-discontinuity, and stability-change is TRUE? A. Most developmentalists recognize that taking extreme positions on these issues is unwise. B. Developmentalists are in agreement regarding how strongly development is influenced by each of these factors. C. There is little debate among developmentalists on these issues. D. all of these

Answer: A

According to Sandra Scarr, all the following are ways in which heredity and environment are correlated EXCEPT __________. A. passive genotype-environment correlations B. provocative genotype-environment correlations C. active or niche-picking genotype-environment correlations D. evocative genotype-environment correlations

Answer: B

Regarding bonding, which of the following statements is FALSE? A. Bonding is the occurrence of close contact, especially physical contact, between parents and newborns in the period shortly after birth. B. Many hospitals offer "rooming in" to encourage contact between new parents and their infants. C. There is evidence that bonding is critical to the development of a competent, intelligent infant. D. Special interest in bonding came about when some pediatricians argued that the circumstances surrounding delivery often separate mothers and their infants.

Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT an example of a cognitive process? A. an infant watching a colorful mobile swing above his crib B. an adolescent solving a crossword puzzle C. an infant's smile in response to her mother's touch D. a child memorizing a poem

Answer: C

Which of the following is a nutritional recommendation for infants? A. Infants should consume approximately 500 calories per day for each pound they weigh. B. Parents should feed their infant a low-fat, low-calorie diet in order to establish healthy eating habits early on. C. Overall, breast milk is preferable to formula. D. Children under age 2 should consume skim milk.

Answer: C

Which of the following statements about the REM sleep of a newborn is FALSE? A. One-half of the sleep cycle is REM sleep. B. Infants often begin their sleep with REM. C. The amount of time spent in REM sleep increases with age. D. REM sleep promotes brain development in babies.

Answer: C

Which of the following statements regarding prenatal development risks is TRUE? A. Paternal factors do not adversely affect prenatal development. B. Older women are not at increased risk of having a baby with Down syndrome. C. Maternal nutrition plays a large role in prenatal development. D. Cigarette smoking by women has little effect on prenatal and child development.

Answer: C

The criticisms of psychoanalytic theory include all of the following EXCEPT: A. the sexual underpinnings of development are given too much importance. B. the unconscious mind is given too much credit for influencing development. C. much of the data used to support its theories comes from individual's reconstruction of the past and are of unknown accuracy. D. there is skepticism about the pureness of Piaget's stages.

Answer: D

The most important issues in the study of development include all of the following EXCEPT __________. A. nature and nurture B. continuity and discontinuity C. stability and change D. masculinity and femininity

Answer: D

Which of the following factors are involved in the experience of emotion? A. physiological arousal B. conscious experience C. behavior D. all of these

Answer: D

Which of the following is NOT part of the embryonic period? A. intensified cell differentiation B. appearance of organs C. formation of cellular support systems D. creation of the zygote

Answer: D

Which psychologists contended that "trust vs mistrust" is the first psychological stage?

Erik Erikson

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