Fed. Gov. M.4 Part 2

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________ bureaucrats regularly interact with the public.


When filing an appeal, an appellant usually must show

the trial court made a legal error in deciding the case.

The process of allocating congressional seats among the states is called


Presidential spouses are an important resource for the president in order to carry out the duty of

head of state.

The president is America's presence on the global stage, representing America at official ceremonies and functions. In this role we would say that in the United States, the president is the

head of state.

When Senator Robert Byrd steered brought federal money to build highways, dams, and government facilities to his state of West Virginia, he was doing which of the following?

pork barreling

Prior cases whose principles are used by judges to decide current cases are called


While the Constitution does not specify that presidents have the power to remove those they appointed to office from their positions,

presidents have long claimed that the power is implied by those expressed powers they have in the Constitution.

A presidential emergency declaration

remains in force for only one year unless it is renewed by the president.

Environmental impact statements are

reports demonstrating that a proposed rule or agency action will not have an unacceptably large negative impact on the human or physical environment.

The Senate Watergate committee of 1973 is an example of a ________ committee.


A legislative "hold" is a

stalling tactic used in the U.S. Senate to delay debate on a bill.

The power of the Supreme Court to review state actions and legislation is implied by the

supremacy clause of Article VI of the Constitution.

Which congressional staff agency assesses the economic implications and likely costs of proposed federal programs?

the Congressional Budget Office

Who is a member of the National Security Council?

the Secretary of Defense

The development of the internet by ________ is an example of bureaucratic ________.

the U.S. Department of Defense; innovation

The framers gave the power to introduce "money bills" to the House of Representatives but not the Senate because they believed that

the chamber closest to the people should exercise greater authority over taxing and spending.

If a man is arrested because his home was searched by police without a legal warrant, he could argue in court that he had been denied

the due process of law.

Congress's tendency in recent years to give executive agencies fewer clear guidelines for implementing laws is the result of

the greater scope and complexity of the tasks that the federal government has undertaken.

The president pro tempore of the Senate is usually

the majority party member with the greatest seniority.

A signing statement is an announcement

the president makes about his or her interpretation of a congressional enactment he or she is signing into law.

If a president claimed that he possessed the authority to execute acts of Congress according to his own understanding of the law and the nation's interests, he would be operating under the theory of

the unitary executive.

A major risk of the delegate model of representation is that

the voices of only a few active and informed constituents will be heard because most people do not pay close attention to every issue.

A subcommittee is helpful for members of Congress because

they specialize in particular aspects of the committee's work.

Medical malpractice suits are good examples of ________ cases.


A Senator who votes based on what she thinks is best for her constituency is called a


The idea that all executive power inheres in the president except as explicitly limited by the Constitution is called the

unitary executive theory.

Federal employees who report wrongdoing within agencies are often referred to as


The number of seats in the House of Representatives has been fixed at ________ since ________.

435; 1929

Approximately ________ of the ________ bills introduced in a typical congressional session die in committee.

85%; 10,000

Which of the following illustrates a member of Congress acting as a delegate?

During a town hall, constituents of Senator Ted Cruz (TX) urge him to vote in favor of an upcoming tax cut, which he does.

Which of the following is the least likely to provide Congress with information that is independent from the executive branch?

Executive Office of the President

What is a government corporation?

It is an agency that performs and charges for services usually provided by the private sector.

Which best characterizes the use of oversight powers in Congress in recent years?

NOT It is less polarized than in the past.

Which of the following would be an example of how federal bureaucrats make rules while engaging in implementation?

NOT the Supreme Court ruling that the Environmental Protection Agency has no authority to regulate auto emissions under the Clean Air Act

Which of the following are the most salient three factors related to the American electoral system that affect who is elected to office?

NOT b. incumbency, franking, and party affiliation

The president's delegated powers come from

NOT c. the Constitution.

The Senior Executive Service provides an opportunity for

NOT career civil servants to work in the private sector while remaining on the government's payroll.

Of the following, which is the most important factor in bureaucracies' ability to implement laws effectively?

NOT environmental impact statements

The ________ is the name given to the group of designated cabinet officials and other military, diplomatic, and intelligence officials who meet regularly with the president to give advice on national security matters.

National Security Council

________ occurs when the president directs administrative agencies to promulgate specific rules and regulations.

Regulatory review

Which of the following statements best describes the representation of women in the U.S. Congress?

Representation of women has increased over time but still lags behind the rest of the world.

Which of these statements is true?

Several vice presidents have had to take on the presidency after the president has died or resigned.

Why did the length of time required to develop an administrative rule grow from an average of 15 months to an average of more than 35 months over the last four decades?

There are now new procedures requiring more public notice, more public hearings, more cost-benefit analysis, and stronger legal obligations to prepare "environmental impact statements."

How can Congress override a president's veto?

a two-thirds vote in both chambers

A person, agency, or interest group not directly a party to a case but with an interest in its outcome may file a(n) ________ brief.

amicus curiae

One of the major tools of bureaucratic control presidents possess is the

appointment power over political appointees atop the career civil service.

Most programs and agencies are subject to some oversight every year during the course of hearings on


Briefs submitted to the United States Supreme Court

are written documents in which attorneys explain why the Court should rule in favor of their clients.

Which of the following best describes the job of a law clerk who works in a federal court?

assist federal judges by researching legal issues and helping prepare opinions

In the House of Representatives, virtually all the time allotted by the Rules Committee for debate on a given bill is controlled by the

bill's sponsor and its leading opponent.

The main political value of the vice president is to

bring the president votes in the election that he or she might otherwise not win.

One way that presidents have expanded their power has been by going public. Another is by

c. reducing their dependence on Congress by giving themselves independent governing capabilities.

The president has the power to appoint which of the following positions?

cabinet secretaries

Under the rules of the U.S. Senate, the introduction of new amendments

can be stopped only by unanimous consent.

When employees who work for Maryland's Motor Vehicle Administration administer the skills test required for individuals to obtain a driver's license, these employees are

carrying out their responsibilities, exercising discretion, and implementing public policy.

Impeachment offenses are

charged by the House and tried in the Senate, with the Chief Justice presiding and a two-thirds vote needed for conviction.

When a private individual brings a suit against a company for breaking a contract, this is an example of ________ law.


A provision by the House Rules committee limiting or prohibiting the introduction of amendments during debate is called a

closed rule.

In ________, legislators rewrite bills to reflect changes discussed during hearings.

committee markup

In what type of law is the government always the plaintiff?


Cases in which the government charges an individual with violating a statute enacted to protect public health, safety, morals, or welfare fall under

criminal law.

In the House of Representatives, what is the relationship between the majority leader and the Speaker of the House?

d. The majority leader is subordinate to the Speaker of the House.

The Senate and House Appropriations committees are important because they

decide how much funding various programs will receive and how the money

In a roll-call vote,

each legislator's yes or no vote is recorded.

When President Obama prohibited federal agencies and contractors from discriminating against transgender employees, it was an example of a(n)

executive order.

When the president grants a pardon to someone convicted of a federal crime, this is an example of using one of their ________ powers.


The powers of the president that are most clearly spelled out in the Constitution are ________ powers. On the other hand, ________ powers are not listed in the Constitution at all, and in fact derive their legitimacy from Congress, who have given those particular powers to the president over time.

expressed; delegated

Since 1950, compared with the entire workforce, the number of federal employees has

gradually declined.

The assignment of the opinion in a Supreme Court case is

important because differences in wording and emphasis can have important implications for how the decision is interpreted in future litigation.

The Freedom of Information Act is designed to

increase bureaucratic transparency and oversight of the executive branch.

Senator Mitch McConnell is running for re-election; this means the senator is a(n)


Which of the following is usually run by a small group of individuals appointed by the president for fixed terms?

independent regulatory commissions

When President Lincoln raised an army after the fall of Fort Sumter despite having no clear legal authority to do so, it illustrated the

inherent powers of the presidency.

Senators' longer terms of office, and larger, more heterogeneous constituencies makes them more

insulated from the pressures of individual, narrow, and immediate interests.

If the Supreme Court were to decide to review a case that alleges President Trump's antiterrorism initiatives violated a citizen's civil liberties, the case likely would be an

judicial review of executive power.

The State of the Union address is

mandated by the Constitution.

Civil cases involving the citizens of more than one state and in which more than $75,000 is at stake

may be heard in either the federal or the state courts, usually depending on the preference of the plaintiff.

In general, presidents

must state the constitutional or statutory basis for their use of executive orders.

If a defendant is found not guilty in a criminal case, the government is

not entitled to appeal the verdict.

A bill that deals with such a diverse set of unrelated issues as environmental issues, tax issues, and criminal justice issues is likely to be a(n)

omnibus appropriations bill.

The written explanation of the Supreme Court's decision in a particular case is known as the


The 2014 Select Committee on Benghazi is an example of Congress's

oversight powers.

Joint committees are

permanent, but do not have the power to present legislation.

If a defendant is charged with burglary but admits to a lesser charge of trespassing in exchange for the prosecution dismissing the burglary charge and forgoing the criminal trial, it is an example of a(n)

plea bargain.

A ________ veto occurs when Congress adjourns during a 10-day period after presenting the president with a bill on which he or she takes no action.


Senator Mitch McConnell (KY) is running for re-election. Which of the following advantages would he have over his rivals?

All of these answer choices are correct.

The Executive Office of the President includes all of the following EXCEPT the

Chief of Staff.

________ has the authority to change the number of justices who serve on the Supreme Court.


The president's group of advisers and analysts is collectively called the

White House staff.

A bill's supporters in the House of Representatives generally prefer ________, while opponents generally prefer a(n) ________.

a closed rule; open rule

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