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Developing convictions, trust, competence, character, awareness, and courage, are components of the following model:

-*ACCCCT Right -Advocacy First -Community IN-CLUSION -Empowerment NOW! -Self-Advocacy

Benefits of Inclusion

-Acquire social skills -Develop lifelong skills -Enhance image -Improve academic performance -Improve attitudes -Increase understanding -Develop acceptance -Cultivate friendships

This strategy does NOT effectively include all participants:

-Allow interaction with campers who have similar interests. -Plan activities that pair people who have different characteristics together. -Plan cooperative games that allow people to work together on a common task. -Place campers in activities in which they are interested. *-Modify game rules only for specific people.

Cedrick has chosen to participate in flag football. You know that he feels anxious since he does not yet possess all the skills needed to participate. What should you do?

-Appoint Cedrick as the manager for his cabin's team, rather than a player. This way he can be involved with his peers without the risk of failure. -Cedrick to a younger cabin's team to keep the ability level more equal. This way he has a greater chance of being successful. *-Have Cedrick participate as a player on his cabin's team, make modifications to the game rules for everyone to increase the chance of his success.

You notice visitors from China are having difficulty ordering, appearing to speak little English. The BEST course of action to take to be an ally to them:

-Approach the group and offer to assist them. -Focus your attention on the people with whom you are socializing. -Suggest to your server they hire an employee of Asian decent.

A customer becomes nervous when a man with a visual impairment and his guide dog enter the coffee shop. The BEST way to be an ally is to:

-Approach the man and tell him how brave you feel he is. -Explain to the man that dogs are not allowed on the premises. -*Answer Explain to the customer the role of the dog and that service animals are permitted. -Pat the dog on the head and offer to provide it with some food. -Talk to the man and lead him by the elbow to the counter.

A woman using a wheelchair is unable to join her friends in the seating area since there are steps and no ramp. The BEST action of an advocate is:

-Ask the woman if she would like for you set up a table in an accessible area. -*Describe the problem to the manager and discuss actions to take to resolve the situation. -Offer to help carry the woman down the steps.

Suggestions for simulation participation

-Challenge self -Plan -Be honest -Avoid breaking character -Realize simulation limitations

Sensitive Terms:

-Consider the perspective of privilege -Use terms in a consistent manner -Focus on people's similarities -Consider the person first -Emphasize each person's abilities -Communicate respect for each person

Suggestions on promoting positive interpersonal contact by Gordon Allport based in contact theory

-Equal Status -Share common goal -Authority Figure Support -Interdependence

Tony does not know any of the children at camp and spends most of his time alone. The BEST action you can take to promote social interaction is:

-Give Tony a chance to talk to the entire large group about himself. -Have an adult spend time with Tony and play cooperative games with him. *-Learn about Tony's interests and then introduce him to children with similar interests. -In a large group meeting, introduce Tony to all the children at camp. -Provide Tony with a list of activities from which to choose to participate.

cultural heritage

-Hispanic -Latino -Chicano

Examples of Advocates and Allies

-Kofi Annan -Melissa Stockwell -Muhammad Ali -Hal Hargrave -Ziauddin Yousafzai -Malala Yousafzai -Troy Polamalu

Benefits of Friendship

-Learn social skills -Engage in reciprocity -Develop a sense of autonomy -Enhance self-esteem -Instill a sense of belonging -Experience intimacy -Feel valued and loved

You see an angry customer yelling at Tim, a new employee who recently immigrated to the U.S. The BEST action to be an ally for Tim would be to:

-Look away and then later offer Tim words of encouragement. -Angrily explain to the customer about Tim's difficulties and demand an apology. -*Approach them, ask if you can help resolve the problem, and then listen to them. -Find another patron and explain that a customer is abusing an employee. -Pretend you do not know Tim and that you did not see the incident.

Quasi has just joined the arts and crafts group. The following person would be BEST to promote inclusion and social interaction:

-Quasi has just joined the arts and crafts group. The following person would be BEST to promote inclusion and social interaction: -Quasi's mother who has volunteered *-a child with different characteristics who is the same age -a child who can act as her "big sister" -a special assistant trained to work with children similar to Quasi the junior counselor who helps with arts

View people as part of humanity.

-Thinking -Reciprocity -Social Place -Individuality

Interpersonal contact

-_______________ _________________ is one of the most effective ways to reduce prejudice.

This activity would be BEST to use at the beginning of an outdoor recreation program to promote social interaction and inclusion:

-a 50-yard dash with ribbons to the first three finishers -a 50-yard dash with ribbons to all participants *-an activity where each child collects and shares items for a collage -an activity where each child collects meaningful items to take home -an art activity where each child makes and displays a clay bowl during camp

We can promote active participation for everyone in various ways:

-divide participants into small groups -provide a small area for participation -partner people with similar interests -make accommodations for everyone

As professionals our commitment to an organizational culture should be built on ethical awareness, conviction, competence, character, courage, and trust which results in:

-ethical barriers becoming fewer, less formidable, -ethical aspirations becoming higher, inviting new "peaks" to reach, and -personal esteem and professional reputation grows by seeking to ACCCCT right.

Considerations for structuring an experience include the following: facilitate proximity, foster familiarity, and promote interdependence.

-facilitate proximity -foster familiarity -promote interdependence

sexual orientation

-gay -lesbian -queer


-impairment -disability -handicap

We can teach social skills and promote friendships by offering structured programs which promote positive social interactions where we can assist with:

-making eye contact -considering speech volume -using body language -respecting space -being an active listener -providing social supports including volunteers -reminders, assistance

The following are words or phrases that are no longer acceptable and should be avoided because of their strong negative overtones:

-redskin -mentally retarded -negro -dumb

four types of handicaps:

-social handicaps -personal handicaps -physical handicaps -resource handicaps

Possible topics for training include the rationale for inclusive leisure, including:

-the benefits of inclusive leisure services for all people -civil rights legislation and how it supports inclusion -the value of social interactions, friendships, and inclusion

If it is important to identify the person as being a member of a privileged group, then we should use phrases such as:

-the woman who earned a college degree -people without disabilities -the child whose family is affluent -individuals who are heterosexual

Consider Ethical Issues

A variety of ethical considerations arise when people participate in simulations. Consider the perceptions of people who have the actual conditions being simulated; these people must deal with the circumstance long term.

Developing convictions, trust, competence, character, awareness, and courage, are components of this model:


When Rafael works with Jadon, a teenager, to transition him from children's' toys that emit sounds and have flashing lights to using a smartphone to play video games, he is encouraging:

Age appropriate behaviors

Develop Awareness of Personal Beliefs and Attitudes

An important aspect of developing positive attitudes about inclusion and people who have been oppressed involves examining our beliefs, attitudes, and values. Once we become aware of our values, we are more prepared to assume responsibility for making our own decisions

Recognize Environmental Barriers

Another consideration is the environmental barriers you experienced. Describe the various architectural barriers, identifying human-created barriers such as steps, heavy doors, and holes in the pavement.

Attend Presentations and Discussions

Attitudes or behavioral intentions toward inclusion are often modified by attending presentations and engaging in discussions on inclusion

The participant description that uses the MOST sensitive terminology is:

Clara has an intellectual disability.

Four C's in the advocacy model ACCCCT right include all of the following except:


This technique is NOT a suggestion for evaluating a professional's advocacy efforts:

Demonstrate self-advocacy

Identify Professional Implications

Describe a possible career to pursue.

The following is LEAST important to consider when preparing and participating in the wheelchair simulation completed for this course:

Describe assignment in advance to friends

The following strategy does NOT encourage social interactions and develop friendships:

Design competitive activities

Greenstein and Holland suggest humor related to people who are stigmatized can be either enjoyable or demeaning. Which question is the least helpful to assess if the joke is appropriate:

Does this joke make other people laugh and smile?

The following are guidelines for the use of sensitive terminology EXCEPT:

Emphasize differences

Plan Actions for Advocacy

Engaging in a simulation is the impetus for subsequent efforts that advocate for people who have been oppressed.

Providing activities such as gardening where everyone is assigned a particular task or an art project of making a paper mache project where everyone adds a layer to an object, are examples of activities that:

Foster cooperative interdependence


Helps us to move beyond awareness to internalize our values and guiding principles such as honesty, respect, responsibility, fairness, and compassion.


Helps us to understand connections between antecedents, beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors. It also helps us to reflect on our ethical behavior (What is the right thing to do? What can I do to be a good person?). It helps us to define our guiding principles.


Includes the ability to develop ethical reasoning skills by making ethical decisions related to moral dilemmas. In order to develop these skills, an advocate must also develop interpersonal skills by listening to others who respond to ethical dilemmas and then practice through the use of constructive confrontation, conflict resolution, and negotiation.

Organization of a simulation report.

Introduction Ethical Issues Social Reactions Environmental Barriers Personal Reactions Professional Implications Actions for Advocacy Summary


Involves a person who consists of the following traits: honest, just, respectful, compassionate, wise, and trustworthy, among other traits. In order to acquire character traits, an advocate must practice to be able to overcome and deal with barriers.


Involves the ability to be brave and willing to address situations that are difficult, uncertain, and even dangerous (Dattilo, 2017). By being courageous and ethical, an advocate engages in actions that are honest, just, respectful, responsible, and compassionate. Often times, advocates are presented with unethical situations even by those we are close to. It is especially at these times where advocates must be willing to remain ethical and use guiding principles to confront these situations without succumbing to peer pressure.

A highly regarded diplomat from Ghana, the Seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1997-2006, recipient of the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize, and the Profile in Courage Award:

Kofi Annan

____________________ was shot by the Taliban in 2012 for simply going to school. This survivor has become an ally to, and advocate for, girls and women to receive an education alongside boys and men:

Malala Yousafzai

If Sakina creates groups to contain people who collectively resemble the demographics of society, she is meeting the condition of:

Natural proportions

What Are Considerations When Doing a Simulation in a Wheelchair?

One specific example of a simulation requires participants to pretend they have paralysis of the legs and use a wheelchair to move. The duration of the simulation varies according to the learning situation, but a simulation that is brief in duration may not have the desired effect. When giving directions for a simulation, we should provide extensive guidelines regarding preparation, implementation, and evaluation of the simulation. These directions help to increase the chance that participants will approach the task in a mature and understanding fashion. There are several considerations associated with participating in a simula-tion using a wheelchair. It is helpful for participants to do the following: • Prepare (get ready!) • Participate (do it!) • Evaluate (what just happened?)

professional competence

Our perceived ability to work with people who are different from us relative to our religious beliefs, the color of our skin, gender, sexual orientation, ability, class, and other characteristics

Ziauddin Yousafzai

Pakistani educator and advocate that reminds people of a simple truth: Women and men deserve equal opportunities for education, autonomy, and an independent identity.

Compliance with the requirement that schools provide equal opportunities regardless of gender by including substantial proportionality, history and continued practice of expansion, and accommodation of interests and abilities, is part of the following legislative act:

Patsy T. Mink Act

Make Direct Contact

People who are privileged often experience a strain in social interactions, including uneasiness and uncertainty when interacting with people who are oppressed. This strained interaction appears to contribute to development and maintenance of negative attitudes

Factors leading to positive attitude and professional competence

Positive Attitude -Engage in self-reflection -Simulate experiences -Experience positive knowledge -Make structured direct contact Professional Competence -Acquire Knowledge -Develop skills

To help participants make sense of some attitude awareness activities, Rukshana uses facilitation techniques to help participants describe, reflect upon, analyze, and communicate. This approach is called:


The following strategies prepare people to foster social interactions and develop friendships, EXCEPT:

Promote opportunities for solitude

To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, best practices to promote inclusion include all EXCEPT:

Respond to legislative requirements identifying minimum standards

Research on social isolation indicates that people tend to do all of the following, EXCEPT:

Sit next to people different from them

Evaluate Social Reactions

Social reactions influence people's sensitivity toward people with disabilities. Identify the verbal and nonverbal responses of people who were encountered; this is often revealing.


The final component of the ACCCTG Right model. Trust involves reliance and confidence to demonstrate such qualities as fairness, truth, honor, and the ability to act in an ethical manner. This sense of trust assumes an element of risk and has been identified as the currency of courage as we come to trust in our convictions and ourselves. As we obtain greater trust in our own principles and ourselves, others will also become to trust us.

Participate in Simulations

To alter attitudes toward people who find themselves in different situations than them, people must confront their distorted ideas that are supported by deeply felt emotions.

Make Indirect Contact via Media

Unfortunately, media is replete with negative images of people who have been oppressed. For example, people are inundated with images of people who are Black portrayed as criminals, those from the middle east as terrorists, and Latinos being oversexualized. Many people develop perceptions of the world through media; media messages that perpetuate stereotypical messages have a significant influence on negative public perceptions.

As a result of World War II, _________ was formed and dedicated to the promotion of human rights:

United Nations

Select the statement that is MOST correct:

Use consistent terms, say "a person's sexual orientation."

Describe Personal Reactions

When trying to process the simulation that has influenced your emotions, devote a section of the report to personal reactions.

Jaden Rankin-Wahlers

a Pennsylvania State University Park recipient of the 2016 Stand Up Award for her dedication to raising awareness of student poverty and her ethical leadership in combating stigma associated with poverty and homelessness.

universal design

a design approach that integrates products and building features usable by everyone regardless of their skills.

Victoriya is interested in providing inclusive leisure services at a summer day camp. Which activity would be the most likely encourage interaction between participants who differ from one another?

a drama group

attitudinal barrier

a way of thinking about or perceiving diversity in a restrictive, condescending, or negative manner. -most devastating and common type of _____________ to people who are oppressed

To reduce prejudice and discrimination, Allport's contact theory suggests people from different groups do the following, EXCEPT:

acknowledge differences

The process of speaking up and working for changes in policies, opportunities and attitudes:


Vicarious experiences

are situations that require people to take the place of another person such as when participating in a simulation. -Another way to positively affect people's attitudes is to create opportunities for direct contact with people who have been oppressed such as through fieldwork or guest speakers. The use of multiple methods provides positive changes in attitudes toward others.

Melissa Stockwell

as a hero and a champion. After being injured by an improvised explosive device in Iraq, she engaged in rigorous rehabilitation and training that has contributed to her ability to become a Paralympian and a three-time paratriathlon world champion. Now she works to empower other veterans like herself through her nonprofit, Dare2tri, by providing training and equipment for athletes who want to develop their skills in pre triathlons. Advil Relief in Action reports that it proudly supports patriotic volunteers such as _______________ who make such important contributions.

structured experience

associated with inclusion promotes mutually respectful interaction between people and is often the key to promoting inclusive services.

The following technique is NOT a suggestion for being an advocate or an ally:

avoid risk


avoiding being unnecessarily confrontational when serving as an advocate.


by defining what is in the best interest of individuals or groups and working for that without stopping to ask people what they want.

When leading an inclusive fishing trip, do NOT:

cluster people with disabilities together

The following is NOT a handicap identified by Miller and Sammons:

cognitive: a sub average intellectual functioning

Equal status

contact is an interaction or relationship with another person or group that is on the same social level. It involves social interaction that occurs on a similar basis without obvious differences in power. Another suggestion involves the value of engaging groups and individuals in activities and to have them share a common goal. The following refers to participants assuming roles that result in similar degrees of respect from others:


describes the reduction or deprivation of a skill or power. This reduced ability is a result of a particular impairment, as mentioned.

Which example is the BEST example to foster cooperative interdependence:

develop a cooking activity where each participant completes a step to prepare a meal

You are a leisure service provider committed to inclusion. What strategy would be most helpful in forming natural proportions:

develop groups of people resembling demographics of society

This word describes those who have been deprived of certain privileges or rights:


To encourage social interaction between participants in an inclusive after school leisure program Arturo decides to:

divide participants into small groups

Based on the primary dimensions of "humanness" presented by Bogdon and Taylor, the following is FALSE about every participant who receives leisure services:

each person must overcome substantial obstacleS

Contact theory stipulates that interpersonal contact is an effect way to reduce prejudice. The following is NOT a suggestion made by Gordon Allport on ways to positively manage group interaction:

ensure that there are clear divisions of power


expressing contempt or disapproval, against those with same-sex desires or relationships.

Advocacy and acting as an ally requires the following EXCEPT:

extensive expertise

The following is NOT a guideline for using sensitive terminology:

focus on people's differences

social handicaps

from other people's negative attitudes

To combat problems that arise from pitting one person against another, and focusing on winning rather than on doing well, practitioners are encouraged to:

give opportunities for indirect competition


has been used to refer to individuals and groups who have traditionally been powerless and largely voiceless speaking up to try to change their social status and situation. -To be an effective ___________________, people must understand their own needs and interests and clearly communicate those needs and interests to other people. ____________________ has been influential in improving opportunities and is an important part of the civil rights movement.

Which is NOT a characteristic of humanness as proposed by Bogdan and Taylor. Every person:

has differences on which to focus


have a gender identity that is not the same as their anatomy at birth; their physical body and sex organs do not match their sense of identity. Therefore, these people may partially or fully transition to what they believe to be their correct gender.


have been deprived of certain privileges or rights and are congregated in a particular area

architectural barriers

identifying human-created barriers such as steps, heavy doors, and holes in the pavement.


if it expresses contempt or disapproval of an individual or situation.


implies a reciprocal relationship in which one person depends on another to help him or her, and in turn, the latter depends on the former for help


implies that a give-and-take is occurring between people and that each person has the ability to contribute in some way.

Active participation

implies that people engage in an activity that requires them to be involved physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially.


includes qualities and beliefs that differentiate or distinguish a person or group from other people or groups.

When Kam-Chiu plans to act favorably to people who have low incomes, this is called a positive


physical handicaps

involve inaccessibility


involves a long, direct examination that implies an evaluation or judgment that often causes the person being stared at to feel uncomfortable.


involves actions that are intended to mislead people so that they believe something is true when it is false.


involves being considerate of another's rights by treating the person with dignity -One way to demonstrate _____________ is to choose to use words that empower individuals by promoting equity and a sense of dignity.


involves changing presentation of the physical body and gender presentation from one gender to another. -__________________ includes a range of changes from altering hair, dress, and mannerisms, to taking hormonal supplements and/or having surgery, with the goal for many people who are transgender being to pass as the gender with which they identify


involves domination and repression of one group or person by another group or person that is privileged to be in power. -when authority or power is exerted in an excessive and unjust manner with recipients encountering this injustice repeatedly -deteriorate a society -undermine societal stability


involves people becoming acquainted with a person so that they are aware of various aspects of that person such as his or her interests, desires, and beliefs. -The notion of _____________ infers a level of closeness and friendliness in a personal relationship. -encourage _____________ is having participants discuss their leisure interests such as their favorite physically active pursuits, sport teams they sup-port, and preferred musical performers.


involves rules of behavior or conduct based on ideas of what is morally good and bad that have people consider implications of their behaviors beyond themselves and choose actions that demonstrate respect for others. -Being an advocate for people who have been oppressed requires __________.

Cooperative learning

involves small working groups that require members of a group to share with one another and help each other learn. -An activity that includes ________________ _______________ creates interdependence, because completion of a task by a group requires that everyone contribute in some way. The activity encourages each person to support all others to achieve realistic group goals.


involves stubborn intolerance of a person, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.


involves treating people based on fairness and justice, resulting in impartiality. -Working for _________ benefits everyone. -The goal is to increase the collective success of those who are privileged and those who are not, in essence to advocate for ___________.


is a cultural construct involving the aspect of a person's identity associated with being male, female, or a range of identities in between.

Kofi Annan

is a highly regarded diplomat from Ghana who served as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1997-2006. As a result of founding the Global AIDS and Health Fund, he and the United Nations received the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize for support of developing countries in their struggle to care for their people.


is a person devoted to his or her opinions and prejudices, particularly opinions that reflect intolerance or animosity toward people who have different beliefs or people who differ from them in regard to race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, or religion. -A ____________ is hostile to such people on account of his or her opinions. -Often, a person who is a ____________ takes people who have multiple identities and reduces them to unidimensional beings, counter to one of the fundamental ethical assumptions of this book.


is a set of facilitation techniques designed to assist people in describing, reflecting on, analyzing, and communicating about experiences. -__________________ helps people transfer or generalize their learning in an activity-based experience to other life contexts such as home, community, work, or school.


is a social relationship between two people that is reciprocal, rewarding, and enjoyable for both parties and characterized by multiple, voluntary contacts and shared experiences across time.


is a term that represents the idea that some people access resources and advantages such as education, leisure, and wealth not available or accessible to all. -Often ____________ is assumed and unquestioned. In the same way, we strive to eliminate language that sets apart people who experience oppression, and we also strive to apply the same principles to those who are _____________d.


is an interaction between environmental conditions and the individual, rather than something inherent in the person. -The word ___________ when used to label a person implies that the person is ____________ed in every situation. -denying them opportunities to participate. -lessen a person's chance of success.


is any natural or human-made obstacle or obstruction that impedes progress but is not necessarily impassable.


is associated with distance—how near or far something or someone is to another thing or person.


is cruel and aggressive use of harassment, force, threat, coercion, or assault to abuse, frighten, hurt, intimidate, insult, or aggressively dominate others.


is defined as having sufficient power, skill, or resources to accomplish a task.

pejorative term

is derogatory and results in a person being disparaged; it expresses negativity or low opinion and shows a lack of respect.


is the capacity to understand, share, feel, or identify with another's experiences, emotions, or thoughts, the ability to place oneself in another person's position. -A way to acquire ______________ is to simulate the plight of a person who is experiencing challenges.


is the condition of being valued by others that results in a sense of pride and self-respect


is the mutual reliance between two or more individuals or groups creating a situation involving participants who may rely on and are responsible for supporting each other.


is to give control or authority to that person, increasing the individual's confidence and self-esteem -All people have the right to live life to the fullest and experience leisure, but many people face barriers that prevent them from doing so. These barriers come in the form of limited access to facilities, transportation, information, programs, or job opportunities.

To assist participants in overcoming psychological barriers, it is helpful to provide a multifaceted, process promoting exploration of perspectives and opportunities intended to develop an ethic of positivity and savoring conductive to flow, arousal, and leisure, known as:

leisure education

Research conducted with leisure service agencies reveals that most respondents believe:

leisure service personnel are currently not equipped to provide inclusive leisure services

Talking with an older woman about her life and her free time interests is an example of:

making direct contact


means that people respond to an action with an action, creating a sense of give-and-take.

Turning away

means that the person who rotates away attempts to ignore the individual she or he initially saw.


means to diminish in strength and refers to identifiable functional conditions that can be acute or chronic. -discussions of _____________s focus on a disease or injury with a specific portion of the body. -_______________ may result in a disability and a person being handicapped in particular situations.

Techniques to improve leisure service professionals sense of competence to work with diverse people include all of the following, EXCEPT:

minimizing personal contact with diverse people

contact theory

one way to promote positive encounters is to structure activities that require close personal interactions to occur and develop. -Allport (1954) used ____________ _____________ to explain that under appropriate conditions, interpersonal contact is one of the most effective ways to reduce prejudice.


or the act of being an ally is the process of speaking and actively working for changes that promote justice in policies, opportunities, and attitudes. -means doing more than what is typically done -level of risk - ____________ and allies support ethical causes and are compelled to provide assistance, and these people seek to correct situations in which discrimination, disempowerment, or disconfirmation occurs and to remove barriers. direct, distract, or delegate. -a commitment to a cause such as inclusion and equity -doing more than routine. -actions that direct, distract, or delegate. -a level of risk. -actions that correct and remove barriers to equity.

The following strategies cultivate professional competence with inclusion, EXCEPT:

participate in segregated programs

This type of term is derogatory showing contempt or disapproval, a lack of respect and negativity. It results in a person being disparaged:


Which phrase uses the MOST appropriate terminology:

people without disabilities

Which phrase uses the most sensitive terminology

people without disabilities

is a way to provide services that are designed to focus on each individual's abilities and interests and to encourage every person to feel important, have hope, and dream about developing relationships and a sense of community.

person-centered approach

Muhammad Ali

recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, was a strong advocate for people of all faiths and spoke against religious intolerance. Although he was best known for his boxing prowess, he is praised for using his notoriety to support humanitarian efforts, especially religious freedom.


reciprocal because the relationship is mutual and thus provides opportunities to give and receive.

Miklos decides to play video games. Since video games have been developed primarily for fun, enjoyment, and satisfaction, video games are identifies as:



refers to a lack of knowledge, understanding, or learning. -_________________ resulting from a lack of exposure facilitates development of negative attitudes. -A direct result of ________________ is fear

Age-appropriate activities

reflect interests and attitudes that are consistent with activities in which a particular generational group engages.


similar to some of the ethical assumptions presented in Chapter 1. -Consequently, people view the differentiating characteristic such as religion, color of skin, sex-ual orientation, or ability as secondary to the person's _____________.

People speak loudly to Mildred, an older woman who is blind. Other believe Gerard, a man who is gay is not athletic. Some think Rochelle, a child living in poverty, is not mentally alert. These are examples of:

spread phenomenon

Research studies on social isolation indicates that people:

tend to choose peers with whom to interact who are similar to them


they freely choose who they consider to be their friend. -When people are with a friend, they typically enjoy that person's company; they take pleasure in being with that person.

cooperative interdependence

to occur, each person must depend equally on the other for achieving desired goals. We provide different recreation activities such as team building, trust development, and adventure recreation that require all to cooperate and contribute.

Which word describes someone whose gender identity is not the same as their anatomy at birth (their physical body and sex do not match their sense of identity)?


Hal Hargrave

used his experience as a survivor of a serious car accident that resulted in him sustaining a spinal cord injury as inspiration to create a nonprofit charity, Be Perfect. The charity has raised more than $1 million to pay for wheelchairs, make homes more accessible, and keep people who have been injured in rehabilitation.

Troy Polamalu

was adopted in fourth grade and moved to a town in Oregon where he experienced racism and bigotry because of the color of his skin and different sounding last name. Now a retired professional football player and seven-time pro-bowler, _________________ embraces his individuality and dedicates himself to helping others respect themselves and accept people's differences.

Rosa Parks explained that the reason she refused to give up her seat towards the front of a Montgomery, Alabama bus to a Caucasian man in 1955, was that she:

was tired of giving in


when an encounter becomes challenging and hostile—often defined as being a conflict.

resource handicaps

when people have insufficient resources to assist them.

personal handicaps

when people lack adequate information

Which strategy does NOT encourage inclusive social interactions among all participants at a camp?

when playing games, modify rules only for specific individuals


when they require people to rely on one another and when there is mutual support for each person's efforts.


which is primarily associated with feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune. -Typically, people do not want ______________ from others, but rather hope and strive for empathy and opportunity from others.


which refers to being deprived of -prefix

Malala Yousafzai

who was shot by the Taliban in 2012 simply for daring to go to school; fortunately, she survived to become an advocate for the education of all girls and women. Daughter of Ziauddin


working together to meet a challenge, rather than on obtaining a product or winning.

Prepare and encourage social interactions and friendships among participants.

~SOCIAL INTERACTIONS AND FRIENDSHIPS~ -Prepare- • Be aware of isolation • Learn about benefits of friendships • Include people in planning and decision making • Teach leisure service providers -Encourage- • Design cooperative activities • Increase opportunity for active participation • Select interactive materials and equipment • Teach social skills • Promote friendship

What Are Examples of Programs Promoting Positive Contact?

• After-school programs • Shared interests at home • Drama group

Evaluate Attempts at Being an Advocate and Ally

• Analyze information content • Examine the process • Identify successful advocacy attempts

ACCCCT Right Components:

• Awareness • Convictions • Competence • Character • Courage • Trust

How Do We Prepare People to Promote Positive Contact?

• Be aware of isolation • Learn about benefits of friendships • Include participants and families in planning • Teach leisure service provider

How Do We Process Simulations? To enhance the effectiveness of the simulation, record your impressions of the experience. Such a report might include information on the following:

• Consider ethical issues • Evaluate social reactions • Recognize environmental barriers • Describe personal reactions • Identify professional implications • Plan actions for advocate

Miller and Sammons (1999) suggested ways to improve how we interact with a person who happens to be different from us:

• Decide what to do • Take action by looking • Take action by talking • Take action by doing • Debrief the encounter

Ways to Increase Opportunities for Active Participation

• Divide participants into small groups • Provide a small area for participation • Partner people with similar interests • Make accommodations for everyone

Dimensions of acknowledging someone's humanness

• Every person has the ability to think • Every person is an individual • Every person has the capacity to reciprocate • Every person is entitled to a social place

It is valuable to use words that communicate positive attitudes toward all people. The suggestions are clustered into the following sections:

• Focus on people's similarities • Consider the person first • Emphasize each person's abilities • Communicate respect for each person • Use terms in a consistent manner • Consider the perspective of privilege

How Do We Adopt Inclusive Beliefs? Acquire inclusive beliefs to improve attitudes.

• Focus on similarities • View all people as part of humanity • Adopt a person-centered approach

Things to Consider when Selecting Interactive Materials and Equipment

• Limit the number of materials to promote sharing • Use materials associated with fantasy play • Provide props for dramatic activities • Play table and card games • Include creative arts material

Prepare for Advocacy and Being an Ally

• Listen to people's perspectives • Become informed • Set goals

How Do We Become Advocates and Allies? -suggestions for becoming advocates

• Prepare for advocacy • Become an advocate • Evaluate advocacy

Become an Advocate and an Ally

• Present information clearly, tactfully, and honestly • Consider humor • Be ethical

What Are Examples of Advocacy and Being an Ally?

• Speaking up • Creating access • Making toys • Reading the news and writing letters

Actions to improve attitudes Some strategies that help us achieve this goal include the following:

• Structure interactions • Encourage extensive personal contact • Promote joint participation • Facilitate equal status • Foster cooperative interdependence • Develop effective communication • Create naturally proportioned groups • Model positive interactions • Encourage age-appropriate behaviors

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