Exam 3 review

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What is the first mammal to become extinct due to climate change.

The Bramble Cay melomys (Melomys rubicola)

Solar energy is captured by chlorophyll pigments within the thylakoid membrane and transferred to the energy carriers ATP and NADPH.

The light-dependent reactions

Energy carriers move to the stroma of chloroplasts and are used to convert the carbon in carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.

The light-independent reactions

is something that moves an infectious agent from one organism to another, like an insect.


The typical pattern of evolution, including the pace of extinction events, is

disrupted by the current rate of climate change.

What is directly associated with an increase in global temperatures?

droughts, heat waves, and extreme precipitation

communities with all of their living and nonliving components is called


Climate change is occurring at such a rapid pace that it has disrupted the typical pattern of


the ovule within the ovary represents the

female portion

Select all that apply Select the ways that carbon dioxide is produced. fires habitat conservation deforestation burning coal volcanos

fires deforestation burning coal volcanos

Within the leaf are specialized cells, that conduct the majority of photosynthesis is called

mesophyll cells

The intentional introduction of changes to the genetic material of a cell or organism is called


Because rice does not normally produce beta- carotene (what humans need), it was necessary to genetically modify its existing metabolic pathways to allow it to manufacture the compound. This process involved the addition of two genes to the rice genome:

one from a daffodil; the other from a soil bacterium.

the study of hydrocarbon chains in living organisms is

organic chemistry

group extends from the 5' end of a DNA strand to the


The smallest unit of light that oscillates on a path called a wavelength is referred to as a(n)


Plants undergo a process called _____, where they use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide into usable sugars.


What ecological phenomena warms the planet, making the planet liveable, as gases in the atmosphere trap heat energy?

the greenhouse effect

A fossil fuel is an energy source made from

the remains of organisms from long ago

What minor greenhouse gas is produced as a natural part of a biogeochemical cycle on earth?

water vapor

Which of the following sources of alternative energy have the ability to be used almost anywhere on the planet?

wind and solar

The disruption of symbiotic relationships in ______ is causing a phenomenon called bleaching that is decimating these ecosystems.

Coral reefs

Which of the following is not considered to be a clean form of alternative energy? a. Wind b. Nuclear power c. Geothermal d. Solar

Nuclear power

DNA is composed of repeating elements called


Waste product of photosynthesis, released into the atmosphere.


The production of carbonic acid occurs as a result of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in which of the following?


Which process allows scientists to transform plants into genetically modified plants?

Using A. tumefaciens as a vector Microparticle bombardment RNA interference

Selective Breeding (examples)

*A dog breeder chooses to breed dogs that most closely resemble the desired breed standards *A farmer breed two cows with desired traits in hopes that their offspring would have those same traits

Non-genetically modified organisms (examples)

*A litter of puppies are all genetically different from their parents *Organisms that have genetic differences because of naturally occurring mutations

Genetically Modified Organisms (examples)

*Corn contains a gene from bacteria to allow it to produce its own insecticides *Organisms that contain human-introduced mutations

Genetic Modification (examples)

*The genes for tomato ripening have been modified in a laboratory setting to slow their reaction to ripening agents *Genes for toxins from bacteria are inserted into corn to create corn that is resistant to predation by insects

Which scenarios describe the impact of climate change on global ecosystems?

- Poorly managed agricultural practices like cattle farming convert grasslands into desert wastelands. - Grasslands are converted to deserts as they are cleared, temperatures rise, and precipitation is reduced. - Increased temperatures cause a breakdown of symbiotic relationships with algae, creating a phenomenon called coral bleaching

Select the impacts of ocean acidification.

- Reduction in zooplankton, one source of food for fish - Fish populations are less able to reproduce - Fish populations become more susceptible to disease - Shellfish cannot calcify their shells

Select any description of how climate change influences individuals and species.

- The natural pace of evolution, namely extinction, is disturbed. - The range of some individuals and species has expanded to include places that were once too cold to inhabit. - There are more heatwaves and droughts that threaten the lives of individuals and species.

Which of the following statement(s) best describes the work of Boyer and Cohen.

- They inserted the genes from a frog into a plasmid and transferred the plasmid into E. coli bacteria. - They used recombinant DNA technology to insert plasmids containing genes for antibiotic resistance into E. coli bacteria.

Select the examples of invasive species disrupting community and ecosystem function.

- kudzu is outcompeting native plant species - lionfish compete with snapper and grouper throughout the Caribbean - gypsy moths outcompete native species - rats carry disease and kill native birds - zebra mussels have driven native mussel species near to extinction

Arrange these food choices from the lowest carbon emissions to the highest carbon emissions, starting with the highest at the top. Instructions Locally grown produce Chicken Produce (fruits and vegetables) Beef

1) beef 2) chicken 3) produce (fruits/vegetables) 4) locally grown produce

Place the following steps in order to describe the process of gene cloning.

1. A gene of interest is isolated from a human cell. correct toggle button unavailable 2. The gene is inserted into a bacterial plasmid, creating recombinant DNA. 3. The recombinant DNA plasmid is inserted into a bacterial host cell. 4. The bacteria copies the gene and expresses it. 5. Copies of the gene or gene products are isolated from the bacterial host cells.

What is the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle?

1. removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere 2. combines carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to make carbohydrates 3. food is used by both heterotrophs (those that eat others) and autotrophs to power cellular activities.

Place the steps of RNA interference in the correct order to illustrate how it prevents browning in fruits and vegetables.

1. Small pieces of RNA are introduced into the cells of the plant. 2. Small pieces of RNA bind to their complementary strand found on the mRNA produced by the PPO gene. 3. Double-stranded RNA is targeted for destruction, preventing translation of the PPO gene. 4. PPO is not present to catalyze the reaction between polyphenol and oxygen; browning does not occur

Phtosynthesis equation

6CO2 + 6H2O + light --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

The United States meets more than ___ percent of its energy needs using fossil fuels like oil, coal, and natural gas.


What kind of relationship is there between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and global temperatures?

A direct relationship, as carbon dioxide levels rise, temperatures increase.

It is the energy carrier of a cell.


One popular method of introducing genetic material into a plant is by using a plant bacterial pathogen, ____ , as a vector.

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

How would you explain the concept of alternative energy sources?

Alternative energy sources do not require fossil fuels or natural gas. such as, renewable energy clean energy energy from sources other than fossil fuels

First to contain flowers to attract pollinators and increase genetic diversity and the first to contain fruit to disperse seeds. Contain vascular tissues, megaphylls, seeds, and flowers.


What happens when transforming plants through Agrobacterium tumefaciens doesn't work?

Another method of transforming a plant called particle bombardment

What advantage does AquaAdvantage Salmon provide to humans?

AquaAdvantage Salmon grow faster than wild salmon.

How can bacteria be modified to protect plants?

Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria can be inserted into a plant. This allows the plant to produce bacterial toxins that are lethal to predatory insects, preventing the plant against insect infestation. Bacteria can be modified to produce proteins that prevent cells from freezing. This bacteria can then be inserted into a plant, allowing the plant to produce proteins that prevent cells from freezing. Bacteria can be modified with genes for the production of toxins, allowing plants to produce their own insect-repelling toxins.

Why does the greenhouse effect impact temperatures in the lower atmosphere and on Earth's surface the most?

Because water vapor and carbon dioxide are usually found in the lower atmosphere and close to the surface

Best description of the impact of climate change on the community level of biology.

Biological communities are linked to one another, so even minor changes within a community can have major effects.

was introduced in crop plants, such as corn, in order to control insect populations

Bt endotoxin

cellular respiration equation

C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

Which of these methods aims to address existing consequences

CDR technologies geoengineering genetic engineering SRM technology

Output of photosynthesis, used to build carbohydrates (C6H12O6 ).


Select the statements that, together, describe the principles of the global carbon cycle.

Carbon sinks exist in reservoirs, like oceans, fossil fuel stores, and the atmosphere. Carbon is released from sources like living organisms as they break down carbohydrates through cellular respiration. Plants and other autotrophs remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere when they produce carbohydrates through photosynthesis

What plays an important role in the formation of shells of organisms such as crabs, lobsters, and clams.


Select all of the following products that are produced by plants.

Chemical compounds, including tannins, alkaloids, and phenols. Fiber, including edible fibers and wood and paper. Oils, including cooking oils.

Compounds used in refrigerants and to make spray propellants

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

In which of the following organelles does photosynthesis take place?


Within plant cells, organelles called ___ carry out the process of photosynthesis.


organelle found in cells of plants and some other organisms that captures the energy from sunlight and converts it into chemical energy


Genetically modified organisms that have their DNA removed, modified, and then reinserted and initiate their own protein synthesis are called

Cisgenic organisms

Which of these describes how climate change is impacting the community level of biology?

Climate change has promoted the success of invasive species, which ripples out into the native communities.

Uses automated processes to determine the sequence of specific sections of DNA

DNA probes

What processes involves using fluorescent labeled single-stranded pieces of DNA to bind to specific target sequences with the goal of identifying genes of interest?

DNA probes

used to determine the nucleotide sequence of large portions of the genome (although other techniques exist), or of a specific segment of DNA that may contain a gene of interest.

DNA sequencing

What is the relationship between photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and the carbon cycle?

During the carbon cycle, carbon is released into the atmosphere by living organisms through cellular respiration and removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis.

All aspects of Earth's biosphere are dependent on

Earth's climate.

Select all of the following processes that occur during the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis.

Energy is transferred from the thylakoid membranes to the stroma of chloroplasts. Carbon from carbon dioxide gas is converted into carbohydrate molecules. Solar energy is captured by chlorophyll pigments within the thylakoid membranes. Energy is captured and transferred to ATP and NADPH.

The first and second set of reactions in photosynthesis

First: Light-Dependent Reactions Second: Calvin Cycle

Which statement best describes how genetically modified bacteria are used to manufacture biotechnology products?

Genes for biotechnology products of interest are removed from their original source, inserted into a plasmid and transferred into bacteria. Bacteria express these gene products during protein synthesis.

involves intentionally manipulating the genes for the traits in an attempt to produce an organism with desired traits.

Genetic Modification

Source of electrons for the light-dependent reactions.


Which of these statements best explains how certain gases are having a negative impact on the planet? A lack of crucial gases in the atmosphere creates negative issues related to climate. High concentrations of certain gases create negative issues related to climate. The homeostasis between helpful and harmful gases is unbalanced, which is creating negative issues related to climate. (5 & 10 are similar)

High concentrations of certain gases create negative issues related to climate.

Which of these statements best explains how certain gases are having a negative impact on the planet? High concentrations of certain gases create negative issues related to climate. The homeostasis between helpful and harmful gases is unbalanced, which is creating negative issues related to climate. A lack of crucial gases in the atmosphere creates negative issues related to climate.

High concentrations of certain gases create negative issues related to climate.

Which of the following is required for the formation of a fossil fuel?

High temperatures and Organic remains of plants and animals

What are the Concerns Regarding the Impact on Non-Pest Species?

Many genetically modified plants have been altered to give them the ability to control insect pest populations, and thus increase the yield per acre and the concern is that these same plants may be harming beneficial insect populations as well.

is a very rare gas in the atmosphere, with concentrations measured as parts per billion (ppb).


Which of the following are examples of how animals may be genetically modified to improve human health and well-being?

Mice will be genetically modified to act as models of disease. Chickens will be genetically modified to produce vaccinations. Cows and goats produce pharmaceutical products in their milk.

Uses bacteria as a vector to infect plants and allow a gene of interest to incorporate into the plant's genome.

Microparticle bombardment

What Is the Future of GM Animals?

One example is the AquaAdvantage Salmon, a transgenic salmon that contains genes from two other fish that let it grow faster. Other examples in development include pork that has higher concentrations of beneficial fats, and cattle that produce leaner meats.

A molecule that contains only carbon and any of the following: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, and/or phosphorous.

Organic molecule

Global warming categorize:

Primarily concerned with surface temperatures of the planet Refers to a general increase in temperature in the last few decades Evidence includes 1.8°F increase in the Earth's surface temperatures

How are mutations introduced through the PCR process?

Primers are used that contain intentional mutations.

DNA functions to help cells sustain the activities required for life. Select all of the following activities of a cell that are required for life.

Processing energy and materials Maintaining an internal environment Responding to stimuli from the environment Reproducing Adapting to changing environmental conditions

How Can Genetic Modification Produce More Nutritious Food?

Produce a variety of rice that included beta-carotene, a nutrient that is the precursor of vitamin A, an important vitamin in human development.

A subatomic particle that has a positive charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom


is a form of nucleic acid that is normally involved in gene expression


Which process is responsible for the genetic variation seen in species as the result of selective breeding?

Sexual reproduction

Which process uses primers to introduce changes to a section of DNA and then replicate it in large quantities?

Site-directed mutagenesis through PCR

How does RNA interference prevent fruits and vegetables from browning?

Small pieces of RNA bind to and interfere with the translation of the PPO gene, preventing its synthesis, thus preventing its enzymatic browning reaction from occurring.

How does certain gases adversely impact the climate of the planet?

Some gases are normally present in the atmosphere and are important because they create a climate that supports living inhabitants. Certain gases are problematic because there is too much of them in the atmosphere, which is warming the planet too much.

Allow researchers to place the DNA in particular locations in a plasmid by cutting the DNA at specific patterns of nucleotides.

Special enzymes, called restriction enzymes

Where does nuclear energy come from?

Splitting the nucleus of an atom

Match each step to a number to indicate the order of the process of the greenhouse effect. Solar energy is absorbed or reflected, depending on where it hits. Some energy is trapped by gases in the atmosphere and some escapes the planet. Solar energy strikes the earth. Solar energy is released as heat.

Step 1: Solar energy strikes the earth. Step 2: Solar energy is absorbed or reflected, depending on where it hits. Step 3: Solar energy is released as heat. Step 4: Some energy is trapped by gases in the atmosphere and some escapes the planet.

When humans burn fossil fuels for energy, what is the effect on the carbon cycle, and thus, the atmosphere?

The balance of the cycle is disturbed as carbon dioxide is released; atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are elevated.

What is the Role of Carbon in Climate Change?

The carbon in living organisms is part of a global cycle that includes the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the fossil fuels we use to power our society.

How are the sequence of nucleotides determined during DNA sequencing?

The order of fluorescently labeled end-series nucleotides is read with a laser and photo detector.

What is the reason for the seasonal changes on Earth?

The tilt of the Earth on its axis along with its orbit around the sun.

How might you describe the influence of climate change on some species of mosquitoes and ticks?

Their range has expanded to include places that were previously too cold to inhabit, increasing their potential to spread disease

Select all of the carbon sinks.

Underground fossil fuels The atmosphere The planet's oceans

Uses a gene gun to insert small pieces of DNA into a plant's tissue, allowing it to be incorporated into the plant's genome.

Use of A. tumefaciens

Select ways plants can be genetically engineered to address climate change.

They can be engineered to increase their carbon dioxide consumption.

Select ways that animals can be genetically engineered to address climate change.

They can be genetically engineered to require less water and withstand temperature extremes.

Which of the following provides an example of how plants can be genetically modified?

They can be modified to resist herbicides and insect predation.

What leads to ocean acidification and negative impacts on shellfish.

When carbon dioxide enters the oceans, it produces carbonic acid

What is the downfall of Agrobacterium tumefaciens?

While transformation using Agrobacterium tumefaciens is effective, it unfortunately does not work on all plant species.

Relatively low carbon emissions

Wind energy Geothermal energy Electric and hybrid vehicles

How can animals be genetically modified?

With human genes for the purpose of growing organs for human organ transplant. With genes to produce biotechnology products, including proteins or pharmaceutical compounds. With human genes to study treatments for diseases, including cystic fibrosis and cancer.

Fiber is a component produced by plants. What are some examples of fibers that humans use?

Wood, paper, and clothing fibers

What are some correct facts about carbon?

a. It is involved in the formation of organic molecules. b. It forms long chains called hydrocarbons. d. It is absorbed from the atmosphere via the process of photosynthesis in plants.

Which of the following contribute to your individual carbon footprint?

a. Transportation choices b. Energy choices c. Recycling options d. Food choices

Some facts about Invasive species:

a. may be introduced accidentely by humans. b. disrupt local biological communities. c. can adapt to changing environmental conditions.

outputs for photosynthesis

also called products, oxygen, carbohydrates (sugar)

inputs for photosynthesis

also called reactants, sunlight (solar energy), carbon dioxide, and water

"Clean" energy and renewable energy are different ways of saying

alternative energy

Number of protons and neutrons

atomic mass

the wavelengths of light that are most important for the process of photosynthesis are

between 380 and 740 nanometers, in the visible spectrum.

The sum of the regions of the Earth (water, surface, atmosphere) where living organisms are found


Carbon's chemical structure allows it to form four chemical ______________ with other atoms.


Living organisms add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere when they

break down carbohydrates during cellular respiration.

Which of the following depict ways that genetically modified bacteria are used to fight human diseases?

break down phenylalanine, providing possible treatments for those with phenylketonuria. treat inflammatory diseases of the large intestine, including Crohn's disease. treat and prevent tooth decay.

To prevent potential famine, some scientists are looking to genetically modify plants, and even some herd animals, so that they

can withstand flooding and droughts.

can form single, double & triple bonds; these organic compounds can have different shapes/patterns

carbon atom

is found in very small concentrations in the atmosphere (parts per million) and is one of the most important of the greenhouse gases due to its ability to absorb infrared energy.

carbon dioxide

Which chemical reaction written in words is a summary of photosynthesis?

carbon dioxide + water + sunlight → carbohydrate + oxygen

What are some greenhouse gases?

carbon dioxide CO2, methane CH4, nitrous oxide N2O, water, ozone O3, and chloroflurocarbon CFCs

During the process of photosynthesis,

carbon dioxide and water react with solar energy to form glucose sugar and oxygen.

In terms of an individual, a measure of their impact on the climate, calculated based on the amount of carbon emitted because of their choices for energy, food, transportation, and other factors, is called a

carbon footprint

A calculation of the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere by a specific entity is called a(n)

carbon footprint.

Within the biosphere, living organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the process of cellular respiration during their breakdown of organic materials for energy known as a

carbon source

The impact of releasing stored ______ from the burning of fossil fuels is an increase in ______.

carbon; atmospheric carbon

Populations of different species interacting in a given area


The ability of carbon to form bonds with four other elements means it can

form long chains.

Coal, oil, and natural gas are all examples of ___

fossil fuels

What stage of the life cycle includes with the production of haploid gametes.


Place the modes of transportation in order depending on how much carbon they emit into the atmosphere. Place the source that releases the most at the top and work your way down to the least.

gas and diesel powered cars and trucks, airplanes carpool and public transportation hybrid and electric cars

is a section of DNA that codes for the production of proteins or other gene products, including RNA molecules.


Which of the following factors are increasing to indicate climate change?

humidity coastal flooding sea level Temperatures over land Extreme weather events Ocean heat content

organic molecules consisting of only carbon and hydrogen


group extends from the 3' end of a DNA strand


The wavelengths of light that are most important to the process of photosynthesis are

in the visible spectrum.

Surface temperatures of the ocean are


within the same gene, pieces of the organism's own genetic information have been rearranged to improve a characteristic.

intragenic organism

A species whose introduction to a new place has negative impacts on biodiversity, community structure, and the functioning ecosystem of the native area they invade is called a(n)

invasive species

What are some facts about RNA?

is not normally double-stranded, and these molecules are quickly identified and subsequently broken down by a series of enzymes within the cell.

How long does methane remain in the atmosphere?

is relatively unstable, and once created, it only remains in the atmosphere for about a decade.

Occurs in the thylakoid of the chloroplast and use the photosynthetic pigments

light dependent reaction

Another name for Calvin Cycle

light independent reactions

During the carbon cycle, some natural processes add and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during the process of ______________ and all living organisms release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during cellular _______________

photosynthesis Respiration

Each leaf of a plant is a

photosynthetic factory

DNA contains the instructions for making __, meaning it is responsible for controlling all of the activities of a cell.

polypeptides, or proteins

The enzyme _____ catalyzes a reaction between the polyphenols present in fruits and oxygen, resulting in browning.

polyphenol oxidase (PPO)

Organisms of the same species living in a particular area


The four organic molecules that make up living organisms are carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, and


While central and northeast areas experiencing increased precipitation, areas in the west and southeast are seeing

reduced precipitation

Select all of the possible definitions of alternative energy.

renewable energy clean energy energy from sources other than fossil fuels

It may be difficult to continue using some plants and animals for agriculture because of

rising temperatures and extreme weather events like droughts and floods.

Which of these is a form of geoengineering aimed at reflecting solar energy before it reaches the Earth to prevent it from becoming trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

solar radiation management (SRM)

In biology, a group of organisms that are capable of interbreeding is referred to as a


Plants have a life cycle, called the alternation of generations that produces two different types of reproductive structures:

spores and gametes

What stage of the life cycle begins with the formation of a diploid zygote and continues through mitosis and meiosis.


fluid portion of the chloroplast; outside of the thylakoids


Enzymes bind with their ___ to catalyze chemical reactions, releasing products.


Plants remove carbon from the atmosphere when they

take up carbon dioxide and use it to synthesize carbohydrates during photosynthesis.

The climate of a region is partially due to

the amount of solar radiation striking the surface of the planet.

During the process of photosynthesis, plants convert

the carbon in carbon dioxide into carbon in the form of glucose sugar.

What are the Concerns Regarding Gene Transfer?

the transfer of genes associated with glyphosate resistance from transgenic crop species to weed species, in effect creating a "super-weed" that can no longer be controlled using herbicides.

What happens when the complementary RNA sequences enter the cell?

they bind with the target RNA, producing double-stranded RNA molecules.`

A flattened membrane sac inside the chloroplast, used to convert light energy to chemical energy.


Place the following steps in order to recall the process of DNA sequencing.

1. DNA polymerase and a primer are added to the DNA fragment to be sequenced. 2. DNA is replicated and fluorescent labeled nucleotides are added, halting replication with its addition, resulting in different length sequences of DNA that are complementary to the original sequence. 3. A laser and photo detector are used to read the colors of the fluorescently labeled nucleotide ending each sequence. 4. A read out displays a series of peaks, each peak corresponding to a different nucleotide.

Place the following events in order to summarize the history of humans in their creation of genetically modified organisms. Place the earliest event first.

1. Humans first begin to breed plants (strawberries) and animals (dogs) with desired traits together to obtain sturdier offspring. 2. Watson and Crick discover the structure of DNA 3. Scientists discover recombinant DNA technology by inserting genetic material into E. Coli bacteria 4. Boyer and Cohen insert frog genes into a bacterial plasmid, which is inserted into E. Coli. 5. The Flavr-Savr tomato becomes the first GMO approved for human consumption

Rank the following levels of biological organization, beginning with the least inclusive (smallest) at the top. Species Population Community Ecosystem Biosphere Organism

1. Organism 2. Population 3. Species 4. Community 5. Ecosystem 6. Biosphere

Due to its chemical structure, a carbon atom may form up to ______ chemical bonds.


How many bonds can carbon form?

4 covalent bonds

Source of carbon for the formation of carbohydrates.


Uses the Cas9 enzyme to remove and possibly even replace specific sections of DNA.

CRISPR genome editing

Portion of photosynthesis that takes place in the stroma of chloroplasts and can occur in the dark; it uses the products of the light reactions to reduce CO2 to a carbohydrate.

Calvin Cycle Reactions

In which of the following processes does atmospheric carbon get combined with energy to form carbohydrates?

Calvin cycle

refers to a level of biological organization that represents the interaction of biological communities (the biotic factors) and abiotic factors, such as climate (temperature and precipitation).


examples of geoengineering

Carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation management

Which of these describes a way that new technologies may be used to lessen the impact of climate change?

Carbon dioxide removal technologies seek to lower the current level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Clean energy technology is aimed at preventing future contributions to greenhouse gas emissions.

Which best describes the principles of the global carbon cycle?

Carbon naturally cycles between nonliving reservoirs called sinks and living organisms called sources.

The major reservoirs for carbon are the oceans, underground in fossil fuels, and in the atmosphere. These reservoirs are also referred to as

Carbon sinks

Within a molecule of DNA, one strand runs in one direction (5' to 3') and the other strand runs in the other direction (3' to 5'). This is referred to as:

DNA's anti-parallel nature.

What evidence shows that the climate of the planet is changing?

Extreme weather events like droughts, heat waves, and coastal flooding are increasing. Temperatures near the planet's surface are increasing. Glaciers, sea ice, and snow coverage are decreasing.

First to possess megaphylls, allowing for increased photosynthetic ability and increased size. Contain vascular tissue and large leaves called megaphylls.


Which statements have correctly matched the classification of plant with its evolutionary advantage?

Ferns were the first plants with megaphylls. Lycophytes were the first plants with vascular tissues. Gymnosperms were the first plants with seeds.

Which of the following statements about the challenges that result from an increase in global population is true?

Food production would need to increase by 70% to account for a 30% increase in human population.

Relatively higher carbon emissions

Fossil-fuel-powered electricity Fossil-fuel-powered cars, trucks, and motorcycles

Uses bacteria to create exact copies of genes or segments of DNA

Gene cloning

Which of the following is a risk of using genetically modified plants?

Genes for herbicide resistance could transfer to weed species, resulting in "super weeds" that were resistant to herbicides. There is a risk of gene transfer between plants. There is a risk of harming non-target species, especially with GM herbicide resistant and Bt crops. There is a risk of adverse human reactions, including allergic reactions.

How are genetic modifications used to improve plant life cycles?

Genetic modifications are used to prevent fruits and vegetables from spoilage. Genetic modifications are used to increase the yield of crops and prevent crop losses. Genetic modifications are used to make foods more nutritious.

Which of the following statements best describes the biggest difference between organisms that are considered genetically modified organisms and those that are not?

Genetically modified organisms are unique in that they contain human-introduced genetic variations.

Which of the following describe examples of genetically modified plants?

Genetically modified potatoes that do not produce harmful chemicals when fried. Crop plants that produce more food with fewer resources.

Manipulation of earths climate system to counteract the effects of climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions.


Are dynamic and have natural cycles in which they expand and contract, depending on fluctuations in the local climate.


What is happening to the surface temperatures of the planet's oceans?

It is increasing.

What happens to the recombinant DNA created during the process of gene cloning?

It is inserted into a bacterial host cell.

Describe some of the global challenges that society faces today

Global climate change, including changes in precipitation creates the need for agricultural crops that can withstand drought and high salt content. An increasing global human population requires more resources, creating the need for genetically modified organisms that have increased nutritional content or increased yields. Global warming of surface temperatures creates the need for agricultural crops that can withstand these hotter temperatures. Agricultural loss due to insect and pest infestation

What is the primary characteristic that distinguishes global warming from climate change?

Global warming is concerned primarily with the surface temperatures of the earth, where climate change is defined as being the average weather patterns in an area over time, and that climate is often recorded as temperature and precipitation.

How would you describe the impact of climate change, globally?

Greenhouse gases and their effects impact the entire planet, reaching every biome on Earth.

During the CRISPR process, ___ directs the enzyme to bind to specific target nucleotide sequences.

Guide RNA

First to enclose the embryo into a protective seed. Contain vascular tissues, megaphylls, and seeds.


solar energy equation

H2O + CO2 ---> (CH2O) + O2

A temporary storage location for heat energy is called a

Heat sink

What sort of factors are commonly contributed to an individual's carbon footprint?

How often and in what amounts they consume resources.

What are some of the impacts caused by global climate change that have necessitated the development of GMOs?

Increases in global surface temperatures Changes in precipitation patterns, with some areas experiencing drought and others experiencing flooding Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels Changes in temperature and precipitation patterns have increased bacterial and viral diversity, posing a risk to organisms within an ecosystem. The development of GMOS can prevent harm to these organisms by rendering them immune to bacterial and viral infection.

If genes for herbicide-resistance transfer from genetically modified crop plants to native weed species, which of the following outcomes is most likely?

It would drive the evolution of "super weeds" that are resistant to glyphosate herbicides.

Which statement best depicts how genetically modified bacteria may be used to treat human disease?

Lactobacillus bacteria can be genetically modified to produce compounds that protect the skin of chemotherapy patients.

Properties of light

Light travels in straight lines Light can be reflected Light can bend Light is a form of energy

First to possess vascular tissue and microphylls, allowing for increased growth and size. Contain vascular tissues and small leaves called microphylls.


Which of the following groups of plants were the first to contain vascular tissues and microphylls?


Which of these organelles is most closely associated with the process of cellular respiration?


First to have embryo protection, allowing the movement from water to land. Most primitive of plants; lack vascular tissues.


Carrier of high-energy electrons.


During photosynthesis, what two things are used for their energy and then recycled.


A subatomic particle that has no charge and that is found in the nucleus of an atom


What greenhouse gas agricultural practices such as the use of fertilizers and the burning of fossil fuels

Nitrous oxides N2O

How might genetically modified foods impact humans?

Non-food GMOs may accidentally be used for food, resulting in negative health impacts on humans.

Select all of the following products of photosynthesis.

Oxygen and Glucose sugar

Natural processes and the interaction of solar energy with pollutants in the lower atmosphere

Ozone O3

What is the overall goal of using the PCR process?

PCR creates a large quantity of replicates of a specific section of DNA.

Which statement best summarizes the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle?

Photosynthesis removes carbon from the atmosphere during the carbon cycle.

Which of the following are correct examples of how bacteria, plants, and animals have been genetically modified.

Pigs are genetically modified to produce heart valves that are identical to human valves. Potatoes have been genetically modified to reduce browning and be resistant to fungus. Bacteria are modified with human insulin genes to produce bioidentical insulin.

Which of the following best states how plants are engineered to prevent crop loss?

Plants are engineered to produce their own toxins against insect predation. Plants are engineered to resist application of glyphosate-based herbicides.

Which of the following is true for all members of the plant kingdom?

Plants are photosynthetic, meaning they are able to convert carbon dioxide gas into usable sugars. Plants are multicellular. Plants are eukaryotic, meaning they have membrane-bound organelles.

How might you summarize what happens during photosynthesis?

Plants capture energy from sunlight and use it to synthesize organic molecules.

Which statement best describes how plants produce their own food?

Plants use the process of photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide gas into usable glucose sugar.

Uses automated processes to create replicates of genes or DNA segments.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

How are plants genetically modified to improve human health and well-being?

Potatoes are genetically modified to produce edible vaccinations for diseases.

Select the parts of the process involved in sourcing nuclear energy.

Power a turbine Create pressurized water Split the nucleus of an atom using uranium Create boiling water

Uses small pieces of RNA to bind to complementary RNA, creating double-stranded RNA that cannot be translated into proteins and are used to "silence" the expression of specific alleles.

RNA interference (RNAi)

Climate change categorize:

Refers to a change in average temperatures and precipitation Associated with extreme weather events like heat waves and coastal flooding Associated with droughts and extreme precipitation

What Is the Future of GM Plants?

Scientists are working on developing plants that are both heat and drought resistant, as well as those that contain higher nutritional content. The ultimate goal is to be able to grow more food on less land using less water and fewer chemical insecticides.

Relatively moderate carbon emissions

Solar power Fossil-fuel-powered public and shared transportation

What is the role of stroma and grana in photosynthesis?

Stroma is the liquid occupied internal space of chloroplasts that encompasses thylakoids and grana. Grana, the plural of granum, are piles of designs called thylakoids, which are little plates of layer on which light-subordinate photosynthesis responses happen.

What is the function of the PAM sequence used in CRISPR?

The PAM sequence prevents the Cas9 enzyme from digesting the bacterial host DNA.

Which of the following carbon reservoirs do members of the biosphere exchange carbon with regularly?

The atmosphere

What are the consequences of rising temperatures on plants and animals used for agriculture?

The consequences are potentially great: raising plants and animals with too much or too little water or heat makes farming challenging and sometimes impossible.

What is the fate of an enzyme after it catalyzes a chemical reaction?

The enzyme goes on to catalyze infinitely more chemical reactions.

Which statement best illustrates the process by which fruits and vegetables brown?

The enzyme polyphenol oxidase reacts with polyphenol in the flesh of fruits and the presence of oxygen to produce a browning color.

Which best describes the role of fossil fuels in the carbon cycle?

The formation of fossil fuels stores carbon underground (adding to reservoirs) and burning them releases that carbon back into the atmosphere (a source of carbon).

allows new varieties of food to be grown in areas experiencing drought or high temperatures associated with climate change.

The genetic engineering of plants

What decreases the amount of carbonate (CO(down)3 (up)2-) in the oceans?

The increase in acidity decreases

Which of the following are challenges posed by increasing human global populations?

The increased need for biotechnology resources, including medicines and fuels. The increased need for food.

How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration related?

The inputs for photosynthesis (carbon dioxide and water) are the outputs of cellular respiration, while the outputs of photosynthesis (carbohydrates and oxygen) are the inputs for cellular respiration.

Select all of the following that represent female portions of the angiosperm life cycle.

The megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce four megaspores. The gametophyte consists of an egg and two extra nuclei.

How are crop plants genetically modified to adapt to climate change?

They have resistance to heat and drought.

Select the pros of using wind energy over more common forms of energy.

This mechanisms used to harness this resource are entirely non-polluting. This resource can be gathered nearly anywhere.

Once scientists have identified genes of interest and isolated them from their original cells and introduced any necessary changes to them, what must occur before a GMO plant can be created?

Those genes of interest must be incorporated into the genome of the plant.

What is the most likely outcome of organisms that cannot adapt quickly enough to changing global climates?

Those organisms that cannot adapt quickly enough till not be able to survive and species may go extinct.

Why are bacteria genetically modified?

To help fight human disease. To produce hormones, blood clotting factors, and insulin

Why are bacteria genetically modified?

To help fight human disease. To produce hormones, blood clotting factors, and insulin.

Genetically modified plants may be produced for which of the following reasons?

To provide resistance to drought To provide resistance to commonly used herbicides To provide resistance to insect pest species To reduce spoilage

What is the purpose of light reactions?

To trap light energy and convert it to chemical energy in the form of ATP and NADPH.

Genetically modified organisms that contain DNA from other species are called

Transgenic organisms

Which statement best describes how allergic reactions may occur from the consumption of genetically modified species?

Transgenic organisms contain genes and therefore protein products from other species. If individuals are allergic to the other species, exposure to the transgenic organism may cause an allergic reaction. Humans may have allergic reactions when they consume food products that contain genes from other species that may cause allergies. Humans may have allergic reactions when non-food GMOs are accidentally used in food products.

Select all that apply to complete the sentence: Each nucleotide within a DNA molecule consists of _____.

a deoxyribose sugar a nitrogen-containing base a phosphate group

Since the 1970s, scientists have noticed that there has been what in glaciers?

a global loss of ice mass

What is an organic molecule?

a molecule that contains both carbon and hydrogen

What word do scientists use to indicate the general characteristics of similar ecosystems across the globe. This includes the climate and the types of organisms living in that area.

a. may be introduced accidentely by humans. b. disrupt local biological communities. c. can adapt to changing environmental conditions.

energy derived from sources that do not use up natural resources or harm the environment, such as energy from sources like solar, geothermal, and wind.

alternative energy

What are all the ways that carbon dioxide can be produced?

as a by-product of digestion through the use of fossil fuels in agricultural practices Such as fires, deforestation, burning coal, and volcanos

the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom

atomic number

Organisms that make their own food


Plants are _____, meaning they can produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis.


Biome distribution follows a pattern based on

average temperature and precipitation in a region

Which of these are the main factors that determine climate in an area?

average temperature and precipitation over time such as, Glaciers Sea ice Snow coverage

What characteristics are used to define climate.

average temperature and rainfall

There are three pigments commonly associated with photosynthesis: two forms of chlorophyll as well as


Select the pigments commonly associated with photosynthesis.

carotenoids chlorophyll a chlorophyll b

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two natural processes that are part of the carbon cycle. These two processes are related in part because the inputs for __, carbon dioxide and water, are the outputs of __.

cellular respiration photosynthesis

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two natural processes that are part of the carbon cycle. These two processes are related in part because the inputs for __, carbohydrates and oxygen, are the outputs of __.

cellular respiration photosynthesis

Which of these organelles is most closely associated with the process of photosynthesis?


Which of these methods aims to prevent future climate change

clean energy technology solar energy wind energy

What are we referring to if we describe the patterns of rainfall and temperature in a given area over time?


What are the RNA sequences designed to be?

complementary to the mRNA transcribed by a gene of interest.

One of the cons of using wind energy as an alternative energy source is that

converting wind to generate electricity is relatively expensive.

A carbon atom is most likely to form what kind of bond(s) with other atoms?

covalent bonds

With almost 7.9 billion people on the planet, and only a limited amount of farmable land, humans have a real need to increase the amount of food produced per acre, also referred to as

crop yield

Since the late 1970s, the extent of sea ice in the Arctic has been


Energy sources, like fossil fuels and solar energy, each release

different amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

All food choices contribute ______ to carbon emissions than others: fruits and vegetables contribute comparatively less than ______.

differently; red meat and dairy

The sporophyte stage of the life cycle contains _____ cells, while the gametophyte stage of the life cycle contains _____ cells.

diploid; haploid

DNA probes can also be used to screen large numbers of DNA sequences, employing a DNA microarray, also known as

gene chip

are plastic or silicon slides that contain thousands of segments of DNA from an organism of interest.

gene chip

There are two possible methods of making copies of a gene:

gene cloning and the polymerase chain reaction

The processing of the genetic information to form a functional protein

gene expression

The lateral movement of genes between species and is a common occurrence in is referred to as

gene transfers

Because selective breeding encourages organisms to undergo sexual reproduction, this creates

genetic variation in species and the development of new strains.

When an organism has its genome intentionally manipulated in a laboratory setting, it is referred to as a(n)

genetically modified organism (GMO)

the stacks of thylakoids embedded in the stroma of a chloroplast.


Our planet is warm enough for living organisms to inhabit because the _______________________ warms the planet as gases in the atmosphere trap heat energy.

greenhouse effect

Plants can be genetically modified to

grow more food with fewer resources.

What is the source of geothermal energy?

heat from the earth

What are some sources of geothermal energy.

heat generated by the earth reservoirs of heated water locations with significant tectonic or volcanic activity

Are not unnatural and they account for the moderate temperatures of Florida in the winter, but over longer time periods, they can influence the climate of surrounding land masses.

heat sink

An organism that cannot make its own food.


Within a flower, the pollen grains represent the

male portion

What ability does methane have?

methane is considered a very powerful greenhouse gas, with the ability to retain and release almost 30 times the amount of heat as CO2

In the carbon cycle, where does atmospheric carbon dioxide get combined with energy to form carbohydrates?


In order to explain the concept of alternative energy sources, it is important to know the difference between

nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels and renewable resources like solar and wind energy.

Burning fossil fuels is ______ to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations related to climate change and global warming.

one of the biggest contributors

The burning of fossil fuels releases CO2 faster than it can be assimilated, making it

one of the biggest contributors to the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.

A molecule that contains both carbon and hydrogen can be classified as a(n) ____ molecule and includes examples like proteins and carbohydrates.


is done by breeding two organisms in the hopes that sexual reproduction would allow for the best traits of both organisms to exist in the offspring

selective breeding

Uses primers to introduce changes to a nucleotide sequence and then replicates the mutated sequence in large quantities.

site-directed mutagenesis through PCR

A form of Ebola treatment was developed from GM _____ and used during the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014-2016.


Researchers have genetically modified crops to produce edible vaccinations for diseases such as

tomatoes, bananas and potatoes

During the process of ____ , DNA within the nucleus is converted into a complementary mRNA strand.


During the process of _____, information contained in an mRNA strand is changed into a polypeptide.


The use of fossil fuels as an energy source by humans

upsets the natural balance of the carbon cycle.

Major events of Calvin Cycle (light-independent reactions)

• CO2 is taken up by one of the molecules at the start of the cycle. This is commonly called carbon fixation, and it represents the method by which atmospheric carbon is taken up by plants. • ATP and NADPH from the light reactions is used to form more complex organic structures from the initial CO2 molecule. Once the energy is used, the resulting ADP and NADP+ are returned to the lightdependent reactions. • A molecule, called G3P, is created, which then forms CH2O and carbohydrates. • The pathway recycles its starting materials and prepares for the next input of CO2 .

Major events of light-dependent reactions

• The chlorophyll molecules absorbs energy from the sun. This energizes electrons (e- ) forming high-energy particles. • Water is broken down, releasing electrons, hydrogen ions (H+ ), and oxygen. The oxygen is a waste product and is released back into the atmosphere. • Some of the high-energy electrons are used to produce ATP from ADP + P. • NADP+ accepts some high-energy electrons to produce NADPH.

What occurs during particle bombardment?

•the procedure involves coating very small particles (often smaller than a micrometer or nanometer) of tungsten or gold with genetically modified DNA. •These are then fired at plant tissue using a device called a gene gun. If the DNA successfully enters the tissue, it may enter the plant genome and produce a genetically modified plant.

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