Exam 3 PSY 1001, Intro to Psychology - Exam 3 Prep Questions, Practice Exam Questions to Work on, Psych, Psy exam 3 review questions, Midterm 2, Unit 11 Book Quiz, UNIT TEST (9) 96%

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The Type A behavior pattern is a significant predictor of ________.

coronary heart disease

According to our lecturer, what drives specialization of language to the left hemisphere of the brain?


When individuals are rank ordered based on IQ, they tend to retain the same rank order at different points in time, a phenomena known as ______________________.

((((a. the Flynn effect.)))) b. validity c. reliability d. stability

Researchers agree that love is one of the easiest constructs to define and measure. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


If Jolene has a lesion on her amygdala, what type of facial emotion will she struggle to recognize? Sadness Fear Envy Happy


As described in lecture, which of the following is the best definition of a positive emotion? Feeling good in anticipation of a future reward. A culturally universal response to pleasant stimuli. A feeling that is added to the environment as a consequence of behavior. A behavior that has evolved in order to assure survival.

Feeling good in anticipation of a future reward.

Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Gardner's intelligence theory that proposes that there are eight distinct spheres of intelligence

The Flynn effect refers to the

Gradual improvement in intelligence test scores over the last several decades

When Bruno Bettelheim attributed the cause of autism to "refrigerator mothers"--what did he mean?

He meant mothers who deprived their child of affection.

Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is linked to heart disease?


Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is linked to heart disease? Competitiveness Chronic irritability Compulsiveness Hostility


An individual differences psychologist would be interested in which of the following questions?

How can intelligence affect life outcomes?

Which of these is an example of a measure that a Developmental Psychologist may use? Post-hoc fallacy Random assignment Interactions among dyads Dependent variable

Interactions among dyads

Which of the following is NOT one of the main attachment styles? Depressed Anxious Secure Avoidant


The research question, "Compared to babies who are insecurely attached, do babies who are securely attached produce less cortisol when stressed?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________.

Developmental Psychologist

The research question, "Compared to babies who are insecurely attached, do babies who are securely attached produce less cortisol when stressed?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________. Developmental Psychologist Personality Psychologist Biological Psychologist Health Psychologist

Developmental Psychologist

The research question, "What is the impact of the parental education on brain development?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________.

Developmental Psychologist

The research question, "What is the impact of the parental education on brain development?" would be of particular interest to a _____________________________________. Health Psychologist Personality Psychologist Biological Psychologist Developmental Psychologist

Developmental Psychologist

sexual dimorphism

Differences in physical characteristics between males and females of the same species. For example, humans are slightly dimorphic for body size, with males being taller, on average, than females of the same population.

A researcher examines a pair of twins and determines that the correlation between their IQ levels is .35. Most likely, the twins are... Dizygotic twins. Monozygotic twins. 100% genetically similar. 75% genetically similar.

Dizygotic twins

What neurotransmitter is released from the ventral tegmental area when Raj encounters a rewarding stimulus? Dopamine Glutamate Acetylcholine GABA


Which neurotransmitter is most associated with the brains reward system and addictions?



Dr. Fine wanted to measure his client's personality using a test that would get at a deeper level of description. It seems likely that he would choose to use which of the following? Select one: a. WAIS b. TAT c. MMPI d. WISC

Openness/intellect predicts... Emotional stability Extraversion Orderliness Less traditional religiosity

Less traditional religiosity

Which area of the brain is most associated with general intelligence? Prefrontal cortex Occipital lobe Cerebellum Hippocampus

Prefrontal cortex

After his brain was damaged in a car accident, patient TD was unable to identify the emotion of "fear" in photos of faces expressing different emotions. This behavior suggests that TD's brain damage included the ____________________. hippocampus nucleus accumbens pre-frontal cortex amygdala


After his brain was damaged in a car accident, patient TD was unable to identify the emotion of "fear" in photos of faces expressing different emotions. This behavior suggests that TD's brain damage included the ____________________?


As discussed in lecture, a fear startle response in rats will be blocked by lesions to which of the following areas of the brain?


Etta's face is pale. Her heart is pounding. She is breathing fast, her pupils are dilated, and, if someone startled her right now, she would probably "jump out of her skin." All these symptoms of anxiety are associated with which area of Etta's brain? cerebellum nucleus accumbens amygdala hippocampus


To determine whether or not a child has reached the stage of formal operations, a psychologist might test whether the child can

answer hypothetical and abstract questions.

Hostility is a significant predictor of ________. mental illness respiratory illnesses coronary heart disease cancer

coronary heart disease

Ray is hostile, ambitious and impatient. Ray might be at higher risk for ______________ than his easy-going friends.

coronary heart disease

Ray is hostile, ambitious and impatient. Ray might be at higher risk for ______________ than his easy-going friends. diabetes depression coronary heart disease generalized panic disorder.

coronary heart disease

Employers might choose to use intelligence tests to select people for executive positions because IQ tests ________________. are reliable correlate positively with leadership correlate with happiness correlate negatively with creativity.

correlate positively with leadership

The ability to produce solutions to problems that are novel and successful is called __________.


The ability to produce solutions to problems that are novel and successful is called __________. insight circular thinking creativity convergent thinking


Because Ken's history professor was a college student during the 1970s, he has extraordinary insight and knowledge of facts concerning the Vietnam War era. This knowledge is associated with the term _______________. crystallized intelligence multiple intelligence fluid intelligence general intelligence

crystallized intelligence

To answer specific questions by using the accumulated knowledge of the world acquired over time, we rely on our __________. fluid intelligence multiple intelligence general intelligence crystallized intelligence

crystallized intelligence

Dave is a self-centered guy who expects his instinctual needs will be satisfied immediately, regardless of the needs of others around him. A Freudian psychologist would therefore say that Dave has a weak _________.


According to Gardner there are as many as ________ types of intelligence.


According to a Behavioral Psychologist, infants are attached to their mothers at a certain age because ___________________. mothers provide the reward of contact comfort mothers provide the reward of food mothers provide safety babies are biologically prepared to bond to their caregiver

either safety or food

The ability to perceive, understand, manage, and use emotions is called

emotional intelligence

What is a variable ratio schedule?

in operant conditioning, a reinforcement schedule that reinforces a response after an unpredictable number of responses (usually yields the highest rates of responding overall) -ie. think casinos and slot machines

Which of the following is a core symptom of austism spectrum disorder? seizure disorder intellectual disability impaired social communication and interaction language impairments

impaired social communication and interaction

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive and defensive motive systems in the brain are regulated by the _________________:

impulse control system

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive and defensive motive systems in the brain are regulated by the _________________: arousal system cognitive system impulse control system prefrontal cortex

impulse control system

Unconditioned Stimulus

in classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally—naturally and automatically—triggers a response

Conditioned Stimulus

in classical conditioning, an originally irrelevant stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response

One advantage of a longitudinal design, as compared to a cross-sectional design, is that a longitudinal design: is less complicated to analyze. can be completed quickly. can be used to determine causality. is less susceptible to cohort effects.

is less susceptible to cohort effects.

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences ______________________________.

is theoretical ... formal tests to measure it have not yet been developed

A research study follows a group of children as they develop, and gives them surveys at age 5, age 10, and age 15. What is the design of this study?


Achievement tests are to aptitude tests as

measurement is to prediction

The intelligence quotient compares a Childs

mental age to chronological age

One statistical procedure allows researchers to aggregate the findings of many similar studies. In this procedure, known as ______________________, results are weighted by sample size and then averaged across studies.


What is a fixed ratio schedule?

pattern in which we provide reinforcement following a regular number of responses -ie. giving a rat a pellet after it presses the lever in the skinner box 15 times

What is a variable interval schedule?

pattern in which we provide reinforcement for a response at least once during an average time interval, with the interval varying randomly -ie. we could give a dog a treat for performing a trick on a variable interval schedule with an average interval of 8 minutes. This dog may have to perform the trick sometime during the 7-minute interval the first time, then a 1-minute interval the second time, then a 20-minute interval, and then a 4-minute interval, with the average being 8 minutes

What is a fixed interval schedule?

pattern in which we provide reinforcement for a response at least once following a specified time interval -ie. a worker in a clock factory might get paid every friday for the work she's done, as long as she's made one clock during that one-week interva

As described in lecture, Walter Mischel launched the 20-year old Person-Situation debate after his research found that:

personality does not predict how people will behave in different situations

As described in lecture, Walter Mischel launched the 20-year old Person-Situation debate after his research found that:

personality does not predict how people will behave in different situations.

In one classic research study, students were paired at random during freshman "Welcome Week" for a 2.5 hour date and dance to give them a chance to get acquainted. What predicted whether the partners were interested in a second date?

physical attractiveness as rated by their partners

According to "universal adaptability," by the age of one year, babies will... recognize only the speech sounds of their native language. identify unreliable language speakers. detect differences among the speech sounds in all languages. produce all the speech sounds in their native language while babbling.

recognize only the speech sounds of their native language.

The purpose of the defense mechanisms, according to Freud, is to...

reduce anxiety

Anna is anxious about moving away from her family to go to college. As shes packing, she decides to take her favorite childhood teddy bear and blanket along. Freud might suggest that this is an example of which defense mechanism?


Andrés, nine years old, loud and pushy, is disliked by most of his fourth-grade classmates. Very few of the kids in his class like him. A child psychologist, observing this pattern, would classify Andrés' peer status as ___________________.


Andrés, nine years old, loud and pushy, is disliked by most of his fourth-grade classmates. Very few of the kids in his class like him. A child psychologist, observing this pattern, would classify Andrés' peer status as ___________________. bullied rejected friendless neglected


Dr. Riviera measures his students' knowledge on the topic of memory by giving them three different quizzes over the course of 3 weeks (1 per week). He is hoping to show that student scores are largely the same from week to week. He is trying to establish the ________ of his quiz.


Dr. Peterson is studying aggression in children and defines aggression as the number of times one child pushes or strikes another child. Defining aggression in this way would ______________________________.

represent an operational definition


rule of give and take, a predictor of attraction

When one-year old Madison was startled by the loud music, she ran to her mother and cuddled. This calmed her down. This little scenario illustrates which evolutionary function of attachment?

safe haven

General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)

stress-response pattern proposed by Hans Selye that consists of 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion

Nosology is __________________________________.

the science of how diseases are classified.

What is fluid intelligence?

capacity to learn new ways of solving problems

The emotional bond that a newborn baby shares with his or her caregiver(s) is called ________.


Research by Bell & Ainsworth found that babies cried more when their mothers were less responsive to the babies' crying. This is empirical support for ___________________________. attachment theory behavioral psychology a schema perspective of bonding Piaget's theory of cognitive development

attachment theory

Autism is now understood in all of the following ways EXCEPT _____________. autism is characterized by heterogeneity autism has a biological basis autism is caused by maternal deprivation autism is a quantitative trait normally distributed in the population

autism is caused by maternal deprivation

As discussed in lecture, the stability of IQ over time is ________________. highly stable even if you measure IQ before the age of 2 highly stable for most individuals aged 10 and older highly variable, with change associated with specific environmental influences highly variable, with a majority of people changing more than 20 points over ten years

highly stable for most individuals aged 10 and older

Which of the following does Robert Sternberg include as a type of intelligence?

Practical intelligence

Ekman's research proposed that there are ________ distinct emotions across cultures.


What is crystallized intelligence?

the accumulated knowledge of the world we acquire over time

What does the defensive motive system refer to?


As described during lecture, drugs that increase the release of the neurotransmitter, dopamine... increases the rate at which phobic responses are extinquished. 'hijacks' the brain's reward system and produces a 'high.' increases the fear-potentiated startle. increases rates of depression and anxiety.

'hijacks' the brain's reward system and produces a 'high.'

Research on flashbulb memories finds that ______________________________.

((((((a. over time flashbulb memories are more accurate than other memories.))))))) b. flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories. c. flashbulb memories are less susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories. d. flashbulb memories are more susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories.

An individual differences psychologist would be interested in which of the following questions?

(((((a. How can intelligence affect life outcomes?)))))) b. What is the effect of group size on helping behaviors? c. How do stereotypes affect our behavior? d. What is the role of the situation on conformity?

A researcher gives you the following list of words to memorize: house, hill, chair, room, sea, dog, paper, bird, shoe, table, sidewalk, candle, mirror. Based on the serial position effect, you would be MOST likely to remember the word(s):

(((((a. house and hill, because they come at the beginning of the list.)))))) b. dog and bird, because these are living things. c. sea because it is the most distinctive d. house, room, table and chair, because these things "go together."

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences ______________________________.

(((((a. is a valid, reliable model that expands the construct of intelligence.)))))) b. predicts that people who score high on one mental ability test will score high on other mental ability tests. c. proposes a hierarchy of mental abilities with a general factor, "g" at the top, shared by all. d. is theoretical. Formal tests to measure it have not been developed.

If an individual retakes a test and gets test results that are similar to or consistent with the scores they received the first time they took the test, the test has

(((((a. reliability.)))))) b. validity. c. generalizability. d. accuracy.

Which of the following aspects of the recreational drug MDMA ("Ecstasy") is the LEAST likely to be studied by a differential psychologist?

((((a. Are there DNA variants that affect the chances of having a "mystical experience" while under the influence of MDMA?))))) b. Does repeated MDMA use lead to increased risk of mental illness? c. Are extraverted (outgoing) individuals more likely to experiment with MDMA? d. Which neurotransmitters are responsible for the typical mind-altering effects of MDMA?

As described in lecture, "rehearsal" is ________________.

((((a. one of the control processes of memory)))) b. necessary for long-term memory c. impaired when the amygdala is lesioned d. necessary for sustaining a sensation long enough to identify what it is

A couple has adopted three children from Korea and reared them in a loving home. Two of the children are identical twins and the third is unrelated to the first two. As adults, researchers find that a correlation of .6 on various personality characteristics between the identical twins. Which of the following correlations would the researchers expect to find between the MZ twins and their adopted sister? .0 .9 .6 -.3


A couple has adopted three children from Korea and reared them in a loving home. Two of the children are identical twins and the third is unrelated to the first two. As adults, researchers find that a correlation of .6 on various personality characteristics between the identical twins. Which of the following correlations would the researchers expect to find between the MZ twins and their adopted sister? .6 .0 .9 -.3


Researchers studying the personality trait of "agreeableness" have found a correlation of 0.36 between monozygotic twins (MZ) reared together. Based on the methods of behavioral genetics discussed this semester, researchers would consider a correlation of ________ between dizygotic twins (DZ) reared together as consistent with a genetic component to this personality trait. 0.00 0.18 0.36 0.72


What are the 3 major principles that guide attraction and relationship formation?

1.) proximity 2.) similarity 3.) reciprocity

Aggression is often reduced after alcohol consumption. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


High self-esteem has not been linked to aggressive behavior. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Research indicates that genetics does not influence levels of aggression. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Ekman's research proposed that there are ________ distinct emotions across cultures.


Children are said to have an intellectual disability if they have difficulty adapting to the demand of independent living and have IQ scores below


Twelve-year-old Arnold received an IQ test score of 75. What is his mental age?


While still an experimental treatment, research suggests that PTSD may be prevented by:

Administering a beta-blocker within 24 hours of a traumatic event to prevent the formation of emotional memories.

Which of the following best illustrates the two-factor theory of emotions?

After several fast dances, Mario decides his date looks really good tonight.

c. recognize only the sounds of their native language

According to "universal adaptability," by the age of one year, babies will: Select one: a. detect differences among the speech sounds in all languages. b. identify unreliable language speakers. c. recognize only the speech sounds of their native language. d. produce all the speech sounds in their native language while babbling.


A Developmental Psychologist presents data obtained from six-year-old children. She asserts that the data support her claim that the environment is the most important factor in the development of intelligence. Suppose you are a behavior geneticist who wants to challenge this claim. Which of the following is a true research finding that you could use to challenge the validity of her findings? Select one: a. Adopted children reared as siblings in the same household have IQ scores that are very similar b. The correlation in IQ between MZ twins reared apart is .36 on average and the IQ of MZ twins reared together is .74 c. The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .04 at the age of six but increases to .26 by adulthood d. The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .26 at the age of six but drops to .04 by adulthood

What is the Flynn Effect? A correlation between poverty and IQ. A rise in the average IQ of the population over time. A rare genetic mutation affecting IQ. A significant effect of nutrition on IQ.

A rise in the average IQ of the population over time.

What effect does an increase in group size have on diffusion of responsibility? A. Increased group size reduces perceived individual responsibility. B. Increased group size increases perceived individual responsibility. C. Increased group size does not affect perceived individual responsibility. D. Increased group size forces one to take individual responsibility.

A. Increased group size reduces perceived individual responsibility.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Timothy is having a debate with another person. During the debate, Timothy's opponent claims that Timothy is not intelligent enough to argue correctly. This causes Timothy to become embarrassed. Based on the above reading, why is Timothy likely to respond to this insult with aggressive behavior? A. Timothy feels threatened by his opponent's remark. B. Timothy is habitually angry and aggressive. C. Timothy believes aggression will prove his intelligence. D. Timothy understands that aggression is a tool.

A. Timothy feels threatened by his opponent's remark.

Social learning theory predicts that those who witness aggressive behavior being punished may be __________. A. less likely to behave aggressively B. more likely to behave aggressively C. extremely fearful of others D. unable to replicate aggressive behaviors

A. less likely to behave aggressively

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Kenneth has just received his annual job performance review. Due to his hard work, Kenneth's salary was raised. Later in the day, Kenneth sees someone he doesn't know changing his car tire on the side of the road and pulls over to help. Which of the following factors is most likely responsible for Kenneth's altruistic behavior? A. personal happiness B. feeling of guilt C. witnessing altruism D. feelings of similarity

A. personal happiness

You were walking your dog when you got a call from your mother saying that your father had a heart attack. You start to hyperventilate and sweat. With regards to the General Adaptation Syndrome, which phase would this be an example of? Shock Coping Phase One Alarm



At birth, babies can express all of the following emotions EXCEPT

All of the following are reasons that the prevalence of autism has increased EXCEPT _________? Diagnostic substitution Changes in diagnostic criteria Greater public awareness An increase in the number of hours that children younger than 2-years view television

An increase in the number of hours that children younger than 2-years view television

According to the book, infants with what kind of attachment style are more likely to be disliked and mistreated by peers later in childhood?


Jake has the tendency to perceive causal connections and meaningful connections, where none actually exists. In other words, Jake frequently thinks he sees patterns and infers that two things are related when they actually aren't. Jake most likely has... Prosopagnosia Apophenia Delirium Agnosia


The Nature-Nurture debate poses which of the following questions?

Are our behaviors attributable to our genes or to our rearing environments

The Nature-Nurture debate poses which of the following questions? Are our behaviors freely selected or determined by other factors that are out of our control? Are our behaviors attributable to our genes or to our rearing environments? Is what is rewarded, repeated? How do individuals vary?

Are our behaviors attributable to our genes or to our rearing environments?

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of universal adaptability? Children are born to ready to learn any human languages. Young babies could learn any language with the right inputs. As children get older, they get better at differentiating sounds from different languages. Young infants have the ability to detect and distinguish all speech sounds, including the non-native ones.

As children get older, they get better at differentiating sounds from different languages.

d. prevents the formation of painful memories

As described in lecture, a beta-blocker is effective in the treatment of PTSD because it Select one: a. is pleasurable but non-addictive. b. accelerates the extinction of painful memories. c. blocks the effects of dopamine. d. prevents the formation of painful memories.

a. speeds up extinction of a phobic response

As discussed in lecture, DCS (di-cycloserine) is a drug which is used to treat phobias because it: Select one: a. speeds up extinction of a phobic response b. prevents the formation of emotional memories. c. can also be used treat depression. d. is a special type of beta-blocker.

d. dopamine

As discussed in lecture, the neurotransmitter released by rewarding stimuli is ________________. Select one: a. DCS b. GABA c. norepinephrine d. dopamine

If you were to meet a man from the nation of Fiji but had never seen someone from there before, you would still recognize him as a human being. This cognitive process--which involves absorbing new experiences into current knowledge structures-- is known as:


a. theory of mind

At five years old, Sammy is better able to understand his friends' feelings as compared to when he was three years old. Sammy is acquiring what Developmental Psychologists call ____________________. Select one: a. theory of mind. b. self-concept. c. sense of identity. d. sense of self-reflection.

Research by Bell & Ainsworth found that babies cried more (correlation of about .5) when their mothers were less responsive to the babies' crying. This is empirical support for ___________________________.

Attachment theory

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. An adult vervent monkey sees a jaguar approaching. He cries out loudly, warning all the other vervent monkeys in the area of danger. Why is this behavior considered altruistic? A. The monkey will gain social praise for its behavior. B. The monkey is putting itself at risk for other individuals. C. The monkey understands that the jaguar is not a threat. D. The monkey does not believe others can help spread a warning.

B. The monkey is putting itself at risk for other individuals.

William meets Kate. They both share many of the same beliefs and interests. Based on the effects of similarity on attraction, which of the following is most likely to be William's reaction? A. William will be more likely to trust Kate than he would a stranger. B. William will be more attracted to Kate than he would a stranger. C. William will be more likely to love Kate than he would a stranger. D. William will be more likely to distrust Kate than he would a stranger.

B. William will be more attracted to Kate than he would a stranger.

Which of the following features is not universally accepted as a sign of physical attractiveness? A. facial symmetry B. a curvy figure C. average body type D. average features

B. a curvy figure

Researchers have demonstrated evidence of the matching hypothesis, showing that people who have similar __________ often form relationships. A. habits B. interests C. looks D. speech patterns

B. interests

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Gregory and Samantha have been attracted to each other since they met a few weeks ago. They are not sure if they want to settle down, so they enjoy an intense but brief summer relationship. Which type of love would Gregory and Samantha be most likely to share? A. platonic B. passionate C. companionate D. consummate

B. passionate

The social interaction theory claims that aggressive behavior is __________. A. beneficial for releasing toxic emotions B. used to control the behavior of another C. dependent upon the level of frustration felt D. a physiological reaction to environmental stimuli

B. used to control the behavior of another

Babafemi is participating in a research study. An electrode is placed on his orbicularis oculi muscle (the little muscle above the eyebrow) to record the slightest startle response movement. Then he is shown the International Affective Picture set. Every so often, he is startled by a loud sound. What will happen to Babafemi's startle response when he is viewing images that are high arousal and unpleasant? Babafemi's startle response will be greater than in a neutral condition. Babafemi's startle response will resemble his response in a neutral condition. Babafemi's startle response will be lower than in neutral condition. Babafemi will not have a startle response in this condition.

Babafemi's startle response will be greater than in a neutral condition.

Which of the following would experience the most powerful drive, according to the Drive Reduction Theory?

Bao, who is thirsty

Why would researchers hypothesize that the size of the hippocampus has something to do with learning and the achievement gap?

Because the hippocampus is important for learning and memory

Language impairment, intellectual disability and hyperactivity are _________________. Behavioral and cognitive features that are sometimes found in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Symptoms that exclude a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder Quantitative traits that are normally distributed in the population. Symptoms required for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder.

Behavioral and cognitive features that are sometimes found in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.

Which of the following statements is illustrative of the post hoc fallacy?

Believing that because most professional athletes lift weights, weightlifting produces professional athletes

Which of the following is true? Only negative life events can be stressful Both positive and negative life events can be stressful Only positive life events can be stressful Neither positive nor negative life events can be stressful

Both positive and negative life events can be stressful

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Greg's car breaks down on a busy freeway during rush hour. Dozens of cars pass Greg while he desperately tries to push his car onto the shoulder of the road. In the above scenario, what is the most likely explanation for the behavior of the drivers who pass Greg? A. kin selection B. social responsibility C. bystander effect D. social exchange

C. bystander effect

Which of the following factors is not linked to increased levels of aggression? A. physiological arousal B. high self-esteem C. domestication D. being male

C. domestication

The hostile expectation bias is a cognitive effect of consuming violent media, and it may cause one to believe that _________. A. aggressive behavior is unusual and rare B. acting aggressively is always beneficial C. others will act aggressively during conflicts D. people have a negative opinion of others

C. others will act aggressively during conflicts

The proposal that emotions serve to keep humans alive long enough to reproduce and form relationships that ensure the survival of offspring was first made by ___________________.

Charles Darwin

The proposal that emotions serve to keep humans alive long enough to reproduce and form relationships that ensure the survival of offspring was first made by ___________________. Kurt Lewin Charles Darwin Francis Galton Paul Ekman

Charles Darwin

When studying bullying, researchers are faced with a question of what came first. Do a child's psychosocial problems make him or her more vulnerable to bullying or does being bullied cause mental health problems? What has research found? Child Psychologists find strong evidence that being bullied increases emotional problems. Child psychologists find that children with psychosocial problems are more likely to be bullied. Child psychologists find no long term consequences for bullied children. Child Psychologists have not been able to find consistent results yet.

Child Psychologists find strong evidence that being bullied increases emotional problems.

In lecture, we saw a video of researcher Janet Werker studying the capacity of infants to detect speech sounds. She trained them to turn their head at a sound change (such as "ba" to "pa"), then exposed them to speech sounds that do not exist in English. What were her findings?

Children exhibit universal adaptability

According to the Hart & Risley (1995) study, how does SES (Social & Economic Status) of parents affect the size of children's vocabulary? Children with college educated parents have a larger vocabulary than other children with less educated parents. There is no difference between children's vocabulary across various SES groups. Children with parents of lower SES positively correlates to a higher number of words known. Children with high school educated parents have a smaller vocabulary than children with uneducated parents.

Children with college educated parents have a larger vocabulary than other children with less educated parents.

Between the ages of seven months and three years, children from the highest SES hear, on average, 2,153 words per hour whereas children on welfare hear, on average, 616 words per hour. What is the longterm impact of this difference on the development of language?

Children with higher SES have larger vocabularies when they enter school and better reading comprehension at the age of ten.

What characterizes people such as Albert Einstein and Vincent van Gough? Extraversion Verbal expression Cognitive exploration Kindness

Cognitive exploration

What characterizes people such as Albert Einstein and Vincent van Gough? Cognitive exploration Verbal expression Kindness Extraversion

Cognitive exploration

Suppose a psychologist wants to test the theory of a "g" factor of intelligence. What kind of data should the psychologist collect?

Correlations between performance on various intellectual or cognitively-demanding tasks.

Suppose a psychologist wants to test the theory of a "g" factor of intelligence. What kind of data should the psychologist collect? Information on similarities and differences in the IQ scores of MZ twins reared apart. Surveys asking psychologists if they believe that IQ tests truly measure intelligence. Correlations between performance on various intellectual or cognitively-demanding tasks. Data on the means and standard deviations for people of various ages when they take IQ tests.

Correlations between performance on various intellectual or cognitively-demanding tasks.

The most widely used modern intelligence test was developed by

David Wechsler

In 2015, a researcher studied the longterm effects of divorce on children. She recruited adults whose parents had divorced when the participants were children younger than 15 years. Her sample ranged in age from 18 to 73 years. She had them answer a series of questions about their adult attachment patterns. She compared the answers of the adult children of divorced parents to the answers of adults whose parents' marriages remained intact. What type of research design is this researcher using? Longitudinal Cross-sequential Cross-sectional Naturalistic observation


__________ studies observe different individuals at different ages at a single point in time to track age differences. Cross-sectional Sequential Sectional Cross-sequential


Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows. Philip is having an argument with Roger about a job assignment for which they are both responsible. Philip, who spends much of his leisure time playing violent video games, is suspicious of Roger's behavior because he believes Roger will react violently to the conflict. Which of the following effects is most likely responsible for Phillip's behavior? A. aggressor effect B. victim effect C. appetite effect D. hostile expectation bias

D. hostile expectation bias

Some of the soldiers who returned from Iraq suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Since the soldiers already have PTSD, doctors can't prevent the formation of painful memories, but they can use _______________ to speed up extinction of painful memories. beta-blockers DCS (d-cycloserine) SSRIs (serotonin reuptake inhibitors) opiates

DCS (d-cycloserine)

In a relationship with low amounts of equity, both individuals equally contribute to making important decisions. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Openness/intellect predicts all of the following EXCEPT... Creativity Emotional stability Relationship satisfaction Team performance at work

Emotional stability

Openness/intellect predicts all of the following EXCEPT... Team performance at work Emotional stability Relationship satisfaction Creativity

Emotional stability?

Which of the following emotions would be most difficult to read from facial expression alone? Anger Surprise Fear Envy


Which of the following is FALSE about eugenics and the movement? Eugenics has been endorsed by leaders as a remedy for social problems. Eugenics is a science that seeks to promote genetic/biological improvement of human society by influencing who does and does not reproduce. Eugenicists sought to popularize their movement. Eugenics has never been widely supported.

Eugenics has never been widely supported.

The evidence that language specialization is driven by ___________________ is provided by _________________________________________. Maturation...deaf children or children with Down's syndrome show similar sequences of language acquisition. Maturation...An eight-month old baby can distinguish among phonemes in all languages but by twelve month old baby can distinguish just the phonemes in the language he or she has heard most often. Experience...English-speaking children retain the ability to distinguish among Mandarin phonemes after training. Experience...bilingual children concentrate the language functions of their dominant language in the left side of the brain but continue to process their secondary language in both sides of the brain.

Experience...English-speaking children retain the ability to distinguish among Mandarin phonemes after training.

According to kin selection, one will demonstrate altruism only to immediate family members. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Which of the following statements about intelligence and the brain is true? Brain size is uncorrelated with intelligence across species, but it is correlated with intelligence within species. Brain size is completely uncorrelated with intelligence. Human brain size correlates positively with ntelligence. Bigger brains cause higher intelligence.

Human brain size correlates positively with ntelligence.

Which of the following is a standardized set of more 800 pictures designed to evoke pleasant and unpleasant emotions?


Which of the following is a standardized set of more 800 pictures designed to evoke pleasant and unpleasant emotions? TAT IAPS BFAS Rorschach


Which of the following best summarizes research findings on the stability of IQ: IQ is generally very stable. Environmental interventions can dramatically change IQ over a period of five years suggesting little stability. IQs measured at age 11 shows zero correlation with IQ at age 80, suggest little stability. Monozygotic twins reared apart have IQs that are very similiar to those of monozygotic twins reared together indicating great stability.

IQ is generally very stable.

Which of the following best summarizes research findings on the stability of IQ:

IQ is generally very stable. However, about 35% of children show increases or decreases of 11-21 points over six years.

Scottish researcher, Ian Deary, tracked down men and women, now 80 years old, who had taken an IQ test around the age of 10 or 11. When he re-administered the same IQ test, he found _____________________. Little stability over the nearly 70 years that had passed between the two administrations of the test. IQ scores were remarkably stable over time, a correlation of .73. No correlation with the real-world outcomes in the lives of these Scottish octogenarians. Strong environmental effects diminished the effects of intelligence over time

IQ scores were remarkably stable over time, a correlation of .73.

Scottish researcher, Ian Deary, tracked down men and women, now 80 years old, who had taken an IQ test at the age of 11. When he re-administered the same IQ test, he found _____________________.

IQ scores were remarkably stable over time, a correlation of .73.

What did EL Thorndike mean by the Law of Effect?

If behavior brings a reward, it becomes stamped into the mind and is likely to be repeated.

While completing an intelligence test, Imogen is asked to figure (in her head) how far a car could drive on 20 gallons of gas while traveling at an average speed of 40 miles per gallon. What kind of item has she just completed?

Imogen has done a Quantitative item

Unconditioned Response

In classical conditioning, the unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus (US), such as salivation when food is in the mouth

A young female meerkat with no offspring of her own is more likely to put herself at risk and give an alarm call when predators approach her group when she has more close relatives in the group in danger. This is an example of:

Inclusive Fitness

What does it mean to say that intelligence is a theoretical construct?

Intelligence is not a thing that can be observed; it is inferred from observable differences in behavior.

Which of the following best illustrates the adaptive value of emotion? After her stroke, Dorothy stopped feeling fearful. Fabian chose to spank his son for disobeying because he thought it was important to show that behavior has consequences. Carrie has a vivid imagination and enjoys planning what she would do to survive an emergency. She knows just what she will do if she is ever chased by a bear or caught in a tsunami. Isabeau feels passionately about her baby. She thinks she would fight a wild lion to protect him.

Isabeau feels passionately about her baby. She thinks she would fight a wild lion to protect him.

The lecture showed a graph of the proportion of monolingual English infants detecting the sound changes at various months of age. This graph provided evidence of a sensitive period. Which of the following is of a sensitive period? It is also called language resilience. It is also called a critical period. A time when growth will occur. It is a time when we can best make use of certain inputs during certain maturational periods.

It is a time when we can best make use of certain inputs during certain maturational periods.

What would be true of a thermometer that always reads three degrees off?

It is reliable but not valid

Twelve-year-old Julian, is shy and anxious. He is bullied by other kids at school. His parents consult the school psychologist who, having reviewed the research on bullying, explains to them that... Julian has psychological issues that encourage other children to bully him. Julian's problems with bullies will go away by the time he is fifteen. Julian is at risk of greater emotional problems as a result of being bullied. Julian will be a more resilient, more compassionate adult as a result of being bullied at age 12.

Julian is at risk of greater emotional problems as a result of being bullied.

What does it mean to hypothesize that "autism is a quantitative trait normally distributed in the population?" Autism is a homogeneous trait that can be measured in normal populations. People with autism spectrum disorder are found everywhere in normal populations. Individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are categorically different from normal populations. Just like height--everyone is more or less tall--autism is a trait that we all have more or less. Someone who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is just at an extreme.

Just like height--everyone is more or less tall--autism is a trait that we all have more or less. Someone who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is just at an extreme.

What does it mean to hypothesize that "autism is a quantitative trait normally distributed in the population?" Individuals diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder are categorically different from normal populations. Autism is a homogeneous trait that can be measured in normal populations. Just like height--everyone is more or less tall--autism is a trait that we all have more or less. Someone who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is just at an extreme. People with autism spectrum disorder are found everywhere in normal populations.

Just like height--everyone is more or less tall--autism is a trait that we all have more or less. Someone who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder is just at an extreme.

Language development can proceed in humans over a wide range of environments and a wide range of organic states. What does this describe? Language specialization Language innateness Language resilience Language sensitization

Language resilience

Linc was securely attached to his parents in infancy. What does meta-analysis predict about the quality of his peer relationships in childhood? Linc is more likely to be dependent on his parents and less likely to have high quality friendships than children with insecure attachment to their parents. The quality of Linc's early friendships will be stronger in early childhood, but over time, the relationship between infant attachment and friendship quality will disappear. Linc's childhood friendships are not related to his attachment style in infancy. Linc is more likely to have good relations with his peers than a child with a child who had an anxious or avoidant attachment with his parents.

Linc is more likely to have good relations with his peers than a child with a child who had an anxious or avoidant attachment with his parents.

Linc was securely attached to his parents in infancy. What does meta-analysis predict about the quality of his peer relationships in childhood? Linc is more likely to have good relations with his peers than a child with a child who had an anxious or avoidant attachment with his parents. Linc's childhood friendships are not related to his attachment style in infancy. The quality of Linc's early friendships will be stronger in early childhood, but over time, the relationship between infant attachment and friendship quality will disappear. Linc is more likely to be dependent on his parents and less likely to have high quality friendships than children with insecure attachment to their parents.

Linc is more likely to have good relations with his peers than a child with a child who had an anxious or avoidant attachment with his parents.

The ________ is the most extensively researched of all structured personality tests.


A behavioral psychologist would argue that babies will learn to cry ________ when parents ________ their baby when the baby cries.

MORE .... respond to

Which of the following statements about reciprocity is true?

Maintaining equity in a relationship is crucial for a relationship to move to deeper levels.

Which of these practices is most consistent with eugenics? Restricting desirable jobs to wealthy individuals. Failing to adequately fund schools serving low-income children. Providing extra funding to help low-IQ care for their children. Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability.

Making birth control more accessible to people of limited intellectual ability.


Many projective assessment tools are often lacking in

Which of the following is the best example of the "feelings" aspect of an emotional response?

Michelle told Barack that she was disgusted to discover spicy cheese on her sandwich.

Which of the following is the best example of the "feelings" aspect of an emotional response? Cindy threw away Greg's letterman jacket because it reminded her of their recent break-up. Tyler smiled when he found out his test grade was above the average in his PSY 1001 class. Laura screamed and flinched when she looked up and saw her sister's reflection in the mirror behind her. Michelle told Barack that she was disgusted to discover spicy cheese on her sandwich.

Michelle told Barack that she was disgusted to discover spicy cheese on her sandwich.

Developmental Psychologists use measures at different levels of analysis. When researchers look at how gene expression is changed in children that live in stressful environments, they are using which level of analysis? School and Neighborhood level measures Molecular level measures Behavioral level measures Systems level measures

Molecular level measures

Which of the following is true? About 90% of people who experience interpersonal violence develop post traumatic stress disorder. About 50% of the world population currently has post traumatic stress disorder. About 25% of the world population currently has post traumatic stress disorder. Most individuals who experience a traumatic event will not develop post traumatic stress disorder.

Most individuals who experience a traumatic event will not develop post traumatic stress disorder.

Which is an example of the "systems level" measure? Epigenetics Behavior among groups Behavior in schools Neuroimaging


When compared to DSM-IV, the definition of Autism in DSM-V ____? Included Rett's syndrome and expanded the definition of autism. Made Asperger's a separate syndrome and collapsed the definition of autism. No longer included Rett's syndrome and expanded the definition of autism. No longer included Rett's syndrome and collapsed the definition of autism.

No longer included Rett's syndrome and expanded the definition of autism.

Right after a school shooting, the principal had students come together in a community space to share their memories and experiences of the event. Based on what we know about the impact of trauma, is this type of gathering recommended? No, because this type of event should happen at school. Yes, because students need to talk about the event right away. No, because it might only make some of the memories become stronger and more intense. Yes, because students need an emotional release.

No, because it might only make some of the memories become stronger and more intense.

The understanding that objects continue to exist even when out of view is known as _________________. Conservation Accommodation Egocentrism Object permanence

Object permanence

Kohlberg's belief that the development of moral judgment is intricately related to the development of cognitive skills built on the work of ________.


The "Great Debate" described in lectures on Developmental Psychology concerns

Piaget's stage theory versus theories that view development as continuous

Using this graph, which of the following conclusions is NOT supported by the Luby and colleagues (2013) study of the factors mediating the effects of family income on the size of a child's hippocampus? Stressful life events were negatively correlated with income and hippocampus volume. Parent education had the strongest correlation with hippocampus volume. Supportive/hostile parenting style was positively associated with hippocampus volume. Income to needs was strongly correlated with parental education.

Parent education had the strongest correlation with hippocampus volume.

The fact that human females are pickier than males in choosing a mate is consistent with which of these:

Parental Investment Theory

Which area of the brain is most associated with general intelligence? Prefrontal cortex Cerebellum Occipital lobe Hippocampus

Prefrontal cortex

When a child understands that the number of dots in a row is the same after the dots have been spaced farther apart, the child has left Piagets _______________ stage.


The proportion of a given population diagnosed with autism at a given time is known as __________.


The proportion of a given population diagnosed with autism at a given time is known as __________. Incidence Nosology Prevalence Demographics


Which of the following is NOT a level of organization in Allports approach to describing personality?


Raphael scores two standard deviations below the Psy 1001 class on the BFAS scale of Neuroticism. Which of the following behaviors is consistent with that score?

Raphael keeps his emotions under control and rarely feels blue.

Johnny just passed a note to Kelsey in math class. The note says that his friend Jake has a crush on her. What idea suggests that Kelsey will now find Jake more attractive?


Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between brain volume and intelligence?

The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores.

You are arranging to go on a first date with someone that you like. You hope that this date will lead the object of your desire to become attracted to you. According to the Two Factor Theory of Emotion, what activity might be best for increasing your dates attraction to you?

Riding roller coasters at an amusement park.

Sam has a phobia of sharks, and Sophie does not. How does his startle response to an image of a shark compare to Sophie's startle response? Both will have low startle responses. Both will have very high startle responses. Sam will have a much higher startle response than Sophie. Sam will have a lower startle response than Sophie.

Sam will have a much higher startle response than Sophie.

Howard Gardner found evidence of multiple intelligences in individuals who scored low on intelligence but had an area of exceptional ability-for example, to make complex calculations. These people have

Savant syndrome

Which of the following is the correct sequence of Allports idiographic levels of organization from LEAST salient/characteristic and LEAST pervasive to MOST salient/characteristic and MOST pervasive?

Secondary, Central, Cardinal

According to Dr Gewirtz, emotion responses have three aspects: feelings, autonomic responses and somatic responses. Which of the following would describe Jada's somatic response when she realized that she had totally forgotten a Psy 1001 exam last week. She was sick to her stomach with fear. She called home to get reassurance. Her palms were sweaty. She started trembling.

She called home to get reassurance.

Which of the following is true? Only negative life events can be stressful. Some stress can be helpful. Stress has the same effects of everybody. There isn't much you can do about feeling stressed.

Some stress can be helpful.

In general, males sore higher than female on tests of

Spatial ability

Companionate love usually lasts longer than passionate love. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Experiencing empathy can motivate altruistic behavior. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


In interpersonal attraction, the phrase "Birds of a feather flock together" is more accurate than "Opposites attract." Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Some researchers claim that video games reward violent behavior. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


The social interaction theory explains that the purpose of aggression is to control another person's behavior. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


b. the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decate

The "Flynn effect" refers to Select one: a. the finding that IQ scores have stayed the same over the last decade. Incorrect b. the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade. c. the finding that IQ scores have steadily decreased over the last decade. d. the finding that IQ scores are negatively correlated with education levels.

What is the biggest difference between the classification of autism and autistic spectrum disorders in the DSM-IV and the DSM-V? The DSM-V has just one category for autistic spectrum disorders. For a diagnosis of autism, the DSM-V requires the presence of both behavioral deficits and seizure disorders. The DSM-V uses etiology to classify developmental disorders such as autism. The DSM-V separates pervasive developmental disorders such as Aspergers from autistic spectrum disorders.

The DSM-V has just one category for autistic spectrum disorders.

Among the primary functions of attachment is that the attachment figure serves as a "safe haven." To what does this term refer?

The attachment figure provides comfort.

A researcher hides the baby's toy under a cloth in location A as the baby watches. The baby finds it easily. The researcher again hides the toy as the baby watches, again in location A. The baby finds it easily. Then the researcher hides the toy under a cloth in location B. Although the baby saw the toy hidden in location B, the baby still looks in location A. What does this show? The baby lacks cognitive flexibility. The child has developed "theory of mind" The child is egocentric. The child has not yet fully developed object permanence.

The child has not yet fully developed object permanence.

A Developmental Psychologist presents data obtained from six-year-old children. She asserts that the data support her claim that the environment is the most important factor in the development of intelligence. Suppose you are a behavior geneticist who wants to challenge this claim. Which of the following is a true research finding that you could use to challenge the validity of her findings? The correlation in IQ between MZ twins reared apart is .36 on average and the IQ of MZ twins reared together is .74 Adopted children reared as siblings in the same household have IQ scores that are very similar The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .04 at the age of six but increases to .26 by adulthood The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .26 at the age of six but drops to .04 by adulthood

The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .26 at the age of six but drops to .04 by adulthood

Which of the following is the best example of an autonomic aspect of an emotional response to an incident? After his girlfriend was fired, an angry programmer hacked the company computers and trashed six months worth of sales data. The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night. When Molly saw the flock of wild turkeys by Pioneer Hall, she smiled happily. "I was terrified," Edwina commented as she described her recent car accident to a friend.

The criminal got sweaty palms during the lie detector test when he was asked about what really happened last Thursday night.


The evidence that language specialization is driven by ___________________ is provided by _________________________________________. Select one: a. Maturation...An eight-month old baby can distinguish among phonemes in all languages but by twelve month old baby can distinguish just the phonemes in the language he or she has heard most often. b. Maturation...deaf children or children with Down's syndrome show similar sequences of language acquisition. c. Experience...bilingual children concentrate the language functions of their dominant language in the left side of the brain but continue to process their secondary language in both sides of the brain. d. Experience...English-speaking children retain the ability to distinguish among Mandarin phonemes after training.

parental investment theory

The fact that human females are pickier than males in choosing a mate is consistent with which of these:

As discussed in lectures, "Universal Adaptability" refers to what ?

The finding that babies of eight months or less can discriminate among all speech sounds in all languages.

Simon and Binet

The first standard test to empirically measure intelligence was developed by

Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between brain volume and intelligence? Higher brain volume causes higher intelligence test scores. The higher the brain volume is, the lower the intelligence test scores. Higher brain volume is unrelated to intelligence test scores. The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores

The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores

Which of the following statements is true concerning the relationship between brain volume and intelligence? The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores. Higher brain volume is unrelated to intelligence test scores. Higher brain volume causes higher intelligence test scores. The higher the brain volume is, the lower the intelligence test scores.

The higher the brain volume is, the higher the intelligence test scores.

A Development Psychologist is interviewing teenagers whose parents are Somali refugees who settled in Minneapolis at least ten years ago. Her particular focus is how these parents support academic achievement. In this example, the researcher is looking at which level in a "cells to society" approach to development? The chronosystem of changes over time Individual abilities and characteristics The microsystem of family, neighborhood and school The macrosystem of mass media, legal and social services, and culture

The microsystem of family, neighborhood and school

Which area of the brain is most associated with general intelligence?

The prefrontal cortex

Among the primary functions of attachment is that the attachment figure serves as a "secure base." To what does this term refer?

The presence of the attachment figure allows the child to explore his or her environment more confidently.

What conclusions can NOT be drawn from research indicating the relationship between brain development and social class (SES), as summarized in this chart? By 36 months, children from higher social classes have more gray matter. By 36 months, children of high and low SES have significant differences in the volume of the gray matter in their brains. At five months, children of all social classes have about the same total gray matter. The relationship between social class and brain development is a function of the genes that children have at birth.

The relationship between social class and brain development is a function of the genes that children have at birth

a. emotions are produced by both autonomic arousal and cognition

The two-factor theory of emotion suggests that Select one: a. emotions are produced by both autonomic arousal and cognition. b. emotions are from our interpretations of bodily reactions to stimuli. Incorrect c. emotions are based upon our gut feelings. d. emotions and bodily reactions are simultaneously produced by stimuli.

Which psychological test asks the subject to tell a story based on a picture of one or more people in which it is unclear what is going on?

Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)

Which of the following is true about treatments for traumatic events? Group debriefing immediately after a traumatic event is helpful. There are several different evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Community debriefing immediately after a traumatic event is helpful. Currently, there are novevidence-based treatments for PTSD.

There are several different evidence-based treatments for PTSD.

Sarah is an 3 months old girl who is a English native speaker. When she is exposed to Mandarin Chinese, she demonstrates that she can detect changes within this non-native language. What does this exemplify? Universal adaptability Universal language Social interaction Language resilience

Universal adaptability

In lecture, we saw a video of researcher Janet Werker studying the capacity of infants to detect speech sounds. She trained them to turn their head at a sound change (such as "ba" to "pa"), then exposed them to speech sounds that do not exist in English. What were her findings? Children recognize only the sounds of their parents language Infants have a preference for their mother's voice from birth Very young infants exhibit universal adaptability. Deaf infants begin babbling at the same age as hearing infants

Very young infants exhibit universal adaptability.

Your friend argues that people's behavior is influenced by the situations in which they find themselves and not by some innate enduring personality trait. As a Psy 1001 scholar, you recognize that your friend is making the same argument in the "Person-Situation debate" as ___________________.

Walter Mischel

Which of the following best illustrates the adaptive value of emotion?

When an animal threatened her infant son, Maya's fright gave her the strength to grab him and run like the wind to safety.

According to Dr Gewirtz, Emotion responses have three aspects: Feelings, autonomic responses and somatic responses. Which of the following would describe Kitty's feelings response when she encountered a giant cockroach?

Wow, that cockroach is disgusting!

Maia arrives at her gymnastics meet feeling very unmotivated to perform. Her coach notices this and gives Maia a pep talk to get her pumped to perform her routines. Which psychological principle did Maia's coach employ?

Yerkes-Dodson law

As described in lecture, a promising treatment for PTSD involves preventing the formation of painful emotional memories through the use of ______________.

a beta-blocker

Although most psychologists focus on the individual, a Developmental Psychologist wants to study the development of a child in the context of his or her family and neighborhood. They also want to consider the influence of institutions, such as schools and churches, on that child's development. In addition, since institutions are embedded in a larger social and cultural context, they also take account of these influences on the developing child. The terminology of Development Psychology would call this ________________________.

a "cells to society" approach

As described in lecture, a promising treatment for PTSD involves preventing the formation of painful emotional memories through the use of ______________. DCS meditation and sleeping pills a beta-blocker virtual reality simulations of battle field conditions

a beta-blocker

Researchers recruited 30,000 nurses over the age of 60 to participate in a long-term study to determine whether taking vitamin supplements resulted in better health outcomes. Over fifteen years, half were provided with a daily vitamin and half received a placebo. Neither the researchers nor the participants knew who was receiving the daily vitamin. After fifteen years, researchers gathered health outcomes for all the nurses. This study is a nice example of ________________________.

a double-blind study

Evidence that Autism has a biological basis includes _____________________.

a high co-morbidity with brain seizures

Conditioned Response

a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus

What is sensitization?

a simple form of learning that occurs when presentation of a stimulus leads to an increased response to a later stimulus

When asked to recall single-digit numbers presented in various digit span sizes, the typical adult starts to encounter difficulty once they get past approximately ________ digits.

a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 7

A reliable test is one that

a. Accurately measures what it was designed to measure b. is almost entirely valid. c. Researchers can use for years without revising d. Provides consistent scores each time one takes it.

A Developmental Psychologist presents data obtained from six-year-old children. She asserts that the data support her claim that the environment is the most important factor in the development of intelligence. Suppose you are a behavior geneticist who wants to challenge this claim. Which of the following is a true research finding that you could use to challenge the validity of her findings?

a. Adopted children reared as siblings in the same household have IQ scores that are very similar b. The correlation in IQ between MZ twins reared apart is .36 on average and the IQ of MZ twins reared together is .74 c. The correlation between unrelated children reared in the same home is .04 at the age of six but increases to .26 by adulthood

Which of the following statements about intelligence and the brain is true?

a. Brain size is uncorrelated with intelligence across species, but it is correlated with intelligence within species. b. Brain size is completely uncorrelated with intelligence. c. Bigger brains cause higher intelligence. ((((((d. Human brain size correlates between 0.3 and 0.4 with intelligence.))))))))

The way to distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning is that _______________________.

a. Classical conditioning involves animals whereas operant conditioning involves humans. b. Classical conditioning is unconscious whereas operant conditioning is conscious. c. Classical conditioning is automatic and quick whereas operant conditioning is more controlled and slow. d. Classical conditioning involves an association between two stimuli and whereas operant conditioning requires behavior on the part of the learner.

While completing an intelligence test, Etenia was asked to define the word, "division." What kind of item did she complete?

a. Etenia has done a Quantitative item. (((((b. Etenia has done a divergent thinking item.)))))))) c. Etenia has done a Verbal item. d. Etenia has done a Spatial item.

An individual differences psychologist would be interested in which of the following questions?

a. How do stereotypes affect our behavior? Incorrect b. How can intelligence affect life outcomes? c. What is the effect of group size on helping behaviors? d. What is the role of the situation on conformity?

Jake claims that the correlates of IQ are caused by the other advantages which high SES parents provide their children, not to IQ itself. Which of the following findings could be used to REFUTE this claim?

a. IQ correlates .53 with performance in complex jobs. b. Within families, the siblings who have higher IQs are more likely to achieve higher occupational status. (((((c. Children who are adopted by high SES parents have higher IQ scores than their biological brothers and sisters reared in a low SES home.)))))) d. Children from high SES families tend to have higher IQ scores than those of children from low SES families.

While completing an intelligence test, Imogen is asked to figure (in her head) how far a car could drive on 20 gallons of gas while traveling at an average speed of 40 miles per gallon. What kind of item has she just completed?

a. Imogene has done a matrices item. b. Imogen has done a Verbal item. c. Imogen has done a Quantitative item. d. Imogene has done a Spatial item.

The serial order effect predicts that, if you tried to memorize aand recall a list of 243 nations in alphabetical order (Abkhazia, Afghanistan, Akrotiri....Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe), you will be least likely to remember which of the following:

a. the nations at the start of the list ((((((b. the nations in the middle of the list))))) c. the nations at the end of the list d. the nations at the start and at the end

After Pavlov's dogs became conditioned to salivate at the sound of the bell, he experimented with ringing the bell and then failing to present the dogs with any food right away. Soon they stopped salivating to the sound of the bell. This represents the process called ________.

a. acquisition b. testing ((((c. extinction)))))) d. spontaneous recovery

The discriminative stimulus occurs _______________ .

a. after the behavior occurs. b. before the behavior occurs c. during emotional conditioning d. before the (UCS --> UCR) event

The discriminative stimulus occurs _______________ .

a. before the (UCS --> UCR) event (((b. after the behavior occurs.)))) c. during emotional conditioning d. before the behavior occurs

After using the techniques of classical conditioning to train sweet amiable Little Albert to be fearful of his pet white rat, J. B. Watson demonstrated the phenomenon of stimulus generalization when Little Albert_____.

a. did not cry when he saw men with brown or black beards. b. cried when he saw his pet white rat. c. no longer cried when he saw his pet white rat. ((((((d. cried when he saw a white rabbit.)))))))

Learning that occurs when an organism's behavior is influenced by watching models is called _________.

a. latent learning b. operant conditioning c. observational learning d. classical conditioning

In one study, students were given two problems to solve. The first problem involved radiation and a tumor, the second involved a general and a fortress. Students rarely saw that the solution to the second problem could be used to solve the first problem because the two problems seemed too different. Being distracted by the superficial features of a problem is the obstacle to problem solving known as ________________.

a. mental sets b. functional fixedness c. salience of surface similarities d. searching for analogies

Research on flashbulb memories finds that ______________________________.

a. over time flashbulb memories are more accurate than other memories. b. flashbulb memories are less susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories. c. flashbulb memories are more susceptible to the misinformation effect than other memories. d. flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories.

In terms of measurement, a valid test ________________?

a. sensitive enough to discriminate among people. ((((((b. measures what it is supposed to measure.)))))) c. is one on which people get consistent scores no matter how many times they complete it. d. allows researchers to generalize from its results.

In classical conditioning, the conditioned response is always

a. stronger than the unconditioned response. (((((b. whatever the conditioned stimulus produces as a result of training.))))) c. whatever the conditioned stimulus produces prior to training. d. similar to the unconditioned response.

A 10-year-old child scores 140 on an IQ test with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15. Based on the normal distribution, you can draw the following conclusion about this child :

a. the child has scored 40% higher than an average 10-year old b. Ten percent of 10-year olds score higher than this child. c. This child is as bright as an average 8-year old. d. This child scores in the gifted and talented range.

In Sperling's classic study, he showed participants an array of 12 letters in three lines and then gave them a signal to direct their attention to the letters on one of the three lines of the array. This method allowed Sperling to study

a. the serial position effect. b. the forgetting curve in learning. (((((c. the duration and capacity of sensory memory.)))))) d. the duration and capacity of short-term memory.

As discussed in lecture, a descriptive approach to problem solving:

a. uses syllogisms and mnemonics as aids to problem solving. (((((b. tells how people actually solve problems.))))) c. tells how people ought to solve problems to achieve the best outcome, rationally. d. identifies the best algorithms to solve a given problem.

Gina wants a glass of milk but all the glasses are in the sink waiting to be washed. She finds a clean empty fruit jar and pours milk into it. Gina was able to help herself by altering her idea of "glass" to something more compatible with experience in the process known as __________________.


Yamka hears a rattling sound as she hikes through the desert. Her muscles tense and her blood pressure rises. According to Hans Selye, she is in the___________. exhaustion phase alarm phase chronic stress phase resistance phase

alarm phase

One-year old Tommy is extremely distressed whenever his mother leaves him, yet resists her attempts to comfort him when she returns. Based on these behaviors, it seems that Tommy may have ___________________ with his mother.

anxious-ambivalent (also called insecure) attachment

What is reinforcement?

any event that strengthens the behavior it follows

What is a discriminative stimulus?

any stimulus, such as a stop sign or a doorknob, that provides the organism with a cue for making a certain response in order to obtain reinforcement

As described in lecture, the medial forebrain and the nucleus accumbens are associated with which of the following primary motive systems?


As discussed in lecture, the three primary motive systems in the brain are...

appetitive, defensive and impulse control

Although certain core criteria are required for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder, other behavioral, cognitive, genetic, and medical features are often seen in individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This pattern of behaviors and other features have led psychologists to ______________. search for better data on the incidence of autism. search for explanations for the prevalence of autism. argue that autism is heterogeneous and the search is on for more homogeneous subgroups. conclude that autism is homogeneous and the search is on for the variables that predict the onset of ASD.

argue that autism is heterogeneous and the search is on for more homogeneous subgroups.

When John was young he ate old Chinese food and became ill. Now every time he walks past the local Chinese restaurant the aroma makes his stomach turn and feels ill. Identify the conditioned stimulus.


Which two different terms best describe Schachter and Singer's theory of emotion?

arousal and context

As described in lecture, the IAPS photos—such as a smiling baby, erotica, or mutilation—are rated high or low on two dimensions :

arousal and valence (pleasant or unpleasant)

During lecture, Psy 1001 students saw an experiment in which participants were told either that they would experience intense and painful shocks or mild shocks that were not painful. Then, while waiting for the shock treatment, participants answered survey questions on whether they would like to spend time waiting alone or with another person. In this study, the questionnaire that students completed served __________________.

as the dependent variable

As described in lecture, if the amygdala is lesioned, the fear-potentiated startle will ____________.

be reduced or even disappear

As described in lecture, if the amygdala is lesioned, the fear-potentiated startle will ____________. requires higher arousal to activate grow stronger not be affected be reduced or even disappear

be reduced or even disappear

One can be conditioned to become sexually aroused at the sight of a triangle if the triangle is presented shortly ________ an appropriate ________.

before; UCS

To a Developmental Psychologist, behavior that "resilient" is __________________.

behavior that each member of the species will develop even in widely different situations

To a Developmental Psychologist, behavior that "resilient" is __________________. behavior that each or almost every member of the species will develop even in widely different situations genetically determined affected by the environment learned in response to environmental pressures

behavior that each or almost every member of the species will develop even in widely different situations

Allport was a personality researcher who subscribed to the:

behavioral genetic approach

Harry Harlow's research with young Rhesus monkeys demonstrated the need for contact comfort. Dr. Harlow's research did NOT support the popular explanation of mother-infant bonding given by ______________. This explanation is that babies would learn to love the caregiver who provided the reward of food. behaviorial psychologists freudian psychologists attachment theorists humanistic psychologists

behaviorial psychologists

Law of Effect

behaviors immediately followed by favorable consequences are more likely to occur again

According to the textbook, researchers have found a correlation between brain size and intelligence:

both with humans and across species

A feature that is associated with autism is that... the majority of children with autism exhibit savant skills such as calendar memory or the ability to calculate square roots. boys and girls develop autism at similar rates. boys are four times more likely to develop autism than girls. girls are four times more likely to develop autism than boys.

boys are four times more likely to develop autism than girls.

One advantage of a longitudinal design, as compared to a cross-sectional design, is that a longitudinal design:

can be completed quickly.

As described in lecture, learning to talk appears to have a biological foundation. One piece of evidence for this claim is that... teaching can speed up the stages. children are able to hear only the speech sounds of their parent's language at birth children go through the same sequence at around the same ages. parents are good tutors and models.

children go through the same sequence at around the same ages.

Conditioning techniques are used in advertising to sell products. Pairing a neutral stimulus (like a handbag) with a naturally exciting stimulus (like an attractive model) is an example of:

classical conditioning

The way to distinguish classical conditioning from operant conditioning is that _______________________.

classical conditioning involves an association between two stimuli and whereas operant conditioning requires behavior on the part of the learner

What is the differene between classical and operant conditioning?

classical conditioning pairs 2 stimuli, while operant conditioning pairs behavior and response -classical conditoning always works with involuntary responses, while operant conditioning works with voluntary behaviors

A/an __________ refers to a group of people who lived during the same time period.


A/an __________ refers to a group of people who lived during the same time period. constituency cohort age cluster peer group


Compared to his cousins who did not participate in the Chicago Longitudinal Study, Darryl is more likely to ______________. complete high school manage everyday hassles better more likely to repeat a grade score higher on IQ tests

complete high school

Alice is sitting at the table with her son Nikko. She takes his tall glass of milk, which is only half full, and pours it into a shorter wider glass. Then she says "Honey, which glass has more milk?" Nikko immediately points to the taller glass, as he is chewing his peanut butter sandwich. Nikko has not yet mastered Piaget's skill of ________.


Arthur is 4 years old and can clearly indicate that two containers of the same size, filled to the same level, hold the same amount of liquid. However, when the liquid from one of the containers is poured into another that is skinnier and taller, Arthur indicates that this new container now holds more liquid than the other. What principle has he failed to understand? object permanence accomodation physics conservation


Research indicates that, across cultures, people usually identify six basic emotions when looking at facial cues in photographs. Which of the following is NOT one of those six emotions? happiness fear anger contentment


what does the somatic nervous system do?

controls skeletal muscle contractions

Julie has a desk right next to her manager's office. Whenever her manager is in the office, Julie makes sure that she works hard at her computer. However, when the manager is away from his office, she often works much more slowly and takes many breaks. In this case, the manager being in his office is acting as ______________ for working hard.

discriminative stimulus

When analyzing a behavioral event using the A-B-C model, something in "A" may signal that an organism should now behave ("B") in a certain way in order to receive reinforcement for its behavior ("C"). The term for this something in "A" is ____________________.

discriminative stimulus

When they meet new people, Emma tends to be reserved and quiet whereas Jane tends to be outgoing and talkative. In all situations, in fact, Emma tends to be more reserved and Jane tends to be more outgoing. The observation that people react differently to the same situation refers to __________ of personality.


An important turning point for the conceptualization of autism came when researcher Bernard Rimland __________________________________.

documented a relationship between autism and seizure disorder

As discussed in lecture, the neurotransmitter released by rewarding stimuli is ________________. DCS dopamine norepinephrine GABA


As discussed in lecture, the neurotransmitter released by rewarding stimuli is ________________. GABA dopamine norepinephrine DCS


You might feel less stressed by taking this quiz if you consider that your friend has to do this quiz and write a 10-page paper tonight. Which stress management strategy are you using? upward comparison present control positive comparison downward comparison

downward comparison

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is associated with behaviors such as:

eating, drinking, reproduction, nurturing young

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is associated with behaviors such as:

eating, drinking, reproduction, nurturing young.

As discussed in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is associated with behaviors such as: eating, drinking, reproduction, nurturing young. goal-setting, status seeking sociability, risk-taking, assertiveness escaping from threats, displays of strength, aggression

eating, drinking, reproduction, nurturing young.

The Minneapolis police force sent a group of officers to a special program to train them in the facial signs of deception. The developer of this special program believes that facial expressions are simply a visible display of specific categories of emotions—anger, contempt, disgust, and so on—and that people can be trained to read facial expressions just as one can read a book. The developer of this course evidently believes that: emotions are separate from cognition. emotions are a psychological construct. emotions are not measurable. emotions are discrete categories of feelings.

emotions are discrete categories of feelings.

The Minneapolis police force sent a group of officers to a special program to train them in the facial signs—the "micro-expressions" —of deception. The developer of this special program believes that facial expressions are simply a visible display of specific categories of emotions—anger, contempt, disgust, and so on—and that people can be trained to read facial expressions just as one can read a book. The developer of this course evidently believes that:

emotions are discrete categories of feelings.

A Minnesota Twin Study correlated IQ scores for identical and fraternal twins who had been reared in different household. The researchers found a correlation of .74 for IQ scores for identical twins. What does the difference between the correlation coefficient of .74 and a perfect correlation (1.0) represent?

environmental influences also play a role in intelligence.

A Minnesota Twin Study correlated IQ scores for identical and fraternal twins who had been reared in different household. The researchers found a correlation of .74 for IQ scores for identical twins. What does the difference between the correlation coefficient of .74 and a perfect correlation (1.0) represent? Heritability measurements are only 74% accurate. Some identical twins do not share 100% of their genes. environmental influences also play a role in intelligence. IQ test measurement error

environmental influences also play a role in intelligence.

Which of the following emotions would be most difficult to read from facial expression alone?

envy; this is because envy is not a primary emotion and is therefore harder to interpret

An investigator who uses a cross-sectional design: examines a single group of people at several time points. examines different groups of people at a single time point. compares humans to other animal species. compares people from different cultures.

examines different groups of people at a single time point.

According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the _____________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.


According to Hans Selye, resistance to stress is lowest at the _____________ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. exhaustion alarm resistance collapse


If a stressor goes on for too long, a human being will likely fall into a state of... coping. resistance. exhaustion. alarm.


According to our lecturer, what drives specialization of language to the left hemisphere of the brain? maturation specific genes experience parental instruction.


After a subject has developed a classically conditioned response, an investigator begins presenting the CS by itself, without the UCS. Which of the following is likely to occur?


When working with autistic children, a therapist will try to strengthen which of the following behaviors:

eye to eye contact and paying attention behaviors

The three most common forms of PTSD treatment all force you to... face the trauma. forget the experience. avoid the trauma. change the trauma.

face the trauma.

Spearman, an early intelligence researcher, observed that scores on many different kinds of intelligence tests were correlated. He determined that one general concept, "g," could account for these correlations by using the statistical approach known as ________________.

factor analysis

According to Professor Jennings, differences among people are the result of the environments in which they grow up. Someone with the right experiences will turn out just fine. Someone who experiences stressful events are more likely to suffer deficits of some kind. In this set of beliefs, Dr Jennings... believes that both Nature and Nurture are important. is supporting genetic determinism. falls on the Nature side of the Nature-Nurture debate. falls on the Nurture side of the Nature-Nurture debate

falls on the Nurture side of the Nature-Nurture debate

According to Professor Jennings, differences among people are the result of the environments in which they grow up. Someone with the right experiences will turn out just fine. Someone who experiences stressful events are more likely to suffer deficits of some kind. In this set of beliefs, Dr Jennings... falls on the Nurture side of the Nature-Nurture debate. is supporting genetic determinism. falls on the Nature side of the Nature-Nurture debate. believes that both Nature and Nurture are important.

falls on the Nurture side of the Nature-Nurture debate.

According to Professor Martinez, differences among people are the result of the genes that they inherit from their parents. The home a child shares with his or her parents has little impact on the person they turn out to be. If they have something in common with their siblings, it is all due to the genes they share, not their parents loving care. In this set of beliefs, Dr Martinez _____________________. believes that both Nature and Nurture are important Is supporting genetic determinism. falls on the nature side of the Nature-Nurture debate. falls on the Nurture side of the Nature-Nurture debate

falls on the nature side of the Nature-Nurture debate.

post hoc fallacy

false assumption that because one event occurred before another event, it must have caused that event

As discussed in the lecture on the study of emotion, the blink response is a technique used to measure ________. fear-potentiated startle if someone is lying someone's arousal level unconditioned learning

fear-potentiated startle

If Dave scores higher than 90% of the norm group on the WAIS-IV, this means that he:

fell into the 90th percentile of scores.

People that are very high in the trait of Cognitive Exploration probably... enjoy routine. find going to museums boring. think that putting too much money in science is worrisome. find advances in art and science fascinating.

find advances in art and science fascinating.

Research on flashbulb memories finds that ______________________________.

flashbulb memories change over time just like other memories.

According to Spearman, ________ intelligence that produces the positive correlations found between vocabulary, spatial ability, and verbal reasoning tests. emotional general crystallized fluid


According to Spearman, ________ intelligence that produces the positive correlations found between vocabulary, spatial ability, and verbal reasoning tests. fluid general crystallized emotional


Charles Spearman's g refers to

general intelligence

The fact that identical twins are more likely to share sexual orientation than fraternal twins suggests that sexual orientation is at least partly hormonal environmental. chemical. genetic.


If our behaviors and physiological reactions can give rise to our emotion changes, holding a pen with our teeth would most likely make us feel...


As discussed in lecture, IQ correlates with all of the following, except: occupational achievement happiness extracurricular activities educational achievement


As discussed in lecture, IQ correlates with all of the following, except: occupational achievement educational achievement extracurricular activities happiness


Paul Ekman's research indicates that, across cultures, people can usually identify the following emotional expressions:

happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust

Paul Ekman's research indicates that, across cultures, people can usually identify the following emotional expressions: happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust anger, fear, happiness, sadness, remorse, disgust fear, disgust, love, anger, surprise, disappointment happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, remorse, suspicion

happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, disgust

Which of the following are basic emotions that people can usually identify in photographs, according to Ekman? sadness, remorse, fear fear, anger, disappointment love, happiness, disgust happiness, sadness, surprise

happiness, sadness, surprise

A child has learned to distinguish between the statements that "John believes it is raining outside" and "it is raining outside." A Developmental Psychologist would consider this evidence that the child ___________________________.

has developed a "theory of mind."

As discussed in lecture, the blink response of individuals diagnosed as psychopaths has been measured on IAPS images rated as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant. The researchers found that, compared to normal subjects, psychopaths....

have the same startle response to unpleasant images as they have to pleasant images

Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that

he gave her a big smile

Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that...

he gave her a big smile

Randeep had been studying hard for a while in the Lind Hall library for an upcoming Psychology exam. When his friend Annelise came over and said hello, his heart rate decreased, he stretched back in his chair, he gave her a big smile, and said "I'm so happy to see you!" According to Dr. Gewirtz's definition, when Randeep's saw his friend, the somatic aspect of his emotional response is that... he felt relief. he said, "I am so happy to see you." his heart rate decreased. he gave her a big smile.

he gave her a big smile.

Benoit's internal working model--"I cannot depend on others"--

helps him lower and contain his distress in stressful situations.

Ann screamed in terror while watching the classic horror film, "A Nightmare on Elm Street." It seems likely that _________________ was more active in her brain during these fear-filled scenes.

her amygdala

As described in lecture, the appetitive motive system in the brain is activated by IAPS pictures that are: high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. low on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. low on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

As described in lecture, an IAPS picture of a snake attacking you would likely be rated as: high on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension. high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. low on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension. low on the arousal dimension, high on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

high on the arousal dimension, low on the pleasure (valence) dimension.

Which Type A personality characteristic is the key trait that is linked to heart disease?


The ___________ operates on the pleasure principle, whereas the ___________ operates on the reality principle.


A famous psychologist, Gordon Allport, corresponded with one Jenny Gove Masteron. He used her 301 letters as the basis of an intensive study of her personality. The best name for the approach that Allport used in this case (which emphasizes the unique aspects of an individual's personality) is ____________.


Consistent with research on physical attractiveness, on reality TV shows, when people have plastic surgery to increase their beauty, they are most likely to chose procedures that...

increase the averageness of their faces

As discussed in lecture, DCS (D-cycloserine) is a drug that has been shown to ___________________.

increase the rate of extinction of a phobia.

One-year old Tommy is extremely distressed whenever his mother leaves him, yet resists her attempts to comfort him when she returns. Based on these behaviors, it seems that Tommy may have ___________________ with his mother. lacking attachment insecure attachment secure attachment not yet developed an attachment style

insecure attachment

What does the autonomic nervous system do?

it provides a rapid response to a threat where we may need to be able to run or defend ourselves (controls involuntary actions)

Donovan has an avoidant attachment to his mother. In the Strange Situation experiment, Donovan may... be very angry at all parental figures. become upset when his mother leaves and remain distressed when she comes back despite her attempts to comfort him. show an inconsistent mix of responding. less or no external signs of distress when she leaves, and not go to her once she returns.

less or no external signs of distress when she leaves, and not go to her once she returns.

Donovan has an avoidant attachment to his mother. In the Strange Situation experiment, Donovan may... become upset when his mother leaves and remain distressed when she comes back despite her attempts to comfort him. show an inconsistent mix of responding. less or no external signs of distress when she leaves, and not go to her once she returns. be very angry at all parental figures

less or no external signs of distress when she leaves, and not go to her once she returns.

As enacted in discussion sections, a group of friends get together to plan a vacation. They are all high in extraversion and low in conscientiousness. Based on the Big Five model, one predicts that the plan they will create will

let them be energetic, adventuresome and sociable (like sky-diving in Australia) while remaining less structured and more impulsive.

Daniel is interested in studying how children's behavior changes when they grow up in high-risk environments. He enlists 500 children and their parents to take part in his research, and observes these children once a year for 20 years. Despite the fact that this research is very time consuming and expensive, it gives very good information about how the children age over time. This type of research is an example of a __________ study


As a way to measure emotion, psychologists startle research participants while they are viewing IAPS pictures. When people are startled while viewing high-arousal pleasant pictures, their startle response is ____________ . the same as their startle response to neutral pictures higher than their startle response to neutral images. the same as their startle response to high-arousal, unpleasant images. lower than their startle response to neutral pictures.

lower than their startle response to neutral pictures.

The experiment is a research method in which the investigator ________________________.

manipulates a variable under carefully controlled conditions and observes whether there are changes in a second variable as a result

One statistical procedure allows researchers to aggregate the findings of many similar studies. In this procedure, known as ______________________, results are weighted by sample size and then averaged across studies. the strange situation test structural equation modeling meta-analysis factor analysis


Harlow conducted his research on children's attachments to their mothers using ___________.


Researchers studying infant stress levels using the "Strange Situation" method have found that... most infants are happy with the mom when she departs and they remain happy with her when she returns. most infants are upset with the mom when she departs and remain upset at her when she returns. most infants are not upset with the mom when she departs because they know she will return shortly. most infants are upset with the mom when she departs but are happy when she returns.

most infants are upset with the mom when she departs but are happy when she returns.

According to a Behavioral Psychologist, infants are attached to their mothers at a certain age because ___________________. mothers provide the reward of food mothers provide the reward of contact comfort babies are biologically prepared to bond to their caregiver mothers provide safety

mothers provide the reward of food

The startle reflex is humans can be measured by.... cognitive dissonance. avoidance response. approach response. muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

muscle potential in the vicinity of the eye.

Camile, eight years old, is neither liked nor disliked by her 3rd grade classmates. It is as if she just isn't there as far as her classmates are concerned. A child psychologist, observing this pattern, would classify Camile's peer status as ___________________. bullied neglected friendless rejected


Professor Smith conceptualizes personality as a limited number of traits that everyone has to some degree. People can be compared on these traits—that is, some people may be high on one trait, some average, some low. As described in lecture, Professor Smith is using a ____________ approach to personality


Malcolm Gladwell's "threshold hypothesis"--that more "g" is not better after an IQ of 120--is __________________________.

not supported by the evidence

We use the word creativity to describe people, processes, and products. In order for something to be creative, they must be considered both ____________ and ___________. productive, functional divergent, original functional, intelligent novel, productive

novel, productive

The neurological basis f intelligence is most dependent on the

number of synapses between neurons

Piaget overestimated the degree to which

object permanence takes time to develop in children.

What is the Flynn Effect?

observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation

Of the following, IQ scores are most highly correlated with ______________________________ .

obtaining a college degree

Of the following, IQ scores are most highly correlated with ______________________________ . being a happy person novel and successful solutions to artistic challenges obtaining a college degree perceptual acuity

obtaining a college degree

Of the following, IQ scores are most highly correlated with ______________________________ . obtaining a college degree perceptual acuity novel and successful solutions to artistic challenges being a happy person

obtaining a college degree

As described in lecture, a fear-potentiated startle response in animals...

occurs in the presence of a conditioned stimulus.

Danny initially looked at the amount of Chemistry homework with fear and dread. But, he decided to instead look at the task as a challenge. This is an example of... downward comparison positive reappraisal present control past control

positive reappraisal

Johnny has never been harassed by the school bully, but most of his friends have. Johnny's decision to stand up to the bully to protect his friends represents a type of ________ morality.


The purpose of Alfred Binet's early intelligence tests was to

predict how children would do in scholl

Students who do well on college entrance exams generally well in college. This helps establish that these exams have

predictive validity

You might feel less stressed by an upcoming exam if you focus on the things you can do now to prepare for the exam. Which stress management strategy are you using? positive mindset gratitude present control positive reappraisal

present control

As described in lecture, a beta-blocker may be useful in the treatment of PTSD because it... prevents the formation of painful memories. blocks the effects of dopamine. accelerates the extinction of painful memories. is pleasurable but non-addictive.

prevents the formation of painful memories.

What is habituation?

process of responding less strongly over time to repeated stimuli

The evolutionary function of attachment that keeps an infant close to its caregiver is known as ________________.


As discussed in lecture, when comparing the blink response of psychopathic prisoners and normal subjects on IAPS images rated as pleasant, neutral or unpleasant, researchers find that

psychopathic prisoners have a blink response to unpleasant IAPS images that resembles their blink response to pleasant images.

Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences ______________________________. proposes a hierarchy of mental abilities with a general factor, "g" at the top, shared by all. is a valid and reliable model of intelligence that all scientists accept. predicts that people who score high on one mental ability test will score high on other mental ability tests. says there are different types of intelligence.

says there are different types of intelligence.

As discussed in lecture, models of intelligence that include "g" are based on the observation that: some children are at high risk of failing in school. people can excel at one thing and be quite average on another. scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate positively. some people have more and better schooling than others.

scores on various tests of mental ability tend to correlate positively.

What does the appetitive motive system refer to?


The males of some animals invest less in raising offspring and, as a consequence, need to compete more for access to females. In these species, one is more likely to find ____________

sexual dimorphism

What is the correct sequence of events in emotional response according to the Cannon-Bard theory?

stimulus --> emotion AND physiological changes (simultaneous)

According to meta-analysis, the relationship between childhood attachment style and peer relationships in childhood _____________________. does not exist strengthens as children grow weakens as children age is mediated by SES

strengthens as children grow

According to a study described in lecture, which of the following mediating factors (measured in preschool) is correlated with the volume of the hippocampus ten years later? supportive/hostile parenting styles years of parental education attendance at pre-school parental income

supportive/hostile parenting styles

Ta-Nehisi was walking back to his dorm after studying until midnight. When a car slowed down and began to trail him, he began to feel fear. He broke into a sweat and began to breath faster. His heart began to pound. He quickened his pace and thought of a different, safer route home. According to Dr Gewirtz's definition, in this incident, the autonomic aspect of Ta-Nehisi's emotional response was _______________________________. finding a different, safer route home sweating, shortness of breath and his pounding heart quickening his pace feeling fear

sweating, shortness of breath and his pounding heart

Developmental Psychologists use measures at different levels of analysis. When Dr Gunnar collects spit sample to measure levels of the hormone, cortisol, in response to stress, which level of analysis is she using? School and Neighborhood level measures systems level measures idiographic measures Behavioral level measures

systems level measures

The Big Five personality traits are identified across data sets, and across race and ethnicities, the old and young, and men and women. This evidence indicates that ____________________.

the Big Five model is basic to our understanding of personality.

The mysterious finding that IQ scores have steadily increased since 1950 is know as __________________. Spearman's correlation the Ravens progressive matrices the Flynn effect Project Talent

the Flynn effect

The finding that high SES children hear thirty million more words before the age of four than low SES children has captured the public's imagination. The conclusion that the number of words heard before the age of four causes the achievement gap at age ten is an example of _______________________.

the Post-Hoc fallacy

The investment made in children by the Chicago Longitudinal Study was evaluated when those children were 26. At that time, ... The return on investment was found to be neutral--for each dollar spent, a dollar was gained--but the children in the program gained, on average, eight IQ points--leading to greater achievement in school. the Return on Investment was found to be around $11 for each dollar invested in the program. The return on investment was found to be neutral--for each dollar spent, a dollar was gained--but the social effects were significant for participants. the Return on Investment was found to be negative and the program was discontinued.

the Return on Investment was found to be around $11 for each dollar invested in the program.

The investment made in children by the Chicago Longitudinal Study was evaluated when those children were 26. At that time, ___________________________________.

the Return on Investment was found to be around $11 for each dollar invested in the program.

Heritability of intelligence refers to

the amount of group variation in intelligences that can be attributed to genetics

Researchers show a baby a little scenario. When the curtains open, the baby sees one mouse and watches as a second mouse joins the first mouse. The curtain comes down. When the curtain goes up again, the baby sees only one mouse. If the baby seems surprised by this (indicated by staring longer at this improbable event) the researchers can conclude that:

the baby has rudimentary number concepts.

A fear-potentiated startle is...

the difference between a startle response in a neutral condition and in a high arousal condition

A fear-potentiated startle is... the startle response that one has to an unexpected burst of noise. the difference between a startle response in a neutral condition and in a high arousal condition. an expression of fear. found in animals but not in humans.

the difference between a startle response in a neutral condition and in a high arousal condition.

Alfred Binet and Sir Francis Galton would have likely disagreed about....

the extent to which our senses influence our intelligence

Diane has been feeling sad for the past two days. Her sister suggests that if Diane smiled more she might feel better. This suggestion is consistent with...

the facial feedback hypothesis.

The "Flynn effect" refers to

the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade.

The "Flynn effect" refers to... the finding that IQ scores have steadily decreased over the last decade. the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade. the finding that IQ scores are negatively correlated with education levels. the finding that IQ scores have stayed the same over the last decade.

the finding that IQ scores have steadily increased over the last decade.

Research involving family and adoption studies have demonstrated that siblings reared together and cousins reared together have similar IQ correlations. the correlations between the IQ scores of cousins reared together are negative. the correlations between the IQ scores of cousins reared together are very strong. the higher the percentage of shared genes between people, the higher their IQ correlations will be.

the higher the percentage of shared genes between people, the higher their IQ correlations will be.

The increase in the number of children diagnosed with autism has occurred for all of the following reasons EXCEPT ______________________. the increased use of Thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines lower age at diagnosis diagnostic substitution changes in diagnostic criteria

the increased use of Thimerosal as a preservative in vaccines

When an epidemiologist investigates the "incidence" of a disease, he or she is interested in ____________________________ in a given population during a specified time. the behavioral manifestations of the disease. the index (usually rate) of the total number of new cases identified the mechanism by which the disease occurs the total number of people with a specific disease

the index (usually rate) of the total number of new cases identified

When an epidemiologist investigates the "incidence" of a disease, he or she is interested in ____________________________ in a given population during a specified time. the total number of people with a specific disease the mechanism by which the disease occurs the behavioral manifestations of the disease. the index (usually rate) of the total number of new cases identified

the index (usually rate) of the total number of new cases identified

The idea that language will have words for all important personality characteristics (so a researcher can uncover the structure of personality using the dictionary) is known as ____________________.

the lexical hypothesis

The phenomenon that Imani prefers her look in the mirror to her image in a photograph can best be explained by ________.

the mere exposure effect

Recently, Dr. Goodenough and his team at the University of Texas filed a patent for a new kind of battery that might revolutionize electric cars. A newspaper report described the battery as "blazingly creative" because of... the new invention is surprising and radical. the new battery was developed by someone who is nearly 100-years old. the invention is likely to kill of petroleum-based vehicles. the new battery is both novel and appropriate.

the new battery is both novel and appropriate.

The first major force in the field of personality psychology was

the psychoanalytic theory.

Brock was describing the inside of his doctor's office to one of his friends. In his description he mentions that there were two diplomas on the wall, even though this doctor does not have any diplomas displayed on the wall. Brock's error in recall was due to his mental model of a doctor's office and illustrates _____________________.

the role of schemas in long-term memory

During the alarm stage of the general adaptation syndrome,...

the sympathetic nervous system is activated and adrenal glands release hormones

Drive Reduction Theory

theory proposing that certain drives (ie. hunger, thirst, and sexual frustration) motivate us to minimize negative feelings and seek pleasure

Facial Feedback Hypothesis

theory that blood vessels in the face feed back temperature information in the brain, altering our experience of emotions

Observing that intelligence test items with very different content all correlated, Spearman hypothesized that _____________.

there was an underlying factor of intelligence (g)

As discussed in lecture, researcher Janet Werker studied language acquisition. She found that babies younger than eight months could discriminate among sounds in all languages and that infants older than one year had lost this ability, which is known as _______________________. universal adaptability linguistic relativity babbling symbolic representation

universal adaptability

The Yerkes-Dodson law describes the relationship between arousal and motivation as ____________.

upside-down U-shaped

Bob wants to train Claudius, his boyfriend, to open doors for him. Claudius opened the door for himself once and Bob slipped in before him, giving him a kiss on the cheek and praising his manners. If Bob wants Claudius to always be eager to open doors, what type of schedule of kisses and praise should he use?


An rat receives a food pellet as reinforcement sometimes after his third lever press, sometimes after his fourth lever press, sometimes not for ten lever presses. Which type of schedule of reinforcement is this?

variable-ratio schedule

Psy 1001 will be finished in 5 minutes, and Jack is suddenly 'feeling good.' He wants to be one of the first people out the door so he can see his boyfriend, who is waiting for him at Starbucks. Our lecturer might say that Jack... was acting like someone who would get high scores on Extraversion. was illustrating avoidance conditioning. was exhibiting secure attachment. was in a positive emotional state in anticipation of a reward.

was in a positive emotional state in anticipation of a reward.

What should a psychologist test to determine whether a given child is in the concrete-operations stage or the formal-operations stage?

whether the child can answer abstract and hypothetical questions

Safa participated in a research study where U of M researchers wanted to replicate Cahill and McGaugh study discussed in lecture. She was given beta blocker after viewing emotional scenes. It is most likely that the effect of the beta blocker: would enhance memory of non-emotional material. would block emotional memory. would block all memory (emotional and non-emotional) of the event. would enhance emotional memory.

would block emotional memory.

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